"What's going on? What did you do to my father? "

Just from the office, Kelly can't wait to ask her doubts.

She had never seen her father in such awe of a man, which was revealed from the bottom of her heart and never pretended to be.

So she was curious about what just happened in the office.

"I don't know. Maybe it's because he admires our dragon culture."

Su Xun shrugged his shoulders and said a few words of nonsense. The dragon culture suspended everything.

Call on the mandala and the big guy in the lounge and tell them to stay here tonight and start tomorrow morning.

The hotel is arranged by Kelly, the most luxurious hotel in the city, one presidential suite for one person.

Kelly invited Sue to dinner in the restaurant area of the hotel.

Only two people in Nuo Da's Restaurant seem open and quiet, because the whole hotel is wrapped up by the rich lady Kelly.

"Try some of our specialties. I hope you like them."

Exotic food, exotic beauties and exotic wine are really very popular.

Staring at the delicate white face in front of him, it can be said that everyone is drunk without drinking.

While they were eating and chatting, Kelly's crisp laughter sounded from time to time in the restaurant, which was obviously very pleasant.

After all, he is good at teasing women.

No matter how powerful a woman is, she is still a woman.

"Do we have a chance to meet again?" After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Kelly was a little drunk and blushed.

Su Xun had a good amount of wine. After several drinks, he still kept his face unchanged: "would you like to see me again?"

"Well." Kelly nodded and looked at Su Xun blazing: "I have to admit that you are very special, you are a very attractive man."

The foreign women were so enthusiastic and bold that they did not hide their good feelings, which made Su Xun a little shy ((≡̑ဈ̑ဈ̑)).

Holding his mind, Su Xun expressed his current emotional state: "thank you very much for Miss Kelly's kindness, but I already have a girlfriend."

To tell you the truth, Su Xun likes beautiful women, but he doesn't want to be an emotional liar.

"You may have misunderstood me. I didn't say I was going to marry you." Kelly blurted out.

Su Xun's

You don't want to fall in love with me, you just want to fall in love with me?

Scum girl! You know how to eat my body!

Looking at Su Xun's expression, Kelly knew that he had misunderstood him. She quickly explained, "I'm not the kind of loose woman you think. It's just that my status is doomed that I won't get married. Otherwise, I'm afraid the global trading company will change its surname in the future, and my father and elders won't agree."

"Although my brother has been imprisoned, his children will be carefully cultivated. In the future, when I retire, the children will become new heirs. The global trading company can only belong to our family. If I get married, I will not be a member of the family in a sense."

Su Xun understood that Kelly could become the successor of the Middle East global trading company, but she could not get married and have children before leaving office.

This is to prevent the interests of the company from being usurped by Kelly's husband's family, which is a reasonable thing.

"So, you can take me to your room tonight, and don't worry about me pestering you." Kelly shows her heart by the strength of the wine, and looks at Su Xun with eyes.

Foreign women are really enthusiastic and unrestrained. They have no doubt about what they think.

In this situation, as a kind man, Su Xun couldn't bear to refuse. Moreover, he hasn't ridden the ocean horse yet.

Just let him make a sacrifice to promote the friendship between the two countries.

Su Xun wiped his mouth, put down the knife and fork in his hand, and gave her a smile: "I've eaten well. I'd better go to my room. I'll tell you about the ancient culture of our dragon kingdom."

Qin Zhu, sitting on one side, rolled his eyes. Do you want to tell people about ancient culture? I'm sorry to expose you, bah, cheap!

"With pleasure." Kelly had a sweet smile on her face and put her hand in susian's hand a little shyly.

The two walked out of the restaurant hand in hand.

After arriving at the room, what ancient culture has long been thrown out of the sky by the two people. It is the truth to seize the time to study human reproduction.

Kelly students are very unfamiliar, but fortunately, teacher Su has rich experience in teaching, direct hand-in-hand teaching guidance.

The light is flickering and the house is full of spring.


At six the next morning.

Su Xun got up, looked at Kelly who was still sleeping on the bed, didn't wake her up, and quietly put on a suit on the bedside table.

After all, the next place to go is not such a chaotic place as the Middle East. If you run around in camouflage clothes and guns, you will be encircled every minute.

"Scum man, I'm leaving without even saying hello."Qin Zhu sat on the edge of the bed and complained to Su Xun. His two snow-white legs swung and swung, and his red high heels seemed to fall off at any time.

"I just don't want to see the sadness of parting. When she wakes up and sees me go, she will cry very sad."

Su Xun replied carelessly, and suddenly he felt a soft body close to him.

Kelly woke up, got out of bed, hugged him from behind, and gave him a kiss on the face. "I had a good time last night, thank you."

"Me too, but I'm leaving." Su Xun said.

With a playful smile, Kelly said, "I wish you peace. Dear, you opened my Pandora's box last night. If I think about it again one day, I will come to Longguo to find you."

Taking a plane, he went to Su Xun to sleep. Su Xun thought it was a bit of Alexandria.

But Kelly didn't cry like he imagined, but let him down a little.

Yes, this is the queen. How can she die because of a man.

However, Kelly didn't cry. Su Xun always felt that it was an incomplete parting.

So he looked at the time on his wrist, and there was still time. Forty minutes later, he succeeded in making Kelly cry.

Finally, she kisses Kelly, who is lying on the bed with weak limbs and crying with tears. Susian leaves the room satisfied.

That's right. Parting is complete with tears.

Watching Su Xun's back, if it wasn't for her body, Kelly would rush up to kill him.

Damned bastard, pity for jade in the Dragon Kingdom culture!


Sushen and Niles met, and then boarded the plane for magnesium with the false identity he helped prepare.

He wants to visit the Wilson family first to repay the kindness of shooting outside Jiangnan airport the other night.

Then go to North Africa and find Fernand Dreis to settle the old account four years ago.

Finally complete the mission to return home, this is the next schedule.

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