Wilson International Finance building, MgO.

This is the headquarters of the Wilson family.

At 2 p.m., Wilson ente walked out of the company surrounded by bodyguards.

Since Wilson Karen died on a cruise ship on the high seas, the head of the administration has strengthened his own security.

Ente is the new principal of Wilson family after Karen's death, and also the chairman of Wilson financial company.

The attack outside the airport in Jiangnan City was arranged by him after he took office. Unfortunately, it failed.

But ente didn't feel depressed. After all, there is a long way to go. He believes that he will kill the Dragon sooner or later.

The king of killers?

Ha ha, it's just a stinky mouse that can't be seen in the stinky ditch. It will always be furtive.

An extended version of Lincoln came and stopped in front of ente.

"You don't have to follow me. Pick me up when you get my call in the evening."

Ente said to the bodyguard behind him that he never takes bodyguards when he goes to his little lover's home. He can take a driver at most.

Today, his little lover will play some new tricks with him. He can't wait to think about it.

"Yes, boss."

The bodyguards are not surprised. They can do whatever the boss says.

A bodyguard stooped to open the door for ente.

When ente got in, he closed the door again.

"Call me when you get there."

Sitting in the back row, ente closed the electric sunshade, said a word to the driver, and then closed his eyes to sleep.

After a morning's meeting, he had to keep up his energy so that he could feed his little lover.

But he didn't notice that the driver had changed.

So this bus will not go to his little lover's house, but will drive him to hell.

I do not know how long, ente opened his eyes in a daze: "where?"

However, the driver did not answer him.

Ente frowned and opened the electric sunshade. His face suddenly changed because he found himself on a beach.

Ente took out the pistol under his seat, loaded it, opened the door and went down.

As soon as he got out of the car, he saw a hot white woman in a miniskirt coming towards him.

"You are..."


Before Ender finished, Mandala directly hit him in the face and scolded, "asshole, why can't you sleep for a few more minutes? Because of you, I lost the bet!"

Losing the bet to a big man made her feel very unhappy.

"Shette, bitch, you dare to hit me!" Feeling the pain on his face, ente shakes his head and is furious. He is about to aim his gun at Mandala's head.

"Kang -"

a shot.

But it wasn't the gun in Ente's hand that rang, because his right hand with the gun was directly interrupted into two pieces by a hard shot, dripping with blood.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Ente uttered a shrill scream, fell to the ground in pain and rolled up, his face twisted because of the pain.

The half cut hand dripping with blood on the ground is very dazzling.

Mandala shrugged. It seems that this guy can't hit the pistol with his right hand in the future. He observed three seconds of silence for him.

Su Xun came over with a large caliber sniper gun and threw it to Mandala together with the piano box: "I just went to do it. You can see the power. It's very good."

In magnesium, if you want to make money, you don't necessarily get it.

But there's no shortage of ways to get a gun.

Don't say it's a gun, as long as you give money, howitzer dealers can sell it to you.

They just collect money, they don't care what you do with these little toys.

"Thank you, chief." Mandala gave a kiss on the sniper gun and gave Su Xun a bright smile.

On the ground, ente forced to endure the pain and looked at Su Xun with wide eyes: "it's you."

It can be said that Su Xun and the Wilson family have a bitter hatred. Ente may not know his own father, but it is impossible not to know Su Xun.

He didn't expect that Su Xun came to the door.

Su Xun gave him a smile and stepped on his broken hand: "yes, it's me."

"Ah, ah

"I'm so sorry that I almost fainted like a pig." Su Xun took his feet away with an apologetic face and asked, "did I hurt you?"

Ente has a sentence that he wants to say, but he doesn't dare.

"Man, don't kill me. I think we can talk." Ente's efforts to seek communication, in order to have a glimmer of life.

Su Xun shook his head: "I don't want you to think, I want to play, I think you have to die."Ente's face turned pale in a moment: "man, listen to me, I swear, I promise I won't trouble you any more."

"Smelly man's words are never believable, the oath is shit, stinking." Mandala said without salt.

Su Xun

Big guy "....."

Sister, you hurt your friend by mistake!

"Well, I'm very busy, so I won't chat with you. You can go on the road, or you'll be late to catch the last bus to heaven. The Lord is waiting for you in heaven. It's not good for him to wait for a long time."

As he spoke slowly, Su Xun took out a pair of white gloves and put them on. Then he took out the pistol behind his waist and loaded it.

The gun was aimed at ente's chest.

Ente panicked: "no, don't kill me, don't kill me."

He has just been in the top position. He hasn't enjoyed his life. He doesn't want to die!

"Ding Ding..."

Just then his cell phone rang.

Su Xun bent down and took out his mobile phone from his arms. The caller ID said: wind, Sao baby.

Well, it's a really interesting note.

It is self-evident who is calling.

Su Xun connected the phone and turned on hands-free.

"Honey, why haven't you come yet? I can't wait for you to whip me. I'm almost overflowing."

There was a delicate sound coming from the mobile phone, accompanied by a full breath of charm.

Ente's face was blue and white, embarrassed.

Su Xun took his mobile phone and said, "I'm sorry, madam, Mr. ente can't come. He's in a hurry to report to heaven. You'd better find someone else to fill the void of desire and discontent, such as cucumber or eggplant."

"I'm not sure you're familiar with your voice, Mr. ente."

As the voice fell, Su Xun lowered his head and gave ente a little smile. He pulled the trigger in his hand.

"Kang! Kang! High


Ente's chest was shot several holes by the bullet, and he was bleeding. His eyes were staring at him, and he broke his breath after several convulsions.

"Ma'am, do you hear me? If someone asks you, please tell him that I am God, specially responsible for sending people back to heaven. May God bless you, Amen. "

With that, Su Xun hung up, took off his white gloves and threw his mobile phone into the surging sea.

"Come on, go to dinner. I'm hungry."

Leaving a word behind, Su Xun put away his pistol and left on foot.

Mandala put the sniper gun into the piano box and carried it on his back. Together with the big man, Mandala followed Su Xun.

On the beach, a luxury Lincoln opened the door and stopped there, next to a bleeding body.

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