"Thank you so much, Mr. Su. If it wasn't for you, Xiao Tian and I would be eaten to death by that son of a bitch named Gao Laosi, and we would not be able to turn over in our life."

"Yes, this cup is for our two brothers. From now on, Mr. Wei will take the lead."

In the bar of Zhang Haotian and Chen Weilun, they hold their glasses and solemnly respect Su Xun.

Sitting on the sofa, Su Xun casually picked up his glass and said to them with a smile, "two big guys who will dominate the Olympic island in the future, I'll give you a toast."

"It's all up to your husband."

Su Xun took a sip, but Chen Weilun and Zhang Haotian drank directly and emptied the cup.

"Well, I'll do well in the future. I'll go first."

Su Xun left the cup and was about to leave.

"Sir, when you come to our place, we have to treat you well."

"Yes, all the girls are ready, golden hair, island country and club, even black pearl."

They quickly asked Su Xun to stay.

"You can enjoy it by yourself. I've been cultivating myself recently, and I'm not used to foreign food."

Su Xun said with a smile that he was really not interested in these vulgar powder.

OK, the colors are different.

Not every woman has the right to be gracious to him.

"Then we'll see you off, sir."

They took susian out of the bar.

Outside the bar, several cars had already stopped, and a black Rolls Royce was opened.

Who arranged these cars.

Su Sir is here. We can't even have no transportation.

"All right, you stop."

Su Xun turned around and said something, then walked to the back seat of Rolls Royce.

As soon as he was ready to get on the bus, a black sedan with a hatchback came and crashed into the front of Rolls Royce. Fortunately, susian retreated quickly.

The others were all taken aback.

"Mr. Su, are you all right?"

"Susir, do you want to go to the hospital?"

"What's the matter! How to drive

A group of people rushed on.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, our car is out of control, we lose money."

The car window of the accident vehicle opened, and a young man on the co driver apologized with an apologetic face. As he said this, he reached into his pocket as if to pay for it.

"Michael! Be careful, sir

Ding Yao is the first to react. She shouts and pours at Su Xun. Meanwhile, with an apologetic face, Gao Mi takes out a pistol from his pocket.

But the Flying Tigers reacted faster.

"Kang Kang..."

They have been keeping 12 points of vigilance, in the moment of Ding Yao shouting, they have pulled out the gun, aimed at the window and pulled the trigger.

No matter who it is, kill it first.

Before Michael could shoot, he was screened by more than a dozen pistols, and his whole body was bleeding.

Lei Fuhong, who didn't turn off the car all the time, just backed back, slammed the steering wheel and ran away.

The strategy they set is that Michael takes out a gun to kill people by surprise, and runs directly if he gets it.

Because they were confident that Su Xun had not seen them, only two seconds was enough.

But I didn't expect that Su Xun was not a little gangster, but the elite of the Flying Tigers.

"Thunder again!"

Su Xun spat out three words from his teeth.

He didn't expect that he hadn't found him to cut down the root yet. Lei Fuhong actually started with himself first.

"It must be Lei Fuhong. The one who just shot is the man he brought back from magnesium. His name is Michael."

Ding Yao's words said.

"You have a heart."

Su Xun took a look at Ding Yao. No matter whether she had just jumped on her, whether it was a real gun or a fake play, Su Xun recognized her loyalty.

Half an hour later, he Zeyu arrived.

"Su sirsheng, don't worry, I was shot on the site of Aodao. It's hitting our ho family in the face. We'll find people when we dig three feet."

He Zeyu is here to make his stand.

Ten minutes later, the Justice Department arrived.

After all, Su Xun is not an ordinary person. He is a high-ranking member of the Hong Kong Island police force.

Shot on the island of Austria, they have to show up.

"Susir, the police in Austria will spare no effort to find out the shooter. Please give us time and don't act rashly."

It is Gao Laosi's cheap brother-in-law, superintendent Chen Ziqiang, who has come forward from the Ministry of justice.

After his sister married Gao Laosi, he was very angry with Gao Laosi, so he hated Gao Laosi very much, so he was determined to bring Gao Laosi to justice.

Su Xun killed Gao Laosi, which was revenge for him. He was good to Su Xun.

"Don't worry, Sergeant Chen. In Austria, we should respect the laws of the island. I'll wait for your information."Su Xun said happily.

As soon as Chen Ziqiang left, Su Xun's face became gloomy: "give me a word, I will give you ten million secret flowers, and offer a reward for the news of Lei Fuhong."

The son of a bitch dare to shoot him. I really think it's on the island of Austria, so I can't cure him?

He wants to let everyone know that it's useless to dare to fight him, even if he escapes to another planet.

"Su sir, how can you pay for such a thing..." He Zeyu couldn't keep his face because Su Xun was a guest of his family. Of course, his family should be responsible for the accident.

Su Xun interrupted him: "Mr. He, this is my personal resentment. Please tell Mr. He that tomorrow's meeting will be as scheduled."

"Well, Su sir, if you need to, you must speak up. He won't refuse." He Zeyu said, and then turned away with the people.

Ding Yao suddenly came over: "sir."

She handed Su Xun her mobile phone.

Su Xun took it and saw that it was Lei Fuhong's hiding address. He also pointed out that it was Cao Yixiong who encouraged Lei Fuhong to assassinate him.

"Interesting." Su Xun's mouth went up.

Ding Yao asked curiously: "Sir, is this news credible? Do you know who it is? "

"I guess, Zhixian, Jiaju, you take people to these two places. I'll see them kneeling at my dining table when I get up in the morning."


"Father, you are going to save me."

Lei Fuhong knelt down in front of Cao Yixiong and looked pathetic.

"Don't worry, you are my son-in-law. How can I ignore you? I have already arranged that you will go back to the island country by boat this evening. The island country is the territory of our Yamada group, and no one dares to move you. "

Mow a male tone calm, flustered, let leifuhong involuntarily convinced him.

"Thank you, father. Thank you, father."

"Go ahead." Mow waved his hand.

Lei Fuhong gets up and leaves.

Mow Yixiong's eyes were cold. If it wasn't for the thought of Sanlian Gang, he would kill this guy now. How could he send him away.

"Dong Dong..."

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in." The grass mows a male to say.

Cao Kailang came in and said, "father, it has been arranged to fly back to the island early tomorrow morning."

"Well, you go." Mow a male nodded, and then closed his eyes began to sleep.

The grass mows Lang to see him one eye, the corner of the mouth a hook, then respectfully slowly retreated to go out.

After going out, he ordered: "father to rest, no one can disturb, all withdraw."


The bodyguards looked at each other.

"What! What I said didn't work? " The grass mowed Lang's face sank and his voice became cold.


A group of bodyguards bowed and left.

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