At ten o'clock in the evening, the lights begin to shine on the island of Austria.

Two members of the Yamada group escorted Lei Fuhong to a desolate abandoned port at night.

Now the whole island is looking for Lei Fuhong. They want to sell Su Sir face.

So Lei Fuhong had to sneak away.

To walk aboveboard is to seek death.

Standing in the harbor, one of the Yamada group members took out a flashlight and flashed three times at the sea.

"Kang Kang..."

The next second, the gun rang out and the two fell to the ground.

Miao Zhishun rushed out with people and rocks.

"Don't shoot! Don't kill me! No

Lei Fuhong was scared to pee on the spot and knelt on the ground with his hands clasping his head, shivering.

"Take it away."

Miao Zhishun looked at him contemptuously.

If you have the courage to assassinate Su sir, why don't you have the courage to bear the consequences?

Later, Lei Fuhong was tied to his limbs, sealed his mouth and put into the trunk to be pulled away.


Kazuo stayed in a Japanese style courtyard, which he specially bought here.

He has private homes in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

The Japanese style courtyard, which used to be heavily guarded, is now empty, and the grass is not known.

After all, caojiaolang is the adopted son of caojiao, which is deeply trusted by caojiao. Therefore, the bodyguards of caojiao have no doubt about what he said.

But the consequence of no doubt is that they are all dead now.

The man who was mowed by the grass was killed unprepared.


With the roar of the engine, the two cars stopped outside the courtyard, and Chen Jiaju took people off.

Cao Kailang came out with the man.

"Shua Shua!"

Chen Jiaju and others pointed the gun at him.

"Don't be nervous. You are Mr. Su's people. My name is Cao Kailang. It's the news I revealed. Cao Kaixiong is in it. Please help yourself. I just want to see Mr. Su after he dies."

The grass mows Lang to raise a hand, in order to show sincerity, return gun to lose, on the face take sincere smile.

Chen Jiaju is still on the alert. After all, who knows what the scene will be after entering.

"If you don't believe me, I can take you in and come with you."

Cao Kailang is sincere, because he didn't want to play tricks.

He wanted to use Su Xun's hand shovel to mow the grass. At the same time, he also used this to sell Su Xun a favor and establish a friendly relationship with him.

"Well, I believe you. Let's go."

Chen Jiaju put down his vigilance. If Cao Jielang played tricks, he would shoot him to death.

"Please follow me, gentlemen."

Big filial son grass mow Lang a face calmly walk in the front, with Chen Jiaju and others into the yard.

In the room, the grass mows a male already to sit fast to fall asleep, suddenly hears the footstep sound, opens the eye.

"Hua -"

the wooden door was pushed open, and the most advanced house of caojilang was walking in the front.

"Cao Kailang, what do you have..."

The grass mows a male words haven't finished, saw the Chen Jia Ju etc. who come in later, the moment is to stare big eyes, subconsciously want to take a gun.

Having studied Su Xun, he naturally knew the capable men around him.


Chen Jiaju shot him at the place where he hid his gun. He was so scared that he quickly took back his hand.

"Oh, don't move, or I won't have eyes next time."

Chen Jiaju said with a smile.

"It's your boy who led the Hong Kong Island police here!" he said angrily

"Father, you forced me to do this. I always thought you would marry caicaizi to me, but I didn't expect you to marry her to a Taiwanese!"

The grass mows Lang not to conceal the hostility on the face.

"You You... " Mow a male gas can not speak, did not expect mow Lang so insatiable.

I have nurtured him and given him a chance to get ahead. I didn't expect that the other party would not only take it for granted, but also take it for granted.

"Please move, Mr. Hayao."

Chen Jiaju said with a smile.

Afterwards, caojiao enjoyed the same treatment as Lei Fuhong, and the trunk was a VIP seat.


The next morning.

Su Xun came out of the room wrapped in a white nightgown.


Ding Yao had been waiting for him to wash.

Then Su Xun came to the restaurant.

The waiter began to serve.

Lei Fuhong and Cao Kaixiong kneel on the ground.

Both were gagged.

Seeing Su Xun's appearance, Cao Ya Yixiong and Lei Fuhong were all wide eyed. They wanted to speak, but they could only make a vague sound.They have been kneeling here all night.

Breakfast is very simple, is a sandwich, two French sausages, an fried egg, a glass of milk.

Su Xun turned a blind eye to them. After eating and drinking enough, he took Ding Yao's tissue and wiped his mouth.

Then he waved to Miao Zhishun.

Miao Zhishun came forward to tear off the tape on their mouths, and pulled off their beards with rude actions.


The pain made them scream.

"Sue sir, spare your life, Sue sir."

Lei Fuhong kept kowtowing and begging for mercy, and soon his forehead was covered with blood and flesh.

Caojiao can still maintain a certain demeanor: "Su Jun, I think there is no misunderstanding between us. I think we should have a good talk."

"The little devil hasn't recognized the situation yet. Help him to know it." Su Xun waved his hand.

Miao Zhishun grabs Cao Yixiong's collar and pulls it to one side. It's a fight.

"Ah! Stop fighting! Ah

The grass kept screaming.

Su Xun got up, looked down at Lei Fuhong, raised his foot and kicked him down.

"If you want to kill me, I'll stand in front of you now. You'd better get up and kill me. Go to the street!"

Su Xun did not hide his arrogance.

"Susir, I know I'm wrong. Please let me live. Susir, I beg you."

Lei Fuhong kept slapping himself in the face.

"There's no way to live, but there's one way to die. I'll send you down to father son reunion."

Su Xun waved: "give it to Zhang Haotian, let him experience the feeling of flying."

You can't dirty his hands with murder.

"No! Su sir, spare your life

Lei Fuhong kept struggling, but his fart was useless and he was evacuated from the room.

"Bring that old bastard here."

Su Xun said without looking back.

Miao Zhishun brought the grass to Yixiong again.

"Do you know how to talk to me now?"

Su Xun squatted down and patted his face.

"I I'm wrong. "

Caojiao did learn well this time.

Su Xun nodded with satisfaction: "it's good to know that it's wrong. If it's wrong, you have to pay a price. Send it to Lei Fuhong for company, and let them take off."

Speak, get up and go out.

"No! no Let me go... "

When the grass is cut, the male eyes are frightened.

An hour later, Lei Fuhong and Yamada, the young leader of the Sanlian Gang, were thrown from the top of a 30 story building.

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