"Thanks to you this time, Mr. mowaro."

Su Xun looked at the grass mower across the street and said.

Little devils kill each other, he is happy to see it.

And the little devils have a tradition of going up and down.

Because the little devil's society is very depressed, the upper and lower levels are very serious, and the lower level is absolutely subordinate to the higher level.

But the extreme point of repression is distortion, so it often happens under the gram, the old tradition.

"It's my honor to contribute to Mr. Su. Besides, Yamada group has been cutting a male for a long time. Mr. Su has removed a male. Yamada group is very grateful."

The grass mows Lang Bi respectfully to say.

"Don't talk about these scenes. What do you want to talk to me about?" Su Xun asked straightforwardly.

"I hope to cooperate with Mr. Su. Yamada group can sell a lot of arms, white powder and geisha. What it lacks is a large enough market," he said

"White powder is not good. I'll give you some contact information for the rest. You can talk about it yourself." Su Xun won't take part in this. He doesn't need money. There's no need to make a fuss.

He's so cool.

It's also good to have an island Akita dog.

Cao Kailang was overjoyed: "Hi!"

Although the white powder market cannot be expanded, arms and geisha alone can make a lot of money.

As long as he can bring more benefits to Yamada group, no one will resist him inheriting Yamada group.

In this world, people in any country recognize money but not people. Society is becoming more and more flashy.


At noon, he family.

Su Xun met Mr. He for the first time.

The famous King of gambling on the island of Austria.

There are five gambling cards in Austria Island, three of which belong to he family.

"Welcome, Mr. Su. Recently, Mr. Su's name has been heard all over Southeast Asia."

"Hahaha, Mr. he flatters me. I'm just a little superintendent. I can't compare with Mr. He."

"Don't be polite, Mr. Su will take a seat."

"After you, Mr. He."

At noon, Su Xun had a meal at he's home and reached a cooperation intention with he's home. The conversation was very pleasant.

In the future, whenever there is a need for cooperation, Su Xun will be given priority.

After all, Mr. He is old and weak, and he has nothing in common with the young people, so he Zeyu is still asked to greet Su Xun.

"Mr. Su, have you ever heard of the God of gamblers?"

Walking in his garden, he Zeyu asked.

"Gambler Gao Jin?" Su Xun raised his eyebrows.

He Zeyu said with a smile: "tomorrow, Gao Jin, the God of gambling, and Chen Jincheng, the new king of gambling, will fight on a gambling boat out of the high seas. Don't you know if Mr. Su is interested?"

"Oh? Then I really want to see the God of gamblers. " Sue got interested.

Once Gao Jin was wearing a black coat, holding a cigar, eating chocolate and smiling, but the image of the God of gamblers was very popular all over the country.

And there is a god of gamblers. I just don't know if there are any gamblers. There are special functions in gamblers.

Gambler's second film, gambler on the beach, is also stepping on the horse, because several people perform their special functions at the same time, which makes Wei Zhongxian go through the modern times.

Later, the protagonist and his party went back to Shanghai beach during the Anti Japanese war.

If there is a series of gamblers, Su Xun will make a good preparation.

More modern black technology, such as AK, anti-aircraft guns and missiles, will make sure that the little devils will cry and their parents will scurry.

It doesn't take them eight years to get back to the island.

Su Xun was very interested in this matter, and made an appointment with he Zeyu to see him tomorrow. Then he went back and called Xu Zhengyang: "Zhengyang, is there a special function research center in the mainland?"

"How do you know?" Xu Zhengyang asked.

Su Xun didn't answer: "just answer if you have. Can't you trust me?"

"Yes." Xu Zhengyang gave a positive answer.

Su Xun breathed out: "thank you."

Then he hung up.

Since there is a special function research institute, it shows that there are two films in the gambling series.

However, Su Xun is not going to find the protagonist of the gambling series, because he is afraid that it will affect the plot. In the end, he will not be able to go through it. That will wither.

Just find someone to stare at the protagonist, and then let it be and wait for the plot of the second gambler movie to happen, and take a ride through the express.


The next morning.

Together with he Zeyu, Su Xun boarded the gambling boat where Gao Jin and Chen Jincheng fought.

Accompanied by Ding Yao, this woman is pretty and capable.

Without further development, it's appropriate to take it with you and do a good job in all aspects.

Su Xun remembers that Gao Jin used this gambling competition to make Chen Jincheng kill.In fact, the gambling boat did not go to the high seas, but only to the vicinity of Hong Kong Island. As soon as Chen Jincheng killed, he was arrested by the Hong Kong Island Marine Police.

This time, with Su Xun in, there's no need for the marine police to take part in the gambling competition. They can still get a piece of credit for nothing. Why not?

"Master he is here, too."

"Hello, young master he."

"Good, sir."

As soon as Su Xun and he Zeyu got on the boat, many people came around to say hello.

"Who are those two? That's a big score. "

There are also people who don't know them. After all, they are not dollars. It's impossible for everyone to know them.

"You don't know? The one in the white suit is the third son of he family, and the one in the silver suit is even better. Susian, the tiger of Wanchai, do you know? "

"Hiss -"

"it's him. He used to look familiar."

"Go together, go together."

There are so many people around Su Xun and he Zeyu that Gao Jin and Chen Jincheng are ignored.

Gao Jin looked at Su Xun in the middle of the crowd, with a smile in his eyes. If he had known Su Xun would come, he would not have informed the marine police in advance.

"Brother Jin, would you like to go and say hello?"

Gao Yi asked.

Gao Jin lost his memory when he fell off the cliff for some time and stayed at Chen Xiaodao's house all the time.

Gao Yi takes this opportunity to rape Gao Jin's woman. As a result, Gao Jin's woman falls down and dies.

Gao Yi finds Chen Jincheng to cooperate, wants to kill Gao Jin, and then takes over everything of Gao Jin, but because of the protection of Longwu, he fails.

Later Gao Jin regained his memory and pretended that he didn't know Gao Yi was going to kill him, but he secretly arranged to avenge his own woman.

Gao Yi really thinks that Gao Jin doesn't remember that he is going to kill him, so he finds Chen Jincheng to plot.

He did tricks on the cards, let Chen Jincheng with a pair of high-tech glasses can see the card remember well, want to use this way to win high.

But Gao Jin had been prepared for a long time. He prepared a more advanced pair of contact cheating glasses and won all Chen Jincheng's money.

Later, he killed Gao Yi by Chen Jincheng's hand, and then informed the marine police in advance to arrest Chen Jincheng.

"No, let's go ahead and get ready to finish the gamble with Chen Jincheng."

Gao Jin chewed the chocolate and said.

Half an hour later, the game officially began.

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