Gao Jin and Chen Jincheng are at a gambling table, surrounded by spectators.

Both sides open up their bets for today's game.

"Now, please check the cards."

He Guan took out two cards and said.

Chen Jincheng's confidants and Gao Yi's confidants picked up a pair of high-tech glasses to verify the brand.

With glasses, the mark on the back of the card is clearly visible.

Gao Yi shook his head to Gao Jin, and there was no problem with the sign.

"The card verification is over. We can start."

The Dutch officer began to deal.

Chen Jincheng took the card and looked at Gao Jin's card. He knew that his bottom card was a, and he only played 20000.

In this way, every time Chen Jin Chengdu can see through the high card, it is a sure bet.

After a few games, Gao Jin has lost.

"Brother Jin, there is only a box of money left."

Gao Yi picked up the last box and said.

"Gao Jin, what's going on today?"

He Zeyu frowned. He should not be Chen Jincheng's opponent with his ability to advance.

Su Xun had a good idea: "young master he, take your time. How can the God of gambling lose to the king of gambling?"

"I don't think so. Gao Jin is not at all today." He Zeyu shook his head.

Gao Jin always wins less and loses more, leaving only the last box of money. If he loses again, he will be finished.

Su Xun said with a smile, "it's better to make a bet."

"Well, Sue, tell me what to bet on." He Zeyu is interested.

Su Xun looked at him: "it's said that master he has bought a new yacht. He is really rich."

"Bet on this yacht. If I lose, the yacht belongs to you. If you lose, you owe me a favor." He Zeyu smiles like a little fox.

Yachts can be bought with money, but he is not short of money.

But human feelings are different.

The seventeen children of he's family are very competitive. If Su Xun can help him, there will be more opportunities.

Su Xun also knew what he thought, but he didn't feel disgusted: "OK, bet."

"Su sir, I'm going to miss this meeting." He Zeyu seems to think that Gao Jin will lose.

In fact, he is not the only one. Basically, everyone thinks that high input is sure to lose.

Some of the people who have bought high income and won are all sweating. Some of them have put all their money on the table.

Looking at Gao Jin, Chen Jincheng said: "it seems that the God of gambling is not lucky today."

"Anything can happen at the table. Maybe I'll turn it over one last time?" Gao Jin laughed and ate a piece of chocolate.

The Dutch officer began to deal again.

"Mr. Chen."

Next to Chen Jincheng, a girl with a sense of dress and sex takes out a lighter.

Chen Jin looks at her with a squint, then puts his head close to her and asks her to light a cigar.

When I look back after ordering the cigar, my eyes suddenly widened.

Because Gao Jin used other cards to cover his cards while he was lighting a cigar.

So Chen Jin's achievement can't see the mark on the bottom card, and can't know what the bottom card of Gao Jin is.

Gao Jin gave Chen Jincheng a smile and said, "200000."

Chen Jincheng took a look at his card, Q, said: "with the."

He Guan began to deal cards again. Gao Jin was a, Chen Jincheng was Q, and Chen Jincheng had three Q's.

Gao Jin has two a's. Chen Jincheng doesn't know what his bottom card is, but he doesn't believe it's also a's.

So he felt that his three Q's won a lot.

"Two million." Gao Jin continues to add money.

Chen Jincheng did not hesitate: "I'm still with you."

The Dutch officer began to deal again.

"It seems that I can get back all the money I lost this time." Gao Jin said with a smile, and then said: "four million."

"You don't seem to have that much money in your box." Chen Jincheng snorted coldly with his cigar in his mouth.

Gao Jin took out an envelope: "this is a promissory note from Swiss bank, worth 30 million."

Then he left it on the table.

"You say yes! Call someone to check it! " Chen Jincheng said.

Chen Jincheng stopped him: "God of gamblers, these two words are worth 30 million, I believe you, I am with you."

When he dealt again, Chen Jincheng was a Q again. He laughed: "it seems that he is lucky today."

"Me too." Gao Jin got another a.

Chen Jincheng's face was in a state of uncertainty.

Gao Yi gathered around Gao Jin: "brother Jin, it seems that all the money lost before can be taken back."

"Let's see what the cards are first." Gao Jin smiles and slowly moves away the card on the bottom card.

Chen Jincheng widened his eyes and saw the mark on the card. The two dots were a K.

Chen Jincheng is full of confidence: "I'm all under pressure.""Then I'll take it all, 26 million." Gao Qi said calmly.

Chen Jincheng laughs: "Gao Jin, you are really tough, but young people are young people after all. They are still too impatient."

Then he opened the card and said with a smile, "I have four Q's, you have four A's to meet me!"

"So sir, it looks like you lost this time." He Zeyu looked at Su Xun and said.

Su Xun was not in a hurry: "no hurry, Gao Jin's card hasn't been opened yet. Maybe there are really four A's?"

"Well, I'll give you four as." Gao Jin, open the cards, an a.


Everyone was in an uproar.

Chen Jincheng stood up directly: "how can this happen! How can your card be an a! "

"This..." He Zeyu was shocked.

Gao Jin looked at Chen Jincheng and said, "your technology is too backward. Your pair of glasses was two years ago. My contact lens was a new product last month. As for the two points on the brand, I added them intentionally."

Then he took out his contact lens.

Chen Jincheng's face was blue and white.

"Ah Yi, thank you so much this time. I can't win this old fox without your cooperation." Gao Jin holds Gao Yi and says, thrusting a white pistol into Gao Yi's hand.

Chen Jincheng was furious: "good, Gao Yi! You set up a bureau with Gao Jin to harm me! "

Gao Yi is ignorant.

"Gao Yi, you're on the street." Gao Jin scolded in a low voice, then pushed him away, and yelled: "don't shoot."


Seeing the gun in Gao Yi's hand, Chen Jincheng does not hesitate to pull out his pistol and pull the trigger.

Gao Yi is shot in the chest, aiming at Gao Jin with the gun in his hand, but pulling the trigger is empty.

"Dead on the street, I've known all you've done!" Gao Jin scolded with a smile, and then looked at Su Xun: "Su sir, Chen Jincheng shot and killed people. As a Hong Kong Island policeman, you can't just sit back and watch."

"Of course not. What I hate most is criminals." Su Xun gave a little smile, and then waved: "catch Chen Jincheng."

Two Flying Tigers approach Chen Jincheng.

"Wait! This is the high seas, Mr. Su. Even if you are a Hong Kong police officer, you don't have the right to enforce the law

Chen Jincheng suddenly thought of this, and became calm again, even a little proud.

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