"Ha ha ha ha..."

Su Xun laughed: "I really don't have the right to enforce the law on the high seas, but I do have it on Hong Kong Island. Chen Jincheng, you might as well open the curtains to see if you can still see Lantau."

When Chen Jincheng heard this, his face changed and he turned to lift the curtains of the cabin.

Sure enough, I saw Lantau outside.

"How could that be?" Chen Jincheng is confused.

After a long journey, the ship arrived at Hong Kong Island?

Gao Jin is also looking at Su Xun in disbelief. He planned this.

How could Su Xun know?

Su Xun said, "Gao Jin, you'd better give Mr. Chen Jincheng a solution."

"My men control the captain." Gao Jin said.

In short, it's shocking.

Chen Jincheng panicked: "Su sir, let me go. Please let me go. I still have money. I'll give you all the money from Swiss bank. Please."

"Are you mentally handicapped? Buy me off? Or bribe me in front of so many people? Are you rich or am I? " Su Xun sneered.

The others couldn't help laughing.

Su Sir is not only a police sergeant, but also a wealthy man.

Chen Jincheng, a man who made his fortune by a thousand skills, wanted to buy Su Xun with his poor savings. What's the joke?

Listening to the harsh laughter around, Chen Jincheng's face was brilliant and anxious: "since I'm not allowed to live, don't blame me for being rude. I'll fight with them!"

However, he ordered, but found that his people did not move, only he himself with a gun.

"What are you doing! Do it

Chen Jincheng roared angrily.

"Mr. Chen, you killed people, but we didn't, so I'm sorry

They can tell which is more important.

"Son of a bitch! A bunch of bastards! Surround me when I'm good! I'll turn around when I'm not good! " Chen Jincheng was livid with anger, but he was helpless.

Su Xun yelled: "Chen Jincheng! Do you think you can still run? Don't surrender quickly

Chen Jincheng finally didn't have the courage to point his gun at Su Xun. He lost his gun and began to cry.

Two Flying Tigers went up to detain him.

"Don't move "Nobody move!"

"Customs handle the case! All down

Just then, a group of armed Customs police rushed into the cabin, shouting with guns.

"I'm Sushen, director of Wanchai! What are you doing! Put down your guns

Su Xun said coldly.

The customs officers looked at each other. They must have heard of Su Xun's name.

"Su Sir is very powerful, but it seems that your land police can't control our customs."

With a female voice, a senior female inspector came in and looked at Su Xun humbly.

With the support of the officer, the customs officers were brave again, still holding guns.

Anyway, when the sky falls down, there's a high roof.

No one dares to intervene in the land sea conflict.

Su Xun wanted to get in the mouth of the customs inspector, but he was afraid that she had bad breath.

"I'm not in charge of your customs, but do you have a high rank or do I? Don't you say hello to the chief? " Su Xun roared impolitely.

Minnie was infuriated, but she still held back her anger and saluted: "Hello, sir."

"That's about the same. I know what you're here for, but I've caught you. You can go." Su Xun waved.

Minnie certainly didn't want to come back without success: "Susir, this case was received by our customs first. It's not appropriate for you to take credit like this, is it?"

"I say again, I caught people. Now take your people and get out of here." Su Xun pointed at her.

Minnie is not afraid: "Su sir, according to the rules, we take the case first, and the prisoner belongs to us. Please hand over the prisoner to us as soon as possible."

The onlookers were all whispering to themselves. The woman had either great talent or brain problems.

Otherwise, how dare you talk to Su Xun like this.

The Commissioner of police doesn't dare.

Minnie certainly knew who susian was, but she couldn't stand susian's arrogance.

They all serve for the queen. Su Xun wants to engage in small groups, which is too much for Minnie.

This kind of thinking is typical of her pride in being a dog to the queen of eagle.

They belong to those who do not want Hong Kong Island to return.

"Interesting." Su Xun was angry and laughed. He pointed to Chen Jincheng: "people are here. If you have the ability, you can take him away. I will never stop you."

After that, Su Xun pulled away a chair and sat down.

"Take people away." Minnie gave the order without hesitation.

But none of the customs dare to move. Look at me, look at you, no one takes the lead."A bunch of rubbish! Still a man! It's not your turn when the sky falls down! " Minnie was so angry that she yelled at her subordinates.

The customs officers were scolded by a woman, and they could not keep their face. They gritted their teeth and went to arrest people.

"Step, step..."

The flying tigers are blocking the wall.

"Get out of the way!" Minnie yelled.

Miao Zhishun sneered: "what if you don't let me? What are you when you want to take people away? "

"Presumptuous!" Minnie raised her hand and smoked.


Miao Zhishun is faster. Minnie's hand has just been raised, and his palm has already fallen on her face.

Feeling the burning pain on her face, Minnie was confused: "how dare you hit me?"

"Sir, I call this self-defense." Miao Zhishun said a word.

Minnie was completely angry: "grab people!"

Seeing that his superior was beaten, the people in the customs also held a fire in their heart, and heard this, they rushed forward.

If Su Xun is bringing ordinary police officers from Wan Chai police station today, they can really drive 55.

But Su Xun is a member of the Flying Tigers.

Then the Customs police will deliver vegetables.

In less than three minutes, more than a dozen customs officers were all put down on the ground and howled.

Minnie was stunned by this scene. Can people from Wan Chai police station fight like that?

"Come on, take your men and get out of here."

Su Xun sneered. He didn't hide the contempt in his eyes. He was a woman who didn't know heaven and earth.

Minnie's face was blue and white, pointing to Su Xun: "this matter will not stop here."

"Yes? I'll wait. I'll see what you can do to me. " Su Xun shrugged.

Minnie snorted coldly, "let's go."

The people of the customs, struggling with the pain, got up and helped each other and walked out of the cabin in a mess.

"Susir, do you want to teach that woman a lesson?"

Chen Jiaju asked in Su Xun's ear.

"For example." Su Xun asked.

Chen Jiaju blinked: "teach her a lesson with your gun."

Chen Jiaju is also a bad student. Wan Chai police force is really a big dye vat.

"Screw you. I don't care about a woman. Wait for the customs to make a move." Su Xun's eyes twinkled with inexplicable color. He had not yet got it.

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