"Hello, miss. Can you meet me? My name is Chen Zhou. I just came back from studying abroad. "

Chen Zhou walks to an Zijin side, looking at her tone gentle say, on the face peep out a smile that only think elegant demeanor.

Su Xun put his arms around an Zijin, looked at Chen Zhou and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, brother. This girl has a master. Talk to someone else."

For this kind of chat up, Su Xun is not angry. After all, an Zijin's face is here, which doesn't attract talents.

"I didn't ask you." Chen Zhou said without salt. He put one hand on the table and pretended to show Rolex on his wrist: "Miss, give me a chance?"

He is so simple and rude. In his opinion, there is nothing that money can't do.

Su Xun's face sank down. He didn't expect that his attitude was already kind. He was so shameless.

"Please leave. Don't disturb me and my boyfriend." An Zijin tone is raw and cold, the face is expressionless, emphasized emphatically "boyfriend" three words.

"It doesn't matter if you have a boyfriend." Chen Zhou laughed and glanced at Su Xun contemptuously: "how about considering another one? I promise to be more suitable for you than him. I can give you bags, cosmetics and even cars. Can he? "

An Zijin was angry, but Su Xun stopped her and pointed to Chen Zhou: "come here."

"Why, you can eat me." With a sneer, Chen Zhou leaned forward to Su Xun.

He likes to pry other people's girlfriends face to face. Looking at each other's angry but helpless eyes, he feels very cool and has a sense of achievement.

Su Xun said with a smile, "of course I can't eat you. After all, I don't eat shit."

"You..." Chen Zhou was furious in an instant.

However, before he finished, the next second, susian grabbed his hair and pressed it down, smashing his dog's head on the table.


All the guests in the hall were startled by the loud noise. They put down their bowls and chopsticks one after another to watch the scene.

"Ah! My head

Chen Zhou covered his forehead and fell to the ground. He screamed, and his scarlet blood spilled out from between his fingers.

"Rubbish." Su Xun cold spit out two words, picked up one side of the napkin, slowly wipe the blood splashed on the hand.

The dog's blood is too dirty for him to eat without wiping it clean.

"Chen Shao!"

Chen Zhou's two companions were all in a daze after a short period of consternation, and hurriedly stepped forward to help.

"Don't Don't worry about me. Kill him. Kill him for me. I'll take care of the trouble! "

Chen Zhou stood up and pointed to Su Xun. His eyes were red and his eyes were full of venom.

"Grass Mud Horse, dare to fight against Chen Shao, don't die, right?"

Without hesitation, Chen Zhou's two companions angrily scolded him. They took the wine bottle on the table and smashed it at Su Xun.

Zhao Liang, Jiang Yun and Chen Liang almost got up at the same time to prepare for a "group battle" with each other.

However, without waiting for them to start, two figures suddenly jumped up and kicked Chen Zhou's two companions to the ground.

It was the bodyguard who came in with Su Xun.

With them, if Su Xun was hurt, they would be able to get out of the house.


Chen Zhou's two companions covered their stomachs and wailed on the ground. Their painful faces turned white and their faces twisted.

"What to do, sir?" One of the bodyguards looked at Su Xun.

Hiss -

seeing this scene, all the guests in the hall could not help but take a cold breath, and looked at Su Xun with a suspicious look.

What's the origin of having a meal with a bodyguard!

Of course, if they knew that there were more than a dozen bodyguards in the hall, they didn't know what their expression would be.

Su Xun threw the napkin on Chen Zhou's face after wiping the blood. He said faintly, "garbage should stay in the garbage can and throw it out."

"You dare!" Chen Qinghua's face must have changed so suddenly when I heard him

If he is really thrown into the garbage can, what face will he have to live in Jiangnan City in the future?


Hearing Chen Zhou reveal his identity, there was another uproar in the hall.

"It's Chen Hua's son. No wonder he's so arrogant, but he does have the strength."

"Yes, that guy is going to have bad luck. Zhao Chengming died, and Chen Hua is in the ascendant in Qingyun international."

"Now that kid is really kicking on the iron plate..."

All of them talked in a low voice, and looked at Su Xun with sympathy.

"Chen Hua's son?" Su Xun's eyes narrowed slightly and stared at Chen Zhou. He was going to let it go, but now he changed his mind.After all, Chen Hua is very crafty. Although he suspects that Zhao Chengming's death is related to him, there is no evidence.

Chen Zhou doesn't seem to have much brain, so let's open a breakthrough from him.

Chen Zhou thought that Su Xun was afraid, and said with a grim smile: "yes, those who are wise will kneel down and kowtow to me, or I will let you die without knowing."

As soon as his voice fell, a wine bottle flew over his head.


The wine bottle split in an instant, and the wound on Chen Zhou's forehead collapsed again.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Chen Zhou's scream made everyone in the hall feel numb, as if they could feel it.

They were stunned and looked at Su Xun. Unexpectedly, they knew Chen Zhou's identity and dared to fight him.

Chen Zhou is also full of disbelief when he is angry. Is this guy not afraid of his father's revenge?

"Chen Shao, Chen Shao, are you OK, Chen Shao?"

At this time, a middle-aged man with four security trotted over in a hurry.

"Who are you?" Chen Zhou asked, this is his first visit to the restaurant when he has just returned home.

The middle-aged man had a flattering smile on his face: "Chen Shao, I'm the manager of this store, and I just learned that you were beaten..."

"Let your man teach me a lesson." Chen Zhou interrupted him and pointed to Su Xun and roared.

"Chen Shao, don't worry. I'll give you an explanation." The manager nodded and bowed for a while, then looked at Su Xun and became arrogant again: "boy, I'm blind. Even Chen Shao dares to beat me. Don't you kneel down and apologize to Chen Shao!"

"When he asked me for trouble, you didn't come out to stop him. After he revealed his identity, you jumped out to help him." Su Xun's tone was not urgent, his eyes looked at the manager indifferently: "why, do you think I'm a bully?"

"Boy, don't talk nonsense. If you know what's interesting, kneel down and apologize to Chen Shao!" The manager was told by Su Xun that he was in the center of his mind. He was not embarrassed at all. On the contrary, he was upright.

He's been watching from the surveillance.

At first, he couldn't figure out their identities. It seemed that their origins were not simple. He didn't dare to mess around and simply pretended not to know.

After learning that Chen Zhou is Chen Hua's son, he immediately rushed over with people without hesitation.

Who is Su Xun?

He doesn't care now.

After all, people in Jiangnan know what Qingyun international stands for.

"There's some meaning." Su Xun laughed and his face became cold. Looking at the manager, he said, "if your restaurant can still open after tonight, I'll write it upside down."

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