"Ha ha ha ha..."

The manager laughed at this: "close this restaurant? What are you? Who do you think you are, God

"God can't do anything to you, but I can. Sometimes I'm better than God." Su Xun's face was expressionless and his tone was cold.

The manager is ready to speak, but Chen Zhou is impatient: "what are you doing? Let your people do it. I'll take care of the trouble."

"Didn't you hear Chen Shao? Don't do it The manager turned to look at the four security guards behind him and yelled.

Four security guards put up their rubber sticks and surrounded Su Xun.

"Shua Shua..."

At this time, a dozen tall figures in the restaurant stood up.

This sudden change made everyone shocked.

The manager was also confused for a long time: "you guys, what do you mean?"

He thought these were all customers coming to dinner. Is it unfair?

Ah long just glanced at him coldly. He went to Su Xun and said, "sir."

Although they all bowed to the other bodyguards, they did not say a word.

Seeing this scene, everyone felt numb.

No one thought that one third of the guests in the horse riding hall were Su Xun's bodyguards.

Both the manager and Chen Zhou are stupid.

Two people look at each other, surrounded by a group of big men, is so weak and helpless.

The four security guards couldn't wait to drop the rubber stick on the ground, as if it was hot.

Even the hall was breathless.

At this moment, it's susian's home.

"Do you still think what I just said is funny?" Su Xun looked at the manager with a smile, his fingers beating the table rhythmically.

"Dong Dong..."

Every time his fingers fell, it was like hitting the manager's heart. His face became paler, sweating and his lips trembled.

Can people who always take so many bodyguards with them after dinner be ordinary people?

He wanted to beg for mercy, but a pair of Su Xun's calm eyes could not say a word.

Fear enveloped his whole body and made his throat dry. He wanted to speak but could not make any sound.

Su Xun looked at Chen Zhou again.

Feeling that Su Xun's eyes fell on him, Chen Zhou shivered subconsciously: "you Don't mess about... "

"Call your dad and tell him to come and see me." Su Xun said lightly.

With such a "good" son, Chen Hua must have saved the galaxy in his last life.

Chen Zhou's eyes brightened when he heard this. He quickly took out his mobile phone and called his father: "Dad, come and help me..."

After hanging up the phone, he had a lot of confidence. In his opinion, as soon as his father arrived, he would have nothing to do.

The manager seemed to have grasped the straw and his face softened.

Both of them are looking forward to the arrival of Chen Hua.

Su Xun saw through their thoughts. He just laughed at them and said to Zhao Liang, "continue to order."

He looks as if he is, and his tone is indifferent.

It seems that what happened just now is just a trivial incident for him, and it doesn't even affect his appetite.

Ann Son Jin beautiful eyes Lian Lian, she felt that such Su Xun elder brother was more handsome, let her heart itch.

Zhao Liang, Chen Liang and Jiang Yun look at each other and have the same idea: pretend to be a criminal!

After ordering, he handed the menu to the waiter.

I don't know if it's because of Su Xun's handsome appearance that food is served quickly in the kitchen (◔◡◔).

Then there was a strange scene in the restaurant.

People all over the hall were staring at Su Xun's table.

Zhao Liang's three cattle wanted to pretend to be polite at first, but at last they found that they might not have enough to eat, so they turned into pigs.

"Try this shrimp. It's very tender." An Son Jin a face gentleness of peel shrimp for Su Xun, personally feed into his mouth.

Su Xun opened his mouth and said with a smile, "it's really tender."

"Well, I'll peel you another one." An Son Jin on the face peeps out a happy smile.

Zhao Liang, Jiang Yun and Chen Liang stopped gobbling.

Because the big meal at the table in front of me seems to be out of flavor all of a sudden.

They don't think they're here for dinner, they're here for dog food_ 〒。

"Step, step..."

More than ten minutes later, accompanied by a rush of footsteps, Chen Hua came with two people in a hurry.

"Dad, you are here at last..." Chen Zhou was ecstatic.


However, he was met by a father's big slap (≥ o ≤) ″ ow ~.Chen Zhou was confused at that time: "Dad You, how can you hit me? "

"Shut up, asshole!" Chen Hua yelled angrily and glared at him.

Before he came, he asked people to understand the situation first, so as not to make him look black after he came.

When he learned that it was Su Xun that Chen Zhou was provoking, he was out of breath.

To slap Chen Zhou first is to block Su Xun's mouth. He is also really angry by this rebellious son.

Su Xun said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, there's no need to be so angry. Young people, there's nothing wrong."

Hearing this, everyone almost lost their chin. Unexpectedly, Su Xun dared to talk to Chen Hua like this.

However, what shocked them even more was still behind.

Chen Hua looked at Su Xun and said, "Su Dong, I'll take this villain back first."


The hall exploded in an instant.

Su Dong!

Chen Hua actually calls Su Xun like this. Who is he?

The restaurant manager on one side was once again enveloped in despair. His mood was like riding a roller coaster. It was so exciting that he almost didn't have a heart attack.

"After Chen Dong goes back, he has to give a good education. Today he meets his own family. It's not very good to provoke others." Su Xun said to Chen Hua sincerely, a tone of educating subordinates.

Chen Hua's face twitched for a moment, his heart was furious, his face was all lost.

In fact, the best way for him is not to come tonight. As soon as it comes out, he will be disgraced.

But this was his son, and he had to come, and he knew that if someone else came, Su Xun would not let anyone go.

He thought very well, because Su Xun deliberately made him come to shame.

"Su Dong has time to worry about how to win the contract of Taishan Group." Chen Hua said, biting his back teeth.

Su Xun said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, I've already talked about the contract of Taishan Group. You can sign it tomorrow."

He not only wanted to kill people, but also wanted to kill people.

"Ha ha, Su Dong is really young and promising. In that case, I'll go to Taishan Group tomorrow and say goodbye."

Chen Hua didn't believe a word of Su Xun's words, so he turned around and left with Chen Zhou.

He didn't think Su Xun could win the Taishan Group's contract at all. What's more, it was only half a day ago?

But Su Xun asked him to sign the contract, so he would go tomorrow. Anyway, he lost his face.

At that time, he will be able to take advantage of this opportunity to make trouble. The chairman of a group will be full of lies to his subordinates. Can such a person bear the heavy burden?

Su Xun, Su Xun, after all, you are a little boy. You are still too young.

Facing Su Xun with his back, Chen Hua walked out of the door with a bright smile on his face.

Unfortunately, he can't see it.

Otherwise, he would find that the smile on Su Xun's face was more brilliant than his.

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