"Yan sir, is that all?"

Walking out of Wanchai police station and sitting in the car, Minnie's face is not willing and angry.

Why is Su Xun so arrogant that nobody cares?

Hong Kong Island is not Queen's after all!

"Forget it? How can it be

Yan Sir gritted his teeth: "you should follow closely in this case after the ice. Isn't he arrogant? Then use this case to beat him in the face so that he can know that we customs don't have to look for the people under his hand."

"Yes, sir." Minnie's heart is full of pride.

She has been investigating this case. It is said that four tons of ice, worth US $2.5 billion, will be brought back by the queen of ice this time. If the case is solved, the whole Hong Kong will definitely be shocked.

Their customs investigation section will also shine throughout Hong Kong.

After returning to the customs investigation section, Yan sir no longer covered up and officially announced the establishment of a special investigation team.

Minnie is in charge of the post ice case.

At the same time, it was reported to the police and asked for the support of the Stormtrooper team. The Customs was responsible for the investigation, and the special post ice team assisted by the Stormtrooper team was set up.

On this day, the ad hoc group was discussing the case when two officers from the anti drug team of magnesium suddenly arrived.

"According to the information we have, we are going to sell this batch of ice to MgO through the black market, so we have been sent to assist you in the investigation," said the head of MgO's anti drug team, whose Chinese name is Yu

"Welcome." Minnie held out her hand.

Yu shook hands with him: "we are only assisting from the side, and the case is still surrounded by you."

"Now let's talk about the latest information."

"Sir, according to our third search of the scene of the gunfight, we found the telephone line that had been pulled out. We started the investigation from the telephone company and found a very important message. In the call recording, it was mentioned that a container had been detained by our customs cargo group."

"From this, we can speculate that they will hide the ice in the container that we have detained?"

"Just go and see. Let's go now."

It is speculated that the goods after the ice are likely to be detained by their colleagues. After that, Minnie takes people to the scene for investigation at the first time.

While Yu secretly made a phone call in the restroom to inform the customs that the goods were found by the customs and asked them to move quickly.

At the same time, because Su Xun had seen the film, he remembered the location of the goods and told Li Ying to take the anti drug team to the scene.

Now, at least, he is also a senior superintendent. He doesn't need to take charge of such a trifle.


Customs cargo section.

Countless containers are being held here.

Minnie took advantage of the distance, and the people with the customs arrived first, but they didn't know where the container was.

So I had to sit in the car and look around.

Then Li Ying took the people from the Wanchai anti drug team to the third area mentioned by Su Xun.

At the same time, two drug dealers have been in area 3, on the truck ready to transfer goods.

"Elder martial sister, there is someone in front."

Customs people saw Li Ying and others.

"It's from Wan Chai police station! They must have got some definite information. Quick, surpass them

Minnie recognized Li Ying, who took the lead.

She was in a state of consternation. They had been staring at the case for so long before they found some clues.

How could Wan Chai police station know so quickly? And it looks more detailed than they know.

But there is no time to think about it. I only know that the credit can't be robbed by Wan Chai police station.

Customs people rely on the car, soon surpassed Li Ying and others, and stopped them.

"Tell me what you know!"

Minnie got out of the car, looked at Li Ying and asked.

"Get out of the way!" Li Ying roared.

Minnie turned a deaf ear: "if you don't share information, we won't get out of the way."

They've been staring at this case for so long. We can't let Wanchai police station take their credit.

"Grass Mud Horse, dead eight women, you step on the horse, this is sick!" Li Ying was too anxious to scold.

"Who are you calling?"

"Try another curse!"

"What's wrong with you! Get out of here

There was a conflict between the customs and the anti drug team in Wan Chai. At the beginning, it was still verbal, but it soon turned into a push and bustle, and no one was willing to give in.

"Get out of the way! Are you trying to let the criminals go? Or are you with the criminals? " Li Ying angrily points a gun at Minnie and shouts.

Su Xun told them this information. Naturally, they would not share it with the customs.

The two sides are fighting now.

Minnie stepped forward: "do you know it's against the police regulations to point a gun at your colleague! If you have the guts, shoot! If it's a man, just shoot! "

"I'll be damned!" Li Ying is impatient. He can't be stupid enough to shoot."Buzz..."

At this time, with the roar of the engine, two drug dealers rushed out in a van.

"Shoot, stop!"

Li Ying yelled and pulled the trigger.

"Kang Kang..."

The gunfire sounded like a firecracker, and the bullet hit the car body, but the truck rushed forward.

Because the power of point 38 is very small, if you shoot the tire in the front, you can't even punch through the truck tire.

Looking at the roaring lorry, people in a hurry can only avoid to both sides.

Or you'll get crushed.

Finally, I watched the truck go away.

"Mad! It's all your fault! But for you, we would have found the goods long ago! " A Wanchai anti drug officer swears at the customs.

"What are you talking about? We're looking at this case. Why do you intervene?"

"That is, you should be blamed for not telling us what information you have found."

"It's really powerful for you customs to confuse black and white. If you hadn't stopped..."

The two sides quarreled again, and finally turned into a fight.

Of course, both sides still have some restraint. No one is shooting. They just fight each other.

"Stop fighting! oh dear! Stop fighting

"Stop it! Come on, stop it

Minnie could only fight anxiously.

But it's no use.

The two groups have long been red eyed, greeting each other's relatives, and their hands are getting heavier and heavier.

Because it was the territory of the customs, so soon the people from the customs came and directly swarmed on.

The Wanchai anti drug team, which was still in the ascendant, fell into a disadvantage under the attack of the opponent's sea of people tactics.

There are more and more people at the back of the customs, which has completely evolved into the customs crowd beating the Wan Chai anti drug team.

It was not until the uniformed police who heard the gunfire came that they separated the two sides.

Due to the large number of customs officers, the anti drug team in Wanchai suffered losses and several people were sent to the hospital.

Su Xun was furious when he got the news.

But before he got angry, the same furious police commissioner called.

Let him go to headquarters.

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