Hong Kong Island police headquarters.

Office of the Commissioner of police.

"Falk! Shetter! What are you doing! The customs and Wanchai anti drug team fought in broad daylight and went to the hospital! What are you doing! "

The Commissioner of police is full of anger and roars hysterically at Yan Sir and Minnie.

This is definitely a police scandal in chiguoguo.

It will appear in newspapers all over Hong Kong tomorrow.

"Sir, I can explain." Yan Sir opens his mouth.

The Commissioner of police directly and rudely interrupted her: "I don't want to hear your explanation! It's tomorrow and the whole territory will report on it! How to solve it! "

"Sorry, sir." Yan Sir stopped talking.

"Dong Dong..."

The door of the office was knocked.

The Commissioner of police breathed out a sigh to calm his anger: "come in."

"Sir, here comes Mr. Su, director of Wanchai."

In came a clerk, a blonde, white skinned, black stockings, black suit.

"Let him in." This is a headache for the Commissioner of police. Su Xun will definitely not give up.

When it gets bigger, the police will lose more face.

"No, I'm in."

As soon as the police commissioner's voice fell, Su Xun walked into the office with a cold face.

The clerk closed the door and backed out.

Su Sir said directly to the director: "Sir, I suspect that the customs people are colluding with the post ice."

The first sentence was a shock.

"What are you talking about?" Yan Sir immediately refuted.

Although the Commissioner of police hated Su Xun very much, he had to appease him now: "Su, your people have been injured. I can understand your feelings, but I hope you don't frame your colleagues by saying something without evidence."

"Framed?" With a sneer, Su Xun went straight to the sofa and sat down, cocking his legs: "my people got the exact information and knew the hiding place of the goods behind the ice. They were stopped by the customs when they were about to arrive, which made it convenient for the criminals to escape. Isn't that obvious?"

Horse Treader, play with me, I'll kill you.

"How do you explain that?" The Commissioner of police looks at Yan sir with a cold look.

Even if he hates Su Xun, if he can catch Bing Hou, he will also have credit. When his term of office comes, he will return home to get a good job.

Therefore, although he wanted to withdraw Su Xun, he was greedy for his ability to perform meritorious service, and loved and hated him.

But if the customs people really collude with the post ice, this is a very serious matter.

Minnie anxiously said: "director, we absolutely did not collude with the ice, he is framed!"

"Then how do you explain, why do you take someone to stop my law enforcement? If it wasn't for you, could the goods be taken away? " Su Xun asked Li Sheng.

"I..." Minnie, she can't say that she stopped the Wanchai anti drug group just for the sake of success.

Of course, Yan Sir knows this, so she can't speak.

The Commissioner of police said coldly, "from today on, you will be suspended to cooperate with the internal investigation."

No matter whether Minnie colludes with Queen Binghou or not, she hinders law enforcement and causes serious consequences, so it's not too much to suspend her job and expel her from the police.

"Yes, sir." Minnie clenched her lips.

"The director is wise." Su Xun laughed like a villain, took out a cigarette and lit it: "now, it's time for us to talk about my people being beaten into the hospital by your customs."

"Su sir, don't push an inch. It's obviously a fight. Both sides are at fault! Your people in Wanchai are injured, and so are our customs officers! " Yan Sir hated Su Xun to the extreme, and he wanted to eat him.

However, Su Xun was not interested in her. He didn't want to be eaten by an old woman. He agreed to share weal and woe with his brother. He couldn't hurt his brother.

Su Xun spat out a puff of smoke: "fighting each other? You call more than 100 people beating more than 20 people fighting each other? Do you want me to have another fight with you? "

"Sue, calm down first. You are all colleagues in the police system. Why fight?" The director of police speaks Cantonese very well, which makes the local people of Hong Kong feel embarrassed.

After playing the cigarette ash, Su Xun put down his legs: "Sir, you are my boss. I always respect you very much, so I believe you will give me a fair result, right? I believe you. "

There was a twitch in the corner of his mouth.

You respect me?

Respect you!

"Of course, I will give you a fair answer." Although he said hello to the eighteen generations of Su Xun's ancestors in his heart, he still showed a warm expression on the surface, saying: "the financial department will pay for the medical expenses of the injured. Secondly, Yan Sir will go to the hospital to apologize to the injured in person. In addition, Haiguan will hand over the case to Wan Chai from now on."“sir! This case has been under investigation by our customs. " Minnie was in a hurry when she heard this.

The director glared at her: "you have been suspended, what identity are you talking to me now?"

"Yan sir." Minnie can only look at Yan sir.

Yan Sir said: "director, our customs are willing to join hands with Wanchai police station to investigate this case..."

"But I don't want to." Su Xun said softly, "this time your people stop my people and make the criminals escape. Who knows if your people will shoot me next time?"

"Su sir!" Yan Sir's face was livid with anger.

The Commissioner of police said: "it's settled. You should hand over the relevant files to Wanchai police station as soon as possible. Remember, you are not allowed to interfere in this case from now on."

"Yes, sir." In everyone's heart, 10000 are unwilling, 1000 are unwilling, Yan Sir can only endure.

Su Xun stood up with a smile: "thank you for your wisdom. I think If it's OK, I'll go first. "

"Of course." Director PI said with a smile, he didn't feel the slightest awe from Su Xun.

Su Xun took a look at Yan sir, waved to her, and then walked out of the office.

Yan Sir and Minnie also left later.

"Su Xun, we won't give up this case!" Yan Sir caught up with Su Xun and said.

The police are very skilled in this kind of thing.

The top says no, the bottom does the same.

As long as the case is solved, it's a credit.

Su Xun stopped and looked at her with a dangerous smile: "my people are not so easy to fight."

With that, he flicked his cigarette butt into the garbage can and left with his hands in his pocket.

"Let the guys who beat people today be careful. He may get dirty." His face is dignified.

Minnie nodded: "I know sir."

"Take a break first, and I'll help you find the director in a few days." Yan Sir sighed.

Minnie nodded again.

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