That night.

All the customs officers who participated in the beating of the Wan Chai anti drug unit during the day were beaten with sacks.

It's said that he was beaten again by his father when he went back because he couldn't recognize him.

The customs knew that it was Su Xun who had it done, but they couldn't find any evidence, so they had to break their teeth.

At the same time, we continue to investigate the case behind the ice in secret. All of us are trying to solve the case and beat Wanchai police station in the face.

After the case was handed over to the Wan Chai police station, naturally, the two members of the anti drug team from magnesium also went to the Wan Chai police station.

Three days later, Wan Chai police station.

"Hello, you can call me Yu. I'm the leader of the New York anti drug team of magnesium." Yu said to Su Xun.

Su Xun also showed a kind smile and extended his hand: "welcome to Hong Kong Island"

"thank you, but unfortunately I will leave soon." Domain sighed a tone, pretending helplessly said.

Su Xun also accompanied him to play: "why? This case has not been solved yet. "

"Because I have been informed that the goods have gone to Mexico through the black market, and then they will be transported to magnesium from the channel there." Said Yu.

Su Xun sighed: "it seems that we don't have to look down. I wish you a smooth journey."

"Goodbye." Yu waved with a smile, and then left with his men.

"Susir, we really don't have to check? Isn't that in vain? " Chen Jiaju wailed.

Su Xun sneered: "who said that? Just now that guy has a problem, secretly follow him, at the same time call the flying tigers, let them come to support

This guy is ready to run. He used to work with post ice, and he can share 200 million dollars.

Later, he killed the queen of ice and monopolized the goods. He wanted to go back to magnesium by boat to sell the stolen goods.

It was completely annihilated on an island.

"Sir? How do you know he has a problem? "

Chen Jiaju asked curiously.

"What's all that crap for? Why don't you take someone to watch Su Xun glared at him.

"Oh." Chen Jiaju didn't dare to say more. He took his men out of the police station, and Su Xun followed him.

The credit for killing the bandit leader is of course his.

At the same time, underground parking.


Yu's assistant suddenly took out a gun from behind and pointed at him and said, "Yu, now follow me to the embassy."

"Hey, man, what are you doing?" Yu raised his hand and looked at his subordinates inexplicably.

Yu's assistant said: "some time ago, a seal team lost news in Myanmar, and you are the commander of this team. I have seen the files of the Hong Kong Island police. They have fought with the bandits twice. There are tactical traces of the seal team on both times. When do you want to install them again?"

"Man, put down the gun first. Listen to me..." Yu suddenly steps forward, grabs his assistant's hand and twists it. Then he turns around behind him, grabs his head with two hands and twists it. He dies.

That's how it's done.

Then Yu stuffed his assistant's body into the trunk and drove to the port.

As soon as he got out of the parking lot, a few cars behind him followed him. Meanwhile, the Flying Tigers were on the road.

We arrived at the port in half an hour.

Yu took out his mobile phone and made a phone call. Then two people came out and carried the body in the trunk onto the ship.

Yu also got on the boat, then the boat whistled and set sail to the vast sea.

The ship was on the sea for about 20 minutes.

Then he stopped, then a man in a diving suit jumped into the sea, and tied boxes of ice to the hook of the special fishing goods.

"Wuhu ~ we are rich!"

"Look, there's my Ferrari."

"That's my mansion, too!"

"Ha ha ha ha, we are the richest man in the real magnesium country with 2.5 billion US dollars!"

The members of the seal team, looking at the suspended ice, are laughing and have begun to imagine a better life in the future.

"Come on, move the things here."

"He's excited, too, but he's calm as a leader," Yu waved.

"Look! What is that

Suddenly, a man pointed to the horizon and cried.

Everyone subconsciously looks to the sky.

I saw the two black spots getting closer and closer, and then everyone saw the shape of the two black spots.

"Oh, shette! It's a helicopter! We've been found. Come on guys, get your weapons

At the same time, Yu rushed into the cabin and ran out with a rifle.

Several speedboats on the sea are also approaching the freighter at a high speed, and the people on board are from Wanchai police station.

"People on board hear that you are surrounded. Put down your weapons and surrender immediately."On the speedboat, Miao Zhishun shouts with a loudspeaker.


A bullet hit the speedboat.

"Helicopter cover, speedboat up."

Su Xun took the walkie talkie to direct the arrest.

"Buzz, buzz..."

"Dada dada..."

The machine gun on the helicopter aimed at the freighter, which was a series of strafing, which made the bandits unable to lift their heads.

At the same time, speedboats also took advantage of this opportunity to get close to the freighter, and then boarded one after another.

"Stop them! Shoot them

A hysterical roar.

"Kang Kang..."

Su Xun killed two people with two shots, and then jumped on the freighter first, with a small pistol pressing the seals.

People from behind also got on the boat.

The flying tigers also began to land on the helicopter.

With more people and less fighting, and complete firepower, the Flying Tigers had to fight and retreat at the same time, using the ship's measures as bunkers to fight with the police.

"Kang Kang..."


The gunfire went on and on the ship.

"Stop them! Kill them

Yu yells as he shoots. In fact, he has been running under the cabin.

Su Xun stared at him and chased him all the time. As soon as they ran away, they came to the engine of the ship.

"Yu, surrender, you have no way to live!"

Su Xun hid at the corner and yelled at the inside.

"How did you see through it?"

Domain asked the doubts in the heart.

"This ship has been at the dock for three weeks, which seems very abnormal, so I've been following it for a long time."

Su Xun is a bit of bullshit. He's not that powerful. He's just a prophet.

Yu said, "maybe I shouldn't go to see you. I won't surrender. I'll kill you and leave."

"You want to fart." Su Xun's voice fell, his body sank, and a donkey rolled out.

Yu heard the sound, and subconsciously came out from behind the pillar to shoot. But susian was lying on the ground, so his subconscious shots were all empty.

"Kang Kang..."

Su Xun was lying on the ground and fired three shots in a row.

All three shots hit the heart of the field.

Yu looked down, then seemed to say something, but after all, he didn't say it. The body fell down, and it could be said that he was dead.

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