In the unfinished building.

Bamianfo's son and daughter took the money, handed him a satellite phone and left.

Only boby and Blackwood were left in the unfinished building.

"So you're undercover!"

Boby looked at the photos uploaded from his mobile phone and showed the phone to heichai. His eyes were fierce.

"What are you talking about! You're kidding

Looking at the photo in Bobbi's hand, heichai is confused. How can he be an undercover?

He didn't know when he became an undercover agent. Did he lose his memory?

"Grass Mud Horse, still pretending?"

Boby didn't listen to his explanation. He took the gun with his other hand and pulled the trigger.

"Kang Kang..."

Three shots in a row, black wood covered his chest and fell to the ground.

He died a long time ago.

Looking at heichai who has lost his life, Su Jianqiu stays in the same place.

He knew that heichai had died for him.

"Kill him!"

Boby points at Su Jianqiu and yells.

Su Jianqiu responded and quickly hid behind a car.

"Kang Kang..."

Several bullets hit the car body and splashed a burst of fireballs.


With the roar of the engine, a red taxi rushed out.

"Ah Chiu!"

Ma Haotian roared, stretched out his gun from the window, aimed at Bobbi's man and pulled the trigger.

Su Xun also shot from another window.

Zhang Ziwei was driving around.

Su Jianqiu rolled on the ground, picked up a gun and began to fight back to Bobbi.

"Kang Kang..."

"Cover me! Come and cover me

"Don't let Bobbie run away!"

The gunfire went on and on in the unfinished building.

A few minutes later, the uncompleted building was quiet again.

All the people brought by boby died, leaving boby alive. He was shot in the arm and could only kneel and shiver.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me."

Boby's face turned pale and asked for mercy.


Su Jianqiu roars and points his gun at Bobbi. He wants to avenge heichai. After all, he has been with heichai for so long. He has a lot of feelings.

This is the tragedy of undercover, and his boss out of life and death out of the feelings, but often in the end have to catch him.

So there are also many undercover defectors, because they spend more time with criminals than with police officers, and their feelings can not be erased.

"What are you doing?"

Ma Haotian pushes Su Jianqiu away.

"Now that the mission has failed, what's the use of keeping him? Just kill him!"

Su Jianqiu roared with her eyes.

"Failed? It hasn't failed yet. " Ma Haotian looked calm, looked at Bobbi and said, "tomorrow, you will go with us to continue trading with bamianfo."

In order to grasp the eight Face Buddha layout for such a long time, just go back, he absolutely can't accept.

"No! no way! If the eighth master knew that I betrayed him, I would die miserably. I advise you not to go tomorrow. It's no different from looking for death. "

Even in this situation, boby did not dare to sell the eight faced Buddha, which shows the ferocity of the eight faced Buddha.

"You're not going! Then you're going to die now! "

Zhang Ziwei put the gun on his forehead.

"I I'll go, I'll go. "

Compared with dying now, and at least a ray of life tomorrow, boby can only admit it first.

"You're going! Still going! Don't you think there are enough people to die? "

Su Jianqiu rushed over and gave Ma Haotian a blow.

"Ah Qiu! Don't be impulsive. "

Zhang Ziwei quickly hugs Su Jianqiu.

"Let me go! Let go of me! Why do you help him every time? "

Su Jianqiu kept struggling and roaring.

"I've helped you, too! We are all good brothers. Why did we make this step? "

Zhang Ziwei holds Su Jianqiu by the waist and refuses to let him fight Ma Haotian.

Ma Haotian wiped the bloodstain on the corner of his mouth, looked at Su Jianqiu and said, "yes, I have to go, and you have to go, because I'm a policeman, and so are you."

"I'm wrong! I'm not the head office of the police Su Jianqiu roared.

Su Xun said coldly, "do you think this is to buy vegetables? Do you want to come and go? I agree with leader Ma. The deal will continue tomorrow. "

"It's easy for you to say! You're not undercover! You know how many times I nearly died! " Su Jianqiu breathed heavily and threw the fire on Su Xun's head.

Su Xun said: "I've been an undercover. Although I didn't have your undercover career, I've been in more danger than you since I was a policeman."Su Jianqiu stared at him, speechless, because Su Xun solved those cases, he also knew.

It's true that many of them are more dangerous than his undercover work.

"Ah Qiu, the last time, the last time. You can go back to the police force when you catch the bamianfo." Zhang Ziwei kept persuading Su Jianqiu.

In this way, Su Jianqiu's mood stabilized, and finally acquiesced in tomorrow's action.


That night, a police station in Thailand.

"Do you know! Because of your police undercover, almost killed my man! I tell you! I will definitely complain to Interpol headquarters! "

Su Xun questioned the director Li Sheng.

"Sorry, Sergeant Su, we have caught the undercover. We will give him the punishment he deserves. If we can, we hope to make compensation."

Knowing that he was wrong, the director couldn't raise his temper in the face of Su Xun's questioning and anger.

"Just because of your negligence, the joint operation between Hong Kong and Thailand almost failed! I don't believe in the strength of your Thai police. I ask that I be the commander-in-chief of tomorrow's operation, and you Thai police will cooperate. "

The main purpose of Su Xun's fire was to pave the way for the leadership.

In the movie, Ma Haotian used this reason to get the command of the arrest operation.

But in the end, he was defeated in a mess. He also took the corresponding consequences and was demoted.

Su Xun will not lose. He will win very well. He will only be promoted, not demoted.

"Well, you can take command of the operation tomorrow." In order not to let Su Xun complain to Interpol headquarters, the director can only hold his nose.

Who makes their own backyard dirty.

Su Xun's face softened a little: "I have to say, you made a wise decision."

That night, Su Xun began to deploy police forces at tomorrow's trading scene, leaving all the police cars in the mountains to confuse the people of bamianfo, and then let the police officers hide behind the ruins.

At the same time, he secretly informed the Flying Tigers without telling Ma Haotian and others that after communicating with the Thai authorities on Hong Kong Island, the helicopter was able to enter the country.

After the helicopter carrying the Flying Tigers entered the country, they did not go directly to the trading point, but stood by in a mountain depression kilometers away from the trading point.

The eight faced Buddha thinks that he can hit the Hong Kong Island police and the Thai police with his tricks.

I don't know that Su Xun is also scheming against him.

That's what I predicted for you.

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