The next day, in a restaurant.

Su Xun, Ma Haotian, Zhang Ziwei and Su Jianqiu all sat on the same table.

Just then, a car came.

Two foreigners came down from the car.

These two are Interpol involved in the operation.

The arrest of bamianfo is a joint operation of many parties.

"In the past." Su Xun took Ma Haotian and Zhang Ziwei to talk with Interpol.

Su Jianqiu took a look at the satellite phone on the desk, pursed his lips, and finally picked it up.

Then click the replay button, dial and say, "the deal is cancelled."

"What?" The other side was obviously confused.

Su Jianqiu added: "today's transaction is cancelled. There is a ghost."

Finish saying, hang up the phone, put the phone back to the original position, heart uneasy.

"Ah Qiu, let's go." Soon, Ma Haotian waved to Su Jianqiu in the restaurant.

Su Jianqiu picked up the satellite phone, responded with a smile on her face, and then ran over.

A moment later, three cars drove along the dirt road to the ruins deep in the forest.

Sitting in the car, Su Jianqiu always has five minds. He twists and turns.

Su Xun said casually, "why, I'm afraid."

"No Su Jianqiu looks unnatural.

Su Xun said with a smile, "I thought you told the eight faced Buddha about your performance."

Su Jianqiu's body was stiff for a moment.

He always felt as if he had been known by Su Xun.

Then I felt that I was thinking too much.

If Su Xun had known about it for a long time, how could he continue to trade?

Su Xun was just trying to scare him, because Su Jianqiu's starting point for reporting to Bamian Buddha was good.

I don't want more people to die.

It's just that he was so naive that he was recruited by the eight faced Buddha and killed more people.

About half an hour later, three cars successively drove into the ruins, and then everyone got off.

Boby's legs were shaking: "elder brothers, let's go quickly. You can't fight the eighth master."

"Don't talk nonsense. If you dare to show up later, I'll shoot you." Zhang Ziwei threatened in a low voice.

After waiting for about ten minutes, I didn't see the people of Bamian Buddha coming. Everyone was a little uneasy.

Su Jianqiu was relieved. He thought that bamianfo would not come after receiving his message.

But at this time, a burst of engine sound, saw a few off-road vehicles swept the dust.

Su Jianqiu's face gradually stiff, forehead exuded beans big sweat, the heart is full of uneasiness.

He had already told the eight faced Buddha, but the eight faced Buddha's people came back.

What does that mean?

Ma Haotian, they don't know what Su Jianqiu is thinking. They take Bobbi to walk over.

Shali, the son of bamianfo, and Minna, the daughter of bamianfo, also came up with people.

"Do you have another one?"

Sha Li asked. He asked heichai.

Everyone was stunned, because they didn't really think of an excuse for heichai's death.

"He died. I killed him because I wanted to swallow his share." Su Jianqiu's quick wit.

Minna smiles: "handsome man, I like your honesty. Where's the money? Take it out and have a look. "

I have to say that this woman is really beautiful. She has a hot figure, white skin, long legs, thin waist and big hair.

This girl is really good at everything. It's a pity that she is a man. Yes, Minna is a human demon.

In the movie, Zhang Ziwei can marry her, it can be said that it is enough to survive.

Ma Haotian winked at Zhang Ziwei.

Zhang Ziwei put two boxes on the ground and opened them to reveal the money inside.

"Well, look at the goods." Shali asked someone to take the money, then lifted the cloth on the car, revealing a full size of neat hailo.

Ma Haotian stares at boby. Boby pretends to be calm and says, "Sha Li, didn't you come?"

"You don't need your father in this small business." Sha Li said calmly.

Ma Haotian didn't expect that the eight faced Buddha didn't come, but now he can only arrest people.

Take out a gun to aim at Sha Li: "don't move!"

"Kang Kang..."

Sha Li and others had been prepared to fight back as soon as Ma Haotian took out his gun.


Next, the two sides used vehicles and debris as bunkers to launch a gun battle.

"Kang Kang..."

Su Xun shot Minna three times in a row.

"Wow, it's hard work."

Chen Jiaju saw this scene and said something.

While he was shooting, Su Xun sneered: "hard hand to destroy flowers? If you're interested, you can go and take a look at her pants. Maybe it's bigger than you. ""No way." After all, this is a local product of Thailand.


While he was talking, Su Xun changed a bullet clip. Every time he pulled the trigger, he would take a life away.

"Gaga -"

all of a sudden, all the crows on the distant wires screamed and flew away. Then, with the sound of the propeller, two helicopters flew over.

"The eight faced Buddha is ready! Get out of here

Ma Haotian's pupil contracted into the eye of a needle.

"What's the hurry?" Su Xun was calm.

Then the crowd saw four more helicopters in the air and surrounded the two helicopters.

"Flying tigers!"

Zhang Ziwei blurted out.

"Yes, is it possible to allow him to prepare for the eight faced Buddha and not allow me to prepare for it?"

Su Xun pretended to be a force.

"It's right to bring you here this time!"

Ma Haotian hit Su Xun excitedly.

Su Jianqiu took a look at Su Xun, and his face was a little complicated. Su Xun knew that he was calling to report.


Four helicopters fired rockets at the same time, which directly exploded the two mercenary helicopters.

Then two helicopters came and the other two went in the other direction.

The two helicopters went after bamianfo.

Bamianfo had been outside. When he saw that the two mercenary helicopters he had paid for were blasted, he immediately got on the armored car to escape.

The eight faced Buddha's motorcade ran wildly on the road. Two helicopters were shooting with machine guns in the air. Behind them, the Wan Chai crime squad was also chasing.

"Dada dada..."

The bullets of the heavy machine gun roared out like a fire dragon, and hit the ground with dust. In an instant, two cars in the eight faced Buddha's motorcade were knocked over.

"Come on! Hurry up

Inside the armored vehicle, the eight faced Buddha was no longer as calm as before, and the color of panic was on the surface.

"Dada dada..."

"Dada dada..."

All the motorcade of bamianfo was swept over by machine gun, and only his armored car was still in a frenzy.

"Whew -

a rocket went down and exploded in front of the armored car, which was overturned by the huge impact force of the explosion.

Then two helicopters approached, circled in the air, dropped the rope ladder, and the heavily armed Flying Tigers grabbed the rope to descend the ladder and surrounded the armored vehicle.

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