Ever since he knew that there was a special function research institute in the world, Su Xun arranged for someone to stare at it for two years.

Up to now, there has been some movement.

When the army comes to Hong Kong Island, it means that the plot of the first gambler movie has already begun.

"Go and find out if there is a gambling boat called the God of gambling going to sea recently, and the news about the apprentices of the God of gambling." Su Xun orders Miao Zhishun.

The first one is about Zhou xingzu who has special function and wants to worship the God of gambling as his teacher.

Because the money he won by his special function can only do good deeds, and he can't spend it by himself, otherwise he will have bad luck.

So he wanted to worship the God of gambling as a teacher and learn real gambling skills to win money.

But he couldn't find the God of gambling. He could only find Chen Xiaodao, the disciple of the God of gambling, and beat him to death.

At the same time, Chen Jincheng was sentenced to five years' imprisonment for killing Gao Yi on a gambling boat. His son Hussein decided to help his father take revenge.

Trying to ruin the God of gamblers.

So when the God of gamblers was not on Hong Kong Island, he pretended to be his apprentice and built a gambling boat called the God of gamblers to go out to sea. He wanted to make thousands of dollars on the boat to win the money of the rich. He found the army.

Hussein also arrested Zhou xingzu's third uncle and Long Wu, who protected Chen Xiaodao, and threatened Chen Xiaodao, so that Chen Xiaodao did not dare to expose his identity as a fake.

Finally, Chen Xiaodao decided to use gambling skills to fight with him on the gambling boat. Zhou xingzu and Chen Xiaodao worked together to defeat Hussein and the army.

Then Zhou xingzu became the apprentice of Gao Jin, the God of gamblers. Later, the plot of the second movie is introduced.

The second is called "gambler on the beach gambler." the army went back to the mainland special function research institute and found their own martial brother to take revenge on Zhou xingzu on Hong Kong Island.

As a result, they launched the special function at the same time, and the special function was launched to the extreme, resulting in the shuttle of time and space.

The army, the third uncle and Zhou xingzu all crossed the Shanghai beach in July 1937.

Finally, I had a contest with the devils, and then crossed back to modern Hong Kong Island.

What Su Xun had to wait for was the second plot to take a ride to fight the devil.

Apart from other things, the July 7th incident happened in July 1937. He went to kill all the devils in Shanghai beach and then put them back on. Isn't that too much.

By the way, we will send ammunition support to our party. The most important thing is the means of production of various weapons.

At that time, maybe the first atomic bomb will be manufactured by our country and thrown into the devil's headquarters.

He can't stay in that time and space for a long time. After all, his identity and task is to be promoted to Commissioner of police to clear up the chaos on Hong Kong Island. Now he is two grades away.

So this trip is just a tour.

"Is Su Sir interested in gambling?"

Hearing that Su Xun asked Miao Zhishun to inquire about the gambling boat, long Jiu asked.

Su Xun said with a smile: "I like to play two games when I'm free, but I don't play much."

Long Jiu nodded and said nothing more.


The day after uncle DA and Yu suqiu's wedding, Su Xun returned to work.

Now, as a regional leader, he doesn't need to fight in person any more.

So most of the time I'm in the office.

"Dong Dong..."

The door of the office was knocked.

"Come in." Su Xun said without raising his head.

Miao Zhishun opened the door and went in: "Su sir, in recent days, there is really a gambling boat called the God of gambling to go to sea. It is said that it is organized by the disciples of the God of gambling to raise money. All the rich are welcome to board."

"When will we go to sea?" Su Xun asked.

Since you want to take a ride through this, of course, you need to get to know Zhou xingzu first, so long as it doesn't affect the general plot.

"Three days later."


Three days later.


Su Xun took Fang Jiexia on board.

Behind him are Chen Jiaju and Li Ying.

"Su sir, welcome. I didn't expect you to come. It really makes me shine!"

Hussain welcomed Su Xun with a smile on his face, but his heart was cold. You caught my godfather, but you didn't dare to come.

If I don't let you die on the boat this time, my name is not Hussein.

"I seem to remember that the apprentice of the God of gamblers didn't look like you." Su Xun looked at Hussein and said.

As soon as Hussein's face became stiff, he remembered that Su Xun had met Gao Jin and Chen Xiaodao, but he quickly responded: "Su Sir said that it was my elder martial brother. I'm a new disciple of Shifu."

"Oh, I see." Su Xun didn't want to influence the plot, so of course he wouldn't tear him down.

"Here comes Susir. I'm sure I'll play some."

Hussein was by his side, egging him on.Su Xun laughed: "I don't like to play a few, but I like to be played by beautiful women."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

The people around me were laughing.

Fang Jiexia's face is slightly red. She often plays.

"Su Sir is so humorous. Please come inside." Hussein's mouth twitched a little. Madder, I'll see if you can still laugh after you lose all.

He used intrigue to make Zhou xingzu lose his special function. Now only the army around him has special function. He will sweep the whole court today.

Su Xun waved his hand: "go and greet other people. I'll just walk around by myself."

"Well, I won't disturb Susir." Hussein watched Su Xun leave, then waved and said to one of his subordinates, "keep an eye on him. Don't let Chen Xiaodao contact him, or you'll have to help today."

"Yes, boss." My subordinates took orders and left.

"Elder martial brother, who's that man? It's easy to drag."

Zhou xingzu points to Su Xun, who holds the moon like the stars.

Chen Xiaodao's eyes brightened: "it's su sir. He has met me and Shifu, and he will believe me. With his prestige and status, if he comes out to crack down on that fake, everyone will believe him."

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!" Zhou xingzu can't wait to say.

Chen Xiaodao saw the color that Su Xun had given him and held Zhou xingzu: "wait a minute, Su Sir doesn't want us to go there. Let's wait and see the change first."

"Well, let's win first. It's going to cost US $3 million to compete in the Poker King tournament organized by the fake." Zhou xingzu said.

Chen Xiaodao said: "you lead the army with special functions for me, otherwise with him, I don't have to say three million, three hundred dollars can't win."

What he can do is gambling, which belongs to the normal range. It can't match the special function of cheating.

"Well I don't think I need to Zhou xingzu said and pointed to the direction where Su Xun was.

Chen Xiaodao subconsciously looked at the past.

The army was being held by two guns,

and the owners of the guns were Li Ying and Chen Jiaju beside Su Xun.

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