Li Ying and Chen Jiaju suddenly shot, attracting everyone's attention.

And the army that was pointed at by the gun was muddled. He didn't know why.

"Su sir, what happened? I don't know how my friend offended you."

Hussain came running at the news.

Looking at the army, Su Xun said faintly, "the way this man looks at me makes me feel uncomfortable."

All of you

That's why you're shooting people?

The army even wanted to vomit blood. When I stepped on the horse, I looked at you curiously, which made you uncomfortable?

If he didn't worry about Su Xun's identity, he would have to use his special function to make a good job of Su Xun.

Hussein was also very angry, but he could only endure: "Susir, my friend just came from the mainland, and may not know you, but he has no malice. I apologize for him."

"In the face of your master, I don't care about him, but I don't want to see him here." Su Xun said softly.

The army looks at Hussein. If he leaves, how can they stop Chen Xiaodao from winning the gambling?

Hussein was also worried about this, but it was hard to refute Su Xun, so he had to go back and ask for the second place: "Su Sir opened his mouth, of course, I can't refuse, but my friend is specially invited from the mainland to participate in the Poker King competition, so I can't let him go for nothing."

Chen Xiaodao is the same as long as he wins the Poker King competition.

"Then let him show up again in the poker king contest." Of course, Su Xun didn't want to affect the plot and prevent the army from being defeated by Zhou xingzu. How could the army invite his brothers to Hong Kong Island to seek revenge for him.

If the army doesn't invite the younger martial brothers to take revenge, how can it ever cross the border later.

So we must let the army lose to Zhou xingzu.

Hussein winked at the army.

The army, though unwilling, had to leave first.

Hussein showed a flattering smile to Su Xun: "Su sir, you should be satisfied now."

Madder, let you be arrogant for a while, and then lose to death.

"Well." Su Xun nodded and went to the gambling table with Li Ying and Chen Jiaju on his back.

Chen Xiaodao and Zhou xingzu looked at each other and knew that Su Xun was helping them to set up an army so that they could spare their hands to win enough gambling money.

After all, if you want to beat Hussein at the table, you have to take part in the king of cards competition.

In order to participate in the king of poker competition, you must have three million dollars to enter the gambling capital.

However, what surprised them was that how did Su Xun know that the army would hinder them?

Su Xun had a mysterious appearance in their eyes.

Without the special power of the army to make trouble, Chen Xiaodao began to sweep all directions by gambling.

Su Xun whispered a few words to Chen Jiaju.

Then Chen Jiaju went to Zhou xingzu and patted him on the shoulder: "follow me."

"Where to?" Zhou xingzu recognized that this was Su Xun's subordinate, but he had no doubt.

Chen Jiaju said, "I'll take you to Mengluo."

"She's on the boat, too?" Zhou Xingzu's mood was as like as two peas, and the dream of his dream was identical.

Chen Jiaju was a little impatient: "what are you doing with so much nonsense? Are you going or not?"

"Brother, calm down. Go, of course." Zhou xingzu said repeatedly.

Chen Jiaju left with him. Anyway, he has no special function now, and he can't help Chen Xiaodao.

Chen Jiaju and Zhou xingzu were drilling around on the boat. Seven or eight minutes later, they finally saw a room with two men in suits standing guard.

"That's the room. Let's go."

Chen Jiaju and Zhou xingzu went over.

"Well, what do you do?"

Seeing Chen Jiaju and Zhou xingzu coming over, the two men in suits subconsciously showed their vigilance.

"Sorry, we're here to hit you."

Chen Jiaju said apologetically to them.


Both of them were stunned.

It was at this moment that Chen Jiaju suddenly launched an attack and kicked them on the head.

Two people didn't even have time to make a scream, they fell to the ground with a plop.

Zhou xingzu widened his eyes: "good skill."

"Of course, the whole Hong Kong Island police force can't find a few who can draw with me." When Chen Jiaju heard this, he raised his eyebrows and said something.

Zhou xingzu asked, "what about Su sir?"

Chen Jiaju's smile froze: "better than me."

"Didn't you say that few of the Hong Kong Island police force can draw with you?" Zhou xingzu is confused.

Chen Jiaju is serious: "few can draw for me, but not including those who can kill me."Zhou xingzu

"Come on, what are you doing with all that nonsense? Can you save beauty?" Chen Jiaju opened the door.

Standing in the window to see the sea dream Luo heard back, and then at a glance saw the coming Zhou xingzu.

"A Xing."

"Are you Mengluo or Qimeng?" Zhou xingzu doesn't believe that there are two people who are so similar in the world.

He obviously hasn't met Zhou Xingxing.

Monroe stepped forward two steps: "I'm Monroe. Hussain is the son of Chen Jincheng, the gambling demon. I owe him money, so he threatened me to break your special function through your third uncle, and then he exempted me from my debt..."

"You two have it or not. Take the time to recover the special function." Chen Jiaju is also curious. Is there any special function in the world?

Dream Luo smell speech, quickly looking at Zhou xingzu said: "a Xing, you quickly say, how can I help you restore the special function, I hurt you."

"Well I lost my powers once before, and then Qimeng kisses me... " Zhou xingzu lowered his head and was very embarrassed to speak.

A moment later, Zhou xingzu walked out of the room with a full face and lips.

His special function has been restored, and he also performed moving objects across the air for Chen Jiaju, which made Chen Jiaju an eye opener and dare not underestimate him.

But he still asked curiously: "do you know a man named Zhou Xingxing?"

Both of them are surnamed Zhou, and they are all of the star generation. They should not be related by blood.

"Who? Good courage, dare to imitate me! My name Zhou xingzu raised his eyebrows.

Chen Jiaju said: "flying tiger team instructor."

Zhou Xingxing wandered several times and returned to the Flying Tigers.

"What level." Zhou xingzu asked.

Chen Jiaju reluctantly replied, "superintendent."

Damn it, that bastard has been promoted faster than him, and the promotion speed is second only to Su sir.

However, the rate of decline was also very fast. Last time, he was directly reduced from an inspector to a traffic policeman.

"Sheriff?" When Zhou xingzu pondered, he leaned back: "I didn't expect that there would be such a coincidence in the world. I've had a long relationship with Zhou Sir just by his name. I hope you can introduce him in the future."

"You look so shameless like him. You'll have something in common." Chen Jiaju said.

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