After Li Wenbin was sent away, Su Xun got up and went out of the office to the interrogation room of the serious crime unit.

Tao Chengbang is the driver of Cao Nan Gang, and he is also a good friend of LV Mingzhe when he was a child.

Just 10 days ago.

I didn't expect my childhood friend to meet again. He actually drove into LV Mingzhe, which created an opportunity for Cao nan to escape. Hong Kong Film likes to play this game.

Such plots as fratricidal brothers and enemies of friends are old-fashioned. If you dare to write a novel like this, you will be sure that your mother will not know you.


"Good, sir."

Along the way, everyone said hello.

When Su Xun came to the interrogation room, he found that LV Mingzhe was watching outside.

"Susir." LV Mingzhe saw Su Xun.

Su Xun asked, "do you know him?"

"Yes, I used to be a school and a good friend. I didn't expect that..." Later, Lu Mingzhe did not go on, but shook his head.

Su Xun said, "what do you think?"

"Tao Chengbang and Cao Nan can't get away from each other. He drove a car in his own name and hit me in the hope that I would catch him. Instead, he would clear the suspicion that he was one of the robbers." Lu Mingzhe said with gnashing teeth.

Su Xun patted him on the shoulder: "you want to be a good policeman, but sometimes you don't just need your integrity to solve a case. Don't be too sharp."

With that, he went into the interrogation room.

"Susir." "Susir."

The two men who were interrogating Tao Chengbang stood up and saluted Su Xun.

Then LV Mingzhe came in.

Tao Chengbang saw LV Mingzhe and laughed at him. Obviously, he also recognized him.

Lu Mingzhe's face is expressionless. He is a man who is jealous of evil. His verbal language is to catch all criminals, no matter whether they are his friends or his parents.

Su Xun waved to the two interrogators and said, "go out."

"Yes, sir." They turned away and closed the door of the interrogation room.

Su Xun looked at Tao Chengbang: "I know that you are only responsible for driving and cleaning up the aftermath. You didn't start robbery, and you didn't start killing. I'll give you a chance to be a tainted witness, OK? Do you want to think about it? "

"Su sir, I don't understand what you're saying. It's really an accident. The police's gunfight scared me to step on the wrong accelerator." Tao Chengbang is still fighting.

It can't be called stubborn resistance, because from the beginning to the end, he didn't think the police could cure his own crimes.

Su Xun laughed and raised his hand.

Then the flashing light in the corner goes out, which means that the monitoring in the interrogation room is turned off.


Su Xun slapped Tao Chengbang in the face, and then quickly kicked him.


Tao Chengbang fell to the ground with a stool.

Lu Mingzhe was shocked and almost blurted out: "Su sir, this is not in line with the rules."

"Mingzhe, remember what I just said to you?" Su Xun laughed at him, then said calmly: "here, I am the biggest rule. Don't tell me about human rights. Criminals don't deserve human rights."

It seems that Lu Mingzhe's Three Outlooks have been impacted. This is his first time to see Su Xun, but it's different from what he imagined. It's hard to say what he felt.

"I I will complain about you! I will sue you! I ask for an examination! "

Tao Chengbang roared on the ground.

After all, Hong Kong Island now advocates human rights and forbids violent interrogation of prisoners.

Tao Chengbang didn't expect that Su Xun would beat him.

"Bang! Bang! Bang... "

Su Xun's feet were just a few feet. Tao Cheng's face was convulsed, and his face was pale with pain, sweating like rain.

"Examination? no complaint? Believe it or not, you dare to complain, there are tens of thousands of people willing to carry the pot for me! "

"I tell you! There will be no living soil for you criminals on Hong Kong Island one day

"I advise you criminals to keep the law! Otherwise, if I don't step on the horse, you will die even worse! Damn the mud horse

Su Xun swore at the same time.

Lu Mingzhe's reason told him that it was against the police regulations and against the rules.

Tell him his heart, that's it.

He was all excited.

Tao Chengbang felt that his bones were about to fall apart, but he clenched his teeth and said nothing.

After playing for a few minutes, Su Xun stopped: "I know you have a girlfriend named Bing."

"What do you want to do! I'll tell you what's coming for me! " Tao Chengbang's eyes are red.


Su Xun kicked him in the face: "I'm coming to you right now? Yelling at your mother. "

"Your girlfriend is beautiful. Are you a criminal and a thief worthy of her? What do you think is the probability of me chasing her? " Su Xun had a gentle smile.Tao Chengbang's eyes would stare out: "I'm a mud horse. Do you think you're a bad guy if you threaten me with this? Don't touch her, don't mess around

"It seems that the relationship between you is not firm. Otherwise, why are you so worried? If she loves you enough, how can she be moved by me? " Su Xun squatted down and patted him on the face: "however, I'm good at chasing women. I'm a promising Assistant Commissioner of police and a thief. I don't think it's hard to choose between the two?"

"Tao Chengbang, if you don't want this to happen, you still have a choice to be an undercover agent and a tainted witness. I guarantee that you are innocent and can marry your girlfriend and Meimei." Su Xun grinned and showed his big white teeth.

In the movie, this guy was stimulated by his girlfriend before he wanted to stop, and finally he was killed by a car.

It's a kind of retribution.

So Su Xun used this move to deal with him.

It's dirty, but it works.

But no matter how dirty it is, can it be dirtier than criminals?

What's more, he also made verbal threats and didn't take any action. Generally speaking, he was a good prostitute.

Tao Chengbang stares at Su Xun, gasping for breath, and his teeth are about to be broken.

"My patience is limited, and I have no patience with people who are not as good as me." Su Xun shook his head, wiped his hands on his clothes and left.


Tao Chengbang suddenly stopped him.

Su Xun turned around and looked at Tao Chengbang on the ground with a smile.

Tao Chengbang gritted his teeth: "OK, I'll do it."

Lu Mingzhe was stunned, as if he had been opened the door of a new world.

Isn't it so cool to break the rules?

Since then, the Hong Kong Island police force has lost an honest inspector Lu and an angry bandit Lu who makes all criminals shiver.

All thanks to Su Xun's training.

"That's right. Come on, I'll untie it myself." With a smile, susian took Tao Chengbang to his clothes, then untied his handcuffs and took him out of the interrogation room.

"Tie it up!"

As soon as he went out, Tao Chengbang's girlfriend rushed over and hugged him tightly.

Su Xun said with a smile: "the first time I saw a real person, it was really beautiful. You should cherish it."

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