Three days later, ten o'clock at noon.

Hong Kong Island Regional Conference room.

"I've just received the tip that today's Caonan gang will take action. This time, it must be one pot!"

"They are now on the 25th floor of the first building of Funing building, which is about to be demolished, so there are no residents in it, so you can rest assured to call."

"There are eight entrances and exits in the building. It's not enough to rely on the personnel of the crime squad alone. Moreover, Cao Nan and others will not be arrested, so the charge team will support them."

"There is an undercover agent arranged by me in Cao Nan's gang. This is his photo. Remember not to hurt him. In addition, I will lead the operation myself..."

After finishing a series of tasks, Su Xun threw the document on the table: "action!"

With his command, everyone got up and rushed out of the meeting room and began to carry out their orders.

A few minutes later, several police vehicles drove out of the Hong Kong Island regional police station without ringing the alarm.

Because I'm afraid to scare the snake.

At the same time, inside Funing building.

25, 11th floor, building one.

Cao Nan and his men are distributing weapons, all kinds of large caliber weapons, even rockets.

"It's not safe to start again so soon?" A man named blind Dragon said.

"What's not safe? That's all the crap that's going to catch us? You're kidding. "

"This time in Hong Kong Island, the man surnamed Su has not got a false name. Be careful."

"It's just one of the dwarfs. If he dares to come, I really want to meet him." Cao Nan said.

Tao Chengbang shot the gun without saying a word.

"All right, get ready and start in ten minutes."

Seven minutes later, the police had surrounded the Funing building.

After seeing the movie, Su Xun naturally knew how Cao Nan and others ran away this time, so he completely blocked Cao Nan's escape route in the movie.

The rooftop has been blocked, and several buildings nearby have also sent snipers. As for why snipers are not used in the movie, the director may not allow it.

This time, it's a net.


After all the groups arrived at the predetermined position, Su Xun gave the action order and personally led the group A of the regional crime team into the building.

At the same time, Cao Nan's people found something wrong.

"Brother Nan, the monitoring signal is blocked. It must be the cops." A subordinate reports to Cao Nan.

Cao Nan's eyes swept all the people in the house, because he suspected that there was a traitor, but at this time, he didn't know who it was, so he could not investigate it for the time being.

"Take the guys, rush out and walk from the roof." Cao Nan said in no hurry.

He dealt with the Hong Kong Island police a few years ago, so he didn't take them seriously.

Because these people are not qualified to let him take it seriously.

It is said that if the Hong Kong Island police have some skills, they will not let him be free until today.

The reason why they are ready to break through is that they are carrying a lot of weapons and are doomed to be caught.

So just take advantage of the weapons and rush out.

However, Cao Nan did not rush, but hid behind the door and aimed the rocket at the door.

He was sure that the police would come quietly to break the door, so he pretended not to find out, sent them a rocket, and then rushed to the roof.

At the entrance of the stairs, a step up is the room where Cao Nan and others hide. At the same time, Cao Nan can see them through the cat's eye on the door.

So Su Xun waved his hand to stop the crowd.

Then he took out a grenade and threw it to the door. The people who saw the film didn't talk about martial arts.

Although the people behind them all know that it is against the police regulations to attack without warning.

But does that matter to Susir?

Besides, when did Su Sir bring a grenade?

Ding Dong Dong

The grenade rolled to the door with a clear and pleasant sound.

"What sound?"

Hiding in the door to give the police a surprise, Cao Nan and others heard the sound of the grenade landing.

"No! It's a grenade

Cao Nan first reaction, directly lost the bazooka, turned to pounce on the crowd back.


At the same time, the violent explosion sounded, the iron door was directly deformed and fell off, and the flame was huge.


Su Xun took the lead and burst in with a gun.

"Dada dada..."

He took a rifle and fired mercilessly.

Cao Nan's blind dragon was the first to be killed.

"Let's go!"

"Dada dada..."

Cao Nan and others are also fearless and Su Xun and others refute the fire, while fighting while withdrawing.

It's impossible to go to the rooftop, because the police have been detained and they can't stand out.So I had to go to the window and climb out.


The sound of the sniper gun rang out and a man fell to the ground.

"Brother Nan, there's a sniper on the other side!"

PA Ge exclaimed.

There are no snipers in the movie, otherwise they would not have escaped from Funing building.

"Close the curtains quickly!"

In this way, there is Su Xun outside the door and snipers outside the window, blocking Cao Nan and others in the room.

"Cao Nan! Surrender! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude At the corner, Su Xun persuaded him to surrender.

Cao Nan sneered: "impossible!"

"Then you forced me." With that, Su Xun threw another grenade in.

"Lie down, NIMA! Are you still a police inspector? "

Cao Nan cursed and rushed to the other side of the room. The grenade exploded instantly.

"Rush in!"

At the same time, Su Xun with people completely rushed into the room, directly surrounded Cao Nan several people.

"You use a grenade when you step on a horse! You're a cop with a grenade! You're breaking the police regulations! " Cao Nan roared angrily.

Hong Kong Island police pay attention to catching criminals alive. Because there is no death penalty on Hong Kong Island, they should try their best to catch criminals alive instead of killing them.

Otherwise, there would be no rule of showing one's identity before shooting and shooting after warning.

What's more, it's matched with the less powerful. 38. Sometimes one shot may not even kill a person.

And Su Xun directly let go of the thunder bombing, is the police attack way that Cao Nan never dreamed of.

Su Xun sneered: "you don't have to worry about me. You lost the grenade. How did I lose it? Who saw it? Who is it? "

He didn't use police grenades. His two grenades were completely his personal supplement to the police force.

It can be said that he is dedicated to the public!

Just ask someone like him, who else!

"Sir, I confess, I'm Fufa, and the grenade is really lost by our people." Tao Chengbang stood up and said that he was ready to go to the white road.

Cao Nan and other people's eyes red to crack: "it's you!"

From the police can find here, Cao Nan knew there was a spy, but did not expect to be Tao Chengbang.

Su Xun shrugged: "OK, you can't blame him. You can't let him go, but he can be a woman."

"Take everyone away."


Numerous criminals have successfully escaped, and Cao Nan, who has just created a robbery in central, has been arrested. This time, he must be in prison.

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