Since the arrest of Cao Nan Gang, the overall public security environment on Hong Kong Island has been completely improved.

No one dares to challenge the authority of the law. To be exact, no one dares to challenge the authority of Su sir.

Without these big thieves, every society became Su Sir's thorn in the side.

After all, his task is to clean up all the chaos. These complex societies are also the source of chaos on Hong Kong Island.

In the past few years, serious cases occurred frequently, and they needed to maintain stability, so they were given a way to survive.

But now that the social environment is generally stable, they have become unstable factors.

So it's time to let go.

Today, the biggest existing associations on Hong Kong Island are Hong Xing, he Liansheng, Dong Xing and Hao bang.

As long as these four associations are dealt with, other small associations can be broken up directly by means of violence.

On this day, Su Sir invited four members of the society to have tea in his villa.

Lin huaile, the speaker of he Liansheng, has now surpassed Hong Xing to become the first association.

Number to help the person who said Wu, is "black astringent meeting 2" in the money brother.

Chen Haonan, the speaker of Hongxing, saw that Tianyang was not right, so he retired early and went abroad to provide for the aged. He handed over the club to Chen Haonan.

Uncle Ben, the speaker of Dongxing, is an old member of the society. After camel and crow died, it was he who carried the banner of Dongxing and began to recover.

"Sit down first. Brother Xun will be right back." Zhou Wenli wore an apron to serve tea to the four.

"Thank you, sister-in-law."

"Don't be busy, sister-in-law."

The four were a circle older than Zhou Wenli, but it was not ambiguous to call their sister-in-law.

"You say, what's the reason for Susir to gather the four of us?" Ah Wu is the worst.

Lin huaile said with a smile: "I don't know, but we will do what Su Sir says."

"He asked you to disband the club, and you did it?" Uncle Ben said with a smile and a cigarette in his mouth.

Without a word, Lin huaile took up the tea cup.

Ah Wu looked at Chen Haonan, who had been silent all the time: "pretty boy Nan, why don't you say a word? I haven't congratulated you on becoming the leader of Hongxing."

"It's all Mr. Jiang's love." Chen Haonan calmly smiles and plays with a lighter in his hand.

At this time, a sound of footwork came.

Everyone got up at the same time.

Just after playing golf, Su Xun came in from the outside with a set of golf tools in his hand.



The four people began to say hello.

Su Xun handed the ball to Zhou Wenli and raised his hand to the four: "all sit down."

Four people just sat down.

"You go upstairs." Su Xun handed Zhou Wenli the handkerchief to wipe his face and said something casually.

"Then you can talk."

Zhou Wenli smiles and walks upstairs. She never asks about Su Xun.

Susian went to the sofa in the middle and sat down. He took out a cigar from the box on the table.

"Susir." Sitting on his right side, Lin huaile quickly took out a lighter to help him light it.

"Hoo -"

Su Xun puffed out a puff of smoke and leaned on the sofa happily: "what do you think of the situation on Hong Kong Island?"

They were all in a daze. They didn't expect that Su Xun would discuss this with the four members of their community.

It seems that this topic is a little too deep. Are the four black and astringent members qualified to talk?

"Su sir, I'm a little immature." Chen Haonan was the first to say: "Hong Kong Island is about to return in more than six years. In terms of the situation on the mainland, the future environment of Hong Kong Island will definitely be more and more tight."

"Yes, you societies will definitely be cleaned." Su Xun said in a positive tone.

Uncle Dongxing said, "please give us some advice."

"It's easy." Su Xun sat up straight, looked at the four people and spat out two words: "transformation!"

In the time and space before him, didn't Xiang Jia successfully transform from a community to an entrepreneur?

"Transformation?" All four were thoughtful.

Su Xun shook his cigar and said slowly, "the club is illegal after all, so if you want to survive, you have to make yourself legal. The improper business in your hands has stopped slowly. Take out the money to do business. Don't use the signboards of Liansheng, Dongxing and Hongxing. It's a rotten street."

"Sue, this What about so many brothers in the club? Even the uncles in the club won't agree with me Chen Haonan has always been a person who respects his elders.

Although he also felt that what Su Xun said was reasonable, some things were easier said than done.

Su Xun said with a smile: "it's just a group of old men who are powerless and powerless. You are even unfair to them. What else do you want to be, eh?"

"I'm willing to talk to you because we are all acquaintances. I don't want to make the scene too ugly. I hope you understand this and don't make it difficult for me."For a moment, the living room fell into a strange silence.

"Su sir, it's not so exaggerating. There are so many community members in the mainland. Can we catch them all?" Ah Wu has no brain. He has just become a member of the number group. How can he say that the association was dissolved when it was dissolved.

Su Xun pointed to him: "number help, right? I'm showing you the way. If any of you have to go to the dead road, don't blame me for being rude."

"Su sir, I started my career by fighting and killing. I can't do business. I only manage clubs. I'll go first." Ah Wu was more inflated. He only knew money, but his voice dropped, so he got up and left.

The remaining three exchanged their eyes.

"Susir, let's go back and think about it."

"Yes, we always have to go back and discuss with the uncles in the club about such a big matter."

"Su sir, Hong Xing will reply as soon as possible."

At the same time, the three people said goodbye. They didn't want to dissolve the association, so they wanted to see the wind direction first.

Now that the number gang has become a leader, they will see what the end of the number gang will be.

And then make a decision based on it.

"Yes, please, three."

Su Xun gave a smile and made a gesture of invitation.

After seeing the three people leave, Su Xun picked up his mobile phone with a cigar in his mouth and called out: "from today on, the number sweepers, the anti drug group, the anti pornography group and the Oji all go out, six times a day."

Since you want to see the end of number Gang, I'll let you have a good look.

On the other side, ah Wu is in the car going down the mountain.

"Brother Wu, what's the matter?"

Ah Wu's head horse saw that his face was not right.

"Madder, with one word, xiaopiaopiao, surnamed Su, wants us to disband the club. He's dreaming!"

Ah Wu Song loosened his collar and said impolitely that he would kill Su Xun without doing anything.

Ah Wu was a mindless activist, and immediately said, "go and look for a group of Vietnamese gunners."

Whether you want to do it or not, you should first find a good person as the last card and be prepared.

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