Three days later, the number helps the general hall.

"Brother Wu, since the morning before yesterday, all our venues have been swept by the police, and a lot of them have been sealed up. If it goes on like this, there will be no business to do."

"Yes, ah Wu, do something."

"There's no business. The brothers below are waiting for rice to be cooked. Make up your mind."

"Brother Wu, you can't go on like this..."

Looking at the chattering uncles and several hall leaders below, ah Wu was upset.

In the past three days, the number Gang's field has been swept for three days, and none of them has opened a complete one.

The following candidate is for money, but he has influenced everyone, so it's impossible to make money.

"Come on! Be quiet, everyone

Ah Wu roared.

The crowd in the main hall gradually quieted down.

"Everyone go back first. I'll deal with it as soon as possible." Ah Wu's tone softened a little.

"Ah Wu, we believe you, but we hope you will consider it for us. We are all waiting for it to open."

"Yes, let's go first."

After all, ah Wu's cruelty is well-known in the whole road.

Watching everyone leave, ah Wu asks his head horse, "where is the person you want to find?"

He didn't expect that Su Xun was so cruel that he really wanted to kill him.

In that case, don't blame him for his recklessness.

"It's all here." Touma said, and then hesitated: "brother Wu, do you really want to do that?"

It's a big crime to assassinate Susir.

"What to be afraid of! It's him who doesn't give us a way to live, who cuts off people's wealth like killing their parents! "

Ah Wu showed his fierce light, and then he seemed to comfort himself: "don't worry, the Vietnamese will clean them up after they finish. It's very safe. Besides, the eagles don't like Su. They won't be too strict. At most, they just pretend."


"Sue sir, the Vietnamese who are looking for by the number help have an action." Chen Jiaju reports to Su Xun.

Since he decided to use the number Gang to achieve the effect of shaking the mountain and shaking the tiger, Su Xun could not have been unprepared. He had the technical department monitor the mobile phones of several main leaders of the number gang for a long time.

How can those mindless members of the society know the benefits of the rapid development of science and technology.

So at the moment when ah Wu was looking for the shooter from abroad, he already knew it and was waiting for the other party to do it, because the recording could not be used as evidence.

Hearing Chen Jiaju's report, Su Xun chuckled and left the book in his hand: "since other people have found all the shooters, we can't let him spend all the money."

"These rotten kids are so bold!" Chen Jiaju said with gnashing teeth.

Plotting to shoot an assistant commissioner of police, the number Gang is crazy.

"Is my car ready?" Su Xun asked

"It's done." Chen Jiaju nodded.

Su Xun's car, which cost a lot of money, was changed into a bulletproof car. It's not afraid of death. The main reason is that his death is a great loss to the people of Hong Kong Island.

So he did it for the people.

Su Xun got up and said, "then start to collect the net."

Ten minutes later, Su Xun swaggered on his silver Benz and headed for Lantau.

At the same time, people who were watching at the gate of the police station reported the news to ah Wu.

Ah Wu ordered the Gunners to do it.

There were two cars hanging from a distance behind Su Xun's car.

Half an hour later, the silver Benz drove into Lantau Island, which is very remote and suitable for killing and setting fire.

Su Xun was very considerate. He even thought about where he started.


A white Jetta sped up and overtook Su Xun's car. Then a tail flick put the car in the middle and forced to stop Su Xun's silver Benz. Four shooters rushed down from the car.

At the same time, a black Audi stopped behind and three shooters rushed down.

In an instant, seven guns aimed at Su Xun's car and pulled the trigger.

"Kang Kang Kang..."

The gunfire sounded like firecrackers.

But Su Xun was not in a hurry. He looked at the shooter outside with a smile. He even took out a cigarette to light it and smoked it in his mouth.

"Bulletproof car!"

Seven shooters also found something wrong, the employer repeatedly confirmed that the car is not bulletproof?

"Don't move! Hong Kong Island police

"Don't move! Put the gun down

"Put down all the guns!"

In the grass on both sides of the road, dozens of armed police rushed out and surrounded the killers.

Looking around, the seven killers were trapped and could not escape.

"Mad! Fight with themThe leader roared.

"Kang Kang Kang..."

After a burst of gunfire, four of the seven people died, and the other three were injured in their hands and feet.

Then the police rushed in and arrested the three men.

Su Xun opened the door and got out of the car. He looked down at the three people and threw the cigarette end on one of them. He laughed contemptuously: "idiot."

Three people have to glare at it.

"Take it back." Su Xun said.


At the same time.

Three undercover agents walk into a bar.

His eyes fell on a young man with long golden hair, who was ah Wu's head horse.

His real name is Zhang Tiezhu, and his nickname is mourning Hui.

"Are you Zhang Tiezhu?"

Three plainclothes policemen went over, led by Li Ying.

"What's the matter?" Mourning Hui asked impatiently.

"CID, now you are suspected to have something to do with a murder case. Please go back with us to cooperate with the investigation."

Li Ying opens his coat to show his identification.

"Screw you!"

Mourning Hui smashed the wine cup and ran away.


Li Ying picked up a chair and threw it out, directly knocking it to the ground.

Then two others rushed in and handcuffed him.


Li Ying walks over and kicks him on the head.

"Still want to run? Can you run away? "

Ah Wu's family.

"Ding Dong ~ Ding Dong ~"

the doorbell rings.

Ah Wu came out to open the door. When he saw a group of policemen outside, his face changed slightly, but he still pretended to be calm: "Sir, what can I do for you?"

"Now you are suspected to have something to do with a murder. Please go back with us to cooperate with the investigation." Without saying a word, Chen Jiaju handcuffed him directly.

Half an hour later, three days later, Su Xun and a Wu met again in the interrogation room of the police station.

"It's very brave to kill me, but I don't have enough brains." Su Xun looked at him contemptuously.

"What did you say, sir? How dare I kill you? It's wrong! "


Su Xun hit him on the head with a baton. The blood immediately wet his hair and flowed down his forehead.

"Your mother's head has been wronged, your head Ma Shenghui has already recruited, and has provided material evidence and sophistry?"

Su Xun scolded him impolitely and pointed to him condescensively: "fight with me. You are the old man. Don't worry. I have something to do with you in prison. When you are in prison, I will ask someone to take good care of you."

"As for now, take good care of him."

With that, he went out of the interrogation room without looking back.

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