The number Gang is suspected of murdering Assistant Commissioner of police Su Xun. The news came out and shocked the whole territory.

Su Sir is so kind-hearted that he has the heart to kill him. The members of the society really have no good things.

At one time, there was an anti Association movement in Hong Kong.

And other societies are abusive, the number to help ancestors 18 generations are greetings again.

If you do such a stupid thing on your horse, you'll find yourself dead and implicate us. It's killing you!

All the businesses of the number gang were closed down, and the old cases of the main leaders were turned over and all of them were put into prison.

In the blink of an eye, the number Gang, one of the four major community organizations on Hong Kong Island, disappeared.

There is a kind of fear in the hearts of all communities.

They think they have some bargaining chips to negotiate with the police, but now they know that the police really want to deal with them, just like the father beat his son.

If we didn't deal with them before, we couldn't do anything. Once we get serious, they can't carry it.

Lin huaile, Chen Haonan and Uncle Ben have an urgent appointment to discuss countermeasures.

The number gang has shown Su Sir's determination to thoroughly clean up all the clubs. If they resist again, it is likely to be the next number gang.

So the result of the final discussion was to take the initiative to express to Su Xun that he was willing to lead the community transformation.

The three major organizations on Hong Kong Island were soft hearted, and then Su Xun focused on those small organizations.

Be polite and obedient. Those who disband the association can let him go without turning over the old accounts.

If you don't listen to me, I'll settle the old accounts together.

At one time, an anti black storm broke out on Hong Kong Island.

The police are catching people every day.

The whole anti Mafia operation lasted for one month, and Hong Kong Island was instantly renewed.

There are fewer community members fighting in the street, and there are no more community members charging protection fees everywhere.

Valet parking has become a serious occupation, and is no longer monopolized by the community. There are so many kinds of valet parking.

As for the disbanded community members, after communicating with several rich people on Hong Kong Island, Su Xun sent them all to their factories. It was better than idleness.

Hong Xing, Dong Xing and he Liansheng have not yet been completely dissolved, but they have also begun to transform into legitimate businesses. They have all changed into suits and put down their knives.

Of course, this is not something that can be accomplished overnight. It will take a period of time. After a year at most, there will be no more associations on the whole Hong Kong Island.

Su Sir made such a great contribution that he naturally wanted to be promoted.

He went a step further and became the Deputy Commissioner of police.

However, there are only three deputy directors of the Hong Kong Island police force.

They are the deputy director of operations.

Deputy director of management department.

And the deputy director of security.

Deputy director Huang of operations is the only Chinese.

The position of deputy director is a radish and a pit. If no one abdicates, he will not be promoted.

But vice director Huang and Yu suqiu are willing to take the initiative to pave the way for Su Xun, because he has no chance to be promoted to director, so he wants Su Xun to fight.

Su Xun is also a Chinese, and he has a great hope that the Chinese will be in charge of the armed forces in the Chinese territory.

Of course, Huang's approach is not to resign, but to take the initiative to make mistakes and then demote.

After all, he doesn't want to leave the police force yet.

The eagle knew that he was deliberately paving the way for Su Xun, but he couldn't help it. It was the trend of the times.

In this way, Su Xun was promoted to Deputy Commissioner, managing the operations department and becoming the first person under the Commissioner of police.

Apart from the Security Bureau and the political department, the ICAC is not in his control. He has all five major police regions in his hands.

And then there's the Commissioner of police.

But I'm afraid this step will take several years. After all, the eagles won't take the initiative to give him a place.

Su Xunsheng, deputy director of the Department, gave a big banquet on this day, which was full of friends and lively.

In this way, time like water, two months in a hurry, gambler Zhou xingzu came back from Holland.

Prove that the second gambler is about to start.

Su Xun called four groups of the Flying Tigers to have a secret talk, including the chief instructor Zhou Xingxing.

"Do you believe there is a way through the world?"

Su Xun looked at the 41 people in front of him and asked.

Since we want to take them for a ride, we must tell them all about it first.

"Su sir, you finally want to confess, are you through this matter?" Zhou Xingxing's eyes were burning: "in addition, I really can't explain why you are so changed. You are just like the aliens."

"Zhou Xingxing, serious!" Su Xun yelled.

Mad, you guessed it.

Zhou Xingxing stands at attention in an instant.

Su Xun said, "I'll ask you again. Do you believe that there is a crossing in the world?"

"Letter Zhou Xingxing replied loudly, and then added: "after all, even the special functions are available.""Well, I'll take you on a secret mission that time." Su Xun looked serious.

All the people breathed quickly, and their eyes were full of excitement and desire.

Su Xun said: "when many people perform their special functions to the extreme at the same time, it will trigger a time-space shuttle. I get the news that the army of special functions lost to Zhou xingzu last time has invited their own brothers to Hong Kong Island to seek revenge for Zhou xingzu. The fight between special functions is definitely to use special functions..."

Su Xun explained to them the principle of crossing, and everyone was stunned.

"No, I'll just talk about it. I can really cross it!" Zhou Xingxing's face is unbelievable.

Other people also looked at Su Xun suspiciously, because it was too impossible.

Su Xun said: "I'm not 100% sure, but I'm at least 80% sure, so I'll be ready in advance. I'll know when it's time. You should deal with your private affairs first, and keep it secret."

“yes——sir!” Everyone salutes.

No matter whether it was successful or not, Su Xun had a sense of mystery in everyone's heart.

They all have some expectations. After all, who hasn't fantasized about going through this kind of thing?


"Wow! What are these things? "

In the heliport behind my mansion.

Looking at a large pile of neat wooden boxes connected with ropes, Zhou xingzu was stunned.

"It's su Sir who moved here. He said there's no place to put it in his house. Let's put it here." The third uncle replied.

Zhou xingzu's face was muddled: "his family is so big, there is no place to put it? And what is this? "

He pointed to the ten largest wooden boxes.

"I don't know." Third uncle shrugged.

Zhou xingzu can't wait: "open it and have a look."

"Well, don't touch other people's things without their consent. Go to a press conference first."

The third uncle grabbed him and forced him to go to the front yard.

There have gathered a group of reporters, all want to ask the gambler with God of gambling learn what tricks.

At the same time, at the dock, the army got off the ship with several of his division brothers carrying boxes.

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