North Africa, a small country named tans, has been in constant wars and armed conflicts.

This is a hell for ordinary people, but a paradise for arms dealers and security companies.

Kule is the largest city in the south of this small country.

The headquarters of North Africa international security company is here.

North Africa international security, the name sounds very tall, but in fact, it's just a company above average, barely ranking at the bottom of the industry.

After that, the company fell to the third place in North Africa.

But a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

North Africa's security family is relatively rich, so even if it is declining, it will not die out in a few years.

Although it has withdrawn from the first tier market, it is still well-known in the second, third and fourth tier market.

This evening is the day for the internal gathering of North African security companies, which is held once a quarter.

In addition to the management, there will also be members of outstanding mercenary teams, as well as veterans who have retired to the second line.

Ferdinand will also attend.

Because no one knows about his betrayal of the knell team.

After all, if Kelly didn't find out, even Su Xun and others who were betrayed didn't know that he was a spy.

Su Xun is here tonight to eliminate the traitors.

As for the evidence.

That's what the police are investigating.

Does he need evidence to kill Satan?

At ten o'clock in the evening, the air of Kule city is full of hormones, and the streets are full of little sisters soliciting guests.

These ladies and sisters can't even afford a decent dress. They can't cover their thighs or their shoulders. This shows how much money they are short of.

There are also many kind-hearted men who are willing to do their best to help these little sisters. After talking about the price of help on the side of the road, they walk into the hotel with their arms around their shoulders for detailed assistance.

Su Xun could not help sighing that this is really a city full of love and friendliness.

"Well, what's good for a bunch of goblins?"

Qin Zhu was a little jealous and said indignantly that his body was much better than these people, and his skin was whiter.

Su Xun didn't argue with her because she was invisible. If Su Xun talked to her, he would look like a fool talking to himself.

"Boss, I'll be at Helios manor soon."

Mandala reminded Su Xun that since she decided to work as a bodyguard for him, she and big guy had changed their names.

Sun god manor is located on the edge of Kule City, covering a large area. It is the place where the big boss of North Africa security lives.

Every internal meeting of the company is held here.

Su Xun nodded, took out his cell phone and dialed Niles: "how's it going?"

"Sir, all the people you asked me to arrange are in place. 500 fully armed mercenaries can blockade the whole Helios manor at any time."

It's true that Sushen asked for reinforcements from Niles, otherwise he would be easily beaten into a sieve.

But as long as the sun god manor is surrounded by people, then he can do whatever he wants, and no one dares to interrupt him.

"OK, thanks." Su Xun casually expressed his thanks. After all, he was so white after sleeping his daughter. It's not authentic to whore other people's soldiers.

Niles was very frightened: "Sir, you're welcome. I'm very honored to be able to work for you. Please don't say anything that makes me feel uneasy."

Su Xun hung up the phone directly, because if he didn't hang up, this guy would have a steady stream of rainbow farts.


Helios manor.

At this moment, the manor is decorated with lights, singing and dancing, a scene of celebrating the new year.

Dozens of slim women shuttle through the crowd, and the people who usually eat with guns also turn into elite people in suits and shoes.

Outside the manor, several guards on patrol were chatting about the topics related to Niu, without any vigilance.

After all, no one thinks that there will be people who don't know how to make trouble in the North African security headquarters.

But tonight, someone came.

Su Xun was very handsome in a black suit. He was the only son in the world.

The big man is also a custom suit. He is two meters tall and gives people a strong sense of oppression.

Datura body is a purple V-neck split skirt, slender waist is like a water snake, concave and convex body is shown incisively and vividly, black fishing net socks decorated long legs is a lethal weapon for men.

Of course, the more lethal is the two pistols and four clips tied to the outside of the thigh."Hey! Stop. Who are you

As soon as the three approached, the two guards who were chatting at the door pointed their guns at them.

When one of the guards saw Su Xun's appearance with the help of the light, his face changed.

"I'm here for the party." Su Xun said gently with a smile.

The guard on the left frowned: "I haven't seen you."

"That means you're new here." The smile on Su Xun's face remained unchanged. He pointed to his companion beside him: "if you don't believe me, look at him. He knows me."

The guard looked at his companion, only to find that he was already pale and his guns were shaking slightly.

Then he saw his companion suddenly withdraw his gun and salute: "Hello, sir!"

Mercenary is also about rank.

As it happens, Su Xun's rank is higher than most people in this manor, and he is the most special one.

As the leader of the death knell team, Su Xun is a living legend and the idol of countless mercenaries in North Africa.

"Hello, corporal." Su Xun nodded to him, and then asked, "can we go in?"

"Sir, please!" The corporal sidled aside.

With a smile, Su Xun straightened his collar and walked into the manor with mandala and big head.

At the beginning, the death knell team was betrayed, which led to the failure of the mission and almost annihilated the whole army. The surviving three never returned to North Africa for security.

But they didn't fall out with the North African security, just separated smoothly. As long as they came back, they were the best of the best at any time.

So the soldiers in charge of the guard at the door will not hesitate to let go.

"He's back."

Seeing Su Xun's back, the corporal who had just saluted said something excitedly, and his lips were shaking.

The creation of security in North Africa has nothing to do with Sushen.

However, the glory of North Africa security can not be separated from the credit of Su Xun and the knell team.

Su Xun is the God of every mercenary in North Africa security. As long as he comes back, everyone will not hesitate to believe that North Africa security will return to its peak again.

"Who is he?" The companion was curious and puzzled.

The corporal wriggled his lips and uttered two words: "Satan."

The companion's eyes widened in an instant.

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