In the manor.

The music has stopped, and the colorful lights have turned into lights, making the whole yard like day.

Rouse, 60, is the founder of North Africa international security company and still the boss of the company.

The top management of the company has been changed, but he is still. We can imagine how strong his desire for power is.

Every country has the same process, no matter what kind of party, always have to lead, lead to talk about a pass before the official start.

Rolls is not in a good mood today, because the situation of the company has been deteriorating since the death knell team was disabled and left the company.

But on today's occasions, even if he is in a bad mood, he has to wear a smile on his face and boast that the company will have a bright future.

He was just about to speak when he saw three people at the end of the red carpet. Then he was stunned.

Below all people are some doubts, along his line of sight turned to see, and then all stunned.

Ninety percent of them know Su Xun.

There is another man whose face has become the most severe, and that is Fernand delis. After all, he is guilty of being a thief.

Su Xun gave everyone a smile and said, "I'm back."

"Shua Shua!"

In an instant, there were more than 30 figures standing up, saluting Su Xun almost at the same time, and shouting: "Hello, sir!"

They are all members of the mercenary team invited to the party tonight. They used to work for Su Xun, and many of them are back-up members of the knell team.

More than 30 people stood up, the position of the whole court was empty for a third in an instant, the momentum was like a rainbow, and the voice went straight to the sky.

The smile on Su Xun's face became more brilliant, and he raised his hand to signal them to sit down.

All of them sat down almost at the same time, forced to suppress the excitement in their hearts, and sat upright and meticulous.

Seeing this scene, many people look a little complicated.

After four years away, Su Xun still had such a strong control over the mercenaries in the company. It's strange that people didn't feel worried and unhappy.

Why don't you look around for a week

"Ha ha ha, Satan, we are just stunned by this sudden surprise. I welcome you back!"

Rolls went to susian with a big laugh and gave him a big hug.

He was also afraid of Su Xun's ruling power within the mercenaries.

But he was also very happy that Su Xun would come back at this time, because as long as Su Xun reorganized the death knell with mandala and a big man, the North African security company would make a comeback.

He can tell which is more important.

"Satan, it seems that your life after you leave seems to be good, more handsome than before."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm more like a star than a soldier."

"Datura is as beautiful as ever. Its long legs are really fascinating."

With Rouse's statement, the silent atmosphere in the manor became lively, and all of them welcomed Su Xun's return.

No matter what I think in my heart, on the surface, at least I'm smiling and enthusiastic.

Sushen released rouse, locked fernan delis in the crowd, and said, "Mr. fernan doesn't seem to welcome me very much?"

Everyone subconsciously looked at Fernand dries and found that he had a gloomy face.

This made people puzzled, because they had never heard of any contradiction between Sushen and Fernando Dellis before.

"Well! If the mission fails, it's just deserting from the company. You still have the face to come back. I don't know what you're doing back here! "

Fernand dries snorted coldly, looked at Su Xun and said with disdain, guilty conscience made him show strong hostility to Su Xun.

Su Xun laughed and said with a serious face: "I came back to kill, kill you."


Inside the manor, the pot suddenly burst open, and everyone was in an uproar.

Fernand dries also changed his face.

"Satan, this joke is not funny." Rouse said with a calm face.

"Are you kidding?" Sushen shook his head, pointed to Fernand dries and said, "I'm not kidding. Four years ago, the knell team was ambushed. It was he who betrayed our March."

People haven't finished digesting the amazing words just now. Unexpectedly, Su Xun threw another bomb, which caused a great disturbance again.

This time, even Routh's face changed.

The failure of the Mission four years ago led to the destruction of the death knell team, and finally indirectly led to the decline of security in North Africa.

If it's Fernand Dreis who betrayed the knell team, he's the culprit for the whole company.

Fernando Dellis roared excitedly: "sheter, you bastard dare to frame me up. I'm the elder of the company, and I have nothing to do with you. How can I do such a thing! You said I betrayed the interests of the company. What's the evidence? "When they heard this, they suddenly realized.

Yeah, there's no reason for Fernand Dreis to do this.

Then he looked at Su Xun to see if he could produce any evidence.

"Evidence?" Su Xun seemed to have heard something funny. He said lightly, "I'm just here to kill someone. Why do I have to need evidence?"

Hearing this, everyone felt speechless.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Fernand dries laughed and pointed at susian and said, "I think you are hired by external forces to kill me. Maybe you sold the company at the beginning. How else can you explain why only the three of you survived?"

"Satan, if there is no evidence, I don't allow you to mess around here, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!" Rouse said coldly.

Fernan delis is a senior member of the company. If he died in the hands of Sushen, it would be a great provocation to his boss.

Su Xun looked at Rousse seriously and asked, "who do I want to kill? Do I need your permission?"

"You..." Rousse was so angry that he didn't expect susian to talk to him like this.

Fernand dries had a contemptuous smile on his eyes and said angrily, "come on, arrest this traitor for me!"

Fool, four years ago you were lucky that you didn't die. Even if you didn't hide and muddle along, you still dare to come to me. I'll let you die thoroughly today.

"Step on, step on..."

With a neat sound of footsteps, more than 20 armed soldiers rushed in from the outside and surrounded Su Xun.

"How dare you shoot me?" Su Xun looked at the soldiers and asked.

The soldiers looked at each other and looked embarrassed. After all, they all knew Su Xun.

Rouse saw this scene and said coldly, "if he dares to come here, he will shoot at random."

Su Xun ignored him so much that he could not bear to challenge his authority again and again.

"I'm sorry, sir." A leading Lieutenant showed an apologetic expression, and the muzzle of the gun that had been slowly put down in his hand aimed at Su Xun again.

They are mercenaries. If they take money to do business, their basic professional ethics should be maintained. Otherwise, no one will dare to use them in the future.

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