As the saying goes, if you meet in a narrow road, the brave will win.

Su Xun, who went up the mountain to suppress bandits, and the second leader who went down the mountain to work, met on the way.

It was Su Xun who found the bandits.

Because the flying tigers are on their way without saying a word.

And do bandits expect discipline when they go down the mountain? One by one, I'm afraid others won't hear me.

So when he heard the sound, he took people to ambush in the woods on both sides of the mountain road.

After a few minutes, I saw the second leader in a short coat coming with more than 30 people.

"Call me!"

Su Xun gave an order.

"Dada dada..."

Instantly, automatic rifles, submachine guns, pistols and snipers fire at the same time.

The bandits were directly confused, lying trough, listen to the voice, how many machine guns!

"Ah! Second in charge, there is ambush! "

"Nonsense! I know! Surrender! Surrender

A group of bandits without training and belief can not resist to death.

They dropped their weapons and knelt down to surrender.

The fight lasted less than a minute from the beginning to the end.

Su Xun rushed out of the woods with people.

"This This... "

Looking at the strange costumes of a group of people in front of them, the bandits were all at a loss.

And the guns in their hands. I've never seen them.

The leader was wearing a suit. Are these weapons new weapons made by foreigners?

But why are they hitting us?

We bandits, how can he de afford such expensive weapons.

"Are you bandits of black tiger stronghold?"

Su Xun proposed to be the second leader.

"Oh, my Lord, I didn't stain your shoes, did I?" The second leader looked at Su Xun and said.

Everyone in the flying tigers is twitching.

Good guy, once the devil invades, this guy is a traitor and a leader.

"Go away! I'm asking you something! "

Su Xun kicked him again.

"You are right. We are the bandits of the black tiger stronghold. I am the second in charge." The second leader said.

Su Xun was also a bandit. Unexpectedly, he caught a second leader. What a surprise.

"Want to live?" Su Xun asked.

The second leader nodded after smelling the words: "yes, but I think too much. I always want to live in my dreams."

"Then I'll give you a chance." Su Xun leaned over and said, "as long as you help me beat the black tiger stronghold, you can also work alive."

Su Xun brings in the perspective of the little devil persuading him to surrender.

"Hi, Tai Jun! It's my blessing to serve the emperor! " The second leader thought that Su Xun was from the island.

However, the Taijun speaks Mandarin very well.


Su Xun kicked him down: "damn you, I'm a real Chinese."

"I I clap, clap. " The second leader wants to cry without tears. As a Chinese, you should learn how to talk with little devils. Really, isn't that harmful?

A moment later, Su Xun asked more than a dozen members of the Flying Tigers to change into bandits' clothes, and then pretended to tie up their own people with ropes and went up the mountain.

In this way, he and others seem to have become the captives of the second leader and were taken up the mountain by him.

What Su Xun wants to do is to peacefully control the black tiger stronghold. These 200 people can still absorb them.

In fact, he didn't want to be a bandit if it was possible, but he was also helpless.

According to the "Songhu agreement" signed in 1932, Chinese troops are not allowed to be stationed in Shanghai beach, so there are Japanese, American and British troops, but there is no national army.

On the land of China, there are garrisons of many countries, but there is no Chinese army.

I have to say how ironic it is.

So if Su Xun wants to develop, he can only be a bandit and develop under the skin of a bandit.

After all, you can't go to Shanghai beach to be a policeman.

However, we have to master the patrol room, so we have to go to Shanghai beach to get things done here.

Forty minutes later, I arrived at the Black Tiger Village.

"The second in charge is back!"

"The second leader has captured many prisoners!"

"The second leader is powerful and domineering!"

On the tower, everyone cheered when they saw that the second leader had brought so many prisoners back.

The second leader's mouth twitches. It's true that I was captured, but I was captured.

"No, how long did the second leader go out? Why did you come back so soon? " Some people doubt it.

"What's the point? Doesn't this further illustrate the power of the second leader? " There is a strong rebuttal.

"Wonderful Most people agree.

After all, if they have enough brains, they won't be bandits here. It's a shame to be a bandit after all these years."Open the door for me The second leader roared.

Soon, the gate of the village was opened.

The leader of the black tiger stronghold came out in person: "second brother, I heard that you came back from the victory. Ha ha ha ha, good, you are worthy of being my tiger general!"

"Brother, I'm sorry for you!" The second leader suddenly fell on his knees and wailed.

The leader was stunned: "what's the matter?"


The gun rang out and the leader fell to the ground.

"Ah! Big boss

"Big boss!"

The sudden change made everyone panic.

"Dada dada..."

Su Xun and others quickly attacked and killed all the backbones behind the leader.

"Put down all the guns!" Su Xun roared.

The bandits were frightened by the powerful firepower that they had never seen before. In addition, they were dead and had no backbone, so they put down their weapons and surrendered one after another.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot!"

"We surrender. We surrender."

Su Xun stood at the top, looked at the crowd and said, "from today on, I'm the new leader of Black Tiger Village. Follow me, and make sure that the hot drinks and women sleep with you. Who agrees, who opposes!"

Looking at Su sir, everyone of the Flying Tigers looks at each other. How can they feel that Su Sir is so natural? It's completely like going back to his old career?

"I I agree! I agree! " The second leader was the first to declare his position and also helped Su Xun persuade him to surrender: "brothers, if you look at your weapons and equipment, you are not the one who is short of money. If you want to follow him, you will see the leader with me."

"See big boss."

Everyone was kneeling on the ground.

"Well, in the future, we will all be brothers in the same bowl. Let's get up."

Su Xun showed a satisfied smile, and then looked down at the second leader.

"Hey, hey." The second leader laughed at him.

Su Xun also laughed at him.


Su Xun shot him to death. He looked around and said in a loud voice, "what he came out to talk about is righteousness. It seems that this kind of unfaithful and unrighteous person, I can't see it!"

"Good! Well done

"Well done! This traitor

For a moment, all the bandits seemed to find a way to vent their anger. They applauded and scolded the second leader. After all, no one liked traitors.

From then on, the black tiger stronghold fell into the hands of Su Xun.

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