Gathering Hall of Black Tiger Village.

I don't know why. Basically, the assembly hall of all bandits is called the gathering hall.

It may be authorized by Zhutian chain enterprise.

"Zhou Xingxing, next you are responsible for the selection and training of those bandits. You don't need to train as a flying tiger team, but at least you need to train as an army!"

Su Xun began to assign tasks. The training mode of the Flying Tigers was based on the training mode of the British special forces, which can be said to be the best of the elite.

Zhou Xingxing, as the general instructor of the flying tigers, naturally has two skills in training soldiers.

Moreover, each of the 40 Flying Tigers has received professional military training, tactical training and higher education.

If these people are decentralized, they will be the most rare middle and high-level officers in this era.

"What about those who are not selected to join the army?" Zhou Xingxing asked.

Su Xun pondered for a moment: "keep it for chores. Weapons can be issued, but ammunition will not be issued first."

After all, the time he occupied the black tiger stronghold was too short. What if the bandits went against the water.

"Su sir, the weapons we brought are only enough to equip 500 people..." Zhou Xingxing was worried. After all, 500 people were not enough to participate in the battle of Songhu.

In that kind of General Assembly war, 500 of them can't turn a splash when they throw them in. Even if the weapons are dominant, they can't stop the pigs' sudden attack tactics of the devils and use human lives to fill them.

Su Xun said with a smile: "you don't have to worry about this. There will be equipment sent from modern Hong Kong Island. Of course, you have to find Zhou xingzu first."

According to the movie, as long as enough people perform special functions at the same time, it can cause time and space shuttle. At the end of the movie, dragon five comes to help Zhou xingzu save people from the devil.

But even if there are enough people with special functions, they may not be able to wear to Shanghai in 1937.

So we have to find Zhou xingzu first.

He can also perform special functions. As long as he performs special functions both here and on the other side of the modern Hong Kong Island, the two can interact with each other and make fixed-point crossing.

A steady stream of weapons and ammunition can be transported in. As long as Su Xun gathered enough manpower here for training, he could organize a large army.

In addition, Susun's company in modern Hong Kong Island can make money continuously. By changing the money into gold and silver, Susun can become a soldier in the world.

Zhou Xingxing looked at Su Xun with a clear mind, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Next, Zhou Xingxing selected 150 bandits from more than 200 bandits for training to teach them how to use modern guns and fight.

In this way, ten days later, the bandits in the black tiger stronghold finally had the appearance of ordering soldiers, and they began to recognize Su Xun as the leader.

On the way, Su Xun received a call from Zhou Wenli on Hong Kong Island. He learned that the time of this time and space was different from that of Hong Kong Island.

It's been a week since susian was here. It's only a few hours since Hong Kong Island. It's still dark.

In this way, he can work here slowly, and there will be no events that have happened on Hong Kong Island for months or even years when he goes back.

On the phone, he told Zhou Wenli to find a job and customize 10000 sets of German military uniforms during World War II.

Don't ask why, just because it's handsome.

The German military uniform is the most handsome, because it was designed by the head of state Hitler himself. The purpose of making the uniform so handsome is to attract young people to join the army.

It has to be said that the aim of the Fuehrer has been achieved. Even in the 21st century, many young people like Germany because they like the German military uniform.

At the same time, Su Xun asked Zhou Wenli to give Chen Jiaju the phone. Su Xun talked to Chen Jiaju.

Let Chen Jiaju go to the mainland and spend a lot of money to hire a group of special talents for backup. At the same time, let him be responsible for buying gold and silver and buying arms from Yamada group.

It's enough to use the weapons sold by the little devils in 1990 to fight the little devils in 1937. It's called the filial piety of the younger generation of the island country to the elder generation of the island country across time and space.

As for why I can still make a phone call after crossing, I have to ask the director. That's what happened in the movie.


It was July 9, 1937 when Su Xun came here, just two days after the July 7 Incident.

It's July 20 now.

In the open space outside the Juyi hall, more than 100 bandits stood neatly, holding AK74 assault rifles with bayonets, more like a group of terrorists.

The AK74 assault rifle first appeared at the Red Square parade of the former Soviet Union in 1974.

A lot of people confuse it with the AK47.

But AK74 and AK47 are different. AK74 has longer barrel, longer range and faster firing speed than AK47.

Su Xun is reviewing Zhou Xingxing's training achievements this month.

"Everyone, stand at attention!"

Zhou Xingxing shouts with his hands behind his back.


The sound of stepping on the ground is like thunder.With Zhou Xingxing's devilish training method of changing state and adequate nutrition supplement, these people mastered the formation with the fastest speed.

"Hello, sir!" All at the same time.

Zhou Xingxing has trained these people as flying tigers, but the intensity has weakened.

I don't know how much they have suffered, but I have to say that he is satisfied with the result.

"At ease." Su Xun said.

All of us stand at ease at the same time.

Su Xun nodded: "it's only ten days. Everyone's changed a lot. It's completely new."

The corners of their mouths twitch. If they don't transform themselves, they have to peel off their skin and flesh. The man surnamed Zhou is not human!

They've been in hell these days.

It's harder than training to be trained to death in the daytime and to attend political lessons at night.

Finally, the politics class is over, and we can have a rest. Suddenly, we blow a whistle in the middle of the night and assemble in an emergency.

After the meeting, let them urinate, and then go back to sleep.

Is it something that people can do?

The only psychological comfort is to have enough wine and meat.

"Everyone should be swearing. To be a bandit is to eat meat and drink. Why train! What kind of bandit! Is that right? "

"Today, I'll tell you why, because if you don't train hard, even the bandits are not suitable!"

"A few days ago, the little devils made the July 7th incident and started the war. What is this? It's the precursor of a comprehensive invasion of China! They will come to Mordor, and you will not even be bandits at that time! "

"If you go down the mountain to rob money, you will be robbed by the devils, your mother-in-law will be ruined by the devils, and you will be reduced to the Devils' coolie! Till death

"Lao Jiang will not protect you, foreigners will not protect you. Tell me what we should do!"

Su Xun's face was cold and his voice was like thunder.

"Fuck him, motherfucker!"

The crowd didn't know who yelled.

"Fuck him, motherfucker!"

"If Lao Jiang doesn't fight, we will fight!"

"Kill all the devils! Laozi's family was robbed by the devils, otherwise how could Laozi escape! "

Everyone is eager to blow fire, because nowadays Chinese people have never been bullied by the devils.

In the past, they did not dare to fight devils, but now with such good weapons, they are afraid of hammers.

In short, it's inflated and gone with the wind.

To be more precise, it's called killing the heart with a sharp weapon.

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