The sudden gunshot in the magic city awakened all the people in their sleep, but before they could react, the gunshot ended again.

In the concession, consuls from various countries gathered to analyze the sudden gunfire.

"The gunfire is very fierce. It's all machine guns and submachine guns. When will there be such a well-equipped army near Mordor! No, where are the Chinese troops from around Mordor! They haven't arrived yet. "

"The gunfire is over. The battle has come to an end. Let's go after dawn."

"I'm really moved and sympathized with those Islanders. They were completely suppressed by the Chinese people with firepower."

At the same time, the two Japanese legions who were on their way to Mordor got the news because Su Xun, as the commander of Mordor's defense army, electrified the whole country.

Tell the whole country that magic has been taken.

Commander Feng looked at the telegram in his hand and laughed: "good! Good! Good! Every man is responsible for the prosperity of the country, and thousands of men fight a bloody battle! The magic guard is doing a good job! There are so many young people who are not afraid of death. How can China die? "

"Tongtong confirmed the behavior of the security forces and told them to rush to the Mordor army. Otherwise, the security forces would have to face the pressure of the Japanese aggressors alone."

The dark clouds of the battle of Songhu shrouded most of China. At this time, Su Xun's surprise troops recaptured the control of the magic capital, which was like a shot in the arm.

At the same time, for the first time, the word "Su Xun" spread all over the country.

The leaders of all aspects had a high degree of affirmation and appreciation for the security forces and Su Xun himself.

But Su Xun was recruiting soldiers at this time.

His way of recruiting soldiers is very rough, and there are large baskets of soldiers directly beside him.

Those who sign up will be able to take three oceans and five oceans a month.

It can be said that this is a super high salary. I don't know which day I will die these days. There must be brave men under the heavy reward, so more people sign up.

In addition, Ding Li, the mogul, personally stood up to support Su Xun, attracting more people to join the army.

More than 30000 people signed up in one day, and only 17000 were left after the final selection.

Then in the Sihang warehouse, let the other side of Hong Kong Island drop air drops to this side to equip these recruits.

With 40 members of the Flying Tigers as senior generals to lead the whole army, Su Xun also promoted himself.

He was promoted to the rank of major general.

"What kind of gun is it? I haven't seen it. No wonder it was like firecrackers last night. With such powerful weapons, I was afraid of little devils."

"Yes, that's the real weapon."

"Good guy, that thing is so high. Is that a gun? If it's on people, how can it be? "

"It's not you who beat the little devil..."

For these recruits, everything about the guard is new and amazing.

Sihang warehouse is the temporary command center.

Su Xun is looking at the map inside.

"Su Shuai, consuls from several countries want to see you."

A lieutenant commander came in to report.

"Yes, I'll see you."

Su Xun knew that these arrogant foreigners must be shocked by their own weapons now.

When Su Xun came out of the headquarters, the Chinese saw several foreigners surrounded by an anti-aircraft gun.

"Oh, MAIGA, is this a gun? damn! Which country's gun is this! Why sell it to China! "

"What about the guns in their hands? Why are they all things we haven't seen before? "

"Where do these things come from? Is it Germany? Their uniform is German

"No, it's definitely not our country. Our country doesn't have such powerful weapons. Otherwise, can you still stand here and chat with me?"

The consuls were surprised and angry. Of course, they didn't think the Chinese could produce such weapons.

So it can only be bought from abroad.

However, it is unforgivable that some countries should sell such weapons to China. It is damaging the interests of all their colonial countries.

"You are wrong. This weapon was not bought. It fell from the sky."

Su Xun went over with his hands behind his back.

Several people turned back at the same time. After they saw Su Xun, they were all restrained by his youth.

"Gentlemen, do you think your respective countries can produce such cannons?"

Su Xun went over and touched the antiaircraft gun.

Several people looked at each other, yes, I have to admit that their country is not able to produce such guns, otherwise it would have unified the world.

But where did the gun come from?

"I have to say, commander, I'm shocked by your youth. You are a hero. Where do these weapons come from, commander?"

The consul of magnesium first paid Su Xun a compliment, and then directly inquired about the origin of these weapons.They have to get it.

Su Xun said with a smile, "as I said, these things fall from the sky."

"Commander, you are so funny..."

"I'm not joking with you. Don't worry. I won't fight the concession. You can go." With that, Su Xun left with his hands on his back.

He has some helplessness. Nowadays, no one believes him when he tells the truth. What kind of world is it.

These are from the sky.

"Damn, he's so arrogant!"

The German consul gritted his teeth.

"He is now entitled to arrogance." The French consul muttered to himself, touching the exaggerated antiaircraft gun.

"We must send back the information and find out the source of these weapons as soon as possible!"

Consuls all over the world came up with this idea.

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