The news that Mordor guards had a batch of new weapons spread to all sides like wings.

The great powers have launched their own contacts and intelligence channels to investigate the sudden emergence of the army.

These troops may not be elite, but their weapons are so strong that they can completely ignore the individual quality of soldiers.

Even a common people, with such a weapon, can become an elite soldier.

The reason is that the armed forces of all countries are now equipped with single shot rifles. Each shot has to be loaded once, and only a few shots can be loaded at a time.

However, the weapons of the German style guard are different. Not only are the clips longer, but they can be fired continuously. They are no different from machine guns.

There are also those cannons. Although they don't see the power of these cannons with their own eyes, we can only see the power of their shells by looking at their shapes.

These weapons, which are enough to change the world pattern, have suddenly emerged. How can the powers not panic?

Could it be that when they were plotting for the interests of the Far East, another country had been developing with patience, and only today did it show its fangs and take part in the Far East competition.

Anyway, those weapons are made by Chinese people. They certainly don't believe it. They come from overseas.

They want to find out the potential enemy.

Let's not mention these for a moment, just say that in the city of Mordor, the guards have occupied the defense fortifications of the devils.

The recruits are training. It's the day of August 8, and there are still five days to go before August 13.

The battle of Songhu officially started on the 13th.

But now that Su Xun has seized Mordor, under his interference, both China and Japan must have speeded up their march.

According to Su Xun's analysis, the battle of Songhu may break out on the 11th or 12th ahead of time.

In other words, the guard has only three days.

In three days, Su Xun didn't expect the more than 10000 recruits to have any excellent individual combat ability. He just needed to teach them to shoot.

Modern guns are just stupid weapons. They are easy to use and learn.

So it's enough to teach these soldiers to shoot in three days.

As for the operation of the gun, Zhou Xingxing had already taught a group of people in the black tiger stronghold.

In the temporary headquarters, Su Xun, Zhou Xingxing and other high-level officers of the flying tigers are making tactical deployment around the map of Mordor.

Because of the need to open the trading ports, the walls of Mordor had been demolished in this era.

Therefore, demons have no danger to defend. The enemy is likely to attack demons from any vain place.

There are still many residents in the city of Mordor, so it is impossible to fight in the street. They must be resisted outside the fortifications, and no Japanese army can be let in.

The opposite side of Suzhou Creek is the concession. It is impossible for the Japanese army to attack the concession, so it is a good thing not to worry that the Japanese army will attack from the direction of the concession.

Nearly 20000 troops have been organized into ten regiments, each of which has nearly 2000 troops and a artillery regiment.

"The first, second, third, fourth and artillery regiments meet the enemy in the front battlefield, the fifth and sixth regiments stay behind and are ready to support at any time, the seventh and eighth regiments should prevent Japanese troops from taking our back road, and the ninth regiment should maintain law and order..."

"Su Shuai, a reporter wants to interview you."

The guard came in suddenly.

Su Xun looked up and saw a white reporter with a camera outside.

These days, only these foreigners dare to wear in the war zone. Neither China nor Japan will touch them.

"It's just right. All of you have come. Please leave something for him to come in." Su Xun said with a smile.

Zhou Xingxing and others are also showing a knowing smile.

Soon the white reporter came in and saw Su Xun. He said in broken Chinese, "Hello, general. I'm William from Eagle country."

"Hello, reporter William." Su Xun shook hands with him.

William asked: "I want to have an interview with the general. Is that ok?"

"If there is anything we can't do, we also want to make a voice to the world." Su Xun gave a bright smile.

William was a little bit more fond of Su Xun. In his later biography, he wrote that Su Xun, like a comet, crossed the night sky of China and brought light. The mystery of his appearance also disappeared. It was like the God who photographed China through this disaster and left after completing his mission.

"Excuse me, sir, where do your weapons come from?" William is very direct to the smell.

Su Xun said with a smile, "it fell from the sky."

Naturally, William didn't believe it, but later susian and his subordinates mysteriously disappeared, so he believed it. That's why he thought susian was an immortal.

"The general's occupation of Mordor has raised the morale of the Chinese army and the people, but it will also be severely attacked by the Japanese army. The two divisions of the Japanese army are on their way to Mordor. Do you think you can stop it?"

Su Xun smelled the speech and showed a surprised expression: "block? Why stop them? What I want to do is to wipe them out and let the blood of this group of foreign invaders sink into the soil under our feet as fertilizer, which is the only way they can redeem their sins. "Everyone heard this with high morale.

William was shocked. The Chinese government and the Chinese government have been pushed forward in the Anti Japanese war. Even if a full-scale war breaks out now, on the whole, the speculation about the war situation is pessimistic, and the people do not have much confidence.

Su Xun's self-confidence, arrogance and arrogance are different from the image of Chinese soldiers.

"Is your confidence in the new weapons?" William soon got his mind in order.

Su Xun shook his head: "weapons are just one of them. The most important thing is the people's heart. How can our 40000 compatriots in China be defeated by small countries with bullets? Even if they have the upper hand for a while, they will surely lose in the near future! "

"I want to tell shigen Matsui that I, Su Xun, an ordinary Chinese soldier, am waiting for him here, waiting for him to bring people to die."

"Well, Mr. William, that's all for the interview. I have a lot to do next."

Su Xun took the initiative to end the short interview.

William also expressed his understanding that, after all, the war is coming. How to win this war is the key. It is not easy to take a moment to accept his interview.

"General Su, you are different from all the Chinese soldiers I have met. Can you take a picture?"

William made one last request.

"Let's take a picture together."

Su Xun looked at Zhou Xingxing and others and said.

"Good! It's also a picture of history. "

"Come on, take a picture."

Zhou Xingxing and other officers surrounded Su Xun. Su Xun stood in the middle and looked at the camera together.

"Click -"

with the sound of the shutter, this scene has been preserved as history forever. When William left, he said that he would send them the photos after they were developed.

William's arrival was just an episode, and soon everyone was busy preparing for the war.

Students and gang members in the streets called on the whole people to resist Japan, money to contribute.

Ding Li provided a lot of food, vegetables and meat, so the food for the team was good.

Under the premise of ensuring adequate food and the trend of the will to defend the country, the 20000 national defense forces have shown their iron and steel will in recent days.

All kinds of fortifications have been built, mines have been laid outside the positions, machine guns have been set up at all key points, and all fortifications have been built.

The security forces have made all the preparations. The next step is to wait for the devil to come.

August 11.

Today is a sunny day, but the city of Mordor is full of extermination. There are no students appealing for donations on the street, even no tramps.

Because the devil has come, not more than 20 miles away from the magic capital, all the people in the city have been dispersed, and they are not allowed to stay in the street.

Seventeen miles away from the magic capital, the two Devils' regiments who had been running for days finally stopped.

On the armored vehicle, Matsui shigen stood and looked through his telescope at the forefront of the enchanted capital. He saw the guards after the fortifications.

"It's a German uniform! fuck! It must have something to do with the Germans! The weapon in their hands may be a new German weapon! "

Put down the telescope, Matsui shigen scolded.

"Order, the 11th division * * to send two regiments to attack tentatively to find out the enemy's firepower."

There was no time to rest, so Matsui shigen gave the order to attack directly, because he could guess that the advance troops from the Chinese side also accelerated the March.

He wants to take Mordor quickly before the Chinese reinforcements arrive, otherwise once the Chinese reinforcements arrive, the Empire will lose more imperial warriors if it wants to take Mordor. The

empire is not a China, but has no vast * * * * land, and no more than 40000 people.

Every warrior is the most precious treasure of the Empire. If you can reduce the sacrifice, you can reduce the sacrifice as much as possible.


The head of the brigade answered and gave the order.

The largest combat unit of the Japanese army is the division. A division has about 18000 people. The Division has two brigades. Under the brigade is the regiment, under the regiment is the brigade, under the regiment is the squadron, then the squadron, and then the detachment.

There are 3800 people in a united team, 1100 people in a large team, 181 people in a squadron, 54 people in a small team and 13 people in a unit.

A Japanese regiment is equipped with 12 infantry guns.

Two companies were sent to make a trial attack, that is, more than 7000 men and more than 20 infantry guns.

Soon the two battalions, who were attacking, assembled and advanced under the command of the captain.

Basically, we use infantry artillery first, and then attack with rifles after we finish the attack. The third old man has an axe.

"Let it go

"Boom boom..."

"Attention, it's the little devil's infantry artillery. Everyone is hiding. Artillery regiment. It's not polite to come and go!"

The front-line commander is a brigade commander.With the order of the top commander of the front line, fifteen m119a1 105mm howitzers were pushed out in the sound of the little devil's guns.

Of course, if you don't push it to the position, you will lose a lot if you are damaged by the little devil's shells.

What's more, Su Xun's artillery shot far away than the little devil's infantry artillery, so he didn't have to push to the position at all.

The m119a1 105mm howitzer was produced by the military of magnesium in 1987 under a license agreement signed with Yingguo. The total weight of the battle is 2050.3kg, the maximum range is 19000m, the total length of the gun is 6.15m, the total width is 1.78m, the total height of the gun is 2.21M, the maximum firing rate is 6 rounds per minute, and the firing range is 360 degrees.

This thing can be shot directly into the headquarters of Matsui shigen.

The furthest howitzer fired by the Japanese army is only 8000 to 12000 meters, so it is theoretically safe for Matsui shigen to stop the troops 17 kilometers away.

But he never dreamed that the howitzer in the guard's hand could shoot nearly 20000 meters at NIMA.

"Tell the artillery to aim at the Japanese base camp, and let them have a look at the horse! Their infantry gun is a toy at best

The brigade commander is a captain of the Flying Tigers. When he says this, his face turns red. It's all because he's too excited. Can we not be excited about shelling the devils?

In the past, on Hong Kong Island, you could spend most of your money to shoot female devils, but now you can really shoot Male devils.

There is no comparison between the two.

"Yes! Brigade commander

Fifteen guns are the equipment of an artillery battalion.

"Battalion preparation, target one, Japanese barracks, grenade, ruler 432, direction 1-15, high and low + 2, three shots, quick fire, loading! Ready - let go

"Boom, boom -"

under the command of the battalion commander, fifteen howitzers were loaded, positioned and fired step by step.


The shell fell into the Japanese base camp and exploded, killing a squadron directly.

Dozens of shells fell, and between the shaking of the earth and mountains, the Japanese army instantly reduced its personnel by half a regiment.

"Ah! Where * *! Where * * "

"Protect the commander and retreat! Baga road! Why can the gun of the Chinas get what * *?

"Boom! Boom

The shelling continued and the Japanese army was in chaos.

"How could that be! How could that be

Shigen Matsui, who was pulled back by his subordinates, opened his eyes angrily, his face full of disbelief.

How can there be a gun so far away?

Moreover, it has so much power. If all the Chinese are equipped with such guns, they will not be able to defeat China in 60 years, let alone in six months.

"Retreat! The whole army retreated ten miles! "

He finally calmed down, watching the soldiers who were constantly engulfed by artillery fire, issued a retreat order.

"Boom -"

a shell exploded not far away, a stone flew over and hit Matsui shigen's face, instantly broke his skin, and the scarlet blood came out.

"Oh, MAIGA! God

"This Is this really a gun? "

Consuls across the Suzhou River were stunned when they saw the scene through binoculars.

Although we knew from the moment we saw those guns that they must be powerful, the range, speed and power still frightened them.

If the Chinese had these guns, would they still have their concession now?

In other words, if the Chinese already have these guns, will there be concessions in the future?

We must get the source of those weapons!

Everyone is determined in their heart.

However, the Chinese people who watched from the windows in Mordor city were all excited. Looking at the chaotic retreat of the Japanese army, they all couldn't help shouting "yes".

With this kind of magic gun, why is China unhappy?

A few minutes later, the shelling ended because the Japanese had completely withdrawn from the shelling area.

"Withdraw! The Japanese have withdrawn

"We won! We won

"We beat the devils back!"

All the recruits cheered, and the residents of the houses on both sides of the street opened their windows and cheered, filling the city with joy.


Matsui shigenxin vowed to take the magic capital before the arrival of Chinese reinforcements, but reality gave him a hard slap, which made him dizzy.

"My Lord Commander, our army has just lost a regiment and a brigade in the first World War."

The adjutant came to report the war losses.

"Baga road!"

Matsui shigen was so angry that he pulled out his command knife and chopped the air at random.

In just a few rounds of shelling, he lost more than 4000 people, one tenth of his troops. This is the biggest loss he has suffered since he entered China.Not even one enemy was killed, which was the biggest shame of his military career.

Only with the blood of the enemy can it be washed clean.

All the generals bowed their heads and did not dare to speak at this time. They were afraid that the knife would strike them.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo ~"

about 30 seconds later, Matsui shigen's anger got a little vent and recovered calm.

"My Lord Commander, the guns of the Chinese army are so powerful that I'm afraid they can't even stop the armored vehicles. We should apply for air support and blow up their guns first."

Seeing that ishigen Matsui's anger has subsided a lot, a zhongzuo has put forward his own opinions.

Matsui shigen raised his hand a few slaps in the face, smoked a past, Pa Pa Pa, angrily scolded: "eight GA!"


The major has no temper. He lowers his head and keeps shouting Hi, just like a filial son.

"Before I set out, I boasted Haikou that the two divisions were enough to win Mordor and defeat the Chinese advance army in Mordor. Now that I have just arrived, I apply for air support. What's my face? At home, those bastards from the Navy Department will certainly take this opportunity to attack my army! "

The main reason for the discord between the Navy and the army of the island countries is that they are fighting for military spending. Because the island country itself is not big and is an island country, the naval spending is also large. However, in order to occupy China, it is necessary to develop the army.

Therefore, the two armies have a serious fight for military spending, and even the commanders have a normal fight at the meeting.

Hearing this, everyone said nothing, waiting for ishigen Matsui to make up his mind.

Looking at the enchanted capital from afar, ishigen Matsui said coldly, "they are just relying on the cannons to rest in place first and launch in the afternoon. Tomorrow is our last chance, because the Chinese reinforcements have been reduced."

"Hi All the generals answered at the same time.

Compared with the downturn of the Japanese army, it was another scene in Mordor city at this time.

Local business groups carrying pigs, cattle and sheep came to rely on the army to celebrate the victory of the garrison.

The whole magic capital was overjoyed. It seemed that the devil couldn't get into the magic capital.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the devils began to gather.

Even if more than 4000 people were lost, the remaining devils still have more than 30000 people, and their combat effectiveness is not bad.

"The third division will take the lead, the armored vehicles will open the way, the infantry will be behind, and they will press up with the fastest speed!"

"Gentlemen! Loyalty to the emperor is here


Matsui shigen is determined to take the magic capital regardless of casualties.

Otherwise, how can he continue to lead the army?

With the order of the attack, more than 30000 Japanese troops rushed to Mordor like ants.

Little devil's fighting will can not be underestimated. In history, our army often needed the death of three soldiers to kill an island soldier.

This shows how tough the little devil is.

It makes sense to be able to fight more than half of China as a small island country.

But the truth of Su Xun is greater than theirs.

It's all within the range of the shell.

Modern military telescopes can see further.

As soon as the Japanese army moved, the guards noticed that Su Xun was on the front line.

"It's time for the whole army to attack! Order the artillery regiment to put out all the guns. If they dare to attack the whole army, we will wipe out the whole army! "

Su Xun said angrily that after a short battle in the morning, all the recruits saw the power of their guns, so they were full of confidence.

"Report to Commander! The enemy has entered the range of fire, please direct The head of the artillery regiment came to report

"fire allowed!" Su Xun waved his hand.

"Battalion one is ready Ready - let go

At the command of the head of the artillery regiment, hundreds of guns fired in a stepped manner, because not all guns had the same range and could not be fired at the same time.

"Boom! Boom! Bang - "

the little devils learned to be smart this time and knew the power of the cannons, so they all spread out to attack.

Although this reduced the scope of the shell damage, but still caused a serious loss of personnel, howitzer salvo took at least 2000 people.

Then there were all kinds of guns firing on it.

"Resist! No retreat! You are all warriors of the Empire! Be loyal to the emperor! On board

"Monkey to give -"

"boom! Roaring - "

the devils are getting closer and closer to the position with cannon fodder on their shoulders, and they are called by the mines.

It's like this. It's 5000 people down.

There are more than 30000 people, only more than 20000 left.

Matsui shigen is also distressed, but he can't retreat now, otherwise all the dead will die in vain.

We have to rush up in one go.

"Hard hit

After the mines entered the gun range, the two sides officially launched a gun battle.

"Dada dada dada..."More than 6000 automatic rifles fired, just like more than 6000 machine guns fired at the same time.

It's like a scythe cutting rice. The little devils fall row after row, and even many of them are cut off by machine guns. Blood and internal organs are scattered all over the ground.

"Kang Kang..."

The little devil's single shot rifle is like a child's toy. Under the suppression of automatic rifles, the damage to the security forces is almost negligible.

Matsui shigen thought that after carrying the cannon, he would be relaxed for a while, and they would have the upper hand.

But now he found out he was wrong.

The Japanese army stationed in Mordor did not lie. This Chinese army is really equipped with machine guns.


"Ah "Ah

The little devils fell down one by one.

"Retreat! Come on! Retreat

Matsui shigen quickly ordered to retreat, such a fire gap they simply can not fight.

After so long in China, it was the first time that they suffered a loss in weapons and were caught off guard.

There used to be more than 30000 people, but now they are almost half as many.

Consuls of all countries have been numb from shock, and even a faint fear has risen in their hearts. They are afraid of the strength displayed by this defense force.

This kind of firepower, not to mention the Japanese army, can not be stopped by any of their countries.

"Brothers! Follow me! Don't let the little devils run away, wipe them out! Take Matsui shigen alive

Looking at the small devil began to decorate the retreat, Su Xun pulled out the command knife and roared.

How long will it be before we take the initiative to pursue and expand our achievements?

The key for Su Xun to swallow up the advance force was to have the commander in chief, shigen Matsui.

The little devil was so big that he took the advance troops to take action. This time, he will never come back.

"Go "Go

"Kill the little devil!"

"Take Matsui shigen alive!"

"Dada dada..."

Everyone rushed out of the trenches and bunkers, yelling and pulling the trigger.

It's not like a single shot rifle. It's aimed.

Automatic rifles can be swept by raising hands, so it is also very convenient in pursuit.

The guards are cutting grass all the way.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me

"I surrender! We can't kill the prisoners... "

The little devils fled in confusion. Some of them surrendered when they couldn't escape, but they were still killed.

Because Su Xun had told him in private that they didn't need prisoners to waste food.

What's more, the killing of prisoners is in violation of the Geneva Conventions and is subject to international condemnation.

So if we don't give them the chance to surrender, it won't be called killing prisoners, will it?

The pursuit lasted for several hours, and finally the large troops returned to the city, and a regiment continued to pursue separately.

Matsui shigen changed the clothes of a small soldier and ran away in the big army, which was the essence of life protection.

At the same time, the Chinese advance troops who came to support the defense forces also went to the outskirts of Mordor.

We can reach Mordor in an hour at most.

The advance force is the 28th army, commander Tao Guang, belonging to the eighth group army of Zhang Kui in the third war zone.

The 28th army has three divisions, an independent brigade and an artillery brigade. The equipment of the national and military forces is still good. We can only say that they are not very good at fighting.

"Junzuo, we're going to the devil's capital."

62 division commander Tao Liu said to Tao Guang.

"You say, where did this guard come from? Take all the demons in silence? "

Tao Guang was riding on a big horse with a whip in his hand, and he was still thinking about Su Xun's security forces.

Chen Guangzhong, commander of the 63rd division, said: "I have never heard of such an army nearby before."


Just then, a burst of gunfire broke out.

The whole 28th army stopped in an instant.

"The whole army is on alert." Tao Guang's Herald.

Then they saw dozens of devils rush down from the mountain, suddenly cool behind.

No, the devils have been in ambush!

They don't have time to think about why the devils appear behind the devil capital. They just subconsciously think that the devils are ambushing. They are really afraid of being beaten.

Then, without waiting for his order to fight back, he saw the devils running to the other side, which confused everyone.

"Junzuo, they Running away? "

"Isn't this the devil's way of spreading doubts?"

"I don't think it's like there's a small team here, with at least one company behind."

And then the next second, they saw two soldiers in German uniforms rush out of the woods with strange looking guns and chase the devils.

The crowd widened their eyes again, full of disbelief and a look of seeing ghosts.Just two people chasing a group of devils like this?

"It's time to I don't think it's a ghost. "

They even forgot to help.

"Dada dada..."

It was not until the sound of the gun that they were called back to God, and the dozens of devils had fallen under the gun.

People suddenly realized that it was a submachine gun.

But even if it's submachine guns, it's impossible for them to catch up with a small team of devils just by two people.

If they had not seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed that there was such a thing in the world.

It's always been a few devils chasing a lot of Chinese soldiers. Today it's the other way around.

"Junzuo, they're coming."

Chen Guangzhong said, touching his waist.

Tao Guang shook his head: "don't be so nervous. Since killing the devils, it's the national army. If it appears here, it should be the magic capital guard."

"We are soldiers of the Third Battalion and first company of the first regiment of Mordor guard! Who is your team A soldier reported himself from a distance.

Of course, they are not recruits. The recruits don't have the courage. They are both veterans of black tiger stronghold.

The old bandit, to be exact.

"It's really the defense of Mordor." Tao Guang asked the guards around him to talk to him. He wanted to keep up with him.

The guard yelled, "we are from the 28th army. This is our Tao junzuo. Junzuo, please come and talk to us."

Two guards came up.

Along the way, all the soldiers of the 28th army looked at them with envy.

Compared with other people's guards, they always feel like they have just come from the village.

Look how handsome the uniform is.

German military uniform is handsome. Sometimes it is easy to drag down the action, but is it important? That's the end of it.

The key is that Su Xun adopted the tactics of firepower coverage, which did not require soldiers to take too many actions, so the uniform would not have a great impact.

"Hello, sir!"

When they came to Tao Guang, they saluted.

"Hello." Tao Guang saluted back and looked at them: "Tut, this guy is really good-looking. You two dare to chase a small team of devils. It's not easy. Let's talk about what's going on."

"If you go back to the officer, we have defeated shigen Matsui. We are just pursuing the rout." One of the guards said with pride on his face.

After this, all the officers of the 28th army changed their faces and stared at him in disbelief.

"What did you say, young man?" Tao Guang's voice has been improved by several points.

It's two divisions with Matsui shigen. How many people are there in the guard army? And how long has it taken to defeat the two divisions of the Japanese army? Are you kidding!

"Sir, what I said is true. If you enter the city, you will know."

Looking at the speech of the soldiers of the guard army, the officers of the 28th army were silent and shocked. They didn't say anything for a long time. They really didn't know what to say.

They came all the way to support, but before they arrived, they had already destroyed two divisions of the Japanese army. What's the fighting power of this horse?

What's the name of this magic guard?

Tao Guang took a deep breath and suppressed his astonishment: "how did you fight?"

"This..." It seems that the soldiers of the security forces who were asked didn't know how to answer, so they scratched the back of their heads: "just a few guns down, then they shot, then they won, and they began to chase the rout soldiers."

Tao Guang

28 General of the army

Listen, is this human talk?

When they fought with the devils, it was not a near death. The result was so simple in the mouth of the guard.

Maybe I just don't know how to say it, so the process must be very difficult.

Tao Guang thought of this in his heart, and his eyes fell on his AK74: "look, your uniform is German, and this submachine gun is also German?"

"Submachine gun? Sir, this is a rifle. " The guard replied.

Tao Guang laughs: "you little guy, you can't tell when you become a soldier or a gun. Remember later. Don't make jokes. This thing is called submachine gun."

The generals of the 28th army also laughed.

"It's really a rifle!" It seems that the soldiers of the guard are in a bit of a hurry. Su Shuai said clearly that this thing is called an automatic rifle, not a rifle.

Tao Guang took the rifle in the soldier's hand and fired a shot at the distance: "see, this is called a rifle, your kind is called a submachine gun."

The soldiers of the security forces are confused. Is this thing really called submachine gun?

"Come on, take us to the city to meet your soldiers." Tao Guang has many things to ask Su Xun face to face. He doesn't expect a recruit who can't distinguish between rifle and submachine gun to answer his doubts.………………

In an hour.


Looking at the AK74, Tao Guang and all the officers of the 28th army in the hands of the magic capital guard, they fell into deep silence and began to doubt life.

"Look, sir, I said it was a rifle." Said the guard soldier of the leading Party.

Is this thing Is it really a rifle?

Did they make a joke?

But can this speed of fire be called a rifle?

What's more, where did the Mordor guard come from? They are so hot eyed!

No wonder they can defeat the two divisions of Matsui shigen. With this kind of magic weapon, can they lose?

"Hello, commander!"

"Su Shuai is good!"

All of a sudden, all kinds of greetings rang out.

Tao Guang and others came back to their senses and followed the path of fame.

I saw a young general in a dark military uniform, a big cornice hat and a black leather suit coming, followed by a uniform of young officers.

They knew that this was Su Xun, the highest commander of the magic capital guard.

"Commander Tao, come all the way. Welcome. I've heard a lot about you. I've heard a lot about you."

Su Xun laughed and stretched out his hand from a distance.

Tao Guang quickly came forward to hold it: "where, where, the name of Su Shuai is like thunder, and it will spread all over China after today! admire! Admiration

"Commander Tao praised me. It's really our duty to defend our country." Su Xun let go.

Tao Guang pointed to the AK74 on the soldiers and asked, "if you make su Shuai laugh, is this really a rifle?"

"It's true. It's just called an automatic rifle. It can fire continuously." Su Xun nodded.

Tao Guang took a cool breath: "Su Shuai, I dare to ask which country's new weapon this is."

"Let's not talk about it, brother Tao. Let your department go down and change clothes first. Everyone has this thing, and my people will teach them to use it." Su Xun said.

Tao Guang and others were pleasantly surprised: "do we also have? This It's too expensive. "

This gun is not cheap at first sight.

There are 40000 people in their 28th army. 40000 pieces of this new weapon. How much will it cost? It's a big favor.

"Brother Tao, when the country is in crisis, it's not the time to worry about these things." Su Xun said with great pride.

Tao Guang admired him: "brother Su, our soldiers will fight to the death. If this war is not broken, the Japanese will not return it! Otherwise, I'm sorry for Su Xun's gun! "

"Report!" At this moment, an officer came with the rank of major on his shoulder.

Su Xun nodded: "say."

"Report to Su Shuai that 320 people were killed, 50 wounded, 30000 killed, 35000 rifles, hundreds of thousands of bullets, 70 guns of all kinds, and 10000 shells were captured in this battle. It's a pity that the guy Matsui shigen ran away while he was in disorder."

Listening to the battlefield report made by the major, the officers of the 28th army took a breath and were shocked.

More than 300 people died on our own side, but more than 30000 people were killed on the enemy side. What is the immortal ratio?

If they had not seen it with their own eyes, they would definitely have said that they were making a false report of military achievements.

What shocked them even more was that they killed more than 30000 enemies, that is to say, none of the Japanese prisoners were left behind, and the Mordor guards were really cruel.

"Well, go down."

Su Xun waved his hand. In fact, there were fewer casualties. Most of them were killed in pursuit.

When they were in the trenches, they were basically fighting under the pressure of the Japanese army, because the range of the gun was also longer than that of the Japanese army.

The Japanese could not beat them at all, but they could sweep them down one by one.

This gap makes it hard for them to die.

"Brother Tao, let's go to the headquarters first."

Su Xun looked at Tao Guang and said.

"Brother Su, please." Tao Guang said.

When Su Xun and Tao guangbu met, the battle outside the city of Mordor was also sent out by telegram.

It was not only Sushen's telegrams, but also those sent by people from various countries in the concession.

It can be said that it shocked all sides. The name of Su Xun and the name of Mordor guard really resounded throughout China.

Before Su Xun won the magic capital, in the eyes of outsiders, he had the advantage of military strength and surprise.

This time, however, it was a real tough encounter. Ishigen Matsui was still the commander-in-chief of the Japanese army.

"Extra! Extra! General Su Xun wiped out 30000 enemies outside the city of Mordor, and Matsui shigen fled! "

"Outside the nickname..."

"Little boy! Give me a newspaper

"My God, 30000 Japanese troops, when did China have such a victory?"

"General Su Xun is really sent by heaven to save us, the suffering Republic of China!"

"I'm going to join the army! I want to kill the devil

Old Chiang Kai Shek was electrified to praise, and another great man was also electrified to praise, and all the leaders were electrified.The budget estimate of Tongdian is a feature of the Republic of China.

For several days in a row, all over the country were discussing Su Xun and the defense army of Mordor.

But the Japanese army was so happy.

When the news came back to the island, the Navy took the opportunity to blame the army for its incompetence and asked the navy to attack Mordor from the sea, because the Navy had Marines.

The army opposes, because if the Navy wins, the army won't win next year.

Finally, the cabinet decided to cooperate with the sea and land, waiting for the army to gather and fight a decisive battle with absolute strength.

In their view, as long as the army arrives, the equipment advantage of the Mordor guard will disappear. In this kind of battlefield, the equipment advantage of an army cannot play a decisive role.

But what they didn't know was that Su Xun was hiding in the Sixing warehouse, constantly playing and calling.

Now, on the other side of modern Hong Kong Island, it's no longer Tsao Kat Lang who is providing arms, because he can't get such a large number of arms.

Su Xun asked Zhou Wenli to contact Xu Zhengyang. Through Xu Zhengyang, he contacted the above, so now Su Xun has a country behind him.

As long as he plays big summon, there will be no shortage of weapons, so if the Japanese want to play the sea of people tactics, then their end will be to gather together and die collectively.

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