August 13th.

The day when the battle of Songhu broke out in history.

Although the war started two days earlier because of the arrival of Su Xun, it can only be regarded as appetizer. From today on, it can be regarded as dinner.

The main forces of China and Japan have reached the strategic deployment position, with nearly one million troops.

Although Matsui shigen suffered a defeat, at the insistence of the Army Department, he was still the commander in chief of the Japanese army in this battle.

But at the same time, he also made a military order. If he could not win Mordor, he would kill himself.

This is his last chance to rectify his name.

The Navy will also operate simultaneously, shelling Mordor from the sea to support the army.

This is the meeting room of Mordor city government.

All the commanders of the participating troops sat around the conference table, and Su Xun was among them.

"Thanks to Su Shuai's guard this time, otherwise it's our turn to get all the demons back."

"It's much more difficult to fight a tough battle than a defensive one."

"Yes, and how did Su Shuai's new weapons come to us without knowing it."

"It's good that Su Shuai is willing to provide new weapons to our friendly forces."

Su Xun had already distributed a large number of weapons to each army. Of course, it was impossible for each army to have one, because the total number was only 150000.

There were 600000 Chinese troops participating in the war.

However, these 150000 ak74s are enough to play a decisive role in the battlefield.

The Japanese army is only over 300000.

"Commander Feng arrives -"

just at this moment, a high pitched voice rings outside the conference room.

Everyone stood up in an instant.

Step on

With the sound of military boots hitting the ground, a fat middle-aged man with two moustaches came in wearing a gaudy uniform.

This person is Feng Huanzhang.

In the battle of Songhu, he was afraid of enemy planes, so he always hid in the rear to command the battle.

Later, under the hint of Lao Jiang, this guy voluntarily resigned from the position of commander of Songhu battle.

"Good afternoon, commander Feng!" Everyone salutes.

Feng Huanzhang waved his hand: "let's all sit down."

Then they all sat down again.

"Everyone relax. With the new weapons provided by general Su, the little devils are nothing at all."

Feng Huanzhang took a sip of tea and laughed.

People are also accompanied by a smile.

"Well, now I'm going to start the meeting. I'm relieved that the Japanese battleships carry a large number of soldiers to land in Wusongkou, Chuansha town. The 15th group army must stop them from landing. The defense forces of general Su's mordu are well-equipped, so they stay in the frontal battlefield..."

Feng Huanzhang began to assign combat tasks, and the meeting lasted more than an hour.

After the meeting, everyone dispersed, and a large number of soldiers shuttled through the city. The cloud of war once again shrouded over the magic capital.

Su Xun's magic capital guard and "baga road!"

When Matsui shigen saw this scene through his telescope, he yelled and said, "order, a group of staff officers behind him nodded.

I've torn off all my hands. Is this the strength that a man can have?

Zhao Zilong and a Dou who killed seven in and seven out in Changbanpo are not as fierce as him.

The foreigners on the other side of Suzhou Creek were also pale with fear. They murmured the word "devil" one after another. In their eyes, Su Xun was the incarnation of the devil.

The battle on the front battlefield ended again with the victory of the Chinese garrison. At the same time, the news of victory came from Wusongkou, and the Japanese army failed to land.

When the telegram spread all over the country, the whole country cheered and thought victory was in sight.

In the newspaper, the scene of Su Xun standing in blood stasis was left in everyone's heart. In the eyes of the enemy, he was a devil, and in the eyes of the Chinese, he was a hero.

On August 14, the Japanese army suffered heavy losses. On that day, Su Xun didn't organize any more to sneer. If those heroes who died in the war knew you were spending too much time here, they would like to get up and strangle you all.

At the beginning of the dance, many so-called celebrities came to chat up with Su Xun, but Su Xun declined. He still despised these inferior goods.

"To you, general su."

With a beautiful voice like a nightingale sounded, a burst of fragrant wind into the nose.

Su Xun looked up and saw a woman in a light pink cheongsam coming with a wine cup.

The woman looks like she is in her twenties. She has white skin, delicate figure and black silk at the fork of the cheongsam. She is the best.

Pure revealed charming, absolutely.

However, Su Xun felt that the woman was not right. Looking at her hands, her fingers were calloused, which indicated that she often held the gun. Attention, the gun was iron.Thanks to watching so many spy dramas since childhood, he thinks that this woman is mostly an assassin.

But Su Xun didn't tear it down, because this woman is really beautiful. If you want to kill her, you have to play first. You can't waste the resources sent to her.

"What do you call it?" Su Xun asked.

Woman Ying Ying smiles: "my name is Xiaoling. I'm a student. Because I admire the general, it took me a long time to get the invitation this evening."

"Since you admire me, why don't we talk somewhere else? It's too noisy here. " Su Xun showed an anxious look, his eyes were hot.

Aoki Lingzi's eyes flashed a touch of contempt. She thought how hard it would be to deal with. She didn't expect that she was the same as other men. That's easy.

"Good." She gave an innocent smile.

Then they went up to a room on the third floor. After entering, Su Xun couldn't wait to hold her, and then went to tear her clothes.

He behaves like a qualified wolf.

Aoki Lingzi is still playing the role of her pure schoolgirl: "ah! General, please don't do this. Please, it's not good. I don't want to... "

"No! You think, don't move, if you move again, I'll go Su Xun half threatened to say.

Aoki Lingzi wants to cry and looks at him. She has been trained professionally and is the best at hooking men.

She felt that Su Xun was groping on himself, and her eyes were cold. She wanted to kill him when Su Xun was most relaxed.

All of a sudden, she felt something against herself, blushing and wriggling, and said, "general, what's against me? Take it away."

"It's a gun." Su Xun chuckled in her ear.

Aoki looked down, and suddenly her face changed and her body became stiff.

Because it's a gun on her belly.

A black browning.

"General, you What are you doing Aoki made up a look of panic.

Su Xun looked at her with a smile: "you're still pretending to be your mother with me. I'm finished with Rua. Now it's time to send you on the road. If you want to kill me, you can live in the next life."

touch, touch is enough, this little devil is not worthy of her own body, gave her the essence, it is not equal to the enemy? No, it's copulation.

Aoki Lingzi couldn't figure out how she was exposed, but she didn't have time to think about it, so she knelt to susian's brother.

But she didn't move as fast as Sue.

At the moment when she lifted her knee, Su Xun had already pulled the trigger.


The gunshot rang out. Aoki Lingzi looked at Su Xun and fell to the ground. The scarlet blood spread from her abdomen.

"Chest, no brain."

Su Xun gave her precious historical evaluation.

Step on

There was a rush of footsteps outside. Someone must have heard the gunshot.

When Su Xun opened the door, he found that Feng Huanzhang and other officers were coming.

"General Su, what happened."

"How could there be gunfire."

They all asked.

Su Xun replied, "don't panic. An island female assassin wanted to assassinate me. I saw through and killed her."

As he spoke, he stood aside.

When they saw Aoki Lingzi's body, they couldn't help taking a breath.

Such a beautiful woman can do it.

It's hard work!

If it's them, at least pretend they didn't see through, and then kill them after they've finished!

"General Feng, this is how we..." Su Xun came to Feng Huanzhang's ear and whispered a few words.

He is ready to give the devils a stratagem, or "Matsui shigen with a hat!"

Matsui shigen threw his hat.

He did not know that after throwing away his hat, he became more prominent.

Su Xun took a sniper gun and aimed at the uncapped ghost officer in the chaos army.


With the sound of gunfire, the running Matsui shigen flopped to the ground.

Susian took the gun, rolled the bolt, and took a few steps to hit him.

"Kang!" "Kang!" "Kang!"

He was shot to death by shooting all the bullets in this way.

Because if Matsui shigen is captured alive, he will not be killed.

Therefore, Su Xun would not capture him, but kill him and never give him any chance to live.

In the original time and space, Matsui shigen, who had made many massacres, died here.

A few hours later, he began to clean up the battlefield. This battle has already won an absolute victory for the battle of Songhu.

The total annihilation of 300000 Devils is a great loss to that tiny part of the island country.It's enough to hurt them.

The battle of Songhu ended in three days.

It is enough to show that under absolute firepower, all enemies are paper tigers and rubbish.

After the news spread, the whole country was shocked and excited, and the Anti Japanese enthusiasm and confidence were unprecedented.

"Outside the nickname! Victory in Songhu battle! Totally annihilate 300000 devils! "

"Outside the name, general Su expected everything as well as he could..."

"True or false! We really won! Hahaha, we really won! Win

"Little devil is nothing! They didn't have three heads and six arms! Ha ha ha... "

The island countries are in a state of wailing and anger. 300000 Imperial troops are dying, and they have to face the pressure and anger of the domestic people.

Therefore, chaos has begun in the interior of the island. This is the opportunity for China to organize a counter offensive.

Su Xun's name spread all over the country.

After the end of the war, the great powers found the news that China wanted to obtain those new weapons.

Not only the great powers, but also Lao Jiang was ready to get the source of those new weapons from Su Xun.

But at this juncture, they suddenly found that Su Xun's mystery had disappeared, and there were also 40 officers in the guard.

Yes, after the war, when everyone was immersed in the joy of victory, Su Xun, Zhou xingzu and others had already crossed back to Hong Kong Island.

Because Su Xun knew that there would be a lot of trouble coming to him, but he didn't like trouble.

Before leaving, he handed over a large amount of means of production to our party generals who came to support the battle.

And a lot of weapons were handed over to them.

After all this, he left.

Su Xun and 40 guards suddenly appeared in the magic capital, and now they suddenly disappeared. In addition to those huge weapons, everything covered the mysterious veil of Su Xun's origin.

Many people have to believe that he is the God sent by heaven to save the country from crisis. After completing his mission, he left again.

It was from this moment that the word "Su Xun" appeared in the history of every country.


Modern Hong Kong Island.

Zhou xingzu mansion helipad with white light flash, a group of people out of thin air.

"Ah! Finally back! My mansion

Zhou xingzu looked up at the sky and let out a long cry.

Everyone else was relieved.

Although 1937 was a happy year and killing devils was also a happy year, it was also very dangerous.

They're lucky to be back alive.

"Come on, go back to your home and find your mother. It's a dream."

Su Xun waved his hand, took out his mobile phone and took a look at the time. He found that only one day had passed.

Su Xun went back to his villa.

"Brother Xun, you are back."

Seeing Su Xun, Zhou Wenli was surprised and ran directly to him.

Su Xun bowed his head and kissed her red lips.

Zhou Wenli closed her eyes and stood on tiptoe.

A moment later, Zhou Wenli's jeans were left on the ground, and she was left on the sofa.

A woman's sweet voice rang out in the living room.

After holding on for so long in 1937, of course, I want to be cool at the first time when I come back.

It's hard for Zhou Wenli. When it's over, she feels that her body doesn't belong to her.

After a ridiculous night, the next day susian changed into a suit and went to work with a clear mind.

"Good morning, sir."

"Good morning, sir."

Along the way, all those who met Su Xun said hello one after another. Su Xun responded with a smile.


Just into the office, bud son on the intimate delivery of a hand-made hot coffee.

"Was there a big case yesterday?"

Su Xun took a sip of coffee and asked.

Yazi shook his head: "no, under Su Sir's management, yesterday was calm."

"Why, you seem to have scratched. I think you have water coming out of your eyes." Su Xun took a look at Yazi and said seriously.

Yazi jiaochen: "it's not just in your eyes, husband. You haven't hummed with others for a long time."

She has changed from a pure policewoman to an old driver who doesn't slow down. She even takes the initiative to woo.

"Take care of you tonight." Su Xun gave her a promise. It's so hard to be a man.

Yazi blinked: "look forward to it."

"Goblin." Su Xun took another sip of coffee.

"Dong Dong..."

The door of the office was knocked.

Bud son moment is from the desk down, she just sat on the desk.Su Xun called, "come in."

As his voice dropped, an inspector came in: "Sir, the police from the mainland are here."

"Mainland public security?" Su Xun was stunned. Then he asked, "what are they doing here?"

"Yesterday, there was a robbery in a gold shop in Wanchai. The public security on the mainland suspected that it was a group of habitual robbers and murderers they had been pursuing." The inspector replied politely.

Su Xun looked at Yazi: "didn't you say there was no case yesterday?"

"Well It's not a big deal. " Bud son some guilty, weak said a.

Su Xun was speechless. Robbing the gold shop didn't seem to be a big case. If it wasn't for someone from the mainland, this kind of case didn't need him.

Su Xun put down his coffee cup and said to the inspector, "please come in from the mainland."

Although it's a bit sensitive to meet people from the mainland at this stage, and he's still a public servant, Su Xun doesn't care. The director is a fart.

When he becomes the director, the director is the director. Now the director is just a decoration.

"Yes, sir." The inspector answered and turned to leave. A moment later, he came back. This time, he was accompanied by three men and one woman. It was the police.

A tall, middle-aged man in his thirties looked at Su Xun and said, "Hello, Deputy Director Su. I'm Zhong Cheng, the leader of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Changpu Public Security Bureau in the mainland."

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