"Zhong Cheng?"

Hearing the name and looking at the familiar face, Su Xun knew that it was the plot of the movie again.

But he didn't know which movie it was.

It's normal, because when "anti riot" was released, he had already got the system, so he didn't have time to see any movies.

Don't you think it's good to spend your limited time on unlimited women?

What's good about the movie?

Only those who are idle will go to the cinema.

Because men with women don't have egg pain.

The movie "violence elimination" tells the story of a criminal gang called the eagle gang who committed robbery and murder in the 1990s, and the police played games with it.

This film was just released, so Su Xun didn't see it, but he saw the big man in which Wang Qianyuan played, so he recognized this guy.

I'm sure I met the plot of the movie.

"Not bad, Zhong Cheng." Zhong Cheng nodded.

Su Xun took back his misty thoughts and made a gesture: "Captain Zhong, there are two more, please sit down."

The three sat down on the sofa next to them.

As soon as he sat down, Zhong Cheng said, "Deputy Director Su, we are here because the eagle Gang, a criminal gang suspected of committing several major crimes in our mainland, has fled to Hong Kong Island, so we want to cooperate with the Hong Kong Island police to arrest the eagle gang."

Mention this eagle Gang, Zhong Cheng although on the surface did not show any emotion, but in the heart but to its hate gnash teeth.

When he first took office, he met the eagle Gang to rob the gold shop, and he was captured alive by the eagle Gang, which was the biggest humiliation he suffered.

Later, the eagle gang committed several crimes, and he led the police to fight with them several times, but they were all successfully escaped by the core members of the eagle gang.

Then the eagle Gang disappeared in Changpu area and began to commit crimes in other cities until it disappeared, as if the world had evaporated.

For the past year, he has been tracking the Hawks. Until yesterday, he heard from his friends on Hong Kong Island that there was a gold shop robbery.

At that time, his friend was in the gold shop to pick the jewelry for his wife, so he witnessed the whole process of the crime and told him when he complained to Zhong Cheng.

Listening to the whole process of the crime, with his understanding of the eagle Gang, Zhong Cheng keenly realized that it was the work of the eagle gang and committed the crime again one year later.

Zhong Cheng immediately reported to his superiors and brought people to Hong Kong Island to communicate with the Hong Kong Island police. He must arrest the eagle Gang himself.

This is no longer a matter of responsibility, but has evolved into a kind of persistence.

"Captain Zhong, don't worry. I will arrest these people." After hearing this, Su Xun didn't think how difficult the eagle gang was. After all, he even caught the terrorists and the navy seals.

Compared with the eagles, they are scum.

Zhong Cheng quickly explained: "Deputy Director Su, you misunderstood me. I mean, the mainland police are the main ones to arrest. After all, the eagle Gang came from the mainland to commit crimes."

"Captain Zhong, since the crime was committed on Hong Kong Island, as the director of operations, I have the responsibility to capture the criminals. Of course, I can take them back to the mainland for trial." Although Su Xun has a red heart, Hong Kong Island is his territory. How can he give the law enforcement power to the mainland police.

What's more, if he catches the eagles who have committed serious crimes in the mainland, can he get a good image in the mainland? This is his contribution!

Zhong Cheng knew that he couldn't force it, so he had to take the second place: "then we need to take part in the action."

Since we can't take the initiative, we should at least participate in the arrest.

"Yes." Su Xun nodded, then picked up the phone and called Wanchai police station: "let Chen Jiaju come."

Now Mr Chan is the head of the serious crime unit of Wan Chai police station.

About half an hour later, Chen Jiaju walked into Su Xun's office and saluted: "Hello, sir!"

Although he usually laughs, but there are outsiders, he still pays attention to the image.

"Captain Zhong, this is Inspector Chen Jiaju, head of Wanchai serious crime team. He will connect with you in this case." Su Xun pointed to Chen Jiaju and said to Zhong Cheng.

Now he is the deputy director. Of course, he doesn't have to go to the front line in person, let alone such a small case.

If it wasn't for the fact that the case had a great impact on the mainland, he would not even have personally asked about it.

Chen Jiaju some doubts, what case, but still nodded to Zhong Cheng: "hello."

"Hello." Zhong Cheng responded.

Su Xun said: "well, Jiaju, you are responsible for arranging captain Zhong's board and lodging..."

"No, Deputy Director Su, we have regulations on it..." Zhong Cheng quickly refused.

Su Xun interrupted him: "you and us, after a few years, we will be a family, so we can know what to do, so it's settled."

Su Xun once again expressed his support for the mainland government and always adhered to the principle of one China."Well All right Zhong Cheng is also not good at refuting Su Xun's face. After all, Su Xun's level is very high.

Chen Jiaju left with Zhong Cheng.

Then another woman came in and said respectfully, "Sir, you have a meeting to attend in ten minutes."

"I see." After Su Xun became deputy director, the most important thing he did was to hold meetings.

It seems that the top management has endless meetings all day.

On the other hand, Zhong Cheng and others left the police headquarters with Chen Jiaju.

"A few, please get on the bus."

Chen Jiaju opened the car door and took the three to a five-star hotel.

"Team leader Chen, we will Where do you live? "

Standing at the door of the hotel, all three were stunned.

"Not satisfied? No? "

Chen Jiaju looks at them in surprise, but he is reluctant to spend money to stay in this kind of hotel.

Zhong Cheng shook his head: "no, I'm too satisfied, but there's no need to waste so much money."

This is their first visit to Hong Kong Island. They have the same idea that the life of the police here is too rotten and defeated.

"Don't mention it. This hotel has shares in Susir. His entertaining friends live here. Let's go."

Chen Jiaju was right. The hotel was really owned by Su Xun, but he didn't know it.

Because now he doesn't know how much money he has and how much property he has.

Zhong Cheng and the three look at each other.

"Well, we'll enjoy it today. We can't refute the kindness of our compatriots on Hong Kong Island."

Zhong Cheng breathes out a breath, and then moves his steps. He always feels constrained.

The main reason is that the mainland is not economically developed in this era. When they first come to Hong Kong Island, they are becoming more and more charming. They have never stayed in this kind of hotel.

after all, who would have thought that in the next twenty years, the mainland would be another new world?


In an abandoned factory in Yuen Long.

"Ha ha ha ha, this money is so easy to earn!"

"Yes, with a gun suddenly suddenly suddenly, a burst of random sweep, those police even dare not take the head."

"It's much easier than being in the mainland. Madder, the public security officers in the mainland are riding on horses like madmen."

"It's true that capitalism is good at making money..."

In a shabby room, a group of men clung to a pile of gold heads and laughed.

This is a member of the eagles.

Looking at his brothers, Zhang Falcon also showed a smile: "well, as I said, Hong Kong Island is better than the mainland. We all came late. In the 1980s, it was really money making."

The 1980s was a time when large circles were rampant. These people were also known as the provincial and Hong Kong flag soldiers.

In the original film, although Zhang Falcon and his gang had committed crimes all over the world, they did not actually come to Hong Kong Island. In this time and space, they came because of the butterfly effect caused by Su Xun.

Zhang Falcon committed too many crimes in Changpu some time ago, and then took people to Qingzhou, but because the police were watching too closely, he couldn't do it all the time.

Just at that time, I often heard that Hong Kong Island had cracked such and such robberies. The word "Hong Kong Island" was engraved in his mind.

Then he began to pay attention to the news on Hong Kong Island. According to his idea, since he has been targeted in the mainland, why can't he change his place?

His way of thinking is different.

When people watch the news, they are concerned about what major cases the Hong Kong police have cracked.

His concern is that Hong Kong Island has destroyed so many cases, indicating that the crime rate is high.

The high crime rate shows that there are many people who break the law and commit crimes. The number of people who commit crimes shows that Hong Kong Island is a good place to start!

In his opinion, this group of people led by him is different from those rubbish. If he comes to Hong Kong Island, he will let the dragon like a sea, and from then on, the sea will be as wide as the dragon.

After making adequate preparations, he led the gang to smuggle to Hong Kong Island.

No more than a month after I came here, I committed the first gold shop robbery. Because of my long-term working experience, I was very skilled at starting work.

Therefore, all the way smoothly in accordance with the plan of robbery and escape, in the face of Hong Kong Island police interception, the pressure of counterattack is much less than that of mainland police.

No wonder everyone says that Hong Kong Island is a paradise, and it's really a paradise!

"It's more than easy to get. It's so easy to get. The police's guns here are like firesticks."

Big dog said with a smile, looking at a pile of gold, feeling thirsty.

Zhang Ying scratched his long hair: "of course, the police on Hong Kong Island are well paid. They are all from police academies. Many of them have never seen blood. Most of the public security officers in the mainland are veterans. Can they be compared in strength?"

"But I heard that the flying tigers on Hong Kong Island are very good." Said a man with long hair.Zhang Falcon laughed: "the flying tigers are anti-terrorism, our case is not enough for the flying tigers, so ah, we can rest assured that the fishing is over."

"Brother, how can we get this batch of goods out? The previous route is broken." Big dog is holding a gold bracelet.

Zhang Falcon pondered: "the risk of selling stolen goods in the mainland is too great. Let's sell the goods from Hong Kong Island to Hong Kong Island. Forget it. Don't worry. Brothers, we have a big life."

Zhang Falcon's style of doing things is to focus on the next order when he makes this one.

So before the stolen gold and silver jewelry was sold, he was already planning to grab one. This time, it was their best thing to grab the deposit car.

Zhang Falcon took out a map: "I have observed it before when I was on the spot. There will be a deposit car on this road every half a month Brothers, we'll wash our hands when we're done alone! "

His wife is pregnant, so this time he came to Hong Kong Island to work for the last time. Robbing the gold shop is just a warm-up after one year and a trial to the Hong Kong Island police.

Now that the goal has been achieved, the next step is to have dinner. After grabbing the deposit car, they can share tens of millions of money and go back to be rich.

When they heard Zhang's words, the other four people were smiling. After working so long, they were tired, but no one mentioned it.


Three days later.

A deposit car is driving on the central ring road.

Then suddenly a van stopped it, and then four masked shooters jumped down.

The deposit car is bulletproof. Four people swagger and walk leisurely. The deposit car is loaded with bombs.

"Boom! Boom

With the sound of the explosion, the deposit car was blown away, and the teller inside was shocked to death or fainted. Four people picked up the money box and left.

The whole process was just two minutes ago. Even before many people could react, the van had already carried the bandits away.

At the same time, on the rooftop of the distant building, a member of the eagle gang who observed the whole scene through a telescope also began to evacuate.

This is the tradition of the eagle gang. Every time we start work, we need a person to observe the lower part with a telescope. Once there is any movement, we will inform the person below in time.

Three minutes after the robbery, the local police station received security and mobilized a nearby SUV to intercept the van.

At the same time, report to the top.

Van in the central rampage, two people a left and a right from the window out of an AK aimed at the rear of the car chase.



The tire of a submachine was blown out, and the vehicle lost control and rolled over on the side of the road.

"Wuhu -"

members of the eagle Gang let out exaggerated calls, threw grenades behind them and roared. A submachine car dodged and was directly blown over by the grenades.

"Ha ha ha, this group of rubbish still want to catch up with us. Let's go back to our hometown in the next life!"

"Throw another thunder to cheer them up!"

Because this is Hong Kong Island, not the mainland, the Hawks are reckless and keep throwing grenades.

I don't know how many people were killed along the way.

Zhong Cheng, Chen Jiaju and others had already started when they got the news.

In the ring road, a van in front of the storm, followed by a large police car chase.

"Go around to the front!"

Zhong Cheng yells at Chen Jiaju who is driving.

"Then you'll sit down!"

Chen Jiaju slammed the steering wheel and rushed into a small alley nearby. The speed didn't decrease.

Even Zhong Cheng was so scared that he turned pale. I'm afraid he didn't die in the hands of eagles and Chen Jiaju.

Chen Jiaju drove his car around the alley, disturbing the people all the way. He finally ran up the road and stopped in front of the van.

"Mad! He's here anyway

Zhang Falcon saw Zhong Cheng's face in the opposite car from the windshield, and then said, "hit it!"

"Good!" The driver grinned and slammed the gas all the way through.

Chen Jiaju put his car in the same place and forced him to stop with his car.

"Bang Dang!"

Two cars collided in the middle of the road. The van pushed the car along the way. Seeing the car overturned, Zhong Cheng held a gun out of the window, aimed at the van's tires and pulled the trigger.

Such a close distance, of course, will not miss.

"Kang Kang..."

Three shots down, the van's left front wheel suddenly exploded, the vehicle lost its direction, made a circle in the middle of the road, and then hit the roadside railings.

"Come on! get off the car! Get out of the car and go

Zhang Falcon quickly opened the door and jumped down, then aimed at Chen Jiaju's car and shot to cover his teammates.

The other four also jumped down, and then five even ran to the overpass without paying attention to the money."Eagle! You have no way to escape! "

Zhang Falcon shouts and shoots.

"If you catch me."

"Kang Kang..."

The two sides launched a fierce gunfight in the street, and more and more police arrived, surrounded the overpass and blocked the exit of the overpass.


The eagles are starting to get shot.

"Big dog!"

Zhang Falcon exclaimed, and then simply shot the injured dog to death, with the other three people continue to flee, while shooting with the police.

"Kang Kang..."

In the twinkling of an eye, surrounded by the police, four people died in the eagle Gang, leaving only one Zhang falcon.

But Zhang is also the most effective one.

"Dada dada..."

He picked up his teammate's AK strafe.

As soon as Chen Jiaju gritted his teeth and climbed up a tree by the side of the road, he jumped down from the tree with a roar.

"Ah, ah

Zhang almost subconsciously looked back, and then saw Chen Jiaju falling from the sky.

The next second, he was held by Chen Jiaju and fell to the ground. Then they fought on the ground.

The police around also stopped shooting, and then began to rush up the overpass. Zhong Cheng was the fastest.

Zhang falcon is an expert in robbing, but he is not Chen Jiaju's opponent when he comes up with fists.

Especially in this case.

Chen Jiaju grabs Zhang Falcon's hand holding the gun, keeps hitting the ground, and finally throws his gun away.

"Touch! Touch

Zhang Falcon did not stop hitting Chen Jiaju with his elbow.

But Chen Jiaju held on to his teeth, so he hugged him and twisted his legs.

Suddenly, Chen Jiaju let him go.

Zhang falcon is about to get up, only to find his hand and Chen Jiaju's hand together.

Chen Jiaju grinned: "run."

"Run Zhong Cheng has rushed over, and there are police on both sides of the overpass.

Looking around at the police everywhere, Zhang Falcon lost.

He thought Hong Kong Island was the place to make money, but he didn't expect it to be his death.

I can only blame him for meeting Chen Jiaju, who is good at chasing criminals.

And this time it's Chen Jiaju and Zhong Cheng.

After Zhang Falcon was arrested, Su Xun asked Zhong Cheng to take him back to the mainland for trial, so Chen Jiaju was promoted.

To bring Zhang Falcon back to the mainland for trial, apart from selling the personal information of the mainland police, the most important thing is that there is a death penalty in the mainland, and such a person should be shot.

If it's on Hong Kong Island, this guy can only be sentenced to several decades, or even escape from prison.

After all, there are a lot of prison break movies on Hong Kong Island. What if this guy meets the hero of a prison break movie in prison and runs away with him.

After Zhang's affairs were settled, Su Xun took Miao Zhishun and long Jiu to Taiwan Island.

Long Jiu is long Wu's sister. She is a policewoman with long legs. She is an inspector of the political department. Su Xun is coming.

Isn't a woman's bodyguard fragrant?

This time I went to Hong Kong Island at the invitation of Zhou Chaoxian.

Zhou Dynasty wanted to elect a legislator first, but he had a natural weakness in this respect. Two years ago, Lei Fucheng was elected because of his contacts accumulated in more than 30 years since the establishment of the triad and a lot of money.

But the Songlin gang of Zhou Dynasty was only a few years old, and it was not as rich as the Sanlian gang. If he wanted to win, he had to find his own backer.

His biggest backer is Su Xun, who has money and status.

Although he is from Hong Kong Island, people from the political and business circles on Taiwan Island must give him some face.

So he asked Su Xun for help, hoping that Su Xun would come to Taiwan in person.

At 10 a.m. that day, outside the Zhongzheng airport in Taoyuan, Taiwan Island, there were all kinds of Mercedes Benz and gang members in all kinds of suits.

Wearing a silver suit, Zhou Chaoxian and his wife stood beside the car, staring at the crowd in and out of the airport. His wife still held a bunch of gorgeous flowers in her hand.

"Hey, I'll give him flowers. What if he likes me?" Zhou Chaoxian's wife said.

His wife has no culture. She just likes to buy. She is often whipped by the Zhou Dynasty first. After that, she begins to get married and ends up with two blows.

Because in the Zhou Dynasty, the kidney was not good, early, catharsis.

Zhou Chaoxian said casually, "if Su Sir can take a fancy to you, I'd like to thank the ancestors of the eighth generation. But you don't pee and look at yourself in the mirror. Do you deserve it?"

"Hello, I'm your wife. Do you say that about your wife?" Zhou Chaoxian's wife was not happy and turned her eyes.

Zhou Chaoxian pinched her fart, gritted his teeth and said, "Ganlin Niang, you know how to buy it all day long. If it wasn't for the reason that you've been with me for so many years, I would have changed you for a little scratch. Did you get the money I asked you to send two days ago?"

"Ah! It hurts Zhou Chaoxian's wife frowned: "it's delivered. How can I delay my business? I can still tell the weight of it.""Well! That's good. " Zhou first cold hum, let go of his wife, his face with a warm smile, stride forward: "hurry up."

Not far away, Su Xun came out with long Jiu and Miao Zhishun. Miao Zhishun dragged his suitcase.

Su Xun was dressed in a silver suit, which was very elegant, but with a sense of dignity.

Behind him, long Jiu has short hair, earrings and a cool face. He is wearing a black suspender skirt. His long legs under the thin fishing net stockings have taken away many men's souls.

"Welcome to Taiwan, sir."

The Zhou Dynasty went to Su Xun first and said.

"Su sir, you are more handsome than on TV."

Zhou Chaoxian's wife sent flowers.

Dragon nine goes forward to take it.

Su Xun took a look at Zhou Chaoxian: "it's not bad. If you have good taste, the silver suit can best reflect the demeanor."

"Yes, I learned from Su sir. Let's go to the hotel first." Zhou Chao bent first.

At ordinary times, he is a rising gangster rookie, but now, he is a primary school student.

Su Xun nodded and followed Zhou Chaoxian to the nearby motorcade.

Zhou Chaoxian personally opened the door for him: "Su sir, please."

Su Xun Mai sat up.

Long Jiu sat next to him, and Miao Zhishun got into a car behind him.

Zhou Dynasty drove the driver away first, and acted as the driver for Su Xun himself. His wife was the co pilot.

Then the motorcade left Taoyuan airport.

Passers by dare to talk about it.

"Who was that man just now? It was so big that Zhou Chaoxian met him personally."

"Zhou Chaoxian? Who was the first person in the Zhou Dynasty? "

"Did Zhou Chaoxian not know? Have time to watch TV. Recently, I'm competing with Ding Zongshu for the number of legislators. It's very noisy. "

Not to mention the public comments, the team arrived at a five-star hotel half an hour later.

Zhou Chaoxian's wife opened the car door for Su Xun: "Su sir, at noon I wronged you to have dinner here. Your residence has been arranged, but the French private chef I specially invited for you can arrive in the evening."

"Why do you exaggerate so much?" Su Xun shook his head. Although he said that, he didn't refuse and walked into the hotel first.

A few minutes later, the big private room on the top floor.

There are only four people in Noda's private room.

Zhou Chaoxian and his wife.

Su Xun and long Jiu.

Miao Zhishun stood outside the door.

Other people use public utensils for private purposes. When they come to susian, they use them for private purposes.

"Su sir, I'd like to propose a toast to you first Zhou first raised his glass and got up.

Su Xun took a sip from his glass and said, "let's talk about the current situation first."

He has seen the film "black gold", which can be said to be a classic among the classics, especially the role of Zhou Chaoxian.

He remembers that in the movie, Zhou Chaoxian's party leaders supported him to be elected as a legislator of the Eastern District, but why do you need to trouble him now?

"Su sir, with your support, our Songlin gang has developed well in Taiwan. It was originally decided to support me in this session, but Ding Zongshu, that son of a bitch, hollowed out his family to compete with me and bought it. But I really can't afford so much money, so I can only ask you to come forward and communicate with Minister Hou." When the Zhou Dynasty first mentioned Ding Zongshu, he was gnashing his teeth. This son of a bitch drove up the market.

When Su Xun heard the words, he felt thoughtful. It was true that the plot had changed. Otherwise, Zhou Chaoxian would not have called him. He would have been selected by the Songlin gang.

Su Xun said, "OK, please make an appointment with the minister. I'll talk to him."

"Thank you, sir." Zhou Chaoxian was overjoyed and quickly raised his glass again: "this is my toast to Su sir."

Then he said, "Su sir, there's something else I need to trouble you. There's a party tomorrow morning. Chao wants Su Sir to help me stand down."

"Tell me about it." Su Xun is eating vegetables.

Zhou Dynasty advanced one step explanation: "I've focused on the reconstruction project of Binhai Road, and made an appointment with several other competitors to have a party in the tea garden tomorrow. I urgently need to win this project, because even if you help me communicate with Minister Hou, I still need to give you the money."

The project cost of Binhai Road is one billion yuan. As long as he gets it, he can deduct a large lump from it, which will naturally relieve the economic pressure.

"Well, anyway, one help is also a help, two help is also a help, come to all of them." Su Xun smiles. Of course, he's going to punch in.

Zhou Chaoxian was even more happy: "Su sir, this cup is dry in the morning. Please feel free."

With that, he took up his glass and drank it.

The meal lasted for an hour, after which Su Xun and Zhou Chaoxian walked out of the hotel together.In a seafood cart not far away, three people are staring at the scene.

These people are all from the Ministry of justice. The leader is Fang Guohui. He has long focused on Zhou Chaoxian because of his investigation into gambling in Zhou Chaoxian's game hall.

Before they did their best, they finally got the evidence of gambling in Zhou Chaoxian's game hall and took it to court.

But I didn't think Zhou Dynasty bribed the judge first, and finally acquitted him.

Fang Guohui is naturally unwilling to give up, so he is still staring at Zhou Chaoxian, trying to get evidence of his other crimes.

"Find out who came out with him."

Fang Guohui is talking about Su Xun.

Many people in Taiwan have heard of Su Xun, but few have seen him.

"No need to check. His name is Su Xun, deputy director of Hong Kong Island police force." Meili said aloud that Meili was a member of Fang Guohui's investigation team.

Fang Guohui raised his eyebrows: "Su Xun?"

He had heard of Su Xun's name, and he always regarded him as his idol. After all, Su Xun had solved so many serious cases.

But now seeing that Su Xun had colluded with Zhou Chao Xian, he felt that his faith was broken.

"No wonder this guy is so arrogant and the Songlin Gang is developing so fast. It turns out that it is the people of Hong Kong who support it." Fang Guohui gritted his teeth. Su Xun's behavior of supporting Zhou Chaoxian, in his view, was to disturb Taiwan society.

Another member of the team, nicotine, said, "team leader, do we still have to talk to him? Su Xun is not a vegetarian. "

"Follow me! Why don't you talk to me! They have to find the evidence of their entanglement and publish it to the world! " Fang Guohui has a strong sense of justice.

Because the character set in his movie is a person who deeply loves Taiwan Island and has a full sense of justice.

In the car, long Jiu said to Su Xun, "Su sir, we are being watched. I noticed that the seafood cart behind us has been following us since the airport."

"What! Su sir, I'll send someone to deal with them right away! " Zhou Chaoxian's face changed and said.

Su Xun, who had seen the movie, certainly knew who was in the seafood cart. He said with a smile, "no, it's just a few ants. They can't make waves. Don't worry about them."

Su Xun admired Fang Guohui, so he was not prepared to do anything about him.

Of course, if Fang Guohui gets in his way, he can only kick it away.

The residence that the Zhou Dynasty arranged for Su Xun was a private manor with servants and chefs. It was a luxury.

"Su sir, have a good rest. I'll send a car to pick you up tomorrow morning. If you need help, please tell me."

Zhou Chao said that first, bowed to Su Xun, and then left with his wife.

After the Zhou Dynasty left first, long Jiucai said, "I thought you were a just man."

"Duty and justice can't be confused. At least I did my duty perfectly." Susian sat on the rocking chair and squinted to appreciate her long legs.

Long Jiu went to him and sat down: "do you think the minister will listen to you?"

After all, Hong Kong Island and Taiwan island are not the same government. Su Xun can't manage Taiwan Island.

"As long as I know it with emotion and move it with reason, I believe he will listen." Su Xun said with a smile.

He has not only a Songlin Gang, but also a Sanlian Gang, the first community in Taiwan. As long as he shows his capital, I believe minister Hou and the people behind him will make a rational choice.

Long Jiu sneers at these words and cocks up his legs. His snow-white jade feet hook his high-heeled shoes. He looks full of temptation and confusion.

This touch of amorous feelings is exclusive to Su Xun. Miao Zhishun has gone into the house to check whether there is an eavesdropping device.


The next morning.

Just after breakfast, Zhou Chao came first.

Then Su Xun and long Jiu went to the tea mountain.

Zhou Chaoxian was the first to arrive. When he arrived at tea mountain, no one came.

"Mad, these bastards, Susir, will be wronged. You'll wait with me." Zhou Chaoxian's face is gloomy and terrible. He can't wait to get in the way, but those damned bastards are not qualified to let Su Sir wait for them.

Su Xun waved his hand with a smile: "those who don't know are not guilty, and they don't know that I'm coming. Keep my temper. After all, I want to be a legislator."

Ten minutes later, seven people came together.

The other six were all wearing black suits, only one middle-aged fat man was wearing a white suit.

Su Xun took a look at him more. Lin Dong and Fang Guohui's insiders installed eavesdropping devices in their mobile phones.

After seeing Su Xun, these people thought they were the bodyguards of Zhou Dynasty, but they didn't think much about it.

Lin Dong pretended to take out his mobile phone and put it on the table.

Su Xun's mouth rose. Zhou Chaoxian suffered a big loss this time. It was exposed that he colluded with the construction department to take the national project, which made him infamous.

Zhou Chaoxian wanted to introduce Su Xun, but Su Xun stopped him with his eyes.Zhou Chaoxian looked around for a week: "wait, those who are late will automatically abstain. Who will make tea today?"

At the same time, he began to make tea. The implication is that who makes tea is the master.

Just then, a bald middle-aged man with glasses and an apologetic face came in.

Su Xun's spirit was boosted, and the famous scene was coming.

"Sorry, Mr. Zhou, I'm late. There's a traffic jam on the way." The middle-aged man said with a smile, and then he found a chair to sit down.

Zhou Chao's face sank first, and then said, "come on, move the rest of the chairs."

His younger brother sanpao came in and moved out all the rest of the chairs.

"Now, please turn off all the call machines." Zhou Chaoxian said as he cooked tea.

At this time, a bald middle-aged man in a brown suit came in again, arched his hand to Zhou Chaoxian, said with a smile on his face: "sorry, brother Zhou, I'm late, traffic jam."

"Traffic jam?" Zhou put down his tea making tools and asked, "what car are you in?"

"Mazda." Said the middle-aged man.

Chou chuckled and leaned forward: "what we do is Mercedes Benz, Rolls Royce. You ride Mazda. No wonder you get stuck in traffic. You're not qualified to come to this meeting in Mazda. "

Middle aged people look embarrassed.

"Take a seat." Zhou Chaoxian said.

The middle-aged man looked left and right, but couldn't find the chair.

Zhou Chaoxian laughed again: "can you find it?"

The middle-aged man shook his head awkwardly and sweated.

"You're 11 minutes late, but you don't pay attention to the meeting." Zhou Chaoxian's face sank, Li Sheng scolded: "go home and wait for the phone, you will be informed of the result."

The middle-aged man looked around and saw that no one was willing to speak for him, so he had to leave in frustration.

Zhou Chaoxian began to get to the main topic: "there are 18 companies intending to bid for the Binhai Road project, and some unqualified companies have been" well intentioned "by me

"If we just quit another company, now we only need 8 companies here. If we invest in each of them, the project funds will be very low."

"We should unite and share the government's money together. Our government has a lot of money."

"As we all know, my career has been developing too fast recently, and I urgently need capital turnover. I asked for a billion project funds and a profit of 200 million. I gave you a family of 5 million, and you took the initiative to quit."

"Then I don't want the three projects in the second half of this year. You can share with me. Now that I'm finished, who agrees? Who is against it? "

After he finished, Zhou Dynasty leaned forward and looked down at the crowd with oppressive eyes.

Wearing a white suit and being Fang Guohui's insider, Dong Lin first jumped out: "Mr. Zhou is my idol. You don't have to do the project yourself when you grab it. You can take 500 million yuan from 1 billion yuan first, and then transfer the project to others. When you really do it, you can only cut corners and do bean curd projects."

"Then, Mr. Zhou colluded with the construction department to increase the investment budget by two or three billion yuan. If you make at least 700 million yuan for the whole project, you will give us 5 million yuan. Do you have any conscience?"

The reason why Lin Dong said it so clearly was that he wanted to spread it through the eavesdropping device in his mobile phone as evidence to sue Zhou Chaoxian in the future.

Liu Dong, who was the first to be late, said with a smile: "he There's a point in what he said. "

At this time, sanpao came in and came to Zhou Chaoxian's ear to say that there was a group of people making trouble outside.

A middle-aged man with a big flat head said with a smile: "my younger brother is all from the countryside. I don't make a fuss until I've seen the world. Don't mind, Mr. Zhou. I'll decide the project anyway."

"Ha ha ha, lovely, lovely." Zhou Chao first laughed at him, then got up to look at Su Xun and said, "Su sir, I have to trouble you."

All of them just looked at Su Xun. They thought he was Zhou Chaoxian's bodyguard before. Now it seems that Zhou Chaoxian is more like this guy's younger brother.

This man looks young, but he can make Zhou Chaoxian bow to him. I don't know why.

"I've heard all of you. Five million is too little. I'll make up my mind and give seven million to their family. When I finish, who agrees? Who is against it? " Su Xun, with her legs crossed, was careless.

"I object!" Mr. Lin raised his hand.


Zhou Chaoxian's backhand was a slap in the face, which directly took him out: "Mrs. Gan Lin, do you know who this is, Mr. Su sir, deputy director of Hong Kong Island police force?"

Hearing this, other people's faces suddenly changed, and their eyes looking at Su Xun became frightened.

Su Xun was still smiling. He looked at the crowd with a gentle face and said:

"in a meeting, it's normal for everyone to discuss, and it's normal for someone to object. Is there anyone else to object?"

"I I agree Liu Dong said.

"I agree, too!"

"It's the same with Mr. Zhou. Why didn't you introduce Mr. Su to us earlier? It's not so troublesome."Everyone changed their attitude and agreed to withdraw from the bidding with $7 million.

Su Xun got up and said with a smile, "I'd like to thank you for giving me face. In that case, please go back. This is Dong Lin who will stay for a while."

People smell speech sympathy of see Lin Dong one eye, then one after another smile to leave.

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