"Sir, there has been no such serious case on Hong Kong Island for several years. What do you think of it?"

"Let's talk to you, sir..."

"Yes, sir Su, the public are waiting for your answer. Sir Su, please say a few words."

After several years, this kind of serious case happened again on Hong Kong Island, which is no less than terrorist attack. When the families of police officers were grieving, all the reporters were excited.

Because what they see is big news, and they can't see the death of police officers, because a considerable part of the journalist industry is a man eating steamed bread.

"I'll tell you what to say at the press conference. Now please get out of the way. I'll have a meeting first and answer your questions after the meeting."

Su Xun stopped and said calmly.

Originally also around the reporter suddenly one by one scattered, after all, Su Sir is unparalleled.

He spoke, who dare to continue to pester, it is not the toilet Lantern - looking for excrement (death)?

"Treat these media friends well."

Without saying a word, Su Xun walked into the gate of West Kowloon police station.

He used to work here!

Sir, we are all here. We are waiting for you in the conference room Li Wenbin reports as he follows.

Su Xun asked casually, "is Chen Guorong here, too?"

"Yes, Chen Guorong is the shooting champion of the police force and the cousin of Jiaju." Li Wenbin said.

Su Xun raised his eyebrows and then felt that the explanation made sense. The styles of the two people were very similar.

A few minutes later, Kuang and Li Wenbin pushed open the door of the conference room, and Su Xun walked in with great strides.

In an instant, all the people in the meeting room got up at the same time, saluted Su Xun and called out: "Hello, sir!"

Su Xun went to the first place and sat down. Then he raised his hand and motioned, "all sit down."

Then they all sat down again.

"Is there anything you want to say?" Su Xun asked.

Everyone looked at each other, and no one dared to speak.

Chen Guorong was the first to stand up: "Sir, I will definitely close the case in three hours!"

"You can't do it." Su Xun said directly.

Chen Guorong is unconvinced: "sir..."

"Do you know who they are? Do you know their motive? Do you know what their next plans are? " Su Xun asked three questions rudely.

Chen Guorong was confused and silent for a long time, then he shook his head: "sorry sir, I don't know."


Su Xun slapped everyone on the table and said, "who gave you the courage to say something in front of the media for three hours?"

"I'm confident..."

"Confidence? Does your faith work? You don't know anything. Where do you start? Have you ever thought about what would happen if the bandits set up a trap with your bold words? " Su Xun said angrily.

In the movie, Guan Zu and others are enraged by Chen Guorong's so-called three hours to solve the case, and then set up a trap, resulting in the death of nine police officers.

In the movie, nine people are just numbers.

But now nine people are nine lives, representing the nine families behind them. They are the pillars of the family.

As a senior member of the police force, Su Xun has the responsibility and obligation to be responsible for the lives of these grass-roots police officers.

So Chen Guorong has ability, but he is too conceited and impulsive, so he must beat him.

Otherwise, he will suffer a big loss in this respect next time if he comes forward to stop him today.

See Su Sir angry, all people are trembling with low head, dare not make any sound.

Chen Guorong pursed his mouth and said nothing.

"There is no doubt about your ability, but it is because of your outstanding ability that you become conceited. If you do so for a long time, you will pay a heavy price for it." Su Xun's tone eased down.

Chen Guorong said in a deep voice: "thank you for Sir's instruction, but I've already let it out..."

He also realized that he was too impulsive, but if he could not solve the case within three hours, what would be the face of the police?

"I'll take over the case." Su Xun said.

All of us got a boost.

Chen Guorong had nothing to say. Like all the police officers, he was blindly convinced of Su Xun, as if he could be dealt with as long as Su Xun appeared.

"All right, sit down." Su Xun said.

Chen Guorong sat back.

Su Xun looked at the people below: "I have investigated the identities of the five bandits."


There was an uproar in the conference room, and everyone was staring at him in an incredible way.

How long has it been since the crime?

They haven't got a clue yet, but Su Sir even found out the identity of the bandit.This

Is there such a big gap between them and Su sir?

Li Wenbin, as Su Xun's old subordinate, has already seen this for a long time. If Su Sir was not so good, he would not be called Su sir.

Su Xun nodded to long Jiu. Long Jiu put a heavy laptop on the table and connected it to the big screen behind the conference table.

Then there are pictures of several people on the screen.

Dragon nine began to introduce to the public, first of all, a woman: "this person's name is Sue, is the youngest daughter of Zhou Jianyun, chairman of Asia shipping."

Then there was another photo.

"This is fire, the son of the owner of Yongcheng jewelry store, who served in the U.S. Marine Corps."

"This is tint tinlaw, the son of chairman of Jinfu securities."

"Max Leung, a mixed race of Chinese and Japanese, is a master of writing games and the son of Liang Jingkang, who is always famous in the world."

Then there is the last photo, a handsome young man with a little rebellious.

"The last one is Guan Zu. His mother runs a real estate company. The key is his father, who is also a policeman and the Chief Superintendent of the North District."

As the identity of Guan Zu was identified, a group of senior officers of West Kowloon police station in the conference room were shocked again.

One of the five bandits is considered to be one. All of them are well-off, and Guan Zu is the son of a chief police officer. This really can't keep people calm.

Chen Guorong is even more surprised with a cold sweat, involving the background of these people, even if this case is solved, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to live in the future.

"The Chief Superintendent's son committed a crime."

"These rich people are full."

"Yes, it's incredible..."

Even if all of you are senior inspectors, you can't help losing your attitude.

"Be quiet! All quiet

Li Wenbin's face doesn't hang. Su Sir is still there. What's the matter with his subordinates.

As Li Wenbin got angry, the people sitting around the conference table gradually calmed down.

Su Xun then said: "each of these five bandits has a deep background, so their identities can't be spread out for the time being. Remember, only people in the conference room know about them. Absolutely don't spread them out!"

Most of them were familiar faces in various movies, so Su Xun still trusted them.

After all, there is a traitor in the West Kowloon police station. Chen Guorong's partner, Huang Sen, is the traitor. He is lying in the hospital because of his injury.

In the movie, when he chases Guan Zu and others tonight, he secretly hides a bag of stolen money from Guan Zu and others to repay his gambling debts.

But I didn't expect to be seen by the guanzu, so the following things went with the flow.

In the movie, Chen Guorong's first action is because of his betrayal.

But now, we can use him to carry out a wave of anti operation, and the most lethal is the anti traitor.


They all answered in unison.

"Crime squad is on standby. OK, now I have to go out to deal with the reporters. It's over."

Su Xun's voice dropped, and everyone stood up to watch him walk out of the meeting room.

After leaving the conference room, Su Xun came to the small auditorium where the reporters were.

"Here comes Susir."

"Here comes Susir."

Some bored reporters who had been waiting for Su Xun came in with a boost.

"Dear media friends, I now officially announce that I am in charge of this case. Since Inspector Chen Guorong said that the criminal was arrested in three hours, the case will be absolutely closed in three hours!"

In the secret base of Guan Zu and others, five people are also watching the news on TV.

"It's very loud." A red hair scoffs.

Sue, the only woman on the team, chewed gum and said, "this guy is great."

"It's fun to be strong, isn't it?" Guan Zu's eyes twinkled with a dangerous light: "since he wants to solve the case in three hours, let's give him a chance to make some noise and lead them to have a good time."

"No, this guy is really good, and they have a lot of people, but what if they lose?" Fir frowned. They were looking for excitement, but not for death.

"Lose? How can we lose as game makers? " Guan Zu showed a joking smile: "don't forget, we still have a bad guy's handle."

Sue's eyes brightened: "you said that he was used to know the specific operation arrangement of the police in advance, and then we can wait for work and have a good time."

The other three also showed great interest.

"Yes, Su Sir is so famous that he is equivalent to the boss of this game. Who can beat him up will get 100 points!" Guan Zu some crazy low roar way.The other four screamed, excited beyond words, their eyes red.


Guan Zu put his hand to his lips, motioned everyone to be quiet, then took out his mobile phone and called Huang Sen.

It's not easy to get Huang Sen's contact information as they are. Guan Zu has been prepared for a long time.

I wanted to play with Chen Guorong before, but now with Su Xun, the boss, I naturally play with him.

Soon, the phone was connected.

"Hello, I'm Huang Sen, and you're the one."

"Officer Huang, it's me. I'm the friend who sent money to you tonight. Can that bag of money satisfy you?" Guan Zu said in a strange voice.

"You What do you want... "

Guan Zu laughed: "not so good, I will release my position to attract the police, but I want to know the specific action plan of the police."

"Of course, you must not think about playing tricks, thinking that if you catch us all, everything will be fine. As long as we don't die, your secret is not a secret, but if you want us to die, it's too difficult."

"Well, I promise you."

Huang Sen finally compromised as in the movie, because he had no choice, at least from his personal point of view.

"Happy cooperation, waiting for your good news."

Guan Zu hung up the phone, then looked at the four people and said, "Wuhu, let's move, or Su Sir's three hours will pass."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Everyone laughed and then went down to make their own arrangements.


On the other hand, Su Xun just finished his press conference at the same time.

"Ask Chen Guorong to come here."

Su Xun said to Li Wenbin.

A few minutes later, Chen Guorong ran over and saluted Su Xun: "Sir, you're looking for me."

He is the leader of the serious crime team. Like Su Xun before, he temporarily replaced the position of chief inspector with the rank of senior inspector. This is the performance of being reused.

"Take me to see Huang Sen." Su Xun comes to the point.

Chen Guorong thought that Su Xun was going to visit Huang sen in person and was happy for his good friend: "Su sir, Huang Sen is in the hospital. I'll take you now."

Half an hour later, he arrived at the hospital.

At this time, one and a half hours have passed since the robbery, and half of the time has passed since the three hours promised to the media to solve the case.

After arriving at the hospital, they went straight to Huang Sen's ward.


Chen Guorong pushes open the door of the ward and startles Huang Sen, who is struggling in his heart.

"Ah Rong, you Why are you here

Seeing Chen Guorong, Huang Sen inevitably felt guilty, because his promise to Guan Zu was tantamount to betraying his friends and killing them.

"It's not just me. Look who it is."

Chen Guorong got out of the way. Su Xun walked into the ward without expression and closed the door behind him.

"Sue "Sir

When he saw Su Xun, Huang Sen felt that Su Xun's eyes seemed to be able to see through everything. If he did something bad, he would be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door.

"Huang Sen, I'll give you a chance to confess."

Su Xun doesn't infer guilt. Although Huang Sen betrayed Chen Guorong in the movie, it hasn't happened yet, so it can't be imposed on him.

Of course, he must be investigated to the end.

Hearing Su Xun's words, Huang senshua's face turned pale and his back was soaked with cold sweat.

"What are you talking about, sir?"

Chen Guorong was stunned. He thought Su Xun was coming to comfort the wounded. Now it seems that he is not.

Instead of answering him, Su Xun stared at Huang Sen: "in front of your friends, can I speak for you?"

"No No, No Huang Sen said repeatedly, with a painful expression on his face.

Chen Guorong is no longer dull, but also found something wrong: "Sen, what's the matter?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Aron, I I'm cheap. I didn't control my greed. During the operation tonight, I hid a bag of stolen money and was seen by the gang. They called and threatened me... "

Huang Sen said that all the things were spit out, including the fact that he promised Guan Zu to be a traitor.

After hearing this, Chen Guorong looked at Huang Sen incredulously: "I didn't tell you that I was short of money. Tell me, why do you want to do this! Why

Compared with Huang Sen's private possession of stolen money, Huang Sen's promise to be a traitor to the bandits is more painful for him.

He can't stand his friends becoming what they are.

"Sorry, sorry, wuwuwu..."

Huang Sen hugged his head, his face full of pain, apologized and made a choking voice.

As a policeman, he doesn't want to go to this stage. Who let him get involved in gambling?Drugs and gambling can really destroy a person.

As for Huang, Keke, proper Huang is good for physical and mental health, which is recognized by men.

"Su sir, please give him another chance. He's just in a trance. If he's ruined by gambling, he'll get another chance."

Although Chen Guorong is angry with Huang Sen, he still seeks love from Su for the sake of friends.

"If I can give him a chance, it depends on whether he can grasp it. It is impossible for him to stay in the police force. At most, he will not be investigated for criminal responsibility."

Su Xun said softly.

Huang Sen, who is infected with gambling, even if he doesn't change color this time, is likely to become a black and police officer in the future, so he must be kicked out of the police team.

Chen Guorong is not a person who doesn't know the good or bad. He knows that this is the best result, otherwise he will be investigated for criminal responsibility just by hiding stolen money.

Huang Sen obviously understood what Su Xun wanted to do with him and nodded: "I'm willing to cooperate, I'm willing to make contributions and atone for sin, and I'll listen to Su Sir's orders."

"Ding Ding Ding..."

At this moment, susian's mobile phone rang.

It's Li Wenbin.

"Hello." Su Xun is connected.

"Mr. Su, someone called the police and said that the gang who robbed the Bank of Asia were hiding in the North Street warehouse in Yau Ma Tei."

Li Wenbin said in a rapid voice.

Su Xun knew that this was Guan Zu, and they had made arrangements to attract the police.

"I see. Let the crime squad go to the North Street warehouse now, but don't go in without my order."

Su Xun finished, hung up the phone, and then called the Flying Tigers: "take the equipment, action."

Then he looked at Huang Sen: "I think you know what to do."

The serious crime group is just a cover, and the flying tigers are the main force. When dealing with the five guanzu who are holding heavy weapons, the small pistol of the serious crime group is no different from the firestick.

Moreover, the environment they set up is complex, and the crime squad is not suitable for fighting in this kind of field.

"Well." Huang Sen nodded heavily.

Ten minutes later, Huang Sen dialed Guan Zu: "Hello, it's me."

"I know it's you, officer Huang. I'm sure you won't let me down."

"I just hope you keep your promise. Su Sir has ordered the West Kowloon crime unit to start first. He will arrive later. They plan to..."

Huang Sen made up a plan of action. As a policeman, even if he made it up, it was quite professional.

"Sure enough, it didn't disappoint me. Don't worry. I always keep my promise. I'll give you that bag of money."

Guan Zu finished and hung up.

Huang Sen looks at Su Xun.

"You saved yourself."

Su Xun finished and left with Chen Guorong.

In order to prevent Huang Sen from defecting again, Su Xun asked a police officer to stare at him. After all, he had played this trick before.

After Su Xun left the hospital, he took Chen Guorong to join the flying tigers first, and then set out together.

At this time, there is less than an hour left from the promised three hours to solve the case. It also takes time to get to the North Street warehouse, with only half an hour at most.

We can arrest the criminals in three hours. That's three hours. We can do what we say.

In the command car, Su Xun looked at the layout of a warehouse on North Street. He said: "team one and team two are responsible for blocking the warehouse, encircling and guarding against criminals escaping."

"Three pairs and four teams follow me into the warehouse."

Only four teams have been mobilized this time, which means killing chickens with a butcher's knife.

But Su Xun liked to use a butcher's knife to kill chickens, because at least it could guarantee the safety.

"Sir, I also asked to be involved in the capture."

Chen Guorong couldn't help talking.

"Approved." Su Xun said.

Chen Guorong beamed: "thank you sir!"


Yau Ma Tei North Street warehouse.

The crime squad is on alert outside.

At the same time, the warehouse has been changed into a complex game place.

Guanzu five people are monitoring, staring at every move outside the gate.

"Buzz, buzz..."

With the roar of the engine, the Flying Tigers' car came and stopped with a sharp brake.

Just as the car stopped, the door opened and the armed Flying Tigers jumped down.

Then the first team and the second team quickly separated, from two directions to the warehouse launched a fruitful.

A series of actions are in just ten seconds.

"Gan! Flying tigers! Huang is playing with us

Seeing the flying tigers from the surveillance, Guan Zu's face changed.

Originally, they used Huang Sen to get information about the police's operation deployment, and they were sure to win.But I didn't expect that the police used Huang Sen to put them together. Now the police have the chance to win.

But now they can't run if they want to.

"It's OK. Don't panic. This is our place. As long as they come in, we can watch them through monitoring. How can they fight with us?"

Guan Zu soon calmed down, because the more flustered he was, the more mistakes he made. Only when he calmed down could he win.


Just as he finished, all the monitoring screens in front of him turned into snowflakes.

"It's over. The police have jammed the signal!"

Sue said in a panic.

Now they have no eyes and don't know what the police are going to do next.

The flying tigers and the crime squad have nearly 100 people. Five of them are trapped in this small warehouse. How can they play?

"Son of a bitch, if I can go out alive, I will kill all his family!"

The young man with red hair yelled.

"Come on, split up, use our knowledge of the terrain and kill them!"

In Guan Zu's eyes, he was angry and rushed out of the monitoring room with a rifle.

They used to think of it as a real game, but now it's no longer a game.


Outside the warehouse, Su Xun gave an order and led the Flying Tigers to rush in.

As for the serious crime unit, only one Chen Guorong took part in the operation, and all the others stayed outside to guard.

The entrance of the crime squad will only increase the number of casualties, but it will not have any actual effect.

After entering the warehouse, there was a huge empty house with three doors on the opposite side.

"Bang! Bang! Bang

Three doors were kicked open at the same time.

"Safe!" "Safe!" "Safe!"

At this time, the fan on the head suddenly stopped turning, and the door behind him closed automatically.


Suddenly, Chen Guorong shouts and pulls the trigger at a figure with a gun in the corridor.

"Kang Kang..."

After the knockdown, I came closer to find that it was a dummy.

"Everyone, there must be a lot more in this situation. Everyone, move on."

Su Xun didn't leave two people to guard the door like in the movie, because the door was surrounded by layers.

In the movie, Guan Zu and his gang use technology to interfere with the communication device, so Chen Guorong and others lose contact after they separate and are broken one by one.

Su Xun is not so stupid. It's like an open book exam for him.

A group of people continued to move forward. There were rooms on both sides of the corridor. Suddenly, a dark shadow flashed at the end of the corridor.

"Kang Kang!"

Su Xun raised his hand and shot three times.


Sue in her long hair screamed and fell to the ground.

Two Flying Tigers rushed over and handcuffed them.

Chen Guorong smacks his tongue secretly. It's a fast gun.

Sue is also staring at Su Xun with unbelievable face. The pulley shoes she wears are so fast that Su Xun can hit her in the leg.

Is the horse still human?

She understood that they had lost the game from the moment Su Xun came into the game.

At this moment, a door next to him suddenly opened and a hand stretched out. It seemed that he wanted to catch a person in the same way as in the movie.

But the people of the Flying Tigers were all experienced in all kinds of battles, and they had fought with Su Xun. How could this reaction be comparable to that of a group of rich second generation.

As soon as the door opened, the two closest to the room had turned their guns and pulled the trigger.



Wearing a mask of red hair, was two assault rifles into a sieve fell to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, two people were killed and one injured.

"Keep going."

Su Xun ordered calmly.

Chen Guorong with a small pistol a little at a loss, he is like a two ha mixed into the wolves.

He used to be the main force in every operation, but now he has become an experienced jerk.

For the first time, he realized the gap between the serious crime team and the Flying Tigers. He had always thought that the serious crime team was not inferior to the Flying Tigers.

I don't know who gave him courage.

At the end of the corridor was an empty house with several pillars.

"Dada dada..."

Just as the two Flying Tigers at the front stepped out of the aisle, a burst of gunfire rang out, and a bullet drove them back.

I don't know what's going on. Seeing this scene, Chen Guorong gets psychological comfort. At least the flying tigers are flesh and blood. They are not invulnerable.

Su Xun made a gesture, and the two people in front of him stepped back. Then he went to the front.He took the assault rifle in the hand of one of the people nearby and threw his pistol out with the other hand.


The moment the pistol landed, the gunfire rang out.

At the same time, susian took a rifle, and a donkey rolled out and shot on his back.

"Da! Dada

With two shots fired, a corpse fell behind a stone pillar and was shot in the middle of the eyebrow.

The Flying Tigers rushed out.

Su Xun returned the gun and picked up his pistol from the ground.

Chen Guorong looked at the bandit who was shot in the middle of his brow and looked at Su Xun with admiration.

Two dead and one wounded, the last one left.

That's guanzu.

Born in a police family, Guan Zu is very familiar with the fighting style of Hong Kong Island police.

That's why he's the trickiest one.

A group of people carefully forward, but after a long time did not find the figure of Guan Zu.

"Su sir, what should we do? It's still ten minutes away from the last three hours you promised to the media. "

Asked the captain of the four flying tigers.

Su Xun yelled: "guanzu, I know you're hiding here. Your girlfriend sue is in my hands. I believe you know you can't escape. Is it interesting to hide like a coward?"

"Come out, let's play a game. I know you are good at organizing guns. Let's compare and see who is fast. If you win, I'll let you and your girlfriend go. If you lose, you'll be obedient."

"I'm Su Xun, director of the operations department. What I said should be worthy of your belief. I will never turn back!"

Guan Zu, who was tortured by his Chief Superintendent's father, had some mental changes. At the end of the movie, he had to bet with Chen Guorong who would set the gun fast.

"Ta ~ TA ~ TA ~"

after about 20 seconds of silence, the sound of stepping suddenly sounded, and Guan Zu with a mask came out from the dark with a rifle.

"Shua Shua Shua..."

All the Flying Tigers raise their guns.

"Put down your guns." Su Xun said.

The fact that Guan Zu has come this far has something to do with his father's education.

His father treated Guan Zu as a prisoner from childhood. When he was a child, he took off his clothes and beat him naked, and also made him wear handcuffs.

Since childhood, I have never looked up to Guan Zu. I always scold waste and beat him.

So Guan Zu was extremely hostile to the police.

Of course, although there are such factors in it, Guan Zu's breaking the law is a violation of the law and should be punished by law, which can not alleviate his guilt.

As Su Xun's voice fell, the Flying Tigers put down their guns one after another.

Guan Zu threw away his rifle, looked at Su Xun and said with a smile, "what I admire most is you, so if I want to win you, I must win you."

The man he said was his father.

Two minutes later, in front of a table.

Su Xun and Guan Zu put the pistol on it at the same time, then dismantled it, leaving only one bullet.

"Start!" Cried Chen Guorong.

With his command, Su Xun and Guan Zu moved at the same time and began to assemble guns.

Guan Zu was so fast that he won the first contest with Chen Guorong in the movie.

But Su Xun's speed couldn't be faster.

All the people beside him were stunned and looked at Su Xun. The speed was still there!

As soon as Guan Zugang put on the gun barrel, Su Xun's gun was already on his head.

Guan Zu looked up and looked at Su Xun incredulously.

A ghost look.

"You lost." Su Xun said.

Guan Zu is speechless. He has only one thought: "are you really human?"

"Maybe God." Su Xun gave a smile.

Chen Guorong came forward and handcuffed Guan Zu.

Outside the warehouse, a large number of reporters have gathered and are being stopped by the crime squad.

"Bang, click, click..."

Just then, the warehouse door opened.

Even with his back to the warehouse, the police of the serious crime unit, who are maintaining order, subconsciously turned his head.

Seeing Su Xun walking in the front, he came out with a group of Flying Tigers with live ammunition.

Guan Zu and Sue hang their heads in handcuffs.

Everyone was staring at the scene.

"Three minutes to three hours."

In the face of all the media, Su Xun smiles.


In an instant, the whole scene was a sensation.

"Pa pa pa pa..."

Thunderous applause continued for a long time.

Su Sir is a myth, after a few years, he once again, is still a myth.The next day, Su Xun waited for the headlines of Hong Kong newspaper.

"After a few years, according to the myth is not meteorite! 》

"Su Sir strikes out again, the Asian bank robbery is solved! 》

"three hours in the North Street warehouse! 》

"Su Sir is Su sir. Any demon or ghost can't escape from his Wuzhishan."

"That is, with Sir Su in Hong Kong, our island is really the safest city in the world."

"Su Sir really blew up..."

Subsequently, the police announced the identities of the five criminals to the media, causing a strong sensation.

The Chief Superintendent of the North District resigned.

Because he has educated his son to be a criminal, he is no longer worthy to sit in this position.

Even if he wants to continue in office, public opinion will not allow it.

Sue's father also wants to go through susian's back door and let him give his daughter a hand.

Su Xun beat him up.

Ganlin Niang, the whole Hong Kong Island knows that he only loves beautiful women, and he wants to go through his back door to seek death, doesn't he?

Half a month later, the former Commissioner of police resigned on the ground that he was ill and could not bear the pressure of work, and Su Xun was officially promoted to the post of commissioner of Hong Kong Island police.

On this day, Hong Kong Island, Taiwan Island, Olympic Island, including coastal cities in the mainland, were all reported.

Su Xun's inauguration ceremony was broadcast live in Hong Kong.

In the original time and space, the first Chinese Commissioner of police on Hong Kong Island was born in 1989.

But now because of the appearance of Su Xun, he became the first Chinese police commissioner in this time and space.

This is a day when the Chinese in Hong Kong are boiling. The Hong Kong Island police force will really belong to the Chinese.

After the inauguration ceremony, Su Xun went home to eat and drink.

He has actually exercised the power of the Commissioner of police for a long time. Now he has just added a name, so he is not excited about it.

[congratulations on the completion of the mission: before the return of Hong Kong Island, he became the first brother of the police force and set up a black and white order. 】

[reward: Pangu axe. 】

"lying trough!"

Seeing the reward, Su Xun stood up directly. He had always been very good at it, and he said something rude.

"What's the matter?"

Zhou Wenli was startled.

"It's OK."

Su Xun sat down again. Although he said nothing, his face was excited.

That's Pan Gu's axe!

Pangu's axe, which is used by Pangu, has the ability to travel through Taixu.

Step on the horse, he took this ax, all the way to chop, asked who else! Who else?

The only regret is that the skill of copying has been lost for a long time. Otherwise, he can copy Pangu axe infinitely and form the most powerful Axe Gang.

Think about the scene, tut, overbearing.

"What's the matter?"

Zhou Wenli's pretty face was full of doubts.

After spending so many years with Su Xun, she was certainly able to capture each other's emotional fluctuations.

She felt that Su Xun had never been so happy.

Su Xun turned around and pinched her face: "I'm very excited now. I want to do it, you!"

"Bah!" Zhou Wenli spat.

Spit, spit, spit, spit, spit, spit.

An hour later, gymnastics is over.

Zhou Wenli blushed and held Su Xun breathlessly: "what's the matter, so happy."

"I've got a magic weapon that can open up the world and destroy the world." Su Xun was smoking.

After the event, a cigarette is better than a living immortal.

Zhou Wenli said: "brag, if you don't want to say it, you can cheat me. I'm not a child. Why don't you say you are a fairy?"

"It's really smart. Your husband is really a fairy." Su Xun pinched her chin.

Zhou Wenli laughed and joked with Su Xun: "if you are an immortal, take me to fly."

"Good." Su Xun snapped his fingers.

"You're casting. What's the use of ringing your fingers?" Zhou Wenli said with a mouthful.

Su Xun said with a smile, "have a good look."

"Well? Ah, ah, ah

Zhou Wenli was stunned at first. After the reaction, she lost her face. She held Su Xun tightly, gave out a sharp scream and closed her eyes.

She was just on the sofa in the living room, but now she's in the sky with clouds everywhere.

"Go down! I'm not dressed

Zhou Wenli is still gliding, gliding.

"Ha ha ha, what are you afraid of when there are clouds in the way?"

Although that's what he said, Su Xun took Zhou Wenli back to the villa.

Feeling the softness of the sofa, Zhou Wenli dared to open her eyes, and then stared at Su Xun incredulously: "we just really Did you flyShe thought it was her own delusion.

"Do you want to try again?" Su Xun asked.

Zhou Wenli shook her head again and again, then looked at him foolishly: "are you really a fairy?"

"What else?" While Su Xun was talking, he pointed out that there were flowers in the room, and countless colorful flowers filled the living room.

Zhou Wenli is crazy, but her mind is still a little confused. Her husband is a fairy. This surprise is too big to digest for a moment.

Su Xun came to her ear and said, "I'll take you and Yazi off some other day."

Zhou Wenli always subconsciously thought of the unhealthy one. When she took off, her pretty face turned red with shame.

"This What's going on? "

She doesn't know the situation yet.

"Your husband, I..."

Su Xun has nothing to hide from her.

Zhou Wenli listened to Su Xun's story. Her eyes were wide open and her mouth could fit an egg.

She really didn't expect that there were gods in the world, and the outside world was so wonderful.

"After listening, I'll take a bath and cook."

Su Xun slapped her and said carelessly.

Zhou Wenli immediately came back to her senses and ran into the bathroom with a red face covering the place she was photographed.

Just now, because she is a fairy woman, she is in high spirits. Now she is going back to daily necessities.

It's such a big gap. She has some complaints.

Su Xun lay on the sofa and snapped his fingers. The flowers in the room disappeared and the clothes on the ground were put on him automatically.

Although the task has been completed and he can return to xuanyue at any time, he is not in a hurry.

Because it's 97 in less than two years.

If he, as a Chinese, does not participate in such a grand event as the return of Hong Kong Island, how can he do it?

Now he is also a member of history. Of course, he has to witness history with his own eyes. After all, this is a glorious time for the whole country. He only watched videos online before.

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