23:30, July 1, 1997.

It's a big night.

Hong Kong Island has officially returned to the embrace of the motherland.

The garrison in Hong Kong has officially entered Hong Kong Island for the handover of defense.

As the Commissioner of police, Su Xun, wearing a white police uniform, attended the handover ceremony tonight.

The whole venue was full of people, and on the outermost layer were journalists from all over the world.

Countless spears and cannons were aimed at the stage.

In the performance of the military band, there are still people constantly entering, half an hour before the official handover.

"Director Su, I've heard so much about you. Your name is like thunder. You've solved many serious cases."

"It's just a matter of duty."

Su Xun was talking with a group of officers in military uniform, which was introduced by Xu Zhengyang.

After a few years, Su Xun was promoted. Naturally, Xu Zhengyang could not stand still. Now he has the rank of Lieutenant Colonel on his shoulders.

A commander in peacetime is full of gold, because it is difficult to be promoted at this time.

It's not as easy to do meritorious service as it was during the war.

Finally, the pointer on the wall points to zero.

"Bring down the flag of Eagle country!"

"Raise the national flag of China, the regional flag of Hong Kong Island Special Administrative Region!"

Everyone stood up, raised the flag, holding the national flag and the regional flag, and walked to the two flagpoles.

The eagle flag is holding the lowered flag.

With the national anthem played, the bright five-star red flag and the regional flag slowly rose and fluttered in the wind.

At this moment, even Su Xun couldn't help being agitated and had an inexplicable feeling.

It is reasonable to say that he is more rational, but at this time, he is still inevitably infected by this kind of emotion.

At this moment, all the people in front of the TV broke out unprecedented cheers, a strong sense of pride filled the chest, full of strength.


The exciting moment passed, but life went on. The next day, Hong Kong Island was busy.

As the Commissioner of police, Su Xun attended the first plenary meeting presided over by the new governor.

"Everyone, from now on, we are all a family. Whether we are comrades from Hong Kong Island or new comrades from the mainland, I hope we can get along well with each other..."

As soon as the new governor opens his mouth, he will become a member of the old party in the style of the 1990s.

"Director Su, police work is the top priority. What do you want to say?" The governor looked at Su Xun. He knew that everyone's opinions could be ignored, but he could not ignore Su Xun's opinions.

Although the Commissioner of police is appointed or removed by the higher authorities, he has to be replaced by someone who is willing to serve him. At present, no one can replace him.

Su Xun said with a smile: "Comrade governor, let someone else take the position of commissioner of police. I will resign."

If this word falls, you can hear it in the meeting room.

All of them looked at each other. They didn't understand what Su Xun meant. He meant to show the governor the color?

The governor of Hong Kong is also trembling in his heart. Won't he be hostile to the police on his first day in office?

It shouldn't be. Doesn't it mean that Su Xun is a man with a heart to the mainland and a heart that can stand the test?

He should actively cooperate with my work!

"Director Su, this is a joke. People on Hong Kong Island can't do without you." The governor of Hong Kong laughs and finds himself a step down with a joke.

But soon he couldn't laugh, because he saw that Su Xun's face was full of seriousness, without the slightest color of joke, and his heart trembled even more fiercely.

Other people are dignified, the atmosphere in the meeting room suddenly became tense.

Su Xun said with a smile: "Comrade governor of Hong Kong, I'm not joking. I don't mean anything to you. I really want to resign because I'm tied up with important things."

The governor of Hong Kong has said everything in secret. If it's not aimed at me, will it make these words so clear?

Judging from his political experience, this is obviously ironic!

Because he used it a lot.

But he couldn't figure it out. Why did Su Xun embarrass himself on his first day in office?

I had a good talk last night, and I didn't say anything to offend him.

Other people at the meeting table also raised their hearts to their voices, thinking that Su Xun was challenging the authority of the governor of Hong Kong and giving him a bad impression.

Su Xun said that if you are stupid, you will not think so much.

"Director Su, I'm curious. What's more important than maintaining law and order on Hong Kong Island?" The financial secretary tried his best to use a moderate tone. He has just come from the mainland to take office.

Su Xun spat out two words: "Xiuxian."

For a moment, everyone was confused.

The governor's face is even worse, and the financial secretary's face is not good-looking.

Don't even bother to find a decent excuse. I'm determined to fight against them!How to cultivate immortals?

It's ridiculous!

"Why don't you believe it?" Su Xun asked.

Everyone feels that IQ has been humiliated. If we believe it, isn't it stupid?

The governor's face became gloomy. Su Xun refused to give face again and again. Then he didn't want to bear it. Should he still think that today's Hong Kong Island was the island of the past?

Under the leadership of our party, there is no need for such arrogant and arrogant people who have no superiors and take credit and self-respect.


He clapped his case, pointed at Su Xun and yelled: "Director Su, I don't know what you think of me. If you have anything to say, you don't need to look at me now!"

All of them held their breath and turned over. On the first day of taking office, the new governor turned over with the first brother of the police force.

After that, there will be a lot of trouble in the team.

"Comrade governor of Hong Kong, you have misunderstood me. I'm really busy with the practice of immortality. Being the Commissioner of police is just a waste of time." Su Xun's words were sincere. He didn't take women to bed so seriously.

The governor laughed angrily: "when people call you the patron saint of Hong Kong Island, do you really think you are an immortal? Xiuxian? OK, you can fix one for me first! "

"OK, just have a look." Su Xun nodded helplessly and clapped his hand.

The next second, the people in the conference room disappeared and reappeared in outer space.

Don't ask such nonsense about how they breathe without oxygen. Is there any fairy calling?

"This This... "

Looking at the meteorites around, overlooking the water blue planet below, everyone was confused, and their minds were blank. They couldn't digest for a while.

"Hallucination, it must be hallucination, hallucination."

The governor kept mumbling to himself, but his face was getting whiter and whiter, and his head was sweating more and more.

"It's not an illusion."

With a wave of his hand, they returned to the meeting room.

Looking at the familiar meeting room, everyone was still in a trance. They didn't react. It seemed that they had just had a dream of going to outer space.

"Do you believe it now?"

Su Xun put a fresh meteorite on the table and looked at the people and asked seriously.

They all looked at each other, then looked at Su Xun and swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "Gulu ~"

"Su Comrade Su, this This matter is beyond my disposal. I I need to call for advice. " The governor's voice was trembling.

His feet are soft now. He just went to space for a walk. Who dares to believe it?

Su Xun waved his hand: "is it necessary for the central government to approve the resignation of the immortal? If you leave, don't send it. "

The voice falls and turns into streamer.

In the conference room, people looked at Su Xun's empty chair and fell into silence. About 30 seconds later, it exploded.

"The trough! Director Su is an immortal

"Can there be a fake? Oh, My God! No wonder he can solve the case every time! Those bandits have been fighting with an immortal, aren't they looking for death? "

"Mad! I forgot to take pictures just now! In the future, there will be no material for boasting! "

"I I'm going to call my superiors now and see the gods in broad daylight. "

Not to mention a series of sequelae and legends caused by Su Xun's exposure on Hong Kong Island.

On the other side, Su Xun had left and took his own woman back to xuanyue.

The biggest gain of his identity this time is Pangu axe. In addition, he finally pierced the membrane that seems to be permeable and non permeable, and stepped into Saint Sanpin.

The opportunity of breakthrough is responsibility.

He has lived like a mortal in the Hong Kong Comprehensive world for more than ten years, from a grass-roots police officer to the Commissioner of police.

In this process, he realized a lot, the most important point is responsibility.

When he is a policeman, his responsibility is to protect the safety of people's lives and property. When he is a police officer, he should not only protect the people, but also the grass-roots police officers below.

Police officers have the responsibilities of police officers, and police officers have the responsibilities of police officers. The improvement of status not only represents the right, but also the responsibility.

Similarly, he is a saint. What is a saint?

The common sense in xuanyue continent is that saints are immortal and can travel through the long river of time. One thought can create the world, and one finger can destroy the world. Saints are strength, saints are eternity, and they are the present and the future.

But on the earth where Su Xun was born, there was another kind of sage, like Confucius and Wang Mingyang, who founded the theory of mind.

Because they take on the responsibility comparable to saints with the body of ordinary people, and make things beneficial and eternal, so they are saints.

Sage is not cultivation, but responsibility.


Xuanyue continent, Lingzhou.As one of the five continents in China, Lingzhou is not as good as the upper three, but far superior to the lower six.

Besides, Lingzhou is the first of the five continents in China.

For thousands of years, there have been countless Lingzhou clans, but only xiaolingshan, Lianhua temple, yujianzong and wushuangge have been established in all directions and Lingzhou has been divided into four parts.

But just some time ago, a force called the underworld came out of Lingzhou.

This force has black-and-white impermanence to restrain the soul. It can lock the life of a man with a bull's head and horse's face. It can be monitored by wandering God day and night, and it can be inspected by Yin soldiers passing through the country. When a man dies, it will take away his soul.

Those who are good before life are either Yin gods or good foetuses after death. Those who are evil before life will suffer from 18 layers of hell after death, and they will never be reincarnated.

If the underworld only hooks the souls of ordinary people, even though the reincarnation of life and death of ordinary people is OK, but the underworld of the underworld even hooks the souls of the immortals.

Of course, those who cultivate immortals will not be forced to be reincarnated. After death, most of them still maintain their cultivation in the underworld. They can live and practice in the underworld.

This group of people became the registered permanent population of the prefecture, and the reincarnated mortals were the floating population.

The reason for this is to enrich the local population and strength, and to prevent these monks who died for various reasons from seizing the living.

Of course, if the dead monk has a way of resurrection without taking away the living, the scrotum won't care.

All friars, even saints, regard mortals as mole ants, and only the hermit treats them equally.

But it's a hornet's nest.

Because there is no word "fairness" in the world, especially between nobles and civilians.

This is absolutely intolerable to the nobility.

After all, the purpose of cultivating immortals is to live forever, to escape the cycle of life and death, and to avoid suffering from birth, aging, illness and death.

In their view, as long as the ghost remains, what's wrong with a mortal like a mole ant?

Mortals are like mole ants. They are so humble that it's their honor for immortals to use their bodies.

And what's the reason for the Yin Department to manage them?

Therefore, as the Yin Si hooked up the souls of more and more friars, some of these friars were scattered, and some of them were involved in the immortal sect and the aristocratic family, which made the public angry.

Many forces of cultivating immortals unite to fight against the underworld of the underworld to destroy this evil sect.

It's true that the underworld department doesn't allow them to take away the mortal's body. Rebirth is an evil sect. They want to exterminate it.

A total of 18 forces encircled and suppressed the secret division.

Fortunately, there was no Wushuang Pavilion, Xiaoling mountain, Lianhua temple and Yujian sect.

Otherwise, Nuwa alone, a second-class saint, would have been unable to resist.

The reason why there are no people of these four forces is that the secret division has not yet hooked the soul of their sect.

It's not that the secret department is afraid of different things.

It's really because if the people of the four forces die, they will die thoroughly. Because if they fight with the people of the four forces, no one dares to leave the other party's soul to run back. Once they fight, they will die.

Second, apart from Wushuang Pavilion, the disciples of the other three families seldom walk outside and can't meet each other.

So I haven't touched the souls of the disciples of these four forces, and in the eyes of these four forces, the hell division doesn't dare to be wild with them.

That's why they don't bother to get involved.

Of course, this is because Xie Lingyun, the three elders of yujianzong, didn't know that the underworld department was Su Xun's territory.

Otherwise I would have killed him with my sword.

The underworld of the underworld was transformed by Su Xun's small world. It has been integrated with xuanyue continent, and the gate of hell has opened.

At this time, outside the gate of death, there were 18 men who suppressed the Yin allied forces, stretching for several miles, with tens of thousands of people.

And inside the ghost gate is the whole Ge with a hundred thousand Yin soldiers, ten hall Yama and Nu Wa are in.

A few days ago, there were several conflicts between the two sides, which were blocked by the vaginal department.

Wei He, the leader of the alliance, is the ancestor of the Wei family of the Xiuxian family in Lingzhou.

Zhao Xian, the deputy leader of the alliance, is the leader of Jiuyang sect of Xiuxian sect in Lingzhou. He has just entered the saint class.

It is precisely because of the existence of these two sages that the Yin Si does not dare to take the initiative and can only rely on the ghost gate to deal with them.

The gate of hell is a magic weapon refined by Su Xun. Naturally, the gate of hell can't be a pile of stones.

The whole city of the underworld division is connected with the ghost gate, which is a big array. The defense of the ghost gate is amazing.

In addition, with the presence of Nu Wa, a second-class sage, we can compete with the eighteen road forces for several days.

Otherwise, relying only on the ten great golden immortals of the ten halls, the Yin Department would have been broken long ago.

"You vagabonds! Even for the sake of the group of ants and the whole Lingzhou friars, today I will uproot you and get rid of the disaster for Lingzhou! "

Wei he was dressed as an old man. On the surface, he looked like he was in his fifties. He had a long beard. He wore a black robe and stepped into the air. He stood with his hands down and his eyes were cold.

After living for tens of thousands of years, he was the first time to encounter the influence of the Yin Department. He was looking for death.

"Hey, old man, you're Farting! If you had this ability, you would have called in. Ha ha. "Wearing the mask of king of Chu, the monkey king, wearing a black robe of Xiujin, scoffs at this.

Yama in the tenth hall, including Su Xun, the Yin emperor, has a mask. The first is to create a sense of mystery, and the second is for the sake of safety.

After all, Su Xun still had the great enemy of yujianzong. If he knew that the secret division was his, he would be in trouble. After all, the monk could not run away from the temple.

"I'm presumptuous

A flash of anger flashed in Wei He's eyes. He looked up at the crack covered ghost gate and sneered: "this thing is really difficult, but it can't survive today."

"Good! It seems that there is no shortage of treasures in your vagina department. I'm very interested in your treasure that can make people reincarnate and reincarnate. " Zhao Xian appears to be in his thirties, wearing a gorgeous purple robe.

Nu Wa dressed in a white palace dress, dignified and elegant, not blasphemous, lips light: "nothing more than death."

"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight

One hundred thousand Yin soldiers raise their arms and roar. The Yin Qi is shrouded. Countless evil spirits roar. Thunder and lightning flash in the sky and the earth.

"Then it's tianwai battle!" Wei He's fighting spirit is rising.

The battle of saints is often to destroy the heaven and the earth. Of course, it can't be fought on the ground. Generally speaking, it's hard to fight on the ground.

For example, the last time Su Xun and Xie Lingyun fought outside Luohe City, both sides did their best, but they also kept their hands. Otherwise, the movement could not be so small, although it was already very big.

The battle between DA Luo and the sage must be outside Heaven, which is the custom of the whole xuanyue continent.

Because no one wants to destroy this continent.

If anyone wants to, they will be attacked by the crowd.

"If you want to fight, fight."

Nu Wa's voice falls, and Lian Bu steps out of the gate of hell. Her body flies out of the Yin Si to the sky.

The gate of hell can't stop. If you fight here, the whole Yinsi and Lingzhou will be shocked by Yu Li.

Although Lingzhou is just the tip of the iceberg for xuanyue continent, there are also trillions of creatures.

What's more, if we break the rules of convention, we will be besieged by other saints.

So no matter what, Nu Wa had to fight.

Ten Temple Yama followed closely, and other Taib level monks also followed.

"Go Wei he roared.

The two saints and more than twenty great luotaiyi of the alliance also flew to the sky.

Below the middle and grass-roots continue to hold.

Their results also depend on the fighting above.

The life and death of little people are mostly decided by big people.

Beyond the sky is the endless void, and the vigorous wind is fierce.

The secret division and the Allied forces are far away from each other.

Nu Wa rushed out with a ribbon in her hand. Wei He and Zhao Xianmo attacked Nu Wa.

Sun Wukong, Mei pangzi, Liu An and others also launched a scuffle with Da luotaiyi of the coalition side.

In tianwai, we all try our best.

The aftereffects of scuffle alone can shatter a few tons of meteorite. The sage's boxing style can shatter the planet. I don't know how many creatures are suffering.

But it's a number for saints. They don't care. They just want to kill.

Su Xun returned to xuanyue mainland from gangzong world. He put on a black gold mask and returned to Yinsi.

Then, at the gate of hell, he saw the eighteen way allied forces holding the Yin soldiers outside.

I saw the crack on the gate of hell.

Su Xun's eyes blinked and time went back. Everything that had happened outside the ghost gate before was vivid.

From the first day of attack by the 18th route allied forces to Nu Wa's hard support, the gate of hell was broken

"Good courage!"

In his eyes, he flashed, looked at the ants like coalition forces, hummed and palmed down.

"Why is it suddenly dark?"

"Yes, it was just fine."

Below, the coalition forces outside the ghost gate suddenly found the eyes of a dark, are talking up.

Although it's dark in the secret department, I can't see things clearly.

But now it's dark.

Everyone looked up, as if the sky was falling down, and then before they could react, ten thousand people were killed in a flash under the fierce palm wind.

"Ah "Ah

Screams rang out one after another, huge palms fell, tens of thousands of people were killed, with the palm back, there was only a huge palm print on the ground.

The Yin soldiers and generals in the gate of hell are all confused.

"Your majesty! His Majesty must be back

"Your Majesty must have done it!"

"I'll wait to see your majesty!"

One hundred thousand Yin soldiers knelt down in excitement, as if Su Xun would come back and they would win.

With a wave of Su Xun's sleeve robe, the body of 100000 Yin soldiers stood up uncontrollably.

And Su Xun had gone to the sky.

While he was out working, a group of bullies with doglegs came to bully his daughter-in-law and employees.I'm looking for death. I deserve it!

Susian took Pangu axe and killed him angrily.

Today, he's going to kill!

Tianwai, under the joint attack of two saints, Nu Wa has gradually lost her support.

Because she has been dealing with the two saints of the coalition alone these days, and her secret wounds have not yet recovered.

She is not afraid of death, because even if she is dead, she can be resurrected again, just for the length of time.

"Why not? Xuanyue continent has not had a sacred meteorite for thousands of years. Do you want to be the first one?"

"Yes, as long as you are willing to lead people to abandon the dark and turn to the light, you can make a living."

"How long has it been? Do you expect that son of a bitch to save you? I think he has already run away. Otherwise, can he not come now? "

Wei He and Zhao Xian while facing Nu Wa under the dead hand, while instigating discord to persuade her.

After all, it's hard to kill a saint, and they will pay a heavy price. It's not worth it.

But if you can accept each other, it will be a big help!

"Here I am."

A quiet voice came to the ears of all.

Su Xun stepped into the air. As far as he could reach, both the allied army's Da Luo and Tai Yi were vomiting blood and flying upside down, and even two Tai Yi golden immortals were killed on the spot.


Wei He and Zhao Xian are pupil lock, immediately is like a grain on the back, the heart is full of vigilance.

Sage realm, as long as a high grade, it is very different, it is impossible to cross the level of war.

Unless there is a powerful magic weapon or elixir, such as Pangu axe.

"My husband."

Nu Wa smiles and flies away.

"See your majesty!"

Yan Luo of the tenth hall paid homage to Su Xun.

"He's the cloudy one."

Zhao Xian stares at Su Xun as if facing the enemy. He wants to see him through that mask.

But all he saw was the mask and the placid eyes under it.

"Flatten your body and kill the enemy with me."

Su Xun's tone was indifferent, neither sad nor happy.

"I will obey your orders!"

Everyone is in high spirits.

On the contrary, not on the coalition side.

Now the situation has completely changed for both sides.


Wei he roared, looked at his fist, and Su Xun said: "this time, we are abrupt. I hope your majesty can forgive me. I'm willing to fight with the Yin Department and compensate for all the losses of the Yin Department."

A third grade, plus a second grade, can completely crush him and Zhao Xian.

Instead of being beaten to death, the dog is dying, or killed completely.

"Yes, it's just a misunderstanding, but we are willing to pay for it." Zhao Xian also made a hasty statement.

Step on the horse, the leader of the secret division is actually a saint of three grades, Gan! Where did such a big force come from.

Su Xun sneered: "can a misunderstanding erase your guilt? If you dare to destroy my ghost gate, I will use your two souls to suppress the ghost gate today! "

As his voice fell, everyone was trembling, they felt a strong murderous.

"Son of Yin! We'd like to apologize with you, but you've got an inch to spare. It's deceiving us not to fight for our lives! " If you want to be soft, Wei he can only be hard. He's desperate.

Zhao Xian is also ready to move at any time.

The corner of Su Xun's mouth said, "are you worthy?"

With that, step out, boom, a majestic and powerful pressure like a huge wave.


Zhao Xian screamed and was shocked by the powerful pressure.

Su Xun took another step. With every step he took, the pressure was even stronger.

"You forced me!"

Wei he roared and grabbed with both hands. The two huge planets smashed directly at Su Xun.

"I dare to teach you how to carve insects!"

Su Xun kept punching.


The two planets exploded directly, and then Su Xun split out with an axe.

"Let's try to open the sky!"

"What magic weapon is this?"

Wei he was shocked. He felt the danger of death from the ordinary ax.

"The magic weapon for your life!"


It seems that an axe cuts off the river of stars and the river of time. Everything in the world slows down, and the defense speed of Wei river slows down.

"Stab La -"

the golden blood spills across the void, and the Wei River is directly cut into two parts by the waist. The soul, flesh and body are forcibly cut off together, which shows the power of Pangu axe.

Su Xun's accomplishments were higher than him. Besides, he was holding a Pan Gu axe and other gods. Killing Wei he was as simple as killing an ant."Come again!"

Su Xun split out again.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Weihe sent out a roar to shake the Milky way, boom, the body exploded, leaving only the spirit to escape.

"Can you run away?"

Looking at the two Holy Spirits in separate action, Su Xun sneered and took out the pure bottle of lanolin jade. He aimed at the spirit of Wei He and put it in.

Everyone's still a little unresponsive.

A saint of second grade.

So Dead?

No, I can't say dead. I was caught alive.

Zhao Xian's eyes were full of fear, and he worked hard to escape.

Su Xun stepped out: "come to die!"

"Ah With a roar, Zhao Xian's body suddenly expanded and became a muscular giant with a height of 100 Zhang and eyes like a house.

"Who is older than me?"

Su Xun was small, and with a blazing flame burning in place, he became poor and strange. A huge beast with thousands of feet seemed to feed on the planet.


A roar shakes the void.

"Demon! The demon family

"The sky demon from the upper three continents!"

After seeing Su Xun's real body changed, the alliance's Da Luo and Tai Yi were all changed.

It seems that everything I couldn't think of before can make sense.

No wonder a power with a saint of three grades, a saint of two grades and nearly ten great Luo strongmen can suddenly emerge quietly.

It turns out that they belong to the demon family.

With a flick of his tail, Su Xun swept away several planets, and his huge tail fell on Zhao Xian.

Zhao Xian flew out in an instant.

Su Xun roared and rushed over.

After Zhao Xian stabilized himself, a huge sword appeared in his hand in an attempt to block Su Xun's fight.


At the moment of contact with Su Xun, the giant sword appeared a cobweb like crack with a crisp sound.

And then they went straight to sleep in pieces.

"Puyi -"

Zhao Xian himself is also a fresh mouth.

Su Xun didn't give him the chance to fight back. Crying was like a cat catching a mouse. Three times five divided by two was equivalent to tearing his body into several sections.

Then he pinched his soul.

"Spare me! Spare my life! As long as you don't kill me and let me do anything, I'm willing to surrender! "

Zhao Xian kept howling.

Su Xun turned back: "you don't deserve it."

Finally, he was put into the Yujing bottle.

Then he looked at the twenty or so daruo and Taiyi Jinxian.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me!"

A group of people trembled with fright. They knelt down and climbed their heads very low.

"If you follow me, you will prosper; if you disobey me, you will die."

Su Xun's tone was calm. If he wanted to subdue them, he had to solve their leader.

"We are willing to surrender."

A group of people who dare to hesitate, heard the chance to live are not hesitant to agree down.

"Hand over a wisp of ghost and blood essence."

Su Xun didn't believe their loyalty with one word. After all, they surrendered because they were afraid of death. They might turn back at any time.

So we need to use other means to control them, and it's not too late to release them when they really surrender.

Ghost and blood essence are the two most private and precious things for monks. In the world of cultivating immortals, no matter which one is poor, it can easily kill a person.

Of course, they didn't want to, but at this moment, they couldn't wait to do it.

"Welcome to Yin Si."

Su Xun talked a lot.

Then he sent them back, so that they could serve as a subordinate force of the scrotum instead of entering the scrotum.

"You're suffering. It's stressful."

Su Xun went to Nu Wa, put his arms around her and said softly.

The ten hall Yama's wit is gone.

They are the only two left in the void.

"You come back in time, otherwise I can't keep the secret division." Nu Wa leaned in his arms.

Su Xun stroked her hair: "this time I won't leave. Lingzhou has become our territory."

"It's hard." When Nu Wa came to xuanyue, it was not a day or two. Naturally, she knew the pattern of Lingzhou. The four forces were the obstacles.

Four forces at least four five sages. What do they compare with each other?

"If you can't do it for one day, you can't do it for one year. If you can't do it for ten years, there will always be a day." Su Xun is full of pride.

After a while in the void, they went back to the Yin Department.

After returning to the underworld department, Su Xun went to the ghost gate first, and took out the ghost of Wei He and Zhao Xian from the Yujing bottle."Please forgive me! Please forgive me

Zhao Xian kept begging for mercy, but Su Xun didn't look at him at all.

Su Xun directly forced the two men to erase their divine sense, and integrated them into the ghost gate when repairing the ghost gate. From then on, let's see who can break the ghost gate.

Now there are two guardians of the soul of saints. Although the power of the soul is weaker than the body itself, no matter how weak it is, it's a saint, not a cat or a dog.

After repairing the ghost gate, he went back to the harem.

Good guy, go straight to the harem when you come back from a business trip.

"My husband is back."

"Husband, you are back."

In the back palace, as soon as Su Xun entered, he was warmly welcomed, and Yingyan threw himself on.

Zhou Wenli, Yazi, Sha Lianna, and long Jiuji were frightened even though they had been prepared.

This There are too many women, too. If they go to bed once a day, they won't be able to do it in a month.

So Su Xun was very considerate. Instead of making such fussy things, he came directly.

An iron sage can carry it.

The body of sage, if a good body doesn't need to be a woman, isn't it a waste of conditions?

Su Xun played the role of holy body to the extreme, and he was constantly trying new breakthroughs.

When Su Xun tried to break through the new pole in the evening, the 18th Road coalition army failed to encircle the secret department, and the news that the souls of the two saints were arrested also spread.

The moment is to trigger the shock of Lingzhou, it is a saint, even if it is a product, it is also a saint.

"Did you hear that? The secret division won, and the 18th route allied army was completely destroyed. Only some leaders fled back. "

"That's not to say they escaped back. I heard that they all submitted to the Yin Department. After all, even the two saints were killed by the emperor Yin."

"It seems that the heaven of Lingzhou is really going to change. Yinsi is the fifth power of Lingzhou."

Because of this, even Lianhua temple, Xiaoling mountain, yujianzong and Wushuang Pavilion began to face up to this strange hermit.

Lotus Temple is one of the holy places of Lingzhou Buddhism.

At this time is holding a meeting, the content of the meeting and the vaginal division.

Tang Xuanzang also participated as a Buddhist.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this Yin Si's actions are similar to those of our Buddhism. Sooner or later, it will be the disaster of our Buddhism."

An elder in cassock frowned.

Many bareheaded people also agree.

They said before that they didn't pay much attention to the scrotum.

But because the secret division destroyed the 18 road allied forces, it began to investigate the detailed information related to the secret division.

I don't know. I'm surprised.

What they pay attention to in Buddhism is the fruit of repair in this life, the blessing in the next life, or the bliss of becoming a Buddha.

Yin Si stresses that if you do good before you die, you will be blessed after you die. This is the same as Buddhism.

It is through this that Buddhism absorbs believers.

But in fact, they pay little attention to the believers. From time to time, they make a few examples and send them to be reincarnated.

Reincarnation without six samsara is to take away the unborn fetus by erasing the memory of the soul.

Pure handmade, the efficiency is certainly less than that of Yin Si, which can be called the reincarnation assembly line.

So this point advocated by the Yin Si can really be witnessed. Their Buddhism is too false and empty.

If things go on like this, the believers will still do good deeds, but not because they believe in Buddhism, but because they want to go to hell and cast a good baby in their next life. Isn't their Buddhism cold?

"Where on earth did this Yin Si come from?"

"Yes, there are two saints, one of them is the third grade. How can they be silent?"

"Amitabha, what should we do?"

Listening to the elders' comments, Tang Xuanzang lowered his head because he was afraid that his smile would be seen.

Of course, he knew who the leader of the secret department was.

He already knew that Su Xun was not dead.

Some time ago, when the Yin Si just came up, he went to contact, because the ten halls of hell, black and white impermanence, ox head and horse face are too familiar.

There's also a journey to the West in the world.

Then he went, hey, I didn't expect that the monkey king and they were the ten halls of hell.

Then he learned from the mouth of the monkey king that Su Xun was not dead, so he knew the secret department too well.

But he didn't have the idea to say everything in the scrotum.

Because in his heart, he and Su Xun are the same kind of people, and they are not compatible with Lotus Temple.

Of course, Lianhua temple was kind to him, and he could not have failed Lianhua temple.

So he wanted to make Lianhuashan and Yinsi friends, so that he would not be in a dilemma in the middle.

"Elder, I have a word."

Tang Xuanzang raised his head, opened his mouth, and made a solemn appearance, which was really like a holy monk.

"Buddha, please speak."Tang Xuanzang's strength in Lianhua temple is not the strongest, but his future is recognized as the farthest, and he is also the future host of Lianhua Mountain, with a high status.

Although the Buddha ate meat and drank wine and went to the brothel, they all chose to turn a blind eye to his talent and forbear.

In the words of the Buddha, that is, wine and meat pass through the intestines, and the Buddha keeps them in his heart.

He was a Buddhist himself.

"To be honest with you elders, I know who the leader of the underworld is, and I am a close friend with him." When Tang Xuanzang said this, he listened and left us some time to think.

Although the elders of Lianhua temple had a lot to say, they all patiently held back.

After all, bareheaded is the most patient.

Then Tang Xuanzang continued: "in my opinion, you elders need not worry about this. Compared with the underworld, Xiaoling mountain is the biggest threat to our Lotus Temple. We can unite with the underworld to surpass all the false Buddhas in Xiaoling mountain."

All the people felt thoughtful, and then their eyes became brighter and brighter. Amitabha, it's really wonderful!

As we all know, peers are enemies.

Su Xun's secret division only overlaps with some of their businesses, but xiaolingshan is different. It's a competitor in all aspects of business.

Both sides often slander each other, who want to destroy each other and swallow the other's belief in dominating Lingzhou.

There has been a long feud between the two colleagues.

Now it's a good idea to unite with the Yin Department to deal with xiaolingshan.

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