Yin Si.

In a side hall.

Su Xun and Tang Xuanzang looked at each other and sat down.

"The bald donkey asked me to beat the bald donkey. It's interesting."

Su Xun smashed his mouth. Tang Xuanzang had just said that he was going to join the secret service to pass xiaolingshan.

It's a crime for a bald man to fight with his family.

Tang Xuanzang rolled his eyes: "emperor, can we not scold the monk for being bald?"

He felt offended.

"Lianhua temple and Xiaoling mountain have been feuding for a long time, fighting for orthodoxy. The control of the six samsara by the Yinsi is equivalent to the control of the root of the Buddhists. If I try my best to destroy Xiaoling mountain first, will Lianhua Temple fight against the Yinsi instead?"

Su Xun had a natural distrust of baldness. He trusted Tang Xuanzang because he was half a fellow townsman, and Tang Xuanzang was not a real baldness.

He is a complete scum of the monks. If it wasn't for his talent, he would have been expelled.

"Emperor, I am the Buddha of Lianhua temple. In the future, I will be the host of Lianhua temple. If I am here, it will never happen." Tang Xuanzang made a serious promise.

Su Xun drank and ate, but he didn't answer, but he thought that Tang Monk thought he was too important.

Collective interests will not change because of individuals.

What's more, he is only a Buddha now, not the host of Lotus Temple.

Tang Xuanzang tried hard to persuade Su Xun: "emperor Zun Mingjian, Buddhism collects all living beings' beliefs, and the source of belief is mortal. As emperor Zun said, the Yin Department controls mortal life, aging, illness and death by six samsara, which is equivalent to controlling the source of Buddhism's belief from the root. Lotus Temple has worries, and Xiaoling mountain must also have worries."

"But there are poor monks in Lianhua temple, so they can fight Xiaoling mountain together with emperor Zun and sit in Fenling state. But Xiaoling mountain is not like this. They will not allow their lifeblood to be invaded by the Yin Si, and they will certainly defeat the Yin Si in the future."

"In this case, why can't emperor Zun cooperate with Lotus Temple? It should be noted that emperor Zun knows the root and the bottom of me, which is the basis for cooperation. "

"Good." Su Xun agreed.

Tang Xuanzang was stunned: "what?"

"I said yes." Su Xun repeated.

Tang Xuanzang didn't expect that Su Xun's doubts would be dispelled so easily. He still couldn't believe it. After a while, he responded: "emperor Zun is far sighted. Thank you for your trust. Lianhua temple will live up to Emperor Zun."

"Drink, eat." Su Xun chuckled. He was joking with the people of Fenling state in Lianhua temple.

What he wants is the whole Lingzhou, not to mention the mortals in the world. Even if the leader of Lianhua Mountain is dead and the Lord of imperial sword is dead, he has to be in charge of the Yin Department.

No matter how beautiful you are when you are alive, as long as you are dead, you have to register in the vaginal department.

Of course, he can't manage it now. After all, he can't beat the host of Lianhua temple.

Keren, there must be a dream, otherwise what's the difference with salted fish?

Sage, that's more ambitious.

One day, all the dead people in xuanyue will go back to the underworld, no matter whether you were emperor, God or Buddha, but when you die, you have to be in his charge.

Moreover, Su Xun was almost sure that after Xiaoling mountain was solved, Lianhua temple would stab in the back.

Xiaoling mountain is so strong that Lianhua temple has been pinching it for tens of thousands of years, and the Yinsi is not as good as Xiaoling mountain. If Lianhua temple can't accommodate Xiaoling mountain, how can it accommodate the Yinsi?

So Lianhuashan sent Tang monk to play together. Most of the time, he would kill people with a knife, and then cross the river and tear down the bridge.

But Su Xun promised Tang Xuanzang that he could make use of him, so he could set a trap for Lianhua temple.

Of course, if the Lotus Temple is sincere cooperation, then everyone will be happy for the time being, this does not work.

After all, Su Xun didn't like to use condoms. His women had a deep understanding of this.

Tang Xuanzang didn't know what Su Xun and Lianhua temple really thought. Otherwise, he would not help sighing: the world of adults is really dirty.

"Emperor Zun, is it a bit boring just to drink and eat vegetables?" Tang Xuanzang pulled his cassock, which was under his fart, and frowned at Su Xun.

This is a good habit he developed. There are no sofas in this world. All the chairs are hard and uncomfortable to sit on, but you can put on the cassock everywhere.

Su Xun showed an expression I knew, and then clapped his hands: "come out."

Soon, a group of Yingyan beauties came in and danced in the middle of the hall.

These are dancers specially raised in the palace.

Tang Xuanzang's eyes were straight: "emperor Zun, Ming people don't talk in secret. The world at the foot of the mountain is really wonderful."

The days in Lotus Temple are fading.

Although the elders of Lianhua Temple turned a blind eye to his behaviors of breaking the commandments, such as drinking, eating meat and going to brothels, no matter how bold he was, he would not dare to break the commandments in the temple. That would not be willful, it would be seeking death.

"If I become the leader of the Lotus Temple, the first thing I do is to change the rules that restrict personal freedom and suppress human nature." While appreciating the dancing of beautiful women, Tang Xuanzang talked loudly.When he was a Buddha in the western world, he didn't change these Buddhist precepts.

Su Xun looked at Tang Monk: "tell me about Xiaoling mountain."

"Keep playing, keep dancing." Tang Xuanzang yelled at the dancer below, and then said, "the name of xiaolingshan tells us it's a pirated product. It's a copy of the system of Lingshan in Yunzhou. I don't know why Lingshan in Yunzhou has been indifferent to this for so many years."

The Lingshan mountain in Yunzhou is originally the Lingshan mountain in Kyushu, the Lingshan Buddhism in the orthodox myth and legend of the earth.

Buddhism pays attention to belief. How can the Buddhas in Lingshan allow xiaolingshan to damage his reputation?

Is there something in Yunzhou that they can't afford to take care of such a small role?

But even if it's hard to get rid of it for a while, it's impossible for Lingshan in Yunzhou to get rid of it for thousands of years.

Su Xun couldn't figure out the reason.

Su Xun admired the orthodox Buddhism. No matter what, they fought to the death to fight against the TIANYAO's attack on Kyushu.

"Talk about their strength." Su Xun drank a cup of wine, which was called zuixianniang. The wine was made from Xianjie flat peach. Ordinary people could live forever if they took a sip of it.

But Su Xun just thought it was delicious.

Tang Xuanzang grabbed a chicken leg and chewed his mouth full of oil: "Xiaoling mountain imitates the Lingshan system. There are five saints, among which the pseudo Tathagata Buddhism is the highest. The five grade saints, the pseudo lamp and the pseudo Maitreya are all four grades. The three grades of the pseudo pharmacist Buddha and the two grades of the pseudo joy Buddha are equal to the strength of our Lotus Temple. However, only the entrance of the Yin Si can break the balance instantly, and the Taoism of the pseudo Lingshan will fall."

Then he looked up at Su Xun and said, "when shall we go to Yunzhou?"

He's penniless, just waiting to rub.

If not, he would have gone to Yunzhou, where Lingshan is his final destination.

"I advise you to give up this idea. People like you will be the first in Lingshan. You're going to give away business." Su Xun said speechless.

Tang Xuanzang's eyes glared and he made a vague plea: "what's wrong with me! What happened to me! Although I eat meat, I drink, I go whoring, but I know I am a good monk! Don't judge people by their appearance

"Well, you're right." Don't talk about the length with silly beep, because silly beep must be shorter than him.

A month later, Su xuncai sent Tang Monk away. He was finally willing to return to Lianhua temple.

After Tang Monk left, so did Su Xun.

He's going to Xiaoling mountain.

In order to prevent Lianhua temple from infecting him, he had to wear the condom by force Wrong. It's a good idea.

In fact, he was right.

Lianhua temple is really ready for him.

On Tang Monk's way back to Lianhua temple, and on Su Xun's way to Xiaoling mountain, Lianhua temple is discussing business.

"Amitabha, brothers, is this against the original intention of Buddhism?" Speaking of two elders of Lianhua temple, with white beard and eyebrows, a kind and compassionate look.

"That's not true. Our Lotus Temple takes saving the world from adversity as its own duty. The Yin Department is only a mener. How can we control the life and death of the world?"

"That's right. Besides, this plan is for the prosperity of our Lotus Temple. If there's any abuse, I'm willing to bear it."

"This is a great opportunity to solve the problems of Xiaoling mountain and Yinsi at the same time. We must not miss it. After this battle, Lingzhou will be our site of Lianhua temple!"

"I'm just afraid that the Buddha will have a bad heart."

"Time is the best medicine to cure everything. After all, he will accept it."

Their plan is very simple. First, they use the relationship between Tang Xuanzang and Su Xun to cooperate with the Yinsi to destroy xiaolingshan, and then turn around to destroy the Yinsi.

It's easier to destroy Yinsi than xiaolingshan, because Yinsi is the weakest among them.

At that time, the belief of Lingzhou people was allowed to be harvested by Lianhua temple, and the whole Lingzhou was only the basic dish of Lianhua temple.

As for yujianzong and wushuangge, these two forces have no business overlapping with Lianhua temple, so they are basically irrelevant.

It's a pity that what they thought was beautiful, but Su Xun had already predicted them.

Xiaoling mountain is located in the west of Luohe City.

There is a Lingshan city at the foot of xiaolingshan.

It is a big city with millions of people.

Su Xun successfully met the false Tathagata Buddha in Xiaoling mountain as the son of Yin.

This little Lingshan is worthy of its name. It is a small version of Lingshan.

However, in terms of momentum, there are some shortcomings. It seems to be petty. After all, it's pirated goods.

"Amitabha, I don't know what happened to the poor monk." The false Tathagata Buddha asked calmly.

Before that, they were still discussing whether to deal with the future trouble of the underworld department. The final conclusion was to see the reaction of the Lotus Temple before making a decision.

I didn't expect that Su Xun came to the door.

Su Xun gave a little smile. He couldn't see his smile through the mask: "I came to save Xiaoling mountain."It's a trick used by political strategists to shock each other as soon as they speak.

"What do you mean by that?" Although the pseudo Tathagata Buddha is a pseudo Buddha, he is a saint of Wupin who has seen the world after all. Naturally, he can't be frightened by Su Xun's words. He is still a noble and solemn figure, not sad and not happy.

Su Xun said meaningfully, "can Buddha know who I met before I came here?"

The false Tathagata Buddha did not say a word, just looked at him with a very high appearance.

"Before I came here, I met people from Lianhua temple. They invited me to join hands with them to destroy Lingshan." Su Xun sold the Lotus Temple directly. No matter what the Lotus Temple and Xiaoling mountain had, they couldn't accommodate him.

So he's going to cook the two together.

Even if you can't cook two in one pot, the worst thing is to kill one of them and reduce the pressure.

The false Tathagata Buddha was shocked. He didn't expect that Lianhua temple would invite the secret division to join hands.

Yes, compared with their Lingshan, the Yin Department is weaker after all, and it doesn't pose any threat. But if we can use it to destroy their Lingshan, we will make a lot of money.

Pseudo Buddha said: "it seems that your majesty did not agree? After all, the Lotus Temple has destroyed me. How can Xiaoling mountain accommodate the Yin Department? I believe your majesty knows that. "

"No, I agreed." When Su Xun opened his mouth, he really confused the Buddha.

Su Xun's voice became chilly: "if you don't agree, how can you have a chance to destroy the Lotus Temple?"

"Your Majesty means..." As soon as the eyes of the false Tathagata Buddha brightened, they suddenly understood and moved.

Su Xun nodded his head and said angrily, "we can make a plan with Lianhua temple. They think that threats can make me behave. It's just wishful thinking!"

"Isn't your majesty afraid that after the destruction of the Lotus Temple, I will turn back on Xiaoling mountain?" Asked the false Tathagata Buddha.

Su Xun said with a smile, "I don't need the Buddha to worry about this. Naturally, I have a way to protect myself."

If Lianhua Temple plays tricks, I will destroy your two families. If Lianhua Temple doesn't play tricks, Xiaoling mountain will die. How can I turn back?

As for how to destroy Lianhua temple and Xiaoling mountain by himself, Su Xun also had his own ideas.

Looking at Su Xun, who was full of confidence, he was dignified in the heart of the pseudo Tathagata Buddha. The origin of this man was mysterious and bold. It seemed that he really had a card to protect himself.

"Well, in that case, I am willing to cooperate with your majesty to destroy the Lotus Temple!"

If you can't cross the river and tear down the bridge afterwards, you can't cross the river when you have the chance to destroy the Lotus Temple.


Pseudo Tathagata Buddha's eyes are burning: "Your Majesty, how can you make me believe that this is not the calculation of Lotus Temple?"

Since Su Xun came to him and planned to deal with the Lotus Temple, it might be a part of Su Xun's plan with the Lotus Temple. What should Su Xun do in the face of war?

"I'm no more than three grades. The Tathagata Buddha is a saint of five grades. Even in the face of the encirclement and suppression of Lianhua temple, I can't escape. If I use Xiaoling mountain, I'm not afraid of the Revenge of the Tathagata Buddha?"

Su Xun had a secret way in his heart. Of course, he was not afraid. Lao Tzu also had a pill to break the boundary. He could break through and become a four grade saint after eating it. Besides, Pan Gu's axe was also afraid of the hammer.

"In that case, it's a deal."

The false Tathagata Buddha also thinks that he thinks too much.

As Su Xun said, he is a Wupin saint. He can't die so easily. Even in the face of siege, he can't fight and run. At least his soul can run.

Even if it is a wisp of ghost, it can be resurrected. The Yin Si can't bear his revenge.

"A word from a gentleman is hard to trace."

Su Xun drank tea instead of wine.

After the successful collusion with Xiaoling mountain, Su Xun went to the imperial sword sect again.

Now he is also a third grade man. He is on the same level as Xie Lingyun. He also wears a mask and can suppress the breath with Pangu axe. He is not afraid to be seen through by Xie Lingyun.

The opportunity to destroy Lianhua temple and Xiaoling mountain at the same time lies in yujianzong.

If yujianzong intervenes, Lianhua temple and xiaolingshan will be the meat on the chopping board.

Even if we can't completely destroy these two Buddhism forces, we can make them out of Lingzhou.

Then the next thing you need to do is to be obscene and trivial. When you have the strength, you will be all right.

As for Wushuang Pavilion, you don't need to pay attention to it, because Wushuang Pavilion only focuses on business and doesn't interfere in it.

Half a month later, Su Xun arrived at yujianzong.

Yujianzong is located in Jianshan. It's named after it's like a long sword inserted into a Tibetan spear. It's tens of thousands of meters high.

At the foot of Jianshan is Jiancheng, a city with millions of people.

These cities at the foot of the sects are big cities with a large population, because they can be sheltered.

Su Xun was dressed in a black gold dragon robe, a crown and a dragon mask. He stepped up in the air, and the power of the sage came out.

The next second, with several streamers, several disciples with long swords appeared opposite Su Xun."The younger generation are the mountain guarding disciples of yujianzong. Who are you and why are you here?"

Several disciples of the imperial sword sect were very respectful.

"I'm the emperor of the Yin Department. I want to see your master."

Su Xun said calmly.

"Why did the emperor of the Yin Department want to see our patriarch?"

There was a voice full of vitality, and then a Taoist with green robes suddenly appeared in the void.

"See three elders."

Several mountain guarding disciples paid homage at once.

It's true that this man is Su Xun's old enemy, Xie Lingyun, the third elder of imperial sword sect.

He looked at Su Xun and didn't know what was going on. He always felt a little familiar.

Because he felt that there was a familiar shadow on the other person, he had a gentle attitude towards Su Xun.

If he knew why he felt familiar, I'm afraid he would cut it now.

"You must be the elder Xie of the imperial sword sect. I'm here for something important. Please introduce him." Su Xun was indifferent.

I'm standing in front of you. You see, I'm kind of like before.

Xie Lingyun waved to the disciples and said to Su Xun, "Your Majesty, please."

The other side is also a Sanpin saint. Naturally, Xie Lingyun did not dare to trust him. A powerful Sanpin Saint came to worship the mountain, of course, he could not be turned away.

"Thank you so much, elder." Su Xun kept up.

Xie Lingyun laughs and goes with Su Xun: "to tell you the truth, I always feel familiar when I first meet your majesty. If you don't dislike your majesty, you can come and go often in the future."

"Yes? It turns out that Mr. Xie also has this kind of feeling. I also have this feeling. This is probably the so-called "it's like old friends at first sight." Su Xun also laughed.

I killed your apprentice and fought with you again. I'm familiar with the Revenge of killing your apprentice.

Xie Lingyun thought it over carefully, and then exclaimed: "what a good one. It's a good word at first sight."

About a cup of tea, Su Xun met Pei Jian in the main hall of Yujian sect.

Pei Jian looks like a middle-aged man in his thirties. He is as elegant as a scholar.

It looks ordinary. It looks like a teacher on the street.

But he is the sage of Wupin, the sword sage of Lingzhou.

Zeng Jian cut the sage of Er pin.

It's a great achievement to kill a saint in all kinds of ways.

For example, when Su Xun treated Wei He and Zhao Xian, he left their souls to melt into the gate of hell.

It will take a lot of effort to destroy them. Who knows if they have left behind? After all, with a drop of blood, Darrow can be resurrected tens of thousands of years later, let alone a saint.

So we don't kill them at all. We don't give them the chance of resurrection even if we use the waste.

"I've seen Lord Pei, but I didn't tell him. There are many interruptions. Please forgive me."

Su Xun said to Pei Jian.

Pei Jian said with a gentle smile: "excuse me. The name of Yin Tianzi now resounds through Lingzhou. I just want to see what kind of demeanor this Yin Tianzi is."

"Today, I've seen it. It's mostly disappointing for the Lord. I'm nothing but a layman." Su Xun said with a smile.

Pei Jian shook his head: "common people can't be saints."

"That's a compliment." Su Xun licked wildly.

Xie Lingyun put in a word: "I see, what's your Majesty's coming? You'd better get to the point quickly. After all, it's not the one who specially comes to worship the mountain."

"Mr. Xie is very clever. I'm here to present the imperial sword sect with an opportunity to unify the Lingzhou." Su Xun picked up the tea cup and said solemnly.

When the tea lid is opened, a strong air of immortality will be diffused, making the whole body transparent.

Xie Lingyun said with a smile: "Your Majesty is joking. Lingzhou has been divided into four parts for tens of thousands of years. It's not easy to unify Lingzhou. Besides, if there is such an opportunity, how can the hell department give it to yujianzong?"

Pei Jian looks at Su Xun with a smile. Obviously, Xie Lingyun means what he means.

"Elder Xie's words are not so good. Not everyone can seize the opportunity. It's not enough only to have the opportunity, but also to have the strength. Our Yin Department can't compare with the imperial sword sect, so naturally it doesn't have the strength." Su Xun shook his head.

Xie Lingyun took a sip of tea and said, "well, since your majesty and I are familiar at first sight, don't beat around the bush. If you have anything to say, just say it."

"Mr. Xie is very pleasant, so I'll tell you straight away. There is a coincidence between my Yin Department and Buddhism. Lianhua Temple invites me to join hands to destroy Xiaoling mountain, and then divide the beliefs of hundreds of millions of people in Lingzhou."

"But I'm not a three-year-old. I don't believe in nonsense. Lianhua temple can't even accommodate the equivalent Xiaoling mountain. How can I accommodate the weaker Yin Si?"

"Once I really join hands with him to drive away Xiaoling mountain, I'm afraid Lianhua temple will turn around and show its fangs to bite me."

"It's impossible to cooperate with Lianhua temple and Xiaoling mountain, because Xiaoling mountain can't accommodate the underworld like Lianhua temple. It's simply because we three forces are fighting for human beliefs.""So I came here to visit yujianzong, and invited yujianzong to take this opportunity to drive away Lianhua temple and Xiaoling mountain. My Yinsi is willing to take yujianzong as the leader."

After that, Su Xun said nothing and left the matter to Pei Jian and Xie Lingyun to think.

Xie Lingyun's eyes flashed a fine light and looked at Pei Jian above: "Lord, I think this is a great opportunity. Once Xiaoling mountain and Lianhua temple are both defeated, we can make a profit."

"Not bad." Pei Jian nodded his approval. He was also moved by the imperial sword sect's domination of Lingzhou.

In the past, although Xiaoling mountain and Lianhua Temple didn't agree, they both knew that they couldn't defeat each other, so they never fought with all their strength. Instead, they let the younger generation below compete in the form of discussing Zen.

Now the two sides are finally going to fight each other. Isn't the chance of yujianzong coming?

To drive away Xiaoling mountain and Lianhua temple, Wushuang Pavilion is not in charge, and Yinsi is weak. At that time, if you look at the whole Lingzhou, how can you compare with yujianzong?

Su Xun also had enough tea and sighed: "Lianhua temple and Xiaoling mountain don't let Yin Si live. I have no choice but to do this

"Your Majesty, this is not true. Since ancient times, you have been defeated by the enemy. If you follow this plan, Lianhua temple and Xiaoling mountain will be defeated. At that time, the belief in Lingzhou will belong to the Yin Department." Xie Lingyun's sense of Su Xun is getting better and better.

Anyway, they didn't need the belief of those ants, and the secret division was so much weaker than yujianzong that it didn't threaten the status of yujianzong.

Pei Jian looked at Su Xun: "this plan is feasible."

"Thank you for your help." Su Xun got up and bowed to Pei Jian, his eyes full of gratitude.

Pei Jian didn't think so: "no, I'm here for the future of my royal sword sect. I'd like to thank your majesty for providing this opportunity."

"Your Majesty, you and I are the same at first sight. Since we have come to our imperial sword sect, we might as well stay a little longer. You and I can talk about it." Xie Lingyun said.

Su Xun said with a smile, "thank you for your kind invitation. Naturally, I can't refuse it unreasonably. It's a great honor."

I don't know if Xie Lingyun will vomit blood if he knows the true identity of Yin Tianzi one day.

After spending half a month in yujianzong, Su Xun spent most of his time talking with Xie Lingyun. Both sides proved that they had their own gains, and their friendship gradually increased.

Attention, it's friendship, not base.

Su Xun's sexual orientation is normal Right?

On the day of Su Xun's departure, Xie Lingyun gave him his understanding of kendo. He wrote a book called "true explanation of Kendo".

Seeing the title of the book, Su Xun thought he was reading the Internet.

Su Xun gave thanks again and again before he left.

"Master, the emperor of the underworld department is really a great talent. He is not a swordsman, but his swordsmanship is not inferior to mine."

Standing on the top of the mountain, looking at Su Xun's disappearing direction, Xie Lingyun said with emotion.

Pei Jian nodded: "such calculation, one day the secret division will grow into a giant."

"Why not?" Xie Lingyun chuckled and said: "I don't know how many years it has been since then. Can my imperial sword sect be weaker than the Yin Department? Maybe I've already gone to shangsanzhou to start a school. "

"Not bad." Pei Jian burst out laughing.

With the continuous growth of the Yin Department, can't their yujianzong stand still?

The scrotum won't threaten them, because they don't have the qualification.


After Su Xun returned to the secret department from the emperor Jianzong, he received a letter from Lianhua temple about ten days later.

It was agreed in the letter that Xiaoling mountain would be felled in half a year.

Half a year sounds like a long time, but it's only in the blink of an eye for them who live a long life.

Su Xun returned a letter, and at the same time sent a letter to xiaolingshan and yujianzong.

He is like a scum man, skillfully using the information gap and their own contradictions to wander among the three families.

To be so skillful, it all depended on his experience of stepping on several boats.

There were still half a year left, and Su Xun didn't want to stay in xuanyue.

After all, what's the use of his system if he just squats on the xuanyue continent to cultivate his farmland?

The promotion of others depends on cultivation.

He's on the hook.

So how can he practice?

That's depravity! Put the cart before the horse! It's not progressive!

So on this day, Su Xun started the lottery mode again.

"System, take the 33rd to get a new identity."

[drawing Successful extraction. Congratulations on the new identity of the host: tough guy. 】

[this is a world where men and women are reversed. In this world, women are respected, men are weak, women work to earn money, men raise children, and women take care of their families. Everything seems so natural and normal. 】

[all this is caused by a supernatural event that happened hundreds of years ago. Since hundreds of years ago, there have been many supernatural events in the world. Only women have the ability to deal with supernatural events, but men don't. 】[therefore, the situation that men are strong and women are weak began to change. Men were needed to protect the world, and women were needed to protect the world from then on. 】

[after hundreds of years, the supernatural has not disappeared, and the situation of women being stronger than men has been maintained for hundreds of years. Men have been pampered from generation to generation, becoming more and more frail, and the status of men and women has been completely exchanged. 】

[and you are the only tough guy in the world, the last tough guy, so you have a great responsibility! 】

[identity skills: great power, yin and Yang eyes. 】

[identity task: change the situation that women are strong and men are weak, make men strong again, and at the same time completely solve the supernatural events in this world. 】

[Note: the host's accomplishments are too high, so the accomplishments and previously acquired skills will be temporarily blocked, and the rewards will be issued after the battle task is completed. The host can decide whether to accept them or not. 】

"hiss -"

Su Xun took a breath of cool air, which provided a modest force for global warming.

He felt some toothache.

How did you smoke so fuckin 'a world.

The exchange of male and female identity, women bear the responsibility of men, men become women's character, this step horse how hot eyes ah!

Think about a man with a coquettish face and a coquettish voice asking you to go to the toilet, while a beautiful little sister is bold to play with you, just like this painting style, asking if you are flustered?

And this identity task, which sounds like two, is actually one.

If we want the men in this world to regain the dominant position in society, we must first solve the problem of supernatural.

The reason for the exchange of status between men and women lies in the fact that women have the ability to solve supernatural events, while men do not.

In this world of distorted painting style, let Ben Shuai force you to come back.


Yan Xing.

Xia state, Canghai city.

In the evening, Canghai University, Room 303.

Su Xun looked at his roommates convulsively. The skin of the three men was whiter than that of the women. They were red lipped and white toothed, and they were walking around with bath towels.

"Oh, where's my strawberry Shower Gel? It doesn't smell good without it."

"I used it and put it on the balcony. Don't you see it, Su Xun? Come and help me to have a reference. Do you think the pink bear pillow is good-looking or the white butterfly pillow is good-looking?"

"Tomorrow will be Friday. Let's have a look this afternoon. My skin is a little flabby."

"Ziwei, ye ling'er from the Department of architecture next door is interested in you. She often peeps at you. Hee hee, maybe you are the first one to be broken."

"No, don't say it. I'm so ashamed. I don't want to fall in love so soon. Those smelly women are greedy for our bodies."

"Yes, the last time I took a bus, I was taken advantage of by a woman. I hate it."

Oh, my God! This damn world! What has become of our male compatriots!

Su Xun covered his face and fell on his bed. Looking at his pink bedspread, pink pillow and pink quilt, he couldn't help stirring.

As always, his name is Su Xun.

He is a 20-year-old junior majoring in music at Canghai University. His parents died. He grew up in an orphanage. Now he works part-time and works as a waiter in a milk tea shop outside the school.

His three roommates, Lin Ziwei, Huo Tianmiao and Zhao wangquan, are novel.

"Ah Xun, what's the matter with you? Are you uncomfortable? Why don't you talk today?"

"Yes, I'm not happy. I'll give you my pink short sleeve."

"My make-up bag can also be used for you."

"Shut up Su Xun couldn't stand it. He yelled and stared at the three people: "you are men. You should like knives and guns, not make-up pens!"

On the earth where he used to live, few men make up, and they are basically stars.

But in this world, it's normal for men to make up. Anyone who doesn't make up is embarrassed to go out.

One is more sissy than the other.

They stared at Su Xun and kept silent for a long time.

"What are you talking about? What kind of knife or gun? How dangerous it is. Are we men playing with it?"

"Yes, it's a girl's toy. We men should play with dolls or something."

"Well, ah Xun, what's the matter with you?"

The three of them looked at Su Xun with concern and thought that he had something wrong with his brain.

"I'm fine. I want to be quiet."

Su Xun waved his hand tired. As the only tough guy in the world, he was under great pressure.

"Quiet? Is it the senior who tried to rape Wang Qiang in the toilet last week? She has already been sentenced for the attempted rape. How can you miss her? "

"Yes, you don't like her, do you? No wonder she's depressed, but she's a strong traitor! ""Ah Xun, is it hard for us men to find women? You are so beautiful. If you hook your fingers, there are many women lying on your bed. Why

"All right, shut up Su Xun roared, then got up and went outside the dormitory.

He can't stay here for a moment.

Mad, a bunch of psychos.

He felt that this horse riding was the biggest supernatural event, which was simply too terrible.

"Ah! Ah Xun, don't go out. It's easy to encounter supernatural events when you go out at night. "

"Yes, what's more, even if there is no supernatural event, it's easy to meet bad women!"

"Wang Qiang was saved last time, otherwise his innocence would have been ruined."

The three men quickly persuaded Su Xun.

"Shut up

Su Xun roared and strode away.

Laozi, a tough man with bigger sandbags than fists, is afraid that women will be strong enough to rape me?

If there is such a lecheron, then I'll let her know what is anti Hakka!

In other words, in this world, women are strong and men are strong. The crime of adultery should be put on file and sentenced.

And men are strong, and women are obscene and indecent at most. It's not enough for criminal cases. LSP's paradise.

But Su Xun was a gentleman.

"Ah Xun is so fierce today."

"Yes, maybe I'm in a bad mood."

"Forget it, he should just walk around the school, nothing will happen."

woods only three people for a while, then began to apply the mask, always keep beautiful.

On the other hand, after finding out the dormitory, Su went out of the boys' dormitory directly.

At the door of the dormitory, he also saw several women sneaking their boyfriends back to the dormitory.

"Come and pick me up tomorrow. Don't forget."

A 1.8-meter-tall man leans on a petite woman's arms, whining, smelling of tea, green tea.

"Well, darling, I can't bear you either, but I can't help it. Kiss one and go back to bed. It's very late."

Women are trying their best to coax men.

"Well! You are impatient! You don't love me any more. When you were chasing me, you were not like this. You were obedient to me. The woman was really a pig's hoof. She showed her true shape when she got someone else's body. "

The man stamped his foot and clenched his lips. Su Xun's head was numb because of the way he wanted to cry.

Shit, Jill's terrible. If he becomes like this, he'll die.

"Oh, you make trouble out of no reason, where don't I love you?" The woman's face was helpless.

"What's wrong with me? Break up. "

When the woman heard this, she was in a hurry and quickly took his hand: "Qiang, you listen to my explanation."

"I won't listen, I won't listen." Strong man. He covered his ears and shook his head.

The woman was a little helpless, and her eyes fell on Su Xun. She was not angry: "what are you looking at? I haven't seen the quarrel between lovers. Go away!"

Su Xun

Good guy, the personality is so completely reversed.

Su Xun shook his head and walked to the playground.

Behind him, there were other women's voices.

"How can she talk to that boy just now? That boy is so handsome and his face is amazing. If you touch it, I will live ten years less."

"Yes, she is so cruel. If I could get such a handsome man, it would be worth my death!"

"Those legs are so long. I can lick a fracture."

Su Xun

These words are so familiar. He used to talk about a woman behind his back with Keiyo.

I didn't expect that he has become the object of lust by women. Is this a kind of happiness?

Should Count it.

If he wants to sleep with a woman now, isn't it that when he stretches his legs, there will be a lot of people waiting in line to sit up?

The world It's kind of interesting.

Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough.

As he walked, Su Xun suddenly came back to himself and found something wrong, that is, it was too quiet.

Although it's already around 11 p.m., it shouldn't be so quiet on campus. At least there are still young lovers.

And I just saw someone running at night on the track of the playground, but now they are gone.

It seems that he is the only one left in the whole playground.

Obviously, it's a campus psychic.

A wind blowing, rolling up the leaves on the ground, the wind like crying, sad.

But Su Xun had a smile on the corner of his mouth, which was thought-provoking and meaningful.

If you hit me, I'd like to see if the supernatural of the world can withstand my blow.Laozi will let you know, what is a social master from a different world, and what is physical transcendence!

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