Although he knew something was wrong, Su Xun still pretended that nothing had happened and went on.

Suddenly, he felt a chill behind him.

Su Xun turned around and was facing a pale, bleeding face. He showed a strange smile: "I found you."

The female ghost was startled by him, and the blood flow on her face was faster, even half a step back.

"Are you serious about taking a half step back? Do you know how much damage your little action has brought to me? " Su Xun said it was unforgivable.

I'm so handsome. I scared you off your horse. It's an insult to my face!

You can insult my body, but you can't insult my face!

There was a flash of anger in the eyes of the female ghost. She also felt that she was humiliated. She was a devil. How could there be boys who were not afraid of ghosts?

She grinned, and the corners of her mouth grew bigger and bigger. She cracked to the root of her ears, forming a penetrating smile.

Su Xun just stared at her for a long time and then spat out four words: "mad silly beep."

"Bold devil, dare to enter the school to harm others!"

At this time, an ethereal voice sounded, followed by a woman rushed over.

Women wear a single horsetail, wearing white short sleeves with blue jeans, handsome face, valiant, jeans outline a seductive, human curve.

She stopped between Su Xun and the female ghost. She turned to Su Xun and showed a handsome smile: "this classmate, I'm here, you don't have to be afraid."

What a beautiful boy. He should be able to hold the handsome boy back this time.

Su Xun looked at her strangely.

Which eye are you afraid of seeing me?

The one down there?

Su Xun smiles and retreats to one side.

He'll see what the woman does with ghosts.

In his memory of identity, women belong to Yin. They can control strange things and use the power of ghosts to deal with ghosts. Ghosts can be hurt, but they can't be killed completely. They can only be sealed with jade boxes.

I don't know what's going on. Ghosts can penetrate everything, but they can't penetrate jade.

So jade is the hard currency of the world. It's normal for rich people to live in jade houses.

The woman saw Su Xun's smile and felt her heart beat faster. She was full of strength.

Is this the power of the beautiful boy?

What a disaster!

"Go to hell!"

For the first time, the woman took the initiative to attack the ghost. She took out a pair of scissors with blood.

The moment the scissors appeared, Su Xun felt a strong resentment and malice.

It's obvious that this pair of scissors is a strange object, maybe the murder weapon that caused the death of a ghost.

A strange object usually hosts a ghost.

At the moment when the woman takes out the scissors, the female ghost in blue on the opposite side suddenly turns into more than a dozen, which encircles the women and makes them separate.

Ghosts are divided into four levels according to wandering spirit, evil spirit, fierce spirit and ghost king, and each level has different abilities.

There are at least two kinds of ghosts, at least three kinds of fierce ghosts and at least four kinds of ghost kings.

These abilities include, but are not limited to, separation, attachment, isolation, tampering with memory, etc

Of course, their common basic ability is stealth and through the wall.

The fierce ghost in blue in front of him has two abilities, one of which is the separation now seen.

"No! classmate! Run

Seeing that the evil spirit's ability was to separate herself, the woman's face was dignified. She turned around and yelled at Su Xun.

"Or you'd better run first."

How can susian let a woman take the risk for him? Is he still a man?

"I am a woman! Women just want to protect men at the critical moment. How can they run? "

The woman said eloquently.

Su Xun

Fuck! It's going crazy.


Suddenly, countless black hands fell on the woman. The woman was lifted up, her limbs were being stretched, and her face was in pain.

She'll be ripped open by this devil.

She wanted to use the scissors in her hand, but she was caught by the devil, and there was nothing she could do.

"Bullying girls in school is campus violence. Can I just sit back and watch it?"

Su Xun looked at the ghost in blue with his eyes shining. It was a very useful ability.

It can be used to make money!

You can catch her and start a company to let her work, such as delivery, express delivery and so on.

Ghosts don't have to rest or pay. These ghosts are excellent labor force.

Ghost: Gan! Capitalists are more terrible than us.

"Don't come here! Let's go

Looking at Su Xun coming over, the woman's painful face showed anxious color, and she was deeply moved.Suddenly, one of them appeared in front of Su Xun, and his hands were going to pinch his neck.

However, Su Xun's speed was faster. He grabbed her neck and lifted her up.

The woman and the ghost were stunned.

"Be my employee."

Su Xun grinned and punched him in the stomach, which made him disappear.

Although he has been locked in his accomplishments and physique, he is not a vegetarian in his skills.

He's the equivalent of an unrivalled and invincible driver.

The woman was stunned. Her mouth was wide open as if she could insert an egg.

What did she see?

She saw that the ghost was smashed by her bare hands.

It's still a man!

Why do men have so much strength?

The ghost releases the woman and gets into her body. Her other skill is to attach.

The ghost possessed woman's eyes were empty and her face turned blue. She slowly raised her head and looked at Su Xun with a strange smile.

Ghosts are filthy and treacherous.

Now she has to see how the other party


The next second, she was pinched by Su Xun, who rushed to her, and hit her with one punch after another.

"Appendage? I want you to be attached


The ghost was beaten out by Su Xun. He looked at him in horror. His body floated back, and then disappeared in the same place. It was obvious that he wanted to hide and escape.

"How can a qualified capitalist let his employees run away?"

Su Xun threw away the woman and used the Yin Yang eye skill. He saw the ghost at a glance.

The body flies out like an arrow.

He grabbed the ghost's hair and put it on his face with a cruel smile: "I got you."

The eyes of the ghost in blue are full of fear.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

Su Xun punched her again and again.

The action of beating a female ghost is like a strong man's possession.

Suddenly, the ghost knelt on the ground, shivering and kowtowing to susian.

"Please let me go, Wuwuwuwu..."

This is from her appearance to now, there is also the company's slogan: downwind is wonderful, express to blink, send express to choose downwind.

So who can refuse?

Although the men in this world are reserved and shy on the surface, they are also LSPs in secret.

This dress will make them excited.

Female ghost in blue

Evil capitalists.

I went to work when I was alive, but now I have to go to work when I am dead, and I have to sell my face.

"By the way, do you know any other ghosts? You'd better be able to separate yourself. I'm going to recruit another group of employees." Su Xun suddenly thought of this.

Female ghost in blue

I beg you to be a man!

Su Xun pulled out one of her hair: "OK, go ahead. Don't try to run away. I'm from the ninth place. With this hair, there are many ways to find you."

"Yes, boss."

The ghost in blue is humiliated and disappears in the same place holding the leaflet. She really turns from a migrant worker to a working soul.

After sending the staff to work, Su Xun ordered a takeout. He thought that he could expand the business of ghost delivery in the future. Now the takeout staff are too slow.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

At this moment, a quick telephone rang in the living room, and susian went out.

Of the three bedrooms, he turned one into an office and the other into a warehouse.

The home phone on the coffee table is ringing all the time.

Su Xun was about to pick it up when he suddenly felt that the temperature around him had dropped a lot.

Obviously, the ghost is coming.

"That was a call to me."

A middle-aged man reading a newspaper suddenly appeared on the sofa. As soon as he looked up, he grinned at Su Xun. His mouth cracked to the root of his ear and blood dropped down.

If ordinary people suddenly see this scene, maybe even their souls are scared away.

But is Su Xun an ordinary person?

Tanima is not even human!

"In my house, this is the phone call to me. Besides, I've paid for the house. Have you paid for it? Others are used to you, but I'm not used to you. In the future, rent, water and electricity will be shared equally. "

Su Xun pointed at the ghost and said seriously.

The ghost with the newspaper just confused NIMA.

Who am I and where am I?

Su Xun picked up the phone and kept ringing. He said directly, "the ghost is calling. I live in room 1001, building 2, Fandou garden, Fandou street. If you have seed, you can come. I'll wait for you."

With that, he snapped up the phone.

Then, he sat down beside the man who was reading the newspaper, picked up the lighter on the tea table, lit a cigarette, and said, "brother, what's your name?""I don't need your surname, Wang." The male ghost answers subconsciously.

Only after answering did he react, feeling that he had been greatly insulted.

I'm a ghost!

It's a killer!

He showed a negative smile and took out a handful of blood coins: "rent"


Su Xun slapped him in the face.

"Damn it, can I use the money? Give you a face, don't you? "

Su Xun pointed at him with a cigarette in his hand and scolded.

The male ghost was stunned, and then his anger gushed, and his whole environment began to change, and he became blue faced.

The next second, Su Xun grabbed his collar and pressed it on the sofa. He said, "if you don't give me money, you scare me. If you want to go whoring, you don't ask who I am. If you want to go whoring, you scare me!"

"Stop fighting! Stop fighting! I'm wrong, brother. I'm wrong! " The male ghost is always miserable.

Su Xun released him and vomited a puff of smoke: "I tell you, I don't raise idle ghosts here. The female ghost who just went out saw it. After that, she will work for the rent just like her. Do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand, I understand." The male ghost nodded and wanted to cry without tears. He finally knew why the female ghost just went out was so obedient.

At first, he thought that the other party was a shame among ghosts and lost all their ghosts' faces. Now he knows that it's not easy to be a ghost, and he cherishes it!

Sure enough, capitalists are the most terrifying creatures in the world. They are 100 times more terrifying than ghosts.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

This time, Su Xun's mobile phone rang.

Su Xun took it out and saw that it was Chen Yao, his creditor, who called: "Hello, what's the matter?"

"Hurry to Canghai hotel. There's a supernatural event here. It's estimated that there are two ghosts in it. Hurry up!" Chen Yao said anxiously.

"I'll be right there."

Su Xun didn't expect to go out on his first day.

Hang up the phone, he pointed to the male ghost warning: "don't think about running, or I will let you know what life is worse than death, clean up."

"Yes, yes." The male ghost is always obedient. The middle-aged male ghost is just like the grandson in front of the boss.

Then Su Xun picked up his coat and went out of the door.

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