Canghai hotel.

At this time, the whole hotel was covered by a layer of black fog, and a cordon had been set up outside the hotel.

Police lights are flashing, armed police are guarding the perimeter of the cordon, and people nearby have been evacuated.

Su Xun took a taxi to the hotel, but he didn't see Chen Yao outside.

"You're Mr. Su. Miss Chen asked me to tell you that she had gone in first."

A police officer came over and said to Su Xun.

"I see."

After that, Su Xun hurried into the hotel.

As soon as he went in, he felt a piercing chill coming on his face, like cold ice.

It's terrifying quiet in Norda's hotel.

This is not normal. After all, there must be other tenants in the hotel.

But when he thought of it as a supernatural event, Su Xun felt that it should be so. This was normal.

Su Xun is worried about Chen Yao's safety.

Although if she hangs up, she won't have to pay the debt, which is equivalent to 50000 yuan in vain.

But Su Xun was never that shallow.

He thought more deeply, that is

She is alive. If she gets married, she will not only have to pay back 50000 yuan, but maybe borrow another 500000 yuan.

He has been so smart since he was a child.

Well, this is not the time to think about it.

Step on

A sound of footwork interrupted his thoughts.

Su Xun looked back and saw two women in black suits come in.

One with short hair and ears, the other with horsetail.

"Are you the new man in the first team?"

Qi Er looked at Su Xun with short hair. There was contempt between his eyebrows, and he seemed to look down on him.

"What are you looking at? Men and women are equal!"

As soon as the other side opened his mouth, Su Xun recognized that he was not in the same team as himself.

"Men? It's just rubbish. I advise you to stay away. Don't drag us back. "

The short haired girl gave a cold hum, and then followed the horsetail girl to the elevator.

There are many women who look down on men.

Hearing this, Su Xun was so angry that he shivered all over. On a hot day, his hands and feet were cold. When could they really stand up?

The two women have come to the elevator.

"I advise you not to take the elevator."

Out of goodwill, Su Xun advised that according to the definition of horror film, if you take the elevator, there will be an accident.

"It's not your turn to guide us."

Horsetail woman coldly said a word, directly pressed the elevator, then two people walked in.

"Well, good advice is hard to persuade the damned ghost."

Su Xun shook his head and went to the stairs.

At this point, the elevator.

The woman with short hair pressed the 15th floor, which is the location of the hotel monitoring room.

"I don't know what captain Leng thinks. He lets a man enter the ninth place. What else can a man do except scream and make trouble when he meets something?"

After pressing the elevator, the short haired woman holds her chest in her hands, frowns and says with disgust.

The horsetail girl curled her lips: "who knows, she didn't come to our second team anyway, out of sight and out of mind."

"It can't be the little white face of Leng captain. He looks so good." The girl with short hair looks playful.

Horsetail girl thought: "it's possible."

Short hair girl feel something fell on the face, itching, subconscious touch, found a wisp of hair: "your hair made my face."

"I'm wearing a ponytail. How can I float in your face?" The horsetail girl didn't say well.


While the short haired woman is talking, she looks up on the Internet subconsciously, and her pupils suddenly shrink.

On the top of the elevator, a woman hung upside down like a toad. Half of her face was festering. Her eyes without eyes just looked at the girl with short hair. Her voice was like a piece of iron rubbing: "I see you."

The next second, the short haired woman's head fell directly from her neck, the body fell to the ground, and blood flowed out of the elevator gap.

"Xie Miao!"

The horsetail girl exclaimed, her hands and feet were cold, and her back was soaked with cold sweat.

On the top of the elevator, there's always a ghost.

She resisted fear and did not look up.

From what the ghost has just said, she can probably judge what kind of ghost it is.

It is recorded in the archives that this kind of ghost will be killed as long as it looks into its empty eyes.

This is one of its capabilities.

Horsetail girl's white right hand suddenly turned into a black, dry, nail crazy long, like the hand of a dead man.

This is her strange thing, a ghost hand that blends with her body, from a fierce ghost.

The next second, the horsetail girl clenched her teeth and grabbed at the top of the elevator without lifting her head.He grabbed a handful of hair, then yanked it down and took out a jade box with the other hand.

But the next second, Ding, the elevator door suddenly opened, she was caught in the hands of the ghost also suddenly disappeared, leaving only a few strands of stinky long hair.

"I want to run! Dream

Full of murderous horsetail woman chased out.

At the same time, the elevator door closes.

The ghost in white, who had just disappeared, appeared in the elevator with a strange smile on her face. Then she began to bleed and turned white into red.

The empty eyes took a look at the headless corpse on the ground, then turned into a short haired woman, and pressed down the new floor without expression.

On the other side, the stairs.

Su Xun is going up step by step. He has already reached the seventh floor. He has made several calls to Chen Yao, but they all indicate that he is on the phone.

"Who are you calling?"

Su Xun was a little fidgety, and then suddenly stopped, staring at the number in front of him.


Why is it still on the seventh floor?

Shouldn't it be on the eighth floor?

"Ghost strikes the wall?"

Su Xun showed his Yin and Yang eyes, but he didn't see anything wrong.

"It's not a ghost fight."

Su Xun frowned, took out ten yuan, threw it on the stairs, and then continued to walk up.

A few minutes later, he looked at the familiar 7F and the familiar ten yuan and fell into silence.

He was trapped here and couldn't get out. No matter down or up, he was always on the seventh floor.

"I don't think I can do that?"

Su Xun laughed contemptuously. The ghost is so naive. Let's give it a good lesson today.

After touching the wall next to the stairs, Su Xun smashed it with a fist. Bang, cracks appeared on the wall.


The second punch made a big hole in an instant.

Su Xun bent down and went in.

It's called a miracle.

It's a guest room.

Su Xun opened the door of the guest room and took a look at the door number: 701, still on the seventh floor.

Su Xun took a look at the stairs next to him. Then he went up the stairs at the other end and finally got to the eighth floor.

Meanwhile, the 16th floor.

Horsetail girl looked for a long time, but she didn't find the ghost in white, and she didn't meet any living people along the way.

All of a sudden, she heard a heavy footstep, and immediately hid behind a flowerpot.

He secretly put out his head to see it, and then he was relieved, because the new man was coming.

How fast does he walk the stairs?

No wonder lengqingyue will accept him. It seems that he has two brushes, which are different from ordinary men.

"Who!" The other side also found her.

The horsetail girl got up from behind the flowerpot: "it's so easy to find me, but it's observation."

"It's you." After seeing her, Su Xun was also relieved. He came forward and asked, "Why are you here? And a woman with you? "

"She's dead." The horsetail girl's eyes were dim.

Su Xun was very surprised: "dead! You Have you met a ghost? "

"Not bad." Horsetail female nodded: "you are right, there is a ghost in the elevator, regret not to listen to your advice."

"Now what are you going to do?" Su Xun asked.

Horsetail gritted her teeth: "revenge, not to mention our task is to catch those two ghosts, come with me."

Then she went up the stairs.

"Slow down, wait for me."

Su Xun followed.

17th floor.

"It's strange that none of the ghosts came across."

Chen Yao said to herself.

Doesn't intelligence say there are at least two ghosts in it? Why hasn't she met yet.

The woman in front of her back to her, in her invisible angle, showing a seeping smile: "don't worry, maybe soon." As like as two peas in the

corridor, the face of the light reflected her face.

It's the ghost in the elevator.

"I said Xie Miao, how can you make me feel scared tonight?" Chen Yao gave a pep talk.

She didn't know that Xie Miao was dead long ago. Xie Miao in front of her was changed by a devil.

"Xie Miao" looked back with a smile: "when I just came up, I saw ghosts on this floor. Just follow me. Can I cheat you?"

Step on

At this time, a sound of footwork sounded, and two figures appeared at the end of the corridor.

It's Ma Wei and Su Xun.

"Wang Na! Su Xun

Although it was far away, Chen Yao recognized them.

Then walk quickly to them.

But the horsetail girl is frightened. She saw Xie Miao dead with her own eyes. At this time, the Xie Miao around Chen Yao could only be a ghost."Xie Miao" grinned at her from a distance.

Wang Na's scalp was numb. In an instant, she even stood up and roared:

"Chen Yao, be careful! Xie Miao is a ghost

"What Chen Yao's face changed, but she reacted quickly. The scissors appeared in her hands. The blood dyed the scissors red, and the ghost enveloped her.

She looked back and saw that Xie Miao had become a bloody ghost in red.

When Wang Na saw it, she was even more envious of her enemies: "finally I found you Ah

Suddenly, she let out a scream.

A black palm from behind pierced her abdomen, blood flowing down.

Chen Yao looked back: "Wang Na!"

Wang Na turned her head slowly and was facing Su Xun's face: "you You too... "


How can people walk stairs so fast?

She let go of such an obvious loophole.

"If you want to catch us, next life." "Su Xun" showed a cruel smile and his voice was hoarse and low.

With that, he jerked out his hand.

Poof -


Wang Na screamed again. She lost control of her body. She leaned against the wall and didn't fall to the ground.

"Wang Na!"

Chen Yao gritted her teeth and rushed to her.

Behind her, the ghost in red's hair grows wildly, flies to her and entangles her neck.

Chen Yao's backhand is a pair of scissors.

"Click -"

the scissors open and close like a ghost eye.

Lots of black hair fell on the ground.


The ghost in red gave a shrill cry, and the fracture of her hair cut by scissors was bleeding.

Suddenly, Chen Yao's eyes brightened and a smile appeared on her face.

Wang Na, who holds the wall, also has a slightly changed expression.

The ghost, who turned into Su Xun, subconsciously looked back and was choked by someone.

"Who allowed you to be me, with my authorization? Did you pay me for the copyright? "

Su Xun brought it up and asked fiercely.

He's the one who hates infringement of his copyright!

Wang Na looked at the scene with a shocked face.

She wondered if she was blinded.

A man who was supposed to be weak subdued a ghost with his bare hands.

Is she crazy, or is the world crazy?

as like as two peas, the ghost of

was found to be in the original form. The expression was very painful. It was a white dress, and her face was exactly the same as the red ghost.

"Oh, I didn't expect to be twins."

Su Xun suddenly had an idea to let the twin ghosts go out to sell. Didn't he make money?

The law only stipulates that it's illegal to force women to sell and commit adultery, so it's not illegal for him to force Female ghosts.

Sure enough, life is full of business opportunities!

But think about it.

Chicken head doesn't deserve him.

Suddenly, the ghost in red appeared beside him, staring at Su Xun with empty eyes.

"Don't look her in the eye!" Wang Na yelled.

When Su Xun heard this, he immediately raised two fingers and put them into the eyes of the female ghost in red.

It's the two eyes above.

"Puyi --"

blood came out.

"Ah, ah

The ghost in red screamed, her empty eyes were bleeding, and her breath became more and more chaotic, and her resentment filled the corridor.

Wang Na's face is full of horror. She can hurt ghosts with her body. What's the matter!

She suddenly realized why lengqingyue would take Su Xun. This is a nuclear weapon!

When I think about it again, I feel bitter and ashamed.

Now that Xie Miao is dead, it's ironic that he has to rely on him to save himself.

"Do you two go to the theatre? Jade box

Su Xun roared.

Chen Yao quickly took out a jade box and opened it. Su Xun put the ghost in white into the jade box.

The ghost in red with bleeding eyes wants to run.

"Come as soon as you say, go as soon as you say?"

Su Xun grabbed her, then pressed her on the ground, aiming at her, which was a beating.

"Come on! I have a jade box here

Chen Yao takes out another jade box.

Su Xun turned a deaf ear and aimed at the female ghost in red on the ground one after another. The female ghost's body became lighter and lighter, and finally disappeared.

The experiment was successful, and he was sure to kill.

"Jingle ~"Chen Yao was stunned and dumbfounded. The jade box in her hand rolled on the ground.

Wang Na looked at Su Xun and stammered: "you You beat it to death What happened? "

For hundreds of years, the common understanding of all people is that ghosts can only be sealed and can not be killed.

But now, a female ghost was killed by a man with his fist in front of them.

All along, cognition has been subverted

"it doesn't seem so difficult."

Su Xun clapped his hands, as if he had just killed a fly.

Chen Yao and Wang Na twitch at the corners of their mouths. It's fatal for you and us!

At the same time, the black fog that shrouded Canghai Hotel began to dissipate, which meant that the ghost was gone.

"Two ghosts, one dead and one alive, I will help you apply for the bonus." Chen Yao said to Su Xun.

Wang Na was pale and weak: "please Can Can you call an ambulance for me first? "

"Oh! I almost forgot! " Chen Yao then remembered that there was another patient, so she quickly took out her mobile phone to make a phone call.

Su Xun said, "I'll go first."


Forty minutes later.

The ninth branch of Canghai city.

The minister's office.

Behind the desk sat a man in a black uniform and glasses.

Her name is Tao min, 35 years old. She is the Minister of the ninth Canghai branch.

"You mean, Su Xun, a man, killed a ghost?"

Tao min's face is full of disbelief and looks at Leng Qingyue and Chen Yao in front of him in disbelief.

"Minister, I saw it with my own eyes, and Wang Na saw it too." Chen Yao replied positively.

"Hiss -"

Tao min took a cold breath, leaned back and frowned: "how did he do it?"

"Can it be that his constitution is different from ordinary people?" Leng Qingyue made a guess. She didn't believe it when she first learned about it from Chen Yao, but she came to see the minister under Chen Yao's further evidence.

Tao min rolled a white eye: "he can kill ghost, can physical quality still be normal?"

"Er..." The cold moon is a bit awkward.

Tao min pondered for a moment, then said: "in this way, let him do a comprehensive examination tomorrow."

"Then his bonus..." Chen Yao said weakly.

Tao Min said: "two ghosts, one is a million, and the bonus is two million. He takes one and a half million, and you and Wang Na will share the remaining half million."

Because of the frequent occurrence of supernatural events, leading to the proliferation of ghosts, the market price is getting lower and lower.

Su Xun didn't know that he had made 1.5 million on a business trip. He had just got home.

After opening the door, he was stunned for a moment. Then he backed out, closed the door and opened it again.

Two times in a row, he finally made sure that he was not in the wrong house and that the way to open the door was also correct.

But this spotless living room is too clean. It's just different from before.

"Boss, are you satisfied when you come back?"

The male ghost surnamed Wang ran out of the warehouse with a mop, his face full of flattery.

Old humble, to be a ghost to this extent, it is simply lost the face of all ghosts.

"Lao Wang, I can't see that you are still a good hand in sanitation."

Su Xun closed the door and praised him sincerely.

"It should be, it should be." Lao Wang smiles.

Su Xun's words changed: "you are ready, tomorrow I will go to register a cleaning company."

Make the best use of everything.

Let Lao Wang work in the cleaning company during the day, and let him come back to clean up in the evening. After cleaning up the health at home, he will help deliver the express overnight, perfect.

What 996 is weaker than this. Su Xun wants to set 007 working hours for ghost.

Anyway, ghosts don't have to sleep, eat and go to the toilet, so they work 24 hours to make money.


The smile on Lao Wang's face froze, and the mop in his hand fell to the ground, like being struck by lightning.

"What's the matter? Are you happy that your incomplete soul has a place to use at last? " Su Xun asked.

Lao Wang wants to cry: "boss, can I not be a cleaner? I was a cleaner when I was alive."

"Tut, isn't that professional? Life is the cleaner, death is the soul. Lao Wang, I'm good at you. " Su Xun patted him on the shoulder and said.

Lao Wang

Keep clean while you're alive.

Cleaning when you die.

Didn't you die for nothing?

Sobbing, sobbing

The last straw to crush the adult ghost is to continue to be a social animal when they are all dead!

At this time, the ghost in blue who went out to send out leaflets appeared in the living room through the door."Boss, I've finished handing out all the leaflets."

"Well done, take good care of yourself and wait for tomorrow morning." Su Xun said casually.



Su Xun is sinking in bed.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

Suddenly I heard a knock on the window.

But he's on the ninth floor.

Su Xun turned around and saw a ghost in a white cheongsam outside knocking on the window.

"It's very polite. Please come in."

Su Xun said lazily.

The next second, the ghost appeared at his bedside.

"You answered my call today." The female ghost stares at him quietly, the tone is quiet to say.

the moonlight shone on her face. It was pale but pretty. Two gills were smeared with abnormal blush and expressionless.

It looks a little creepy.

Su Xun suddenly realized: "it's you. It's a ghost call. It's been several hours. How can you come now?"

Female ghost a Leng, she did so many single business, the first time met this kind of two Leng Zi.

"I I'm a ghost. " On the contrary, it made her worse.

Su Xun said impatiently, "I know you are a ghost. I asked you how to come now."

"You You're in ninth place The female ghost was a little insecure by Su Xun's attitude.

Is it easy for her to go to so many homes every night?

Su Xun sat up and said, "have you ever thought about taking a job of delivering love to thousands of families? It's not much different from the nature of your current job. It's also that you rush to get a call. Don't get me wrong. It's not door-to-door service, it's express delivery. "

Qipao female ghost

"I'm here to kill you, not to find a job!" She was a little angry and angry. Her cold hands pinched Su Xun's neck.

Seeing this, Su Xun shook his head and said, "it seems that I need to reason with you."

There was a gentle smile on his face.

Say the most gentle words, fight the most fierce fight.

"Ah! No! Ah, ah

At midnight, the ghost in the single man's room screams.

Behind all this, is it the distortion of human nature or the decline of morality?

The ghost in blue and Lao Wang, who are hiding outside and eavesdropping, are both excited and empathetic.

A few minutes later, Su Xun looked at the ghost with black face and bloody mouth: "now?"

"I I'll change it. I'll do it. " Female ghost passively very willing to change a job.

Su Xun showed a satisfied smile: "that's right. Being a ghost can't be content with the status quo. We should bravely seek change. The first step is to change our job."

"By the way, can this ghost call only be called by ghost? Can someone take the initiative to call the ghost? "

Su Xun suddenly thought of a good idea to recruit workers.

Isn't this equivalent to telephone recruitment?

And then we have a live interview.

He just finished an interview with Qipao ghost, and the result of the interview was very satisfactory.

The communication between the two sides was very pleasant.

Qipao female ghost

I'm not human, but you're not.

"Two outside, get in."

Su Xun yelled at the door.

Lao Wang and the ghost in blue went through the wall.

"Blue dress, get to know her. She is your colleague from today on. Her name is white dress." Su Xun's name is so simple and easy to understand.

I'm afraid I'll have a multicolor one day.

Looking at Lao Wang and LAN Yi, Bai Yi suddenly felt that I was not alone, and I had a lot of balance in my heart.

Su Xun waved his hand: "OK, you go out, blue clothes tell it about work."

"Yes, boss." Smart blue.

It's all beaten up.

Under the fist comes the model worker.

"Boss, I don't want to be a cleaner. Can I send express, too?" Lao Wang said carefully.

Su Xun pondered for a moment: "OK."

Now the express company has just started, although the speed of ghost is very fast, but after all, it is still short of manpower.

First let him help to do the express well, and then open the cleaning company to let him return to his old business.

"Thank you, boss. I will work hard." Lao Wang was overjoyed. He was obviously squeezed by the capitalists, and he had to thank him for his kindness.

Su Xun waved the three ghosts away.


The next day.

When Su Xun opened his eyes, the first thing he did was to take his mobile phone and swipe the screen in a daze. Then his eyes glared, and he woke up instantly.

He received a bank text message, and his card was transferred to 1.5 million.

"Why did I suddenly get rich after a sleep? I didn't sleep with the rich woman last night."Su Xun is not allowed to ride sister.

There's another message.

It's from my roommate Zhao wangquan.

The content is to tell him that at 8:30 this evening, he will have a hot pot dinner in his old place.

Every week we have a meal in our dorm.

"Ding Ding..."

Suddenly, Chen Yao called.

"Hello." Su Xun is connected.

"I didn't disturb your sleep, did I? Did you see the bank text message? That's your prize for catching ghosts last night. "

Chen Yao's ethereal voice came into his ears.

"I see."

Su Xun suddenly realized that it was the ninth prize. He thought it was a windfall.

Chen Yao added: "new recruits should have a unified physical examination and come to the branch at 9 am."

This is to deceive Su Xun. Women's mouths are deceiving ghosts. They don't blush when they tell lies.

"Well, first of all."

Su Xun hung up the phone, got up to wash, changed his clothes, and said to blue clothes, "I went out in advance. You look good at the company. You are familiar with the basic business. If there are guests coming, you can receive them. You can change places in a few days."

With 1.5 million yuan, you can rent a shop to open an express delivery shop. I knew that I didn't have to rush to send out the leaflets yesterday, and I would have to send them again in the future.

After all, if you move, the address will change.

But anyway, I don't need him to send it. It's a lot of balance when I think about it.

No matter what company it is, the labor expenditure is always the largest, and the company's income depends on the efficiency of workers, workers can not be lazy.

He uses ghosts to replace workers, which saves the most money and improves efficiency. In this way, it's hard to get rich.

At 8:50 in the morning, Su Xun came to the ninth branch of Canghai city for physical examination.

It's a comprehensive physical examination.

The staff who gave him the physical examination were also women. After all, men were cooking with their children at home.

"Take off all your clothes and lie down."

Two female staff members pointed to a testing instrument and said to Su Xun.

Su Xun was not shy either. Anyway, he didn't suffer any losses, so he took off.

Two staff members looked at his delicate body, their eyes were bright, and their bodies subconsciously reacted.

It's like a man watching a beautiful woman undress.

"Well, you can go out."

Just a few minutes later, the two staff members were still reluctant to part with each other and didn't see enough.

Damned men are so handsome and charming that they almost can't control their crimes.

When Su Xun came out of the examination room, Chen Yao was waiting outside: "how do you feel?"

"What's the matter? Isn't it a physical examination?" Can we detect that he is a saint?

Chen Yao shook her head: "it's OK. By the way, you said you wanted to rent a store. I'll go with you."

"Let's go." Su Xun nodded and then added, "by the way, I'll transfer the money to you later."

"It's OK. I'm not in a hurry." Chen Yao quickly said that only by maintaining a long-term debt relationship can we make the contact between them more frequent.

To find more opportunities for her.

But Su Xun gave her the money.

Two people came to the underground parking lot, Chen Yao's car is a red BMW sports car, quite beautiful.

Xiangche beauty is particularly enchanting.

Chen Yao opened the car door, then took out a handful of roses from the driver's seat and gave them to Su Xun: "do you like them?"

Su Xun

Is this retribution?

His usual moves were finally used by others.

"Hey, no, I picked them one by one, you don't want them." Seeing that Su Xun didn't answer, Chen Yao immediately raised her heart to her throat.

Su Xun reached out and said, "don't make such fussy things. I don't have a cold and I don't like it. I just don't want to waste your mind."

"Yes, I forgot that you are not the same as that coquettish and cheap thing." Chen Yao looks at Su Xun crazily. She likes this kind of independent man with personality.

After getting on the bus, the car slowly drove out of the parking lot. Chen Yao said while driving: "in fact, you don't have to open a shop or a company. Men don't have to fight like that. Just give us women the money."

"Shut up." Su Xun had a black thread.

Chen Yao quickly explained: "I don't mean to look down on your men. I'm the Gender Equality Party, but I'm afraid you're tired and I love you."

"I like gentle women." Su Xun looked at her and said something seriously.

Who can bear the fact that he is so beautiful and has a tomboy style?

Of course, for the world, Chen Yao is normal, but he seems abnormal.

But it is because of his relative abnormality that Chen Yao is more attracted to pursue him like a moth to the fire.It was not until the evening that the store was finally settled and the decoration company was contacted.

It will be open in about half a month.

Chen Yao invited: "I've ordered a restaurant, or we'll have dinner together?"

The means Su Xun used to pick up girls are now all used by Chen Yao on him.

It's a wonderful feeling.

"Mr. Chen, I'm sorry. We have dinner in our dormitory today." In my memory, every Saturday is the day of dining in the dormitory. Of course, he can't be absent.

Although the three roommates were very motherly, they were very good to Su Xun in my memory.

I will transform them into tough guys first!

He, Su Xun, the initiator of male chauvinism!

Chen Yao then remembered that Su Xun was still a student, but she didn't give up: "how about next time?"

To chase a man is to be cheeky and obsessed. You have to eat first and then watch a movie. If you have a chance, you can go to nine hotels to open a room and sleep with him. I don't believe you can't catch him.

"I'll treat you next time." With that, Su Xun stopped a taxi and left.

Chen Yao stares at the taxi in the same place until she laughs and hums for a long time.

"Ah, I knew how to drive him! Chen Yao, Chen Yao, I didn't take such a good opportunity! "

Chen Yao suddenly a burst of chagrin, there is more than send him home can shorten the distance between the two?

What she didn't know was that Su Xun didn't go home, but went directly to the old local hot pot shop.

The old place hotpot shop, named old place, is located one kilometer southeast of Canghai University.

Good quality and low price, clean and hygienic, has always been the preferred place for students to have dinner.

In the taxi, Su Xun took out his cigarette.

"Handsome guy, I can't smoke in the car. Just a guest burned the car for me."

The driver said without looking back.

"I'm sorry."

Su Xun put away his cigarette, and his eyes were almost subconsciously looking for the place burned by the last customer.

Then I found a hole on the bottom of the car, but the hole was not right.

Su Xun used Yin and Yang eyes, and then found that he was sitting on a paper car. The driver was a female ghost, and he could see the road where the cigarette end was burned.

Mad, what a world. It's a night of ghosts. Even a taxi can get a hearse.

There are too many ghosts in this world. Many ghosts have been integrated into human beings, and human beings have not found them.

Only those evil spirits who create supernatural events will be found and sealed.

Su Xun retreated his Yin and Yang eyes and did not speak.

Sometimes, we can't be more serious about ghosts who don't take the initiative to harm others. We pretend that we don't find anything, but nothing will happen.

If you have to point it out, you're going to die.

After 40 minutes, we arrive at our destination.

"Handsome boy, here we are, one hundred and five."

The driver said to Su Xun.

Su Xun got out of the car and threw him 200 yuan. He looked at him and found a stack of Ming coins. He said, "forget it, don't change it. The rest is your tip."

"Thank you, handsome man. Have a nice life." The ghost driver sent a blessing and drove away happily.

Is it bad luck or good luck to get the blessing of ghosts?

Su Xun went into the hot pot shop. He didn't see Lin Zi's voice in the hall. He made a phone call and found out that they wanted a private room.

Private room 25.

Su Xun pushed the door open and went in. He found that there were four women besides three roommates.

The three roommates were as shy as their daughter-in-law.

The four women wanted to see the three, but they didn't dare to look at them directly. They had a lustful heart but no lustful courage.

When Su Xun came in, the eyes of four women and three men fell on him.

"Ah Xun, you are here at last. You are waiting for yourself. Why are you so late? Sit down quickly."

Huo Tianmiao got up and said.

"They are..."

Su Xun looked at the four women.

"They are sophomores in the Department of civil engineering. They want to have dinner, so they invite us to get together."

Lin Zi fanned the wind with his white hand and explained to Su Xun casually.

"Hello, Mr. Su."

All four of them were staring at Su Xun, as if their eyes were about to fall.

Wang Quan of Zhao turned his lip every time. As long as Su Xun was there, they always became supporting actors.

"Hello." Su Xun nodded in response, and then sat down in the chair beside Huo Tianmiao.

While Sushen was eating hot pot, Lao Wang in blue and white was delivering the express.

Business is better than expected, and so are more people going crazy tonight.

One of the blue clothes flew to the window of a house on the 22nd floor with express delivery and knocked on the window.

"Dong Dong..."Hearing the sound of knocking on the window, Zhang San, who was sleeping like a pig, opened his eyes in a daze.

After seeing the figure floating out of the window, I finished my nap: "ah Ghost! Ghosts

"Mr. Zhang, please sign for your express delivery."

Blue clothes split into the bedroom through the wall.

"Quick Express? "

Looking at the blue clothes holding a express box, Zhang San shivered and turned pale. What's the ghost of this horse? It's not the head in the box.

But there is a saying that the black silk on the female ghost's leg is really pretty. Are ghosts so particular about it?

"Yes, Mr. Zhang, your express, please sign for it." Blue clothes smile.

The boss said, to keep smiling service, if customers complain, will be punished.

Zhang San was frightened: "I I don't sign, I don't sign, OK? I I don't want it

"No way." Blue clothes smiles and shakes his head, but the smile falls in Zhang San's eyes, which makes his scalp numb.

"Well, I I sign, I sign. "

Since not signing is also death, does he have any other choice? It's better to sign and die.

Zhang San took the express box, holding a pen, feeling heavy as gold, father, mother, son unfilial, son can't give you pension, I go first.

With the determination of death, he gritted his teeth and signed his name on the express bill. Then he closed his eyes and waited for a while, but nothing happened.

He opened his eyes suspiciously again, and then his eyes would stare out, because he saw the ghost take out a code scanning gun to scan the express bill.

This horse The style of painting is not right!

"Well, Mr. Zhang, please remember the five-star praise. Shunfeng express is looking forward to serving you next time."

Then the blue clothes floated away.

Zhang San blinked, a little confused.

Just Just leave?

He looked down at the express box in his arms and found the note on the express sheet: handle the game machine with care.

"This Is this your own game console? "

So, the ghost in ol professional dress just now is really just a courier?

Zhang San is in a mess in the wind.

In this damned society, it's hard for their men to find jobs. I didn't expect that even ghosts would come to grab their jobs. Would they give them a living?

However, the ghost delivery is really fast. The things I just bought in the morning are delivered in the evening.

He opened his mobile phone and gave five-star praise to the courier through the scoring software: Ghost delivery, very creative, but also very efficient, five-star praise.

He flipped through the comments and found that the following, including him, were all five-star reviews.

In the heart secret way, also nobody dares to give the bad comment.

Even if he was almost scared to death, now he still gives a five-star praise from the heart?

Actually use ghost to deliver express, the boss of Shunfeng express is a real talent!

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