At this moment, as if time is frozen.

Even the air was quiet.

Four armed killers, just quietly opened the door, looked up at a pale face.

It's definitely more exciting than being hooded.

They are not afraid, they are scared.

I haven't recovered for a while.

"Big pot, you see, she has conjunctivitis."

At this time, an obvious tone with Sichuan sound sounded, breaking the strange silence.

I saw one of the killers with a simple and honest face pointing to the scarlet eyes in white.

The corner of White's mouth twitched for a while, and the original image of the evil ghost was broken because of this sentence.

"Ghost! Ghosts

"Run! Run

The other three killers finally came back to their senses and ran away in panic.

These three killers are all men. They have no ability to deal with ghosts, so they can only run.

But Bai Yi had been angry with Su Xun for so long, and hated men to the bone. How could he let these door-to-door air bags run away like that?

So they directly launched the ability of ghost fighting against the wall, and let the three people who ran away fall into an illusion. They ran very fast, but in fact they were just standing still.

Then the eyes of Bai Yi fell on Han PI who said she had conjunctivitis. The blood flowed slowly from her eyes, and her nose and mouth disappeared.

Han PI killer's face is pale, squeeze out a reluctant smile, shaking and take out a bottle of eye drops: "conjunctivitis can't see clearly, SAP love drops eyes."

White dress

After so many years of death, this is the second man to give her a headache.

The last one was Su Xun who hit her on the head.

"It's not easy to kill people with this intelligence. I'm almost moved." Wearing a golden robe, Su Xun came out with a moving look on his face.

After wiping his nonexistent tears, Su Xun looked at the killer and said, "don't be afraid. I'm a good man with a good heart. The three of them are my employees."

It's just because he doesn't deserve to have a name, but it doesn't mean he's really stupid. Hearing Su Xun's words, his mouth and face twitch together.

Now you tell me that you are a good man with a good heart?

Then I only killed three people, isn't it an angel?

"Who asked you to come." Su Xun asked.

Although Han Pi's assassins are numerous, they still have professional ethics: "you You don't want to... "


The next second, a fist mercilessly fell on his head, most of his head was smashed, blood and flesh flying, a headless body slowly fell to the ground.

"Then I don't want to." Su Xun picked up the skirt in blue and wiped the blood and meat on his fist. He said a word quietly.

Looking at a mass of blood on his blue skirt, he was very upset. But after looking at Su Xun's fist, he suddenly felt that it was not unacceptable.

Su Xun suddenly thought of something: "by the way, I killed him. Will he become a ghost?"

"Maybe, because he was killed by your boss. He must be resentful, but he should be just a low-level wandering soul." Lao Wang had a flattering smile on his face.

According to scientific research, people with strong resentment are more likely to become ghosts after death, and the stronger the resentment and the power of life are, the stronger they become after death.

But this is only the source of a small number of ghosts. Most of them survived hundreds of years ago, and some of them suddenly appeared without knowing what happened.

There were no ghosts in this world. Then a group of ghosts suddenly appeared. Later, it was discovered that some people might become ghosts after they died.

Su Xun nodded: "stare at him, if he becomes a ghost, it's your new colleague."

I'm worried about the shortage of staff. Tut, I didn't expect that the four employees would come to me automatically.

Three ghosts

They took a pitiful look at the headless bodies of Han PI killers and expressed their silence. After they died, they had to work for their enemies, which was worse than them.

Su Xun's practice made the capitalists cry when they saw it, because they also felt inferior.

Su Xun looked at the three people who were walking in the same place. Suddenly, there was a flash of inspiration, and business opportunities came.

The dreamland created by ghost fighting against the wall is very real, at least ordinary people can't see through it.

He can let ghosts make ghosts, build amusement parks, adventure houses and other places of entertainment, and then open them to ordinary people, charging tickets to make money.

Crouching trough, this is simply a profit, no business ah! Just a few more ghosts.

After all, Zhenxing society needs action funds to revive the male style.

Don't know how to return a responsibility, three ghosts suddenly feel a little chilly, can't help but beat a spirit.

"Boss, what about the three guys?"

Lao Wang came to Su Xun and asked."Forget it, I can't bear to kill again." Su Xun shook his head in a compassionate manner.

Then the next second looked at the three ghosts: "so you come to kill it, with snacks, the heavier the resentment, the better."

Three ghosts

I can't bear to kill again.

They had never seen such a brazen man before, but they could do nothing about him.

"The boss is so kind-hearted." Lao Wang is worthy of being a cleaner. He licks when he doesn't agree.

"Yes, the boss is a Bodhisattva. Even if those three people die, they will remember the boss's kindness."

Blue is not willing to lag behind, as a female ghost, her tongue is more flexible.

Bai Yi quickly agreed and wiped his nonexistent tears: "it's so friendly. If there are more people like boss, the world will be full of love!"

Lao Wang and LAN Yi's mouth twitched. If there were more such people, the world would be over.

"That's all. In business, it's normal to be kind to others. Only when you are kind-hearted can you be protected by the Buddha."

Su Xun waved his hand modestly.

Three ghosts: unless Buddha is blind. Although

was in TSU TSU Su, he make complaints about three faces.

A few minutes later, the three killers who were sent to kill Su Xun died. They were miserable and resentful.

Su Xun was not disheartened even if he didn't find out who was behind the scenes from them. Dead people can talk.

Whoosh, the wind suddenly came up in the corridor, and the light began to show and hide, and the light exploded.

Prelude, the four will become ghosts.

At the corner of the stairs, the residents' clothes are floating in the wind. Suddenly, the clothes become people hanging on the clothes poles, with a strange smile on their faces.

"Only three?"

Su Xun was a little surprised that Han PI, who was beaten up by him, didn't turn into a ghost. I think it was because the resentment was not strong enough.

After all, he died quite happily, and the remaining three were killed by the three ghosts.

"Jie Jie..."

The shrill laughter of three new born ghosts reverberated in the corridor, and blood flowed down the white wall.

The three evil spirits came in a flash and stared at Su Xun with silent malicious and murderous eyes.

"When the living can't kill you, now you're a ghost. What can you do for us?"

"Yes, now you are three ghosts, so are we. Our strength is five to five."

"I really want to thank you for your cruel means, otherwise we have no chance to become ghosts."

"Since you want to thank me, stay and work for me." Su Xun's voice fell, and he stepped out and reached for the ghost standing in front of him.

The ghost looked contemptuous.

"It's no use, you What

The next second, his face changed, because his neck was pinched by Su Xun.

"What did you just say?" Su Xun stares at him.

"How could that be How could... "

Then he suddenly realized something and looked at the three ghosts behind Su Xun.

No wonder these three ghosts will work for a living person, but also a man.

"Tut, you are very savvy. Welcome to join us." Lao Wang showed a schadenfreude smile.

It's painful to be unlucky on your own, but if there are a group of people who are just as unlucky as yourself.

Then, of course, there will be no pain.

Three new born evil spirits, before they could harm others and brush their sense of existence, were beaten by the society and became the soul of working.

A few minutes later, three old employees stood on the left and three new employees on the right.

Su Xun stood in the middle and looked at the three new employees: "on behalf of all the employees of Shunfeng express, I welcome you to join us. When you work in our company, you don't have holidays, wages, five insurances and one fund."

"Here, let's welcome the new colleagues."

Su Xun took the lead and clapped.

"Pa pa pa..."

Lao Wang's three ghosts also applauded with smile.

Only the three new employees themselves were dejected. The smile on their faces was uglier than crying.

Once in the downwind, it's as deep as the sea. From then on, freedom is a passer-by!

If I had known that they might as well have died completely, how could I have known that they had to work when they became ghosts.

Are there any human rights? no Is there still ghost power?

"OK, now let's talk about it. Who photographed you here to apply." Su Xun looked at the three ghosts and asked.

He has also taken the names of the three new employees, namely black one, black two and black three.

Hearing this, the black one and three ghosts all felt some toothache: "it's Zhao Xue, Miss Zhao."

Have become a ghost, they have nothing to worry about, directly sold Zhao Xue.

"When I was young, I was in a bad mood, because I would rather die than follow. I wanted to kill me!" Su Xun shakes his head and forgets about his beating Zhao Xue.After all, he is not a reasonable person.

Think of here, he did not doze off, directly into the room for clothes: "I go out a trip."

Tanima is not afraid of the dead.

Can live people be bullied?

What happened to the Zhao family?

A word is a word!

Su Xun was too lazy to think.

Because since you can kill each other with one punch, what else can you do with your brain?

"Boss, can we help you?"

Blue clothes are a little excited because they want to kill people. After all, they are ghosts, not good people.

"No, I always like to do revenge by myself. After all, I can't live without a sense of ceremony." Su Xun said without looking back.

The six ghosts looked at each other.

God can't live without a sense of ceremony. Is that how it is used?


Zhao family is located in Dongcheng District of Canghai city.

Here is an antique house. This is the ancestral house of the Zhao family, which has a history of more than 200 years.

Now the Zhao family still live in it.

According to the normal development, in this period, Yan star should also change like the earth, even if the feudal monarch does not disappear, it will become a mascot.

But it was because of the sudden change of spirit 300 years ago that the wheel of history rolled away. Xia was still a monarchy. Those aristocratic families helped the Xia monarch to stabilize the regime, but they could not get rid of everything. They became a hot existence in Xia.

The Zhao family is just one of them, because their sphere of influence is limited to Canghai City, and there is no Zhao family position in the cabinet.

But Rao is so. Zhao family is also the local emperor of Canghai city.

No one in Canghai City dares to challenge the authority of the Zhao family, but today there is.

And the challenge is simple and crude.

At this time, the house of Zhao was still brightly lit.

The reason is that Miss Zhao was beaten. Although she was not seriously injured, she was beaten miserably.

This is absolutely a big event, at least in Canghai city.

"What a shame! If you dare to beat my daughter, you are looking for death Zhao Xue's mother, Zhao Rui, chairman of Zhao group, is furious.

A middle-aged man said, "come on, Xueer has already sent someone to go."

His name is Zhou Xiong, and he is a little weaker than the Zhao family in Canghai city. His marriage with Zhao Xue is a marriage of two families, and he is a victim.

"Zhou Xiong is right. You're not a child anymore. What's the point of being hairy and irritable? Now maybe that person is dead. What's the point of being angry?"

A white haired old woman clutching a dragon's head and crutch is not angry. She is the head of the Zhao family.

"Yes, mom, the people I arranged may have killed him now. It's not worth it to be angry for a lowlife."

Zhao Xue, whose face was covered with medicine and bandage, comforted her mother that a human life appeared so light as goose feather in their words.

Su Xun has a sense of propriety. Zhao Xue's injuries look serious, but in fact they are just skin injuries.

If Zhao Xue didn't send someone to kill Su Xun, the matter would have ended here.

But her grumpiness ruined the Zhao family.

If Su Xun didn't do it, he would let the Zhao family never get back at him.

Of course, he is not afraid of revenge, he is just afraid of trouble, so we should solve the trouble from the source.

Outside Zhao's house is a square made of bluestone slabs, with two huge stone lions standing on each side.

At 3:30 in the morning, a not strong figure came to the outside of Zhao's house in the moonlight.

"Who are you? Leave now, or don't blame us for being rude!"

The bodyguard on duty outside the door directly drove away.

Because before this time point, the motive itself should be vigilant.

If the other party ignored the warning, they would not hesitate to kill.

But in the face of absolute power, vigilance can't make them die a second later.

"I'll leave naturally, only after the killing." With a smile, Su Xun grabbed their heads and hit the stone lion.


Blood splashed, and they died before they even made a response. Blood dripped from the heads of the two stone lions.

"I don't know what to do."

Su Xun picked up the stone lion on one side and threw it out to the gate of Zhao's house.


The stone lion, weighing a thousand kilograms, immediately collided with the wooden Red Gate, and the wooden gate fell apart. The stone lion hit the ground and made a big hole.

The huge noise naturally attracted the attention of the bodyguards in Zhao's house.

The more money you have, the more afraid you are of death. In this dangerous world, there are many bodyguards of the Zhao family, and there are special patrols at night.So at the moment when the wooden door was smashed, the huge sound attracted the patrol team to come.

"Over there! Come on! Come on

"Send someone to inform the owner of the house!"

Just a few seconds later, a team of ten rushed to surround Su Xun.

Soon, another group of people came out.

It was the old lady of the Zhao family who led the group. Behind her were Zhao Rui, Zhou Xiong and other children of the Zhao family.

"How bold! Dare to make trouble in my Zhao family

Mrs. Zhao crutched and looked at Su Xun coldly. She opened her mouth with a sense of authority.

"Su Xun!"

Zhao Xue recognized Su Xun, is the enemy meet, especially jealous, but more is also shocked.

Shocked, Su Xun dared to come to Zhao's house to find fault.

"You are Su Xun."

Zhao Rui didn't expect that this beautiful looking man was the one who beat his daughter.

"Too much talk."

Su Xun shakes his head and goes to Zhao Xue step by step. All the core members of the Zhao family will die tonight.

"You're so bold! Kill him

The old lady of the Zhao family gave the order without hesitation.


With the old lady's order, the bodyguards around susian rushed up without fear.

These bodyguards are men and women.

"I don't know what to do."

This is the second time that Su Xun said this sentence tonight. In the face of the fist coming, he faced it with a fearless fist.


At the moment of the collision with his fist, the man's arm was directly broken, the broken bone pierced his shoulder, and the bloody white bone was exposed.

"Ah, ah

The man let out a shrill cry, then fell to the ground and began to roll.

Mrs. Zhao's pupils narrowed, but she could still keep calm and stood still.

Other bodyguards saw this scene hesitated for a moment, and then bravely rushed up.

Su Xun's speed was very fast. His fist was faster and full of strength. His previous fist was a warning. Since these people wanted to die, he agreed.


A punch hit one of them, half of the body was smashed, blood splashed.

Su Xun was like a murderer. He was bathed in blood. Once he punched, someone would be killed.

The people of the Zhao family were all pale with surprise when they saw this scene. They couldn't help but have an idea in their heart: is this still human?

Zhao Xue's face turned pale with fright. Now she knows how extravagant it is to be alive.

But she's going to die soon.


Mrs. Zhao gave a cold hum, and her crutches clubbed on the ground. Then the golden eyes above the crutches began to bleed.

Soon a shadow spread out from the bottom of the crutch and covered Su Xun. As the temperature dropped, a ghost with his head in both hands appeared out of thin air.

In this world, as long as women can get strange things, they can borrow the power of ghosts.

Of course, the Zhao family is not difficult to obtain.

Of course, ghosts are unknown things, and strange things will deprive users of their vitality. The more times they are used, the shorter their life span will be.

At the moment when the ghost appeared, the Zhao family, who had been afraid, were relieved.

After all, no matter how powerful Su Xun was, he could not blow up the ghost.

"Jie Jie..."

The head in the ghost's arms opened his eyes, blood flowed from the corner of his eyes, the evil breath spread, and the ghost quickly turned around Su Xun.

All of a sudden, the bleeding ghost in the ghost's arms flew out and opened his mouth to Su Xun.

"Go away!"

Su Xun's backhand was a blocker. The ghost was blown up by him, and his blood was splashed all over the place.


Seeing this scene, even old lady Zhao, who was as steady as before, could not help but be shocked.

A living man, without the help of a strange object, has smashed a devil's head. How can it be!

No matter how unbelievable they feel, the fact is in front of them and they have to believe it.

After losing the head in his arms, the ghost turned into a headless ghost.

But soon, another head appeared in his arms, and a bodyguard suddenly lost his head and died.

Obviously, this ghost has no head, but it can use other people's heads.

"I'll blow you up!"

Su Xun rushed over directly, kicked the ghost away with one foot, and then hit it with another fist. The speed was so fast that even the ghost couldn't react.

Finally, he came down from the sky and trampled the ghost on the ground with one foot.


Quiet, dead silence.Everyone did not expect that a ghost was exploded by a living man.

"It's time for the living."

Su Xun's eyes fell on Zhao Xue.


Zhao Xue hides behind Zhao Rui in horror.

"Wait! Su Xun, I have a secret... "

Mrs. Zhao suddenly spoke.

However, Su Xun had already appeared in front of Zhao Rui. He punched his mother and daughter, turned his head and grinned at Mrs. Zhao: "I'm not interested."

"Ah! Run


The Zhao family screamed and fled in panic.

"Su Xun! Do you have a clear idea of the consequences? "

Mrs. Zhao is also on the wax. After all, everyone has a headache when she comes across this kind of lengtouqing.

"The consequences? The result is the disappearance of the Zhao family. "

Su Xun didn't like it. He just did what he wanted. Was it necessary to consider the consequences?

If you still need to look ahead and backward, what does the horse rider do after so long hard work?

System: hard work? Do you want to say that?

"Good Good You forced me

It's useless for Mrs. Zhao to talk too much, and she's not an indecisive person. She used her cards directly.

She grabbed a jade pendant and threw it on the ground. Then she ran into it with her head.

She wants to bury the Zhao family with lasu Xun!

"Is this an early year for me?"

Su Xun killed Zhao Xue's father, threw the body aside, and frowned at the old lady Zhao who had been killed on the jade pendant in a buttoned posture.

Thank you very much. It's a joke, of course.

But he didn't know what Mrs. Zhao was doing.

But soon he knew.

Mrs. Zhao's efforts were swallowed by the jade pendant, and soon a strong resentment rose up. In the blink of an eye, the whole Zhao house was shrouded in shadow.

It's clear that there's a ghost coming out.

But Su Xun couldn't find the ghost.

But he can feel that this ghost is very difficult, I'm afraid he can't kill it with three fists and two feet.

At least it's the ghost level.


A scream came, and the ghost began to kill.

"Slip first."

Su Xun is not a man with a sense of responsibility. He only has a sense of responsibility when it is useful to him.

For example, when he broke through Sanpin saints, he realized that responsibility was what he felt. Now he has to have a sense of responsibility when he broke through everything. It's like a scum man who loses when he's finished playing.

This ghost is obviously very dangerous. Su Xun doesn't know anything about it. He'd better go back to the ninth place and move the soldiers.

At least check the information of the same level ghosts.

But soon his face went black.

Because the gate of Zhao's house was covered by the black fog, Su Xun was blocked by the black fog and couldn't get out at all.

He took out his cell phone to make a call, but found that there was no signal.

"Grass! It's a plant

Su Xun swearing, turned and walked in.

Since we can't get out, we have to be tough.

At the same time, number nine.

"Minister! Zhao house is suspected to have a fierce ghost! "

When lengqingyue rushed into the minister's office, he found that the leader of the second team was already in it.

"Qingyue, you sit first. I already know about it. The fierce ghost appears. It's not easy to be careless. It's also dangerous if you don't get ready to go!" Tao min is very calm. Where is the ghost? The people in Zhao's house say that all of them are dead. They rush there in a hurry. They just want to die.

Zhao Wu, the leader of the second team, said: "the last time the ghost appeared was in Xihai city a year ago. At that time, more than 1000 people died. In the end, the ghost ran away."

"The minister meant..." In fact, lengqingyue doesn't care about the Zhao family. She's afraid that the fierce ghost will continue to kill other places after killing all the people in the Zhao family.

These days, if you are an ordinary person, you don't like the aristocratic family. After all, fart is your head.

Tao min pondered for a moment: "well, you go to the scene first, but don't go in. I'll report it to the headquarters. Please send someone over there."

"Good!" Leng Qingyue and Zhao Wu answered at the same time.

A few minutes later, all the members on duty or at home rushed to Zhao's house.

Tao min called the headquarters: "director Liao, there is a fierce ghost in Canghai City, asking for support."

It's a matter of great importance. I didn't get down to business. I finished my business cleanly.

"I'll send someone over now!" Director Liao is one of the two deputy directors of the ninth division. He is in charge of operations.

Half an hour later, three teams of the ninth Canghai branch have surrounded the gate of Zhao's house.

"Where's Su Xun? Why didn't Su Xun come? "

Looking around for a week, the cold moon didn't find Su Xun. She thought he had gone in."Captain Su hasn't arrived yet."

After all, Su Xun is the captain of the third team, which has been officially announced.

"I'll call him."

Chen Yao took out her cell phone and called for a long time, but no one answered: "no one answered."

"Forget it, there may be something important."

What they didn't know was that Su Xun was in Zhao's house now.

He found that the whole Zhao house seemed completely isolated from the outside world. He couldn't get out, he couldn't make a phone call, and he couldn't hear the outside voice.

There was only a scream from time to time in Zhao's house, which proved that the ghost was still killing people.

His biggest problem now is that he can't find where the ghost is. He can't start at all.

Su Xun walked into a partial house, and a squeak came to his ears. Su Xun went along with his reputation and found a rocking chair shaking out of thin air.

He opened his eyes and saw a man sitting on the rocking chair. The moon shone on his face, reflecting his pale face and a strange smile.

She just turned to look at Su Xun.

Mrs. Zhao!

This ghost looks like old lady Zhao!

"Play the devil!"

Su Xun picked up a chair and smashed it. Then the ghost on the rocking chair disappeared.

"Clang ~"

"clang ~"

everything in the room started to move. I don't know when the room was filled with ghosts.

These ghosts are all Zhao family members who just died, including Zhao Xue's family who was killed by Su Xun.

These ghosts are all black and white, or bleeding from the seven orifices, or with little head and feet.

"Give me my life."

"Give me my life."

The ghosts of the Zhao family have more and more red eyes, blood flowing down the river, and their voices are more and more crazy.

"If I can kill you once, I can kill you twice!" Su Xun showed a grimace that was more frightening than ghosts, and then rushed into the ghost group with his bare hands.

"All step on the horse and die for me!"

Su Xun is in a state of no one. Er It's really a place without people. In short, it's a big killing.

A punch is a child. These people can't stop him when they are alive, and it's the same when they are dead.

In the blink of an eye, all these ghosts are dead.

But Su Xun just walked out of the yard and was stunned, because a group of ghosts appeared outside the yard.

these ghosts as like as two peas he killed.

"Is it the ability of that fierce ghost?"

Su Xun realized that hundreds of people in the Zhao family had died, and all of them had become ghosts, and they were created by the fierce ghost.

He can't kill all the time. After all, these ghosts can be resurrected infinitely, so we have to find the source of all this.

He looked around with his eyes open.

All the way to the main hall of Zhao's house, just as I entered the house, I felt a cold breath.

Suddenly, there was a chill in my neck.

Su Xun's backhand is a punch.

"Jie Jie..."

A red ghost quickly dodged. His black hair was like seaweed, winding around susian's body.

Su Xun took out the lighter and lit it. Boom, the ghost's hair burned instantly.

Su Xun's entangled body also loosened.

The ghost flashed and disappeared.

Su Xun looked around warily, because he felt that the ghost was still in the room.

So far, he hasn't even seen the real face of the ghost.

At the same time, outside Zhao's house.

"I can't wait! The ghost has almost killed all the people in Zhao's house and will leave soon. "

Cold moon said.

"But on the minister's side..." Zhao Wu said.

Leng Qingyue interrupted her: "we will not be subject to military orders outside. We should learn to cope on the spot."

"Team one, follow me."

Lengqingyue with a team of people into the door of Zhao house, without any obstruction.

"Team two, follow me."

Seeing this, Zhao Wu gritted her teeth and took her subordinates into Zhao's house.

You can't get in, but you can't get out. Zhao's house is the slaughterhouse of the ghost.

"Our two teams search separately, don't break up into parts, we must get together."

Lengqingyue orders Zhao Wu, and then leads a team of people to search to the left.

When Su Xun heard the footsteps, he came out and saw Leng Qingyue: "Why are you here?"

He saw with Yin and Yang eyes that they were all living people.

"Why are you here?" Cold moon is very alert, because it is not uncommon for ghosts to change into people.

Su Xun naturally knew what she was doubting, when she was about to lose her cell phone.Leng Qingyue catches it, then opens it to have a look, and then confirms Su Xun's identity, because several call records in it can be checked.

Chen Yao stepped forward quickly: "Su Xun, when did you come in?"

"I was the first to find out what happened here, so I went into Zhao's house. I wanted to report to you, but I found that there was no signal, and I was trapped."

"It's a pity that I'm a little late. All the people of the Zhao family have been killed." Su Xun sighed, with an expression of pain that all blamed him for his poor work.

Such a good back pot player can't live up to it.

Zhao Xue and others, who were killed by him, said they had never seen such a brazen person.

Chen Yao quickly comforted: "you've tried your best. It's a fierce ghost. No wonder you."

"Yes, it can only be said that the Zhao family should have been robbed." Leng Qingyue didn't doubt that Su Xun had killed the Zhao family.

Because Su Xun didn't have this motive at all, and he didn't have the courage from the perspective of normal people.

Su Xun said, "be careful. This ghost can revive other ghosts indefinitely. It's very evil."

"Good." Cold moon nodded.

Then everyone started to search Zhao's house, and they all took the strange things in their hands.


Su Xun and Chen Yao push aside a room. Although they can see everything in the room at a glance, Su Xun and Chen Yao still go in and check it carefully.

Because a ghost can not only become a living person, but also become any dead thing.

Chen Yao went to the dressing mirror, which she had never seen before.

What will appear in Zhao's house can't be fake.

Chen Yao approached to look in the mirror.

Then he suddenly saw a shadow flash behind him in the mirror. When he looked back, there was nothing. Su Xun was still monitoring on the other side.


Chen Yao murmured to herself, then bent down to look in the mirror. Her pupils suddenly shrank, because what appeared in the mirror was not her own face.

It's a delicate and strange face, looking at her with a beautiful smile, but Chen Yao has a feeling of cold hands and feet.

"Sue Ah

As soon as she was ready to shout Su Xun, she vomited out the word "Su", and her body was sucked into the bronze mirror.

"Chen Yao!"

When Su Xun heard the sound, he turned around and saw the scene that the bronze mirror sucked Chen Yao in.

Suddenly he rushed to the bronze mirror and saw Chen Yao beating the mirror inside, shouting something, but Su Xun couldn't hear her voice at all.

"Don't worry, I'm sure I'll get you out!"

He wanted to break the mirror, but he gave up the idea.

Because he was afraid of breaking the mirror, Chen Yao disappeared with him.

All of a sudden, he saw a second figure in the mirror. Chen Yao was waving her hand and suddenly turned back. For the first time, she saw the real face of the fierce ghost.

A tall female ghost with a delicate face and a red Qipao is standing behind her.

"To die!"

Su Xun's fist hit, and the ghost wanted to hide, but Su xungang's fist was just a cover. At the moment when the ghost dodged, her right foot had already moved.


This foot firmly fell on the female ghost's belly.

The ghost's body suddenly flew out, and there was a trace of blood from the corner of her mouth. She sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Su Xun: "man, you are special."

"Because I can kill you." Su Xun grinned grimly.

The female ghost showed her resentment: "I helped you carry the black pot of killing these people. It's also a big help for you. Are you going to repay me so much?"

"That black pot is my hard cover on you, so it's not your help." At the same time, Su Xun's body was like an arrow.

The table suddenly flew up and hit Su Xun.


The wooden table was smashed to pieces by Su Xun.

But Su Xun's fists were not only powerful, but also powerful.

The female ghost's body flew out immediately.

"Su Xun!"

Leng Qingyue and others who heard the news had already rushed over. When they saw the female ghost flying out, they all triggered their own strange things one after another.

All of a sudden, countless ghosts, even the limbs of fierce ghosts, appeared to attack the female ghost in red.


The ghost was forced back.

"Let me go, or she'll be stuck in the mirror forever." The female ghost said to Su Xun quickly when she fell to the ground.

Su Xun rushed to her and held her head, then hit her head with a fist, bang, blood flying, female ghost directly smashed half of her head.

On the other side of her face, she looked at Su Xun incredulously. It seemed that she didn't expect that Su Xun didn't care about his threat at all, and he was so ruthless."I will do what I want to do, but what I hate most is someone threatening me."

Su Xun's voice was cold, and then he hit it mercilessly. Bang, its head exploded completely, blood and flesh flying, blood dripping.

But even so, it's not dead.

Her body got into the mirror, and the vicious voice echoed in the room: "if you want to kill me, break the mirror, she and I will die, ha ha ha..."

"Su Xun!"

Lengqingyue and others rushed into the house.

"Come on, get another mirror." Su Xun said to Leng Qingyue. He saw that Chen Yao was already fighting with the ghost in the mirror.

In less than a minute, a female team member from the ninth place brought in the same bronze mirror. These are all genuine goods, which shows the wealth of the Zhao family.

Su Xun moved the mirror down and put it on the ground. Then he put the two mirrors in a line.

This is the method he had seen in a horror novel on earth before. He forgot the specific principle, but he can quite justify it.


At the moment when the two bronze mirrors were opposite, a burst of golden light broke out, and then the bodies of Chen Yao and the ghost were sent out.

Su Xun, who had been prepared for a long time, hit the ghost with a fist, and the fist penetrated her abdomen.

The ghost slowly fell to the ground, and then disappeared.

The black fog over Zhao's house also slowly dispersed, and the whole picture of Zhao's house reappeared.

This fierce ghost has been completely solved.

At this time, the expert who was sent from the headquarters to solve the ghost just got off the plane

"finally solved it."

Lengqingyue wiped the sweat on her face. Thanks to Su Xun, otherwise it would not be so easy.

At this moment of relief, no one noticed that one person was missing from the two teams.

The reason why Li Gui is called Li Gui lies in her various abilities, which are difficult to control and seal.

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