Hundreds of people in Zhao's house died.

It's a sad story.

However, Su Xun killed the fierce ghost, which was revenge for the Zhao family, and he also made great achievements.

The Zhao family also died well.

Zhao family: go to your mother

When Su Xun went out of Zhao's house and was about to go back to their homes to find their mothers, a car stopped quickly, and a woman in leather came down. Looking at the normal Zhao's house, she gritted her teeth: "Damn, it's a step too late."

The others looked at her for no reason.

"Who's in charge here?" The woman in leather looked around and asked in a threatening way.

Lengqingyue and Zhao Wu looked at each other, then Zhao Wu asked: "who are you?"

"I was sent by headquarters to deal with this vicious attack." The woman in leather is cool. While talking, she takes out a small green book and opens it. Xie Anning, 70% of them are men and 30% of them are women.

Men are his fans. As for those women, they should pay attention to him mainly for the convenience of scolding him.

But Su Xun didn't care. Black powder was also powder.

This is a small step to success.

He also found a lot of private letters, because his ID is iron tough man, so these people call him "iron teacher"

Su Xun is going to write another article.

"Come on, come on!"

"Come on, come on!"

A sudden roar almost scared Su Xun's soul away.

Su Xun got up and came to the living room. He saw five ghosts, led by white clothes, roaring one by one: "come on! Come on

"Struggle! struggle! Struggle

"Work hard! strive! Work hard

While shouting, they clenched their fists, waved up and down, and stamped their feet.

"You sold insurance when you were alive."

Looking at the evil, religious scene, Su Xun was silent for a moment, and then asked Bai Yi.

Bai Yi is curious: "how do you know, boss?"

"It's all right, I guess. Let's call it a day. It's disturbing the people." Su Xun turned back to the office.

White subconscious Fist: "come on!"

"Come on! come on. Come on

"Struggle! struggle! Struggle

The five in blue cried reflexively.

"Sick! In the morning

Downstairs, the bedroom window opened, and a woman yelled at Su Xun.

White directly floated down, looking at the woman, asked a gloomy: "you have medicine ah!"

"Ah, ah, ah!"

The woman screamed and fainted.


The white clothes curled their lips and floated up the stairs again.

"Colleagues, start to go to work, ghost one send this area, ghost two this area..."

By the time the hell couriers were distributing the scope of work, the ghost express business had begun to ferment.

Cause a wide range of discussions on the Internet.

"Sisters, what the hell am I doing! My express was sent home by a ghost. "

"Add one upstairs. I thought I was the only one to encounter this kind of supernatural event."

"The trough! Me too! I didn't expect that we all met, but one said that the ghost delivery is fast. I'll buy it in the morning and arrive in the afternoon. "

"You're not talking about downwind express, are you?"

"One more!"

"Add 10086."

"The trough! Our store cooperates with Shunfeng express. I'm scared when I step on the horse in broad daylight! "

Ghost express ferments quickly. For these capitalists, they don't care what the consequences will be if a man becomes a tough guy.

They just want to make more money.

In this way, Su Xun's fans became bigger and bigger like a snowball, and soon reached six figures.

The name of iron and steel teacher is becoming more and more famous.

Known as the leader of the rise of men.

"It's a heavy ghost."

Leng Qingyue and Chen Yao came to Su Xun's house, but they couldn't help frowning.

Because of business contacts, Su Xun didn't close during the day.

There was a sign on the door for express delivery.

They walked in directly, and then saw Su Xun in the office at a glance.

"What are you doing here?"

Su Xun also saw them.

"Sit down and I'll pour you water."

Su Xun came out, invited them to sit down on the sofa in the living room, and poured them a glass of water.

"Su Xun, are you really using ghosts to deliver express?"

Leng Qingyue took the water cup and asked straightforwardly, because this matter has been settled.It's just to find an opening line.

Su Xun knew that this would be discovered, because he was not prepared to hide it. He was open and aboveboard in business, and he didn't break the law.

Sitting comfortably opposite them, he shrugged and said, "yes, what's the matter? Is there a problem? You think, because of me, these ghosts don't go out to harm others. I'm making contributions to society. "

"For the time being, but have you ever thought that it would cause panic among your customers?" Leng Qingyue sips her water and puts the cup on the table.

Su Xun shook his head: "there's no need to worry about this. I'm ready. After I get the reward for eliminating the fierce ghost, I will start to carry out comprehensive advertising promotion to let everyone know that the downwind express is a ghost. In this way, everyone will be psychologically prepared."

Only he can use the capitalist iron fist from the socialist countries to threaten It's wrong to persuade ghosts to work for him. No one in the world can compete with him or follow his example.

Looking at Su Xun talking about his business plan, Leng Qingyue and Chen Yao can't help but twitch and feel the milk ache.

"Well, you have solved this problem, but have you ever thought that you can restrain these ghosts when you are alive, but what if something happens to you? How much harm will these ghosts bring to society? " This is what lengqingyue is really worried about. It's also the purpose of her coming this time. She wants to persuade Su Xun to give up the plan.

Su Xun was very surprised: "why do you think I will encounter an accident? I'm sure I won't die. "

"Who can guarantee such a thing?" Leng Qingyue asked.

Su Xun blurted out: "me!"

Cold moon

She felt like she couldn't make sense of her.

"Su Xun, I know you are very powerful, but the world is more dangerous than you think. Everyone may die, including you." The moon is cold and sincere.

Su Xun shook his head: "not me."

He is a saint with infinite power, and may die in this low plane? You're kidding.

And even if he retreats 10000 steps, he will die, his identity mission will fail, and he will be trapped in this world forever.

But he also has ways to resurrect.

He has been a backhand in other worlds for a long time, and he has left a part in so many other worlds.

As long as his body dies, his mind in the depth of his separation will take over the body immediately.

Even if the separation is out of control, the blood he left in the heaven and the world can be resurrected in tens of thousands of years.

So, he really won't die.

Lengqingyue really can't figure it out. How can this guy from the other side be confident that he won't die?

"Boss, there are guests."

Blue clothes suddenly appeared with a big bag.

"It's you!"

Chen Yao recognized her as the ghost she met at school.

"Do you still think her painting will scare customers?" Su Xun pointed to the blue clothes and looked at Leng Qingyue.

Looking at the miniskirt that barely covers the thighs and the black fishing net stockings in blue clothes, Leng Qingyue feels that this image only excites those customers.

"Go to work." Su Xun waved.

Then Chen Yao and Leng Qingyue saw that blue clothes put the express into their pockets one by one, and soon flew away with a bag several times larger than her body.

Maybe it's because she's loaded too much. She shakes a few times in the air, grits her teeth and keeps on flying.

Take a look at the leisurely Su Xun on the opposite side.

Leng Qingyue and Chen Yao suddenly feel that it is more painful for these ghosts to fall into Su Xun's hands than to die.

Not only to help, but also to sell the hue.

The evil capitalists are terrible.

"What's the matter?"

Su Xun saw that both of them were staring at him.

Chen Yao gritted her teeth: "although it's a ghost, you can't be human. Can't you let her recite less?"

For the first time, she sympathized with a ghost.

"That's why you don't understand. Each one of them has killed people. It's atonement. How hard nature works, how it works." Su Xun said seriously.

Cold month rolled a white eye: "can they work hard to earn money in your hands, called atonement?"

"But I have provided them with valuable job opportunities, and you don't want to inquire. Now the pressure of employment is so great, let alone ghosts. Even people can't find jobs." Su Xun said shamelessly.

In the face of Su Xun, a capitalist who had no oil and salt and had a thick skin than the city wall, they were speechless.

Su Xun looked at his watch and then put down his water glass: "well, if you're OK, you can go first. I have to continue to work."

"You Go into the eyes of the money

Chen Yao waved her powder fist and bit her silver teeth.

Su Xun's secret way: if he doesn't get into the money hole, will he get into you Eye? Then you're going to cry and cry.

Now I'm looking for money, at least you don't hurt.

Chen Yao didn't know that in a few seconds, Su Xun had already driven a wave of cars to her.……………

At noon, Su Xun answered a phone call.

He came to Tao min's office and found a beautiful woman in a white coat.

Liu guanyue's eyes were burning at Su Xun.

"Minister Tao."

Su Xun said hello to Tao min.

Liu guanyue came to Su Xun and said, "Hello, my name is Liu guanyue. You can call me Professor Liu. I'm the director of the research department of the ninth headquarters. I know about you. I need your cooperation in my research."

"How to cooperate?" No wonder my eyes are so excited that they treat me as an experiment.

People who do research are all nuts.

"You need to provide blood, hair, even yourself," Liu said

"Sorry, I refuse." Su Xun didn't even think about it, so he said, "no, I'm blood. How can I give it to you?"?

Liu guanyue didn't expect Su Xun to refuse. She frowned: "your ability is very special. If I can crack it and promote it..."

"You can't crack it." Su Xun impolitely interrupted her and looked at Tao Min: "minister Tao, is there anything else? If not, I will go first."

"Su Xun, what's your attitude? Professor Liu is our national treasure." Tao min frowned and scolded.

Su Xun looked at Liu guanyue: "national treasure? What does it have to do with me? Don't give me moral kidnapping. That's the last thing I want to eat. "

As long as I have no morality, I can't be kidnapped.

"I won't kidnap you morally, and I hate it the most." Liu guanyue smiles: "let's make a deal. As long as you are willing to cooperate with me in my research, you can get all my research results for free, which will be of great help to you in dealing with ghosts."

"I don't need all those fancy things to deal with ghosts, just have it." Su Xun raised his hand.

Tao min anxiously said: "Su Xun, do you know how many people want Professor Liu's invention but can't get it? Don't be willful. It can save your life."

Su Xun laughed but said nothing. He didn't believe that there were more powerful objects in the world than himself.

"Nothing else, I'll go first."

"Wait! Your reward has come down. " Tao min stopped Su Xun and said to him, "you are the Vice Minister of Canghai branch, with 50 million in cash and a ghost lantern."

"What's the use of ghost lanterns?" Su Xun asked.

Professor Liu said, "this is my invention. As long as you carry a lantern, ghosts will not attack you."

"There's a time limit." Su Xun asked.

Liu guanyue nodded: "thirty seconds."

"It's great, too." Su Xun seriously praised this invention. It's really amazing.

Can snatch 30 seconds of survival time from the devil's hand, already can be said to be against the sky.

Liu guanyue said, "well Are you still indifferent to my inventions? "

"Minister Tao, my reward." Su Xun directly ignored him and showed his attitude with his actions.

If you want him to be an experiment, don't even think about it.

Director Tao shook his head helplessly, and then handed a box to Su Xun: "there is a card in it, and the bonus of Lingyi bus is also in it."

"Thank you." Su Xun said thanks, then looked at Liu guanyue and left with the box.

Seeing Su Xun leave, Tao said to Liu guanyue, "Professor Liu, I'm really sorry. We'll do his ideological work further."

"It's no use. I'll do it myself." Liu guanyue shook her head and said that she would not give up easily.

She wanted to study Su Xun's body.

On the other side, sitting in a taxi, Su Xun said, "go to the nearest luxury car 4S store."

When you get the money, you should buy a car first. Cars in this world are very cheap. After all, ghosts come out and die at any time. Who can buy such expensive things.

Susian opened the box, which contained his new job, bank card and a small lantern.

Lantern is white, only fist size, written four black dead words, very strange.

Su Xun picked it up and looked at it. He couldn't see what principle it was. He was immune to the attack of ghosts.

Half an hour later, he went to a 4S store of Lamborghini. Su Xun spent a lot of money on the car.

Generally speaking, it needs to be ordered in advance, but Su Xun has no special requirements.

After buying a car, I went to an advertising agency.

Signed an advertising contract for publicity.

People in this world are so friendly.

After he accidentally dropped out his work card and put on the name of the company, the advertising company refused to accept money and wanted to advertise for free to Shunfeng express.

As a civil servant, how could Su Xun accept it so easily?

So it took me two minutes to accept the offer.

Then I went to the TV station.

I accidentally dropped my work permit again.Then it's easy to get prime time ads.

The TV Station didn't receive any money, and the director sent him out in person, which made Su Xun feel embarrassed.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Liu."

Su Xun said, holding Liu Taichang's hand.

"Yes, yes. It's just because of your protection that we can still live normally. Besides, the efficiency of downwind express is high. I've used it. It's our honor to be able to promote it for enterprises."

In turn, director Liu thanks Su Xun.

In the end, the two were reluctant to part.

After watching Su Xun's Sao red sports car leave, director Liu wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"Director, this is not a small sum of money."

The Secretary behind said with a sad face.

"What do you know? Don't mention his identity, Shun Feng express, aren't you afraid to receive money? "

Liu Taichang didn't say well.


Evening, twelve o'clock.

Old city, a remote intersection.

There is a mist tonight. In the mist, a table is placed at the intersection, and there is a figure behind it.

Su Xun was sitting on the chair. On the table in front of him was a sign, which said, "interviewer.".

There is also a sign beside it:

Shunfeng express recruitment office.

That's right. Su Xun is recruiting. After all, the advertising will soon spread out and the business volume will increase.

These people are not enough.

Wrong It's these ghosts.

"You Where are you looking? You come here at night to recruit, to recruit ghosts. "

Several drunkards passed by.

"The trough! Downwind express! This horse is really recruiting ghosts! "

One of them was slightly drunk and saw the words on the sign clearly.

"What! Down wind express

Other people's wine instantly woke up a lot.

Su Xun gave them a smile.

This time their wine is completely awake.

"Mom! Ghosts


A group of people ran away.

Su Xun shook his head. Young people nowadays, their psychological endurance is too poor.

Like him, only ghosts fear him.

Suddenly, a dark wind came.

"Boss, I want to apply."

A delicate voice came with the wind.

The sound alone is hard to hear.

Su Xun said: "come out for an interview when you come. Don't worry. I never make hidden rules for my subordinates. I always hate this kind of behavior."

Because I come here in the open.

"Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck

A red figure came.

Su Xun's face showed a warm smile

but when he saw that face clearly, the smile on Su Xun's face gradually disappeared, and his eyes became cold.

Because this is the ghost of Zhao house last night.

I didn't expect that it wasn't dead yet!

I'm not dead.

How dare you come and hang around in front of him!

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