"I'm still alive. I'm sure I'm surprised. I have to say that I really hurt when I beat you ~"

the female ghost smiles and looks like silk. The red cheongsam outlines the proud curve, the wind blows up the dress, the split jade and the legs are looming.

"Does it hurt? I see It's not enough. "

The next second, Su Xun rushed out.

As we all know, Su Xun was always quick.

But this female ghost is faster than him.

In the moment he rushed past, the female ghost had disappeared from the original place.

Of course, the so-called disappearing here is not really disappearing, it's just being invisible.

She went around to Su Xun's back.

Su Xun's mouth rose and pretended not to find it. Then he held her milk in his backhand Brain.


Hit a nearby pole, blood flying.


The female ghost was caught off guard, and was played by Su Xun intentionally, but not intentionally. She tasted the danger of the society.

"A small insect with a hard life escaped by chance. He didn't hide for a long time and dared to come back for revenge. I thought I was going to be cold just now. I didn't expect that I overestimated you."

Su Xun grabbed her hair, and the irony from the corner of his mouth seemed to overflow.

"You How can you see me

The eyes of the female ghost are about to fall out. Well, one of them has indeed fallen out. Just now, her head was smashed on the pole, and she is teetering.

"Eyes, of course."

Su Xun put her eyes back and lifted her knee up.

I had a close contact with his face.


The female ghost's face suddenly deformed and blurred.

"I dare to come to me for revenge when I'm hurt. I don't know if I'm praising you for your courage or calling you stupid."

Susian grabbed his hair, just like a dead dog. He picked it up and hit it on the ground.


The female ghost's soul is dark, bloody, beyond recognition, and her body has been distorted.

There are still many ghosts hiding around. They are trembling with fear when they see this scene.

As for why there are so many ghosts watching in the dark, it is natural that there is a graveyard nearby.

And I hear this place is haunted.

Otherwise, how can Su Xun recruit here.

For him, this graveyard is a talent market. Wrong, it's a ghost market!

"So cruel, so It's fierce. "

"The living are crueler than the dead. No wonder we lie underground. They live on the ground."

"Fortunately, I didn't go out to scare him."

They've never seen anyone so cruel.

For the ghost in the dark, Su Xun couldn't pay attention to it for the time being. His heart was on the ghost.

Female ghost: I'm so moved.

"Hey, boy, what are you doing?" Just at this time, a social man in a vest and full of tattoos came over.

The female ghost seemed to see the Savior: "help, help, please help me."

The social man was stunned for a moment. In his eyes, the bloody ghost became a great beauty.

She is a beautiful woman with a hot and delicate figure.

He felt that his brother was blessed tonight. He picked up a brick and rushed to Su Xun: "beast! Let go of that girl

He used all kinds of means to get so many student girls. Is there one that can match the one in front of him.

If you can do it, you'd like to die now.

"Lust fascinates the mind." Su Xun gave a cold smile. He didn't bother to talk when he faced this kind of goods.

Sign him directly.


A blow to the head of a social person.

If he wants to be a hero to save beauty, he will die before he finishes the battle, and he will die suddenly.

Looking at the corpses of social people, female ghosts are scared. Good guy, kill all of them.


Su Xun stepped on the female ghost with a ferocious face: "just because you are such a bitch, I'm sorry if you don't kill me at the job fair."

At this moment, he is more terrible than fierce ghost.

"No! Don't kill me! I'll do what you say. " The female ghost on the ground, who was beyond recognition, cried out in panic. Originally, she thought that the other party was alone. Even if she was injured, the wave was stable. Now it is stable. It's stable. It's dying.


Su Xun stepped down: "no need."



The smoke is gone.

A ghost, to be exact, a wounded ghost, was killed alive.

His employees only need to engage in some simple work, wandering soul is OK, so there is no need to be fierce.And he can't control the fierce ghost. The female ghost is so crispy now just because she was injured last night.

When he recovered, he might have to play some tricks. Su Xun didn't want to waste his energy on her.

Don't talk about energy, Jing None of them.

Su Xun got up, wiped his hands on him, and raised his chin to the ghosts in the cemetery: "who, you, you, you, and you, all come here."

The ghosts in the graveyard were all frightened.

They learned a truth.

Eating melon is easy to hurt yourself!

"He He called us

"It's you, not me."

"Fart, I'm calling you."

A group of ghosts did not dare to run, but they did not dare to come forward. They could only push each other there.

"Why are you grinding haw there? Get all of them over here." Su Xun frowned and yelled.

A group of ghosts stirred up again, and then had to flutter to Su Xun.

Su Xun went to the back of the table and sat down. Looking at the ghosts in front of him, he said, "I'm here to recruit. You're lucky. You've all been accepted by me. Do you have any opinions?"

He was so kind and generous that he gave them a lot of jobs.

Although they were accepted by one side, a group of ghosts shook their heads like rattles.

Nonsense, who dares to have an opinion.

The fierce ghost has just died. If they dare to say no, the end will be very miserable.

"That Big Master, I It's not appropriate to be old. " An old man in his eighties said carefully.

In the ghost group, a group of old people's eyes lit up and a glimmer of hope rose in their hearts.

Su Xun laughed, looked at the old ghost and said gently, "old man, our company pays attention to humanistic care Wrong, it's the ghost culture. It's based on the ghost. It won't treat you differently because you are old, like other blood sucking companies and evil capitalists. I still give you the opportunity to create wealth for me with both hands. I just hope you don't let me down. "

"What's the difference between living without labor and salted fish? Don't feel inferior just because you are dead. Now I will give you a chance to burn your surplus value. "

Old ghost

Yes, you don't want the old man like other companies, because you have to squeeze the old man when you step on the horse!

Give us the chance to burn the surplus value. It's the chance to squeeze our surplus value!

Ganlin Niang, are you still a person?

A group of ghost eyes full of resentment and helplessness.

"All right, line up and sign the entry contract." Ignoring their excited eyes when they got a new job, Su Xun took out a stack of documents and contracts and began to register employees.

There are probably more than 30 ghosts here, only seven or eight evil spirits, and all the others are wandering spirits.

After the registration, Su Xun said: "don't say that the company doesn't care for employees. Although our company has no salary, five insurances and one year-end bonus, and no holidays, it will arrange for you to have an internal dormitory as welfare. You can stay unconditionally."

Hearing this, a group of ghosts got some comfort in their hearts. Fortunately, this guy's humanity has not disappeared.

It's better to live in another place.

"Boss, where is our dormitory?" A middle-aged male ghost asked carefully.

Others are looking forward to seeing Su Xun.

Nowadays, not only the houses of the living are expensive, but also the places where the dead live.

They are looking forward to a place with high land price.

"That's a good question." Su Xun got up and patted him on the shoulder. Then he pointed to the graveyard in front of him: "no, that's it. Just follow the watch."


That tap Ma Mingming is our own grave.

"Boss, that's our own grave!" The middle-aged man who asked the question said with a sad face.

Dead all dead, the house is still occupied by people, this step horse where to reason?

That's a bully.

Su Xun laughed and handed over an employment contract: "Article 5 of the contract, since the signing of this contract, all of Party B belongs to Party A, Party B is you, Party A is me."

"Oh, don't think the contract is unreasonable, because it's unreasonable, I has the final say, sign it just to seem reasonable."

"Well, wash up and go to bed early. Come to work on time tomorrow. If anyone is late for work on the first day, I promise to lift his coffin."

"Well, two ghosts, help me move this table and bench back, it's early to adapt to work."

With that, Su Xun picked up a bunch of contracts, then got on his own sports car and drove away.

In the same place, a group of ghosts looked at each other.Then he cried with a whoa.

I feel aggrieved.

"Sin! It's evil


The next day, the new employees didn't let Su Xun down. They all came to the company on time to report.

After a large number of new employees are employed, the business of Shunfeng express is further expanded and the efficiency is higher.

Moreover, the advertisement of downwind express was published soon, which naturally caused a great disturbance.

"The trough! Crazy! Use ghosts as employees. "

"The capitalists are so powerful."

"It's too exciting for NIMA."

"Fuck! Even the white haired centenarians will not let go, the evil capitalists

No matter what reaction is made on the Internet, the name of Shunfeng express is completely out.

A ghost delivery company, who can refuse?

Who has the heart not to give praise?

The ninth headquarters was also startled by this, and immediately sent people to Canghai city for inquiry.

The main purpose is to let Su Xun seal all the ghosts. Don't take chances.

It's too dangerous to say that.

Su Xun agreed with this, then refused without hesitation, and his attitude was extremely tough.

However, due to his special ability and the guarantee from the ninth branch of Canghai City, the matter could only be settled and let Su Xun do it.

In the twinkling of an eye, half a month later, the office area of Shunfeng Express has moved into a well decorated company.

And start setting up express delivery points below.

In the past half a month, everything went well except Liu guanyue who harassed Su and Xun from time to time.

Downwind Express has monopolized the whole city's express delivery.

Then silly beeps began to appear.

For example, at the ongoing press conference.

"Mr. Su, I understand that the employees of Shunfeng express not only don't have holidays, but also don't have wages and insurance. Do you infringe the ghost right like this?"

A female reporter asked, holding up the microphone.

Su Xun looked at her as if he were looking at a silly beep.

Just like the wonderful organizations protecting mosquitoes, snakes and mice on the earth, there are organizations protecting ghosts in the world, right?

Su Xun was silent for a moment, then took out some cash and put it into her hand: "it's not easy for your mother to support you so much. Take this money and have a look at your brain."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

There was a burst of laughter.

The members of the ghost rights protection organization are all the same as psychopaths, but most people don't dare to offend them because they don't let go when they bite you.

So now Su Xun's behavior makes everyone feel very happy.

"You You are insulting me

The female reporter trembled with anger.

"No, I'm obviously concerned about you." Su Xun made a serious apology for himself.

The female reporter threw the money on the ground: "ghosts are also creatures. Your behavior is an infringement on the rights of ghosts. You wait for me. We will not give up."

As the words fell, she turned and left.

After the press conference, a large number of members of ghost rights organizations on the Internet began to attack Shunfeng express, and the final appeal was to ask the government to come forward to block Shunfeng express.

There were even several demonstrations.

For a time, it was overwhelming on the Internet and all the news related to downwind express.

"Find out who's behind it."

Su Xun called the white clothes, now his secretary, and asked him to investigate the matter.

"The boss said there was a push for it?"

Bai Yi asked with wide eyes.

Su Xun sneered: "nonsense, most of the ordinary members of the ghost rights protection organization are stupid, but the core members are not stupid. They set up this organization to attract a large number of stupid people to make money for them."

"They must be collecting money."

With the rapid development of Shunfeng express, the interests of other express companies will be swallowed by Shunfeng.

And in accordance with the momentum of development, all the express companies will be crushed sooner or later.

So they're not going to sit back.

The advantage of downwind express is to use ghosts as employees, so it's natural to use ghost rights protection organizations to do things.

For these capitalists, the so-called evil spirits have no fear of losing money.

They have a lot of guts for money.

How bold capitalists can be depends on how many benefits they can obtain.

After telling Bai Yi to do this, Su Xun landed on the cloud forum again and began to take rhythm.

Thanks to the women's rights organizations on earth, Su Xun is now a master of rhythm.

His fans have broken the million mark.

Now he is ready to move his position from the Internet to reality, planning a March and taking practical actions to fight for the equal rights of men and women.Of course, it is impossible to achieve equality with women now.

Because if the supernatural is not solved one day, it will be impossible to achieve real equality between men and women one day.

What he is doing now is the preparation and prelude, so that when the supernatural event is completely solved, he can shake his hand and change the world.

For those who have been used to women's status higher than men for hundreds of years, a sense of resistance should be born.

At present, Lin Ziwei, Huo Tianmiao and Zhao wangquan are the three major generals under his command. They are more and more radical one by one. They are eager to carry out a military coup to achieve their goals.

There are more and more members of Zhenxing society, most of them are students, who have the most fighting spirit.

Su Xun had a good guess. The ghost rights protection group suddenly organized a plot against Shunfeng express. Moreover, many people joined hands to attack Shunfeng.

When Su Xun was looking at the documents in his office, there was a conversation in a private club.

There were three people in the conversation, two men and one woman.

If someone is here, they will be able to recognize at a glance that these three people are all leaders in Xiaguo's express industry, who once divided the logistics market.

Now Shunfeng express appears, sweeping the whole country rapidly with an absolutely strong posture, which makes these three express companies sit together as competitors.

And the sponsor is the only male among the three, Zhou Sen, a famous strong man in China.

On the TV screen of the private room, the ghost rights protection organization is demonstrating against the downwind.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I've set the fire on fire. The next thing is up to you."

Zhou Sen chuckles, cocks his legs and shakes his wine glass gracefully. He is middle-aged, but his skin is better than two women because of proper maintenance.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhou won't let the women. Can we two big women fall off the chain?"

"In fact, we have to thank this Shunfeng. Otherwise, how could the three of us sit together?"

"To replace people with ghosts is, after all, a heresy. Next, we have to publicize the harm of ghosts out of control."

Although Su Xun was from the ninth place, they were able to expand their business. There were people on it.

When it comes to the fight for interests, naturally it will not let you.


Five in the afternoon.

"Ding Ding..."

As soon as Su Xun was ready to leave work, his mobile phone rang. It was Tao min.

"Hello, Minister Tao."

Su Xun got through.

"Minister Su, the sunshine orphan has a supernatural event, and the team led by lengqingyue has lost contact..."

"I'll be there now." Su Xun said.

"Well, you must be careful."

After hanging up, Su Xun turned on the navigation and drove to the sunshine orphanage.

Sunshine orphanage is located in the western suburbs, which was funded by the government earlier. It integrates kindergarten and primary school, but now it has been abandoned for many years.

Because there was a big fire in the early years, which from the dean to the teachers and orphans were all burned to death.

Because everyone was burned to death, no one knew the cause of the fire.

It's just that some nearby residents often say that they can hear the sound of children playing and reading when passing by, but because nothing happened, the ninth place has never been taken care of.

This time, someone died in it strangely. Leng Qingyue asked minister Tao to take someone to investigate.

Unexpectedly, Tao min lost contact with Su Xun as soon as he went there.

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