Sunshine orphanage in western suburbs.

At this time, it was completely shrouded in black fog.

Black fog, which is basically a sign of a supernatural event.

Su Xun got out of the car and went into the orphanage.

I don't know why, when he stepped into the orphanage, he felt a familiar atmosphere.

"Weeding day in the afternoon, sweat drips down the soil..."

The sound of reading is heard.

Through the window of the classroom, you can see that it is full of people reading.

But Su Xun knew that these were not people.

He came to the nearest classroom and pushed open the door. The sound of reading stopped suddenly.

Everyone looked at him.

These children's faces were pale, or dark green, with silent pupils and innocent smiles on their faces.

This scene looks very strange.

"Uncle, will you play games with us?"

A child stood up.

"If uncle comes to find someone, tell Uncle where the elder sisters are going first."

Su Xun's stable group didn't panic at all, and even communicated with these little ghosts.

"Play games! to play! Play games

All the children stood up and gathered around Su Xun one by one.

"As long as Uncle accompany us to play games, uncle won, we will tell you that if you lose, you will stay here forever to play with us." Said a child.

Su Xun's face sank: "everyone knows how to play games. Have you finished your homework? Can you recite the text? "

In an instant, the classroom was quiet again.

All the ghost boys were staring at him.

"Uncle..." A crack appeared on the face of the ghost boy nearest to him, and blood donation oozed from the crack.


Su Xun raised his hand and slapped: "don't make a face."

The ghost boy's face instantly returned to normal, looking at Su Xun with some fear.

Other ghost children also showed fear in their eyes.

Because for so many years, Su Xun was the first living person to meet them.

"Where are the older sisters who came in before?" Su Xun pointed to the beaten one.

Ghost boy covered his face, shook his head, looked at him timidly and said: "I I don't know. We just say that to scare my uncle. I don't know where they have gone. My uncle can go upstairs and have a look. "

"A lot of nonsense at a young age!" Su Xun yelled and picked up the textbook: "copy the book. Everyone copy it all. Do you hear me?"

A group of ghost children looked at the thick language book, all of them showed a desperate expression.

Looking at Su Xun again is like looking at a devil.

Su Xun said, "I'll check when I leave. Don't blame me for beating anyone who didn't copy."

With that, he turned and walked out of the classroom.

A group of ghost children honestly went back to their seats to copy books, crying while copying.

In Su Xun's opinion, after many years, he punished them for copying books, which should make them recall the days before they died, so he was moved to cry.

I'm really a good man.

Another good thing.

Su Xun was in a good mood. He went to the second floor. There was only one classroom on the second floor.

Su Xun still pushed them away rudely.

There is no one in the classroom, but the books on the desk are windless.

The reactionary sound of the pages is like the wind.

Su Xun used Yin and Yang eyes. There was no one behind each desk. His eyes moved slowly to the platform.

A middle-aged woman was sitting there looking through her books. She looked through the books on her desk.

The woman is about thirty years old, wearing a black skirt with her hair behind her head.

In addition to the abnormal pale face, it looks almost the same as a living person.

All of a sudden, the woman turned her head and looked at Su Xun: "you see me."

"What about the women who came in before?" Su Xun asked straightforwardly.

The middle-aged ghost shook her head: "I don't know."


It was suddenly strangled by Su Xun and smashed on the wall: "give you a chance to reorganize the language."

"I I don't know. They just disappeared. " The middle-aged female ghost can no longer calm down.


Su Xun smashed again: "since I don't know anything, why do I keep you?"

"No! I know the cause of the orphanage fire a few years ago... " The middle-aged female ghost panicked.


The fist fell on her face mercilessly, and one blow blew her up.

Then Su Xun left without looking back: "the fire in the orphanage is really about me."In a word, that is mang!

Don't think about what you can solve with your fist.

Su Xun went to the third floor again, and the familiar air he felt when he came in was getting closer and closer.

Suddenly, just as he was about to step on the last step of the third floor, his feet were empty.


The whole person disappeared.

"Damn it

Su Xun incarnated as a C language master, he found himself in a gray space.

"Where is this?"

Su Xun looked around and looked down. He found that there were footprints on the ground, which were the footprints of women's high heels.

That means they're here in the cold moon.

Su Xun followed his footprints, and the familiar atmosphere became stronger and stronger.

Suddenly, he saw a flower.

In a moment, the pupil shrinks.

Flowers on the other side.

He finally knew why he felt familiar with the atmosphere here, the atmosphere of the netherworld.

This is a fragment of the prefecture of Kyushu.

What's the reason for ghosts?

But a piece of debris, at most let the ghost run out, should not appear new ghost.

How can people who die now become ghosts?

Su Xun was full of doubts.

The fragment was not big, and soon came to the end. He saw that all the ten people in the cold moon were floating in a dark flower field on the other side, and they were in a daze.

The soul seems to leave at any time.

Su Xun suddenly realized that the reason why people become ghosts after death is because of these other shore flowers?

The other shore flower can absorb people's soul, each flower has a soul.

The emergence of the supernatural event hundreds of years ago shows that the debris fell into the world hundreds of years ago.

Before that, there was no supernatural power in this world. Like most ordinary planes, there was no place for the soul after death, and it would soon dissipate.

With these pieces of the underworld, people's souls will be absorbed by the flowers on the other side after they die. Without the management of the underworld personnel, the souls with strong resentment will become evil spirits with stronger power, break away from the flowers on the other side and return to the ground.

Only with this piece of debris, this small piece of flowers on the other side can not achieve this effect. There must be many pieces of hell scattered here in the world.

If you want to completely solve the supernatural events, you have to destroy the flowers in these fragments.

The rules of the world will be amended again. Without the flowers on the other side, the soul will have no place to repose. It will soon dissipate and there will be no ghosts.

But the world is so big, who knows where these pieces of hell are scattered?

Even today's piece is his fault.

Temporarily throw these out of his mind, Su Xun rushed into the flower field on the other side and began to destroy it.

Destroy all the flowers on the other side, and then save lengqingyue and others.

Those souls in the flowers on the other side, after the flowers on the other side were destroyed, still wanted to fight for their bodies in the cold moon, but they were all smashed by Su Xun.

Soon, the cold moon wakes up.

"Sue "Su Xun?"

Seeing Su Xun, lengqingyue was surprised.

Soon, everyone woke up, but their brains were still a little dizzy.

"Why are you here? What is this place? We're here all of a sudden. "

Chen Yao looks at Su Xun and asks.

Su Xun said in a panic: "I don't know where it is. I also fell in suddenly."

"So how do we get back?" The cold moon frowned and looked around.

Su Xun said, "it's like it's closed by the wall. Come with me."

At the edge of the debris that Su Xun brought with him, a layer of misty air was like a wall.

"You don't want to break this wall, do you?"

Chen Yao suddenly guessed Su Xun's plan.

"I have a lot of strength."

Su Xun gave a little smile, then hit it with one punch.

What is the concept of infinite force?

It's the concept of endless strength.


One punch hit the boundary of the fragments of the hell, and the whole fragment trembled, like an earthquake.

Chen Yao's eyes gaped and murmured, "this strength It's quite big. "


Su Xun hit again.

Click -

with the clear sound, the boundary appeared a cobweb like crack, and then suddenly broke. Su Xun and others instantly appeared on the stairs on the third floor of the orphanage.

At the same time, Somewhere unknown abyss, a beautiful woman in white opened her eyes.

"Come out! We're out! "

"I thought I would never get out again!"

Everyone in the first team was ecstatic.

Leng Qingyue's face also showed a relaxed color, and he came to Su Xun's side: "that just wasn't the hell, was it?"She thought of those legendary descriptions of the underworld, and she felt that the flowers were very similar to those on the other side.

"I've read too many novels, but what about hell? What about Yama Su Xun rolled his eyes.

Leng Qingyue rubbed her face and felt that she might be paranoid.

"How's your investigation going?"

But Su Xun remembered that Tao min made it very clear that the reason why they came to the orphanage in lengqingyue was that someone died in it.

Leng Qingyue shook her head: "I don't know who did it. Just seal all the ghosts inside."

For the ninth place, all ghosts, no good or bad, need to be sealed.

This is true in all countries of the world.

Lengqingyue brings people to the first floor and pushes open the door of the classroom, only to find that all ghost children are working hard.

"Are these children so studious?"

Chen Yao blinked.

Dead still copy text, so hard, she can't bear to start a seal.

Su Xun said with a smile, "I let them copy. I'll beat whoever doesn't copy."

Hiss -

Leng Qingyue and others took a breath and looked at Su Xun in horror: "you are really a devil."

Force adult ghost to work, force minor ghost to copy text, what else can't you do?

It's better to be sealed if the ghost falls into his hands.

"I think they like it. They are moved to tears." Su Xun's serious nonsense.

A group of ghost children nodded in tears to agree with him.

In the end, these ghost children were sealed.

No one can guarantee whether they will harm people, whether they have done harm to people, and take precautions.

After returning to the ninth place, Su Xun went directly into the database and inquired about the information related to the supernatural.

Sure enough, he found what he wanted.

It is recorded in ancient books that one day hundreds of years ago, the sky suddenly fell and the flowing fire fell everywhere, causing a great drought.

It's only after that that that there are ghosts.

Su Xun had reason to believe that the so-called Liuhuo recorded in this ancient book was actually a fragment of the underground.

Kyushu was broken when the demon invaded, and the heaven and hell were broken.

Some pieces of the hell fell into the world after some years.

And then there was supernatural power in the world.

If you want to completely solve the supernatural event, you need to find these fragments and completely solve the other shore flower.

The difficulty is finding the pieces.

"It's still up to the ghost."

Su Xun murmured to himself.

It is impossible for him to find these fragments alone. After all, they are scattered all over the world.

And it's impossible to rely on people.

So we have to rely on ghosts.

These ghosts come out of it.

If you want to recruit employees in the future, you need to add one more item when you register, and you need to register the place where you become a ghost.

For example, most ghosts active in Canghai must have come out of sunshine orphanage.

Because the dungeon debris is there.

As long as you register the location of their ghost, you can naturally find the location of the debris.

Then destroy those flowers on the other side, so that there will be no new ghosts.

The ghost of Xia will be solved soon.

Because with the expansion speed of downwind express, it will soon expand to the whole country.

At that time, the recruitment will be carried out all over the country, and the company will set up the ghost force resources department.

Organize ghosts to recruit ghosts.

This group of ghost resources department ghost does not need any professional management literacy, just need to be able to fight on the line.

Whoever doesn't register for the job will be beaten.

Su Xun felt that he was a genius.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

He couldn't help laughing.

All of a sudden, he realized something. The smile on his face converged and he turned to look at the door.

Wearing a white coat, Liu guanyue looked at him with a smile: "you look very happy."

"Fair." Su Xun put the information back in his hand: "why, Professor Liu, haven't you given up yet?"

This woman has been more than half a month, and has not given up beating him.

It can be seen that she likes strong men

Liu guanyue said: "I already know the action process tonight. You have entered a special space, like another world, and you broke the barrier with your fist. Do you think it's normal?"

"It's basic for me." Su Xun said a word seriously, and then left in front of her.

Doesn't it mean breaking through the world barrier?

When I fight on horses, I punch a planet.

Liu guanyue looked at Su Xun's back, her eyes narrowed slightly. She must get Su Xun's samples.

She wondered if Su Xun could punch through the planet with one punch.Is this horse riding power that human beings can possess?


"Boss, I have found out who is behind the scenes of our company."

As soon as Su Xun got home, the white clothes came over, and he was fully engaged in his own work.

Su Xun did it on the sofa: "who is it?"

"Zhou Sen, Ye Li, Chen bao'er." Bai Yi said three names, to investigate this matter, as a ghost of it, it is easy.

Just keep an eye on the most suspect.

And for the downwind express, the most suspect is naturally the peers who have been squeezed market share.

Therefore, the white suit stealthy to Zhou Sen three people carried on the surveillance, then confirmed this result.

Su Xun naturally knew who the three men were.

White clothes eager to try: "boss, do you need me to teach them a little lesson?"

"It's not good. If you teach them a lesson, they will certainly take advantage of it to attack the public opinion and say that I'm a disaster for raising ghosts." Su Xun shook his head.

"White asked:" then how to do ah

"Kill them." Su Xun pondered for a moment.

"Ah Bai Yi's eyes widened.

Su Xun said solemnly: "kill them, they will have no chance to engage in public opinion attack."

If you dare to play Yin for me, I'll let you play Yin.

White eyes a bright: "boss really smart."

"Otherwise, why do you say I can be a boss and you can only be an employee?" Su Xun had a deep smile.

"Because I can't beat you."

The smile on Su Xun's face was stiff.

In a word, Bai Yi points out the essence of the relationship between the upper and lower levels. The relationship between the upper and lower levels of Shunfeng express is so simple, everything is big with the boss's fist.

"I went to work overtime." White finish saying, disappeared in situ, she went to add a night shift to kill a few people.

Since she went to work in Shunfeng, she hasn't killed anyone for a long time, and finally she can eat meat.

The next second, she came back.

"Didn't you work overtime?" Su Xun asked

"I send too many express, almost forget, my ability is ghost call." White said weakly, then grabbed the phone on the desk and began to dial.

Su Xun

I didn't expect that the call method of ghost call was so simple.

Su Xun wanted to laugh at the thought that the number of ghosts was pressed behind the call.

"Wait!" Su Xun suddenly thought of the key point: "you use my phone to call Zhou Sen, they are dead, don't you doubt me? How wronged I am

White blink blink, boss, so shameless words, how do you say it?

You asked me to kill.

Now it's reasonable to say how wronged you are.

"What about that?" Asked Bai Yi.

"You are still too young." Su Xun shook his head and said angrily, "if you want to learn to think in another place, can't you go to Zhou Sen's house and call the other two, kill them, and then call Zhou Sen with his phone?"

Is transposition thinking so useful?

"Boss, you are so smart."

Bai Yi realized and floated away.

Su Xun called Lin Ziwei.


Su Xun browed: "what's the matter with you?"

Lin Ziwei's voice is not right.

"I've been hit in the face." The woods are full of sound.

"Who did it?" Su Xun asked


Su Xun:

"I'm bored in the afternoon. I play with stone, scissors and cloth in the mirror. When I lose, I slap in the face. I lose ten times, but that guy is even more unlucky. He always loses, and his face is deformed. Ha ha ha..."

The woods laughed with schadenfreude.

Su Xun's face was strange: "the point should not be that you in the mirror are different from your actions?"

Lin Ziwei

He suddenly realized something.

Su Xun was speechless to this silly beep.

"Tell Tianmiao and wangquan that the fourth internal meeting of Zhenxing society will be held in the dormitory tomorrow morning."

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