Eleven in the evening.

After a busy day, master Zhou came home.

As we all know, in this society where women are strong and men are weak, strong men seldom get married.

Because once they get married, they have to give up their career and concentrate on their family.

Therefore, most of the strong men will recruit women with poor family conditions but outstanding abilities.

Most strong men choose not to marry.

Zhou Sen is such an unmarried family. This year, he is going to be four, and he has not had a real marriage.

Looking at the empty living room, Zhou Sen suddenly feels lonely and is ready to call and order a takeout.

At the end of the busy day, there is only emptiness left. At this time, only a woman's Naizi can give him some warmth and comfort.

So rich people feel lonely, too.

He took the menu aside and opened it. It was full of photos and information of all kinds of female stars and models, as well as their contact information.

Looking at all kinds of beauties, Zhou Sen felt helpless again. He didn't know which one to choose.

So the rich are in trouble.

In the end, he chose a young adult model. After all, it's not easy for him to fight when he is so young, so help him if he can.

After all, as a private entrepreneur, the most basic sense of social responsibility and love is still necessary.

On this point, he and Su Xun had the same sense of responsibility.

Like to help tall Naizi big, white beautiful big legs, there are technical girls.

This can also be regarded as assistance to technical talents.

After all, there is a saying that if you are poor, you will be single until you die. If you are rich, you will have wives and concubines.

After selecting the target, he took out his mobile phone and ordered a takeout, then sat down and waited for the takeout to come.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

As soon as he got up, the plane suddenly rang.

He frowned. The landline in his family has become a decoration these days. Who will call him?

He got through with doubts.

"Hello, who's calling, please?"


His response was a silence.

"I don't know."

Zhou Sen hung up cursing.

Half an hour later, a lovely little girl in a student's dress came into the villa.

Then Zhou Sen led him to the bedroom on the second floor.

"You take off first, I'll take a shower."

Leaving a word to the woman, Zhou Sen took off his clothes and walked into the bathroom.

Women also skilled began to undress, although she is young, but has a profound posture.

White appeared in the room, and then on the woman's body, eyes flashing a vicious color.

Although they were clever in front of Su Xun, they were all murderers in essence.

In the bathroom.

Feeling the warm water from the top of his head, Zhou Sen closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling.

But soon he felt something was wrong.

Because the water seems a little sticky.

He subconsciously touched his face, then looked down, his hands were scarlet blood.

What Yuba left was not water but blood. There were two bloody fingerprints on the bathroom door, as if something was coming in.

Zhou Sen was stunned. Just as he was about to yell, he found that the blood around him was gone again. The water from the Yuba was still warm, not blood.

"It seems that there is too much pressure these days. It's the downwind express that's really unreasonable."

Zhou Sen shakes his head, then takes a handkerchief to dry the water, and walks out wrapped in a bath towel.

When she came to the room, she looked in the mirror. The woman was facing herself with her back, and the mirror was slowly dressing.

Coupled with the specially dimmed lighting for the atmosphere, this scene looks strange.

"Come on, stop combing and go to bed."

Zhou Sen went over and wanted to hold the woman. As he bent over, he saw the picture in the mirror.

A broken face with blood stains, is holding a bloody comb, meticulous dressing.

Zhou Sen's high spirited brother lowered his haughty head in an instant, and lay down.

It may not be hard in my life.

Zhou Sen's face turned white and his body trembled. He stepped back in horror and his breathing became more and more urgent.

Ghost! There's a ghost!

"What's the matter, Mr. Zhou? Come on ~"

the woman looks back with a smile and bright eyes.

But what Zhou Sen saw in the mirror was that the corners of the woman's mouth were all cracked to the roots of her ears, and the blood was pouring.

"Ghost! Ghost! Don't come here! Don't come here

Zhou Sen screamed, turned and ran, only to find that the bedroom door couldn't be opened anyway.

"Don't do useless work, you will die."Enough of playing, no more white clothes, showdown.

"For Why, let me go. I'll burn paper for you. I'll give you whatever you want. Let me go. "

Zhou Sen knelt down and begged.

"It's no use, our boss said. If you dare to play shady moves behind your back, I'll send you to hell."

With a wave of white clothes, the balcony door opened.

"Yes It's Su Xun! You are the ghost of Shun Feng express As a businessman, Zhou Sen is not stupid.

He didn't expect that Su Xun was so unique that he didn't play business with them at all.

It's a killer.

What Zhou Sen doesn't know is that the real business war is like this. You come to me to engage in tricks. That's a novel.

After all, as we all know, the real business war is to poison the chairman of the board of directors quietly; take people to rush into the office to seize the official seal; the chairman of the board of directors to steal over the wall and shoot competitors' factories. This is the classic business war!

"I'm wrong. Please tell Su Dong to spare my life. Please spare my life

Zhou Sen wailed without any image.

Cry like a child of more than 100 Jin.

White clothes have no nonsense, leave from the woman's body, attached to Zhou Sen, step by step to the balcony.

And then jump into the leap of faith.


He landed on his head and died downstairs.

"Well! It's time for the next one. "

White clothes came out of Zhou Sen's body and floated in another direction.


The next day, there was big news.

All the three leading enterprises in the domestic express industry were killed overnight.

The final conclusion is that they were harmed by ghosts.

With the help of the media, Su Xun expressed his deep sorrow for the loss of his three industry predecessors. He was even so sad that he almost laughed.

But fortunately, I finally held back.

In addition, as the Vice Minister of the ninth Canghai branch, he vowed not to die with ghosts and things, to solve these ghosts and things as soon as possible, and to return the innocence and justice of the world.

Finally, an advertisement was made by the way. It doesn't matter if they are dead, and I choose Shunfeng for express delivery.

After mourning the death of Zhou sen in front of the media, he went to school happily.

He went to school, of course, not in class, but in a meeting.

The fourth internal meeting of Zhenxing society.

Canghai University, male dormitory, Room 303.

The four sat around the table, but the palm print on Lin Zi's face had not disappeared.

Fortunately, he got a life when he met a ghost.

"Comrade president, through our continuous efforts, we have developed 700 comrades in our school, and more than 500 are still under investigation."

Huo Tianmiao first reported to Su Xun about their development in the school during this period.

"Very good. Next, we need to shift our focus from online to offline. After all, it doesn't work to talk online."

"This is my battle plan. You are going to organize in the group. Tomorrow, you are going to have the first parade in seven key cities, such as Canghai. Just taking advantage of this reform, we are going to fight for the legitimate rights and interests of our men. To this end, I sum up the following points..."

After the meeting and the arrangement of "combat tasks", Su Xun left. He was only in charge of the overall situation, and the details were naturally left to the following.

After the death of the boss of the three major express companies, it's a good time for Shunfeng to expand on a large scale. He still has many things to do.

The first thing to go back to the company is to set up the ghost resources department, with blue clothes as the manager.

Her task is to take ghosts to different cemeteries in different cities for recruitment.

Focus on where they become ghosts.

At the same time, a car was on its way to Su Xun's company. On the car sat a young man.

"Second young master, Professor Liu has wasted too much time in the sea because of that Su Xun. If you solve it for her this time, she will be very happy."

The driver said nice things, because he knew what his young master liked to hear most.

"She's just too kind, I don't know how to change. Sometimes when it's time to be tough, it's time to be tough. When it's time to press, it's time to press."

He looks about 30 years old, fair skin, light makeup, all over the top and bottom of the famous brand, elegant and reveals the atmosphere of hegemony.

Although it is said that men chase women's interlayered yarn, the interlayered yarn between him and Liu guanyue is a little thick.

It hasn't been revealed for so many years.

This time, I finally met something that Liu guanyue couldn't solve. It was a good opportunity for him.

Half an hour later, the car arrived at Shunfeng company.

The young man got out of the car with a female bodyguard.

The reason why we bring female bodyguards is that we can deal with not only people but also ghosts.

Su Xun is looking at the employee registration form in the office."Dong Dong..."

The door of the office was suddenly knocked.

"Come in." Su Xun said without raising his head.

White clothes push open the door: "boss, a person who claims to be the second son of Ye family in Beijing wants to see you."

"Call in." Su Xun had heard of Ye's family in the capital, otherwise he would be too lazy to see them.

The reason why we see this is that we are curious about what the people of Ye family are looking for.

Soon, Ye Er Shao walked into Su Xun's office with a graceful step and a female bodyguard.

"Ye Er Shao is really dressed up Exquisite. "

Looking at Ye Er Shao's dress, Su Xun racked his brains to come up with this adjective.

"I have vision." Ye Er praised a little, then put the Pink Handbag aside and sat down on the sofa: "the purpose of my coming is very simple. Liu guanyue has been looking for you many times. I hope you promise her."

"I refuse." Su Xun said lightly.

Ye Er shaoxiu eyebrows a pick: "what do you say?"

He doubted whether he had heard the wrong thing.

"I said I refuse. If ye Er Shao has nothing else to do, please leave. " Su Xun thought that the people of the Ye family would have something to do with themselves.

I didn't expect that it was a guy who wanted to chase women and took himself as a human being, a big fool.

Ye Ershao said, "Sushen, you are from the ninth place. Don't you think about this country? If you get research results from you, the threat of the supernatural will be greatly reduced. So far, you can decide whether to cooperate with the research or not. "

Good guy, it's a moral kidnapping.

Fortunately, Su Xun had no morality.

"Ye Er Shao is so active, it's better to contribute himself as a living test object." Su Xun hated this kind of standing and talking without backache. It was time to strike thunder and lightning.

Ye Er Shao said without hesitation: "if I have your ability, I will definitely not refuse."

"Because you don't have it, that's why you're right." Su Xun said impolitely.


Ye Ershao seemed to have been trampled on his painful foot and slapped him on the sofa: "Su Xun, you are too selfish. In this case, for the sake of all mankind, I have to use some means that can't be on the table. If you don't agree, don't blame me..."

Before he finished, susian rushed to him and smashed his collar out.


"Puyi -"

Ye Ershao was hit on the wall, a mouthful of blood gushed out, and lay on the ground and kept wailing.

"There's so much nonsense. If you don't get out of here, you won't have to leave today." Su Xun said coldly.

Ye Er Shao got up with the help of the female bodyguard and stared at Su Xun bitterly: "you If you dare to beat me, I'll be useless... "

He didn't finish his words again, and Su Xun appeared in front of him again, with one punch.


This fist fell on his head, his head was smashed into the wall, blood flowed down the white wall, Ye Er Shaoqi died.

"Why don't you listen to me?"

Su Xun sighed with regret.

The female bodyguard stood in the same place for a long time and then responded: "you You killed him

"Take him away." Su Xun waved.

He doesn't worry about the Revenge of the Ye family. If the Ye family isn't stupid, they won't take revenge on him.

What's more, it's just a son who died, not a daughter.

The female bodyguard's face was cold, and she took out a rusty mobile phone. The gloomy atmosphere began to spread.

Su Xun kicked out without hesitation.



The female bodyguard screamed and was kicked out, smashing the door of the office.

In the moment she flew out, the mobile phone also came out and fell to the ground.


Su Xun stepped on the mobile phone and said, "if you dare to come out, I'll kill you."

Just sent out the Yin Qi and slowly shrink back, the mobile phone has become a mediocre mobile phone.

The female bodyguard's eyes widened and her face was full of disbelief. The ghost was scared by a sentence.

"Take it and roll."

Su Xun kicked the mobile phone.

The female bodyguard bit her teeth and took a look at Su Xun. Finally, she didn't dare to mess around any more. She picked up the mobile phone on the ground and left with Ye Er Shao's body.

"There are so many stupid beeps in this world."

"Two of you, clean up."

Su Xun scolded, then walked into the office and continued the unfinished work.

Huangtian did his best to find the second piece of government debris scattered in Canghai city from a new employee registration form.

That night alone to destroy the other side of the flower inside, by the way broke the debris space."Another one."

In the unknown abyss, the woman in white frowned and pinched her fingers, but it was chaotic.

Finally, the tip of the foot disappeared.

Su Xun knew nothing about it.

The next day, the sky was high and the clouds were light.

It's an ordinary day as always.

But a big thing happened today.

That is, a large number of men's parades have taken place in seven important cities across the country.

"We want equality between men and women!"

"We want more rights and interests!"

"Men should be self-improvement, we should be tough men!"

The marchers shuttled through several main streets with various flags and slogans.

At the same time, Su Xun also announced his life support parade as the owner of Shunfeng express.

Then several women from public welfare organizations also expressed their support for gender equality.

Of course, it's because Su Xun gave the money.

Today, the whole network is talking about it. More and more men are fighting for equality between men and women.

This is undoubtedly a good start for Su Xun.

In the following days, Shunfeng Express has been opening outlets all over the country to recruit employees.

Su Xun also found more and more pieces of dungeon, and solved ten pieces in half a month.

On that day, he came to a piece of Dungeon near the city. After he went in, he saw the endless flowers on the other side, but there was a man on the other side.

A woman in white.

"Qin Zhu?"

The moment he saw this woman, Su Xun almost blurted out subconsciously.

because this woman as like Qin Bamboo is as like as two peas, even with the same figure, he is not familiar with his knowledge of Qin Bamboo.

But in a flash, Su Xun reflected that this woman could not be Qin Zhu.

Qin Zhu's previous life is the underground Mengpo.

To be exact, it is the separation of Mengpo.

There are so many pieces of the underworld scattered in this world. Is this the noumenon of Mengpo?

"Have you ever met someone who looks like me?"

There was a flash of light in the eyes of the woman in white. She flew over and stared at Su Xun.

Su Xun could read the excitement in her eyes.

"Yes." Su Xun nodded.

The woman suspected of Mengpo could not wait to ask, "where is it? Where is she?"

Looking at the woman's two consecutive gaffes, Su Xun ruled out the idea that she was Mengpo.

Because Mengpo's existence has been the collapse of Mount Tai without changing its color, it is impossible to be so out of fashion.

Therefore, the biggest possibility is that this woman and Qin Zhu are just separated or reincarnated.

"Tell me who you are first." Su Xun said.

The woman's face was cold: "mortal, you are not qualified to talk to me."

Su Xun just looked at her quietly.

"My seat "Mengpo." Women stand tall.

Su Xun had a secret way in his heart. It seemed that this part of his body had the memory of Meng Po, but Qin Zhu didn't.

If Qin Zhu devoured her, would she have the memory of her past life and her strength soared.

As soon as he thought of swallowing two words, Su Xun suddenly realized that he was so excited when he heard that he had seen someone who looked like her.

Maybe it's also to devour.

Su Xun's mind was full of twists and turns, but on the surface he didn't say a word: "Mengpo? "Mengpo in the legend?"

"It's you, mortal. Tell me where you are talking about!" She was a little impatient.

Trapped in this world for so many years, she can't wait to leave this ghost place.

As long as let her devour any part, her strength will soar, and then she can cross the void.

As long as she engulfs enough parts, she may eventually engulf the noumenon and replace it.

Su Xun stood up and said with a meaningful smile, "let's make a deal."

"My patience has been exhausted." The woman's voice was cold, and she reached for Su Xun's head.

A mortal dares to make a deal with her.

She's going to do a soul search.

Su Xun grabbed her hand.

The woman's face changed: "how can it be!"

It's just a mortal!

Su Xun hit it with his other hand.


The fist fell on her belly.

The woman's face turned white, her body bent subconsciously, and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

She looked at Su Xun incredulously.

Although her strength has not yet recovered, even less than one in ten thousand, she is also an immortal!

But now, a mortal in a small world can hurt her, how can it be!!!

"Do it with me, and you deserve it?"With a cold smile, Su Xun put his hand on her cheek and said, "do you want to do this deal now?"

His identity is that he is capable and powerful.

What is the concept of infinity?

It's a concept that can't be described in detail. Not to say that it's an immortal, but a saint can knock it down with one blow.

The stronger the enemy is, the stronger his strength will be.

"Who are you?" The woman wiped the blood on the corner of her mouth and stared at Su Xun.

Su Xun said, "can I help you? I'm just an ordinary person in the world. "

The corner of the woman's mouth twitches and roars wildly in her heart: you're stepping on the horse. Is that plain? average person?

"As long as you destroy all the flowers on the other side of the world and solve the ghost disaster from the root, then I will tell you where the man is." Su Xun said.

Although he has great power, he has no magic. It's too slow for him to do it by himself.

With the separation of Mengpo and her magic power, it would be much easier.

The woman sneered: "if I do what you say, what will you do if you cheat me?"

"I swear to heaven." Su Xun put up four fingers with his other hand and did not hesitate to send four fingers.

The woman's face was a little slow.

But she didn't know that the way of heaven was unlimited for Su Xun. He could destroy the way of heaven in any world at will.

The main road is a little bit of a threat to him.

"OK, it's a deal."

The woman agreed.

When she swallows up that part of the body, her strength increases greatly, and then she must get the field back.

As one of Mengpo's parts, she also has self-cultivation, so it's easy to find all the fragments.

It's not difficult for her.

"I'm sorry. Was I rude?" Su Xun loosed her, helped her to arrange the collar with an apologetic face, and touched the mark on her face.

Woman "....."

Rough? It's brutal!

"I'll wait here for you to come back."

Su Xun said goodbye to the woman.

"I hope you don't turn back."

The woman shook her body and disappeared.

Now that the solution to the ghost disaster has come to an end, Su Xun's focus is on male chauvinism.

Under his promotion, quite a number of men have awakened, they no longer make-up, no longer maintain what elegant, but began to pursue the image of tough guy.

Maybe it's because of the sissy that women like this tough guy style man.

So for a time, tough guys are popular.

For a long time, because of Mengpo's separate efforts to eliminate the other side flower, the fewer new ghosts, the lower the frequency of supernatural events.

All countries are aware of this and have made it public, saying that if it goes on like this, the supernatural event may be completely solved one day.

After the news came out, the world was boiling.

With the hope that the supernatural events that have ravaged the world for hundreds of years will be completely solved, the advantage that women can deal with ghosts will disappear.

In this case, men's status naturally in the invisible promotion.

A month later, all the other shore flowers have been eliminated, and there will be no new ghosts.

Meng Po found Su Xun separately.

"I've done what you asked me to do. Now it's your turn to keep your promise." Her eyes were burning.

Su Xun crossed his legs and said slowly, "it's not thorough enough. You have to wipe out the ghosts that have appeared in the world before I tell you."

Only in this way can he finish his task. Let others help him to finish his task. Is this acting?

"You're kidding me!" Meng Po's eyes were cold, and she sent out a strong murderer to lock him.

Su Xun shrugged without fear: "if you think I'm playing with you, then you can refuse."

"You..." Mengpo's eyes are red and split.

She has already done so many things. If she refuses now, isn't it in vain?

Finally she clenched her teeth and spat out a word: "OK."

Finish saying, forcibly restrain the killing intention in the heart, disappear in the original place.

Su Xun showed a proud smile.

This is called cost sinking.

The more a person invests in something, the more he will not give up.

Like licking a dog, don't they really realize they are licking a dog?

No, a lot of licking dogs know that.

But why do they persevere?

Because they have paid too much, if they don't lick, then the time and money they put in to lick the goddess can't be taken back.

If it is interrupted now, there will be nothing. All the previous efforts are in vain.So they can only continue to lick, with a little hope, hoping to lick everything in the end.

It's the same with gambling on dogs.

This is what Su Xun used.

Another month later, there was basically no news of any more supernatural events in the world.

Because it's almost killed.

Countries officially declared that the supernatural event disappeared completely, and the world was jubilant.

At the same time, the strange things in the hands of individuals are also unified recycling and sealing.

Without the unique advantages, men began to occupy the dominant position in society again.

All the employees of susian company were sealed, and they asked to be sealed on their own initiative.

Because they'd rather be sealed than enslaved than in the inhuman hours of 007's work.

At the same time, Su Xun received the prompt sound of task completion.

[task completion: change the situation that women are strong and men are weak, and let men rise again. At the same time, completely solve the supernatural events in this world. 】

[reward: jiuzhuan Baoxue pill. 】

at the moment of hearing the system prompt, Su Xun's cultivation came back.

He felt like he could kill the world by raising his hand.

Jiuzhuan Baoxue pill: after taking it, your accomplishments can rise two steps in a quarter of an hour without side effects.

A quarter of an hour is fifteen minutes.

Don't be too short. It's very powerful.

He is now a saint of three grades. If he takes this pill, he will be promoted to five grades.

Plus the bonus of Pangu axe, then he can be as tough as a saint in a quarter of an hour.

If you work hard, there is even a great probability that you can kill it.

Besides, he has a broken border pill, which can improve his cultivation level permanently after taking it.

At the critical moment, he can use these two pills to upgrade his cultivation to six grades and compete with seven grades.

Long live system dad.

"as like as two peas, I'll take you to the same person as I do." When Meng Po saw that Su Xun didn't speak, she was a little worried that the other side would turn back.

But she didn't expect it to go so well this time.

Su Xun looked at her with a meaningful smile: "OK, I'll take you to see her now."

I'm so anxious now. I'm afraid you'll regret it when you see Qin Zhu.

"Then hurry up." Mengpo was eager to urge.

Su Xun went through the space and crammed an immortal cultivation skill into Chen Yao's mind. Then he took Meng Po, who was still surprised, and disappeared in the office.

As the supernatural event was completely solved, the ninth place was naturally dissolved.

After all, this institution costs a lot of money every year, which causes a great burden on the national finance. Now that it can't be used, it will naturally be banned.

The relevant members will make other arrangements.

Chen Yao is packing up her personal belongings.

All of a sudden, I feel that I have more things in my mind. After careful recollection, I feel confused.

It took quite a few minutes to react.

Her eyes are a little confused, looking out of the window at the horizon, muttering: "immortals?"

Soon, her eyes became firm.

At the same time, in order to maintain the transcendent strength, the evil people in Xia's families hid a lot of strange things.

Although Su Xun has gone, the operation of the world will continue, and new stories are still happening.

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