Xuanyue continent, the underworld.

Su Xun spent three months in the world where men and women exchanged, and only three days had passed in xuanyue continent.

It's still a long time before the agreement to cut down xiaolingshan in half a year. He is going to shut down for half a year.

Of course, there is one more thing to do before that.

Su Xun released the Mengpo that he had brought back from the small world.

"Where is this?"

After Meng Po came out, she felt the strong spirit that made her suffocate.

"Hell, hell."

Su Xun slowly spat out four words.

Meng Po turned around and saw Su Xun in different clothes.

"You Who is it? "

Mengpo's voice is a little dry.

An existence that can take her across the void.

Looking at Su Xun, she seemed to see a vast ocean, boundless and unfathomable.

It shows that the wind and waves are calm, but it can set off a huge wave of destruction at any time.

"I am the emperor of the Yin Department."

Su as like as two peas in the throne, looking at the Qin Bamboo that has come in, "do you want to find someone who looks exactly like you? No, she's here. "

Mengpo turned around and saw Qin Bamboo in Blue Palace dress.

When Qin Zhu saw Meng Po's separation, he immediately stopped and showed his astonishment.

Someone who looks like her.

Meng Po was so excited that her face turned red that she couldn't care that Su Xun was a fake emperor.

"Thank you, your majesty. Please give this man to Xiaoxian." Mengpo turned back to Su Xun to worship.

Su Xun said, "do you know who she is? It's not only Mengpo, but also my beloved concubine. "

Meng Po's face turned white.

Then, without hesitation, he turned into a streamer.

Su Xun slowly raised his hand, and a huge palm pinched it in the palm of his hand: "it's too late."

Later, he crumpled her into a ball and put it into Qin Zhu's body to suppress it with cultivation to help Qin Zhu devour it.

A few minutes later, Qin Zhu opened his eyes, but his breath was completely different.

It's not just the improvement of cultivation, but the change of temperament, from the inside out.

"How?" Su Xun asked casually.

Qin Zhu said: "I got part of the memory of the noumenon. In the war of Kyushu, the noumenon divided into several separate souls in order to prevent it from falling. I was reincarnated as a wisp of the soul. Just now that man was separated."

"What kind of cultivation is Mengpo's Noumenon?" Su Xun was more concerned about this. If Meng Po had not been up to now, wouldn't she have swallowed Qin Zhu by force.

Because Qin Zhu is a wisp of her soul. If her soul is not complete, it can not prove the road forever.

The sage is not the end, nor is the avenue, but the avenue is a well-known goal.

Three thousand avenues can be sanctified, but few can prove them.

But isn't the purpose of all practitioners to prove the way?

So Mengpo can not care about the separation, but she can not care about her own soul.

Qin Zhu clenched his lips: "liupinsheng."

There is no sense of existence in the Yin Department, but one's cultivation is so terrible.

Throughout the whole Kyushu at that time, Mengpo's accomplishments can be regarded as the number one.

The whole Lingzhou cultivation is the highest talent Wupin saint.

Soon, Su Xun announced that he would be closed.


Time is always passing by, just like being stolen by a thief.

Half a year.

Su Xun stepped out of the quiet room.

A breath more introverted.

"Your Majesty, I have a letter from Lianhua temple. In three days, we will cut down Xiaoling mountain together." Nu Wa had been waiting outside.

Su Xun took the letter sword, and the corner of his mouth Rose: "this time, just you and I need to go."

Three days later, Su Xun took Nu Wa to Lianhua temple to meet the people of Lianhua temple.

At the same time, I sent a letter to yujianzong and xiaolingshan.

The strategy this time is to pretend to join forces with Lianhuashan to attack xiaolingshan. In fact, they have already secretly colluded with xiaolingshan to take the opportunity to fight against lianhuasi.

After the Lotus Temple was destroyed, Xiaoling mountain was also greatly damaged, and then yujianzong went out to destroy Xiaoling mountain.

The secret department can monopolize the belief of Lingzhou people.

Yujianzong became the first one in Lingzhou.

Because yujianzong and Yinsi had no root conflict of interest, this cooperation was completely different.

Xiaoling mountain and Lianhua Mountain are both victims.

This time, Lianhua temple is pouring out. Five saints, more than a dozen Daluo Jinxian, and Tang monk, as a Buddhist, is also one of them. He wants to see the world.

"Amitabha, it's so good. With your Majesty's help, the mountain will surely die."The host of Lianhua Mountain came to meet Su Xun in person.

"Everything depends on your temple."

Su Xun said kindly.

"Ha ha ha, your majesty, this time our two families rent together, it's a win-win situation!"

An elder of Lotus Temple laughs, and doesn't see that they are ready to tear down the bridge of the underworld.

Su Xun smiles and agrees.

Yes, it's a win-win situation.

I won twice by myself.

Isn't that a win-win situation?

When two waves of old Yin coins meet, it depends on who is more yin. Obviously, Su Xun is better.

Half an hour later, he went to Xiaoling mountain.

Xiaolingshan is ready to be attacked.

When we got to Xiaoling mountain, everyone didn't say a word, but all kinds of magic poured out.


Xiaoling mountain seems to be crumbling.

"Who dares to attack the holy land of Lingshan?"

After a short period of chaos, the five sages of xiaolingshan rose up one after another.

After seeing the people in Lianhua temple, their eyes were red: "it's you! Lianhua Mountain is a mess. It's just like Xiaoling mountain

"Ha ha ha, you fake Buddha's tone is not small, today the fish will die, the net may not be broken." Lotus Temple commandment elder wantonly said.

The false lamp burning Buddha looked at Su Xun and said, "Amitabha, benefactor, do you want to get involved in this

"Dead ass! Cut the crap. I'll kill you and you'll be busy. " Su Xun stood up and acted.

Both Lianhua Mountain and Xiaoling mountain were attacked by indifference, but no one thought about it at this time.

The pseudo Tathagata Buddha is calm: "in this case, we will fight in tianwai, and today we will surpass you."

Then they all flew to the sky.

At the same time, the people of yujianzong are on their way. According to the script, they are the last to enter.

The sky is empty.

Su Xun and Nu Wa attack the false lamp Buddha.

According to the script, dengdeng Buddha pretends to be defeated and injured, then puts a hard word and runs away.

After all, the people in Lianhua temple are not actors. It is impossible to pretend to be injured in front of them.

"Hurry up, as long as we are alive, the holy land of Lingshan will be rebuilt one day!"

"Lotus Temple! I will destroy your orthodoxy in the future

After "losing the enemy for a long time and being wounded", in order to preserve the strength, all the saints of xiaolingshan ran away.

It's hard to kill a saint, and even harder to stop a saint who wants to escape.

From the beginning, Lianhua Mountain didn't expect to kill the saints of Xiaoling mountain, just wanted to force them away.

Now that the goal has been achieved, the people of Lianhua Mountain will not pursue it.

If the people in xiaolingshan jump over the wall in a hurry, the loss will be even greater and it will not be worthwhile at all.

"Congratulations, eminent monks. After removing the great enemy of Xiaoling mountain, Lianhua Mountain is the first holy land of Buddhism in Lingzhou."

Su Xun came forward to congratulate warmly.

The five sages of Lianhua temple were also injured more or less in the fight just now.

But it's more than enough to deal with the two saints of the Yin Department.

So the five saints of Lianhua Temple exchanged their eyes and surrounded Su Xun and Nu Wa directly.

"You What are you doing? "

Su Xun was shocked.

Tang Xuanzang was also shocked: "master!"

"Xuanzang, step back!" Lotus Temple said.

In the battle just now, half of the more than ten daruo in Lianhua Mountain died, and the remaining half stopped Tang Xuanzang and refused to let him come forward.

Tang Xuanzang was very anxious: "master, your majesty helped us to get rid of xiaolingshan, but I wanted to break the contract!"

"Chi'er, I did all this for the Lotus Temple." Lotus Temple presided over the face, looking at Su Xun indifferent said: "Your Majesty, offended."

Tang Xuanzang's eyes are red and his heart is full of guilt. He blames himself and himself!!!

He never dreamed that Shifu would use himself.

Su Xun was surrounded and laughed angrily: "what a holy land of Buddhism, full of benevolence, righteousness and morality. I didn't expect that they were also rebellious people!"

"Amitabha, it's useless to say so much now. I'd like to ask your majesty to reincarnate."

"Your Majesty, please enter reincarnation."

"Your Majesty, please enter reincarnation."

The five sages put their hands together at the same time, and their bodies exuded strong Buddhist power, which enveloped Su Xun and Nu Wa.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Su Xun laughed: "a group of perfidious bald donkeys, I'm ashamed to be with you, but fortunately, I'm not a good person to keep my promise."

Seeing this, the five sages of Lianhua Temple suddenly felt a bad premonition.

At this time, several magic weapons suddenly hit.Su Xun and Nu Wa started at the same time.

The Pan Gu axe in his hand, carrying the power of destroying heaven and earth, is aimed at a saint with the lowest cultivation.

"Boom boom boom!"

Countless stars are made of powder, and the void is turbulent. Tang Xuanzang and other great Luo Jinxian are bleeding and flying.

The five sages of Lianhua Mountain were caught unprepared and injured to different degrees.

"Amitabha, what a good thing."

The saints of Xiaoling mountain who had just escaped stood in different directions and surrounded the five saints of Lianhua temple.

"I'm sorry, I prejudiced your prejudgment." Su Xun looked at the five saints of the Lotus Temple with a smile.

The five saints of Lianhua temple have a wonderful expression.

Tang Xuanzang was stunned.

Lying trough, the adult world is really dirty.

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