In fact, there is still half a year to go before the formal start of the conference.

Now the people who come here are all casual practitioners. The Taiyi sword sect and the Yin Yang Sword sect have not arrived yet.

Of course, half a year is just a flash for monks.

But for Su Xun, a native of the earth, he was very long.

During these days in Yunxia mansion, he got along well with Hua Ziyu.

For the time being, he became a good friend.

Yunxia sword sect.

A sword suddenly burst into the sky.

The woman in white, who is meditating in the quiet room, opens her eyes and smiles at the corner of her mouth. With a wave of her jade hand, she presses down the sword and disappears.

This woman is Mengling, the leader of Yunxia sword sect.

Although she was quick enough to suppress the sword, she was still felt by Su Xun in Yunxia mansion.

"The breath of Zhenyao sword?"

Su Xun looked at the direction of Yunxia sword sect.

At that time, the Zhenyao sword was carelessly broken into the void crack on Kunlun Mountain by Liu An.

From then on, life and death are unknown.

I didn't expect that I could feel his breath in Taizhou, and it was not far away from Yunxia sword sect.

Su Xun stepped out and disappeared in the guest room.

In the back mountain of Yunxia sword sect, a young man with a beautiful face and smart eyes walked out of the cave. Looking at Mengling outside the cave, he gave a salute with a smile: "I will live up to my master's expectation."

This is the Zhenyao sword, which is extremely rare. It was once transformed into a demon by Li Chunfeng of the Tang Dynasty.

He was exiled in the void and was saved by Mengling, who was traveling outside. With the skill of licking Su Xun, he won Mengling's favor and brought it with him.

It thinks it's because it's good at licking, but in fact, it's Mengling who thinks Zhenyao sword is a saber made by someone who can refine it.

Later, Zhenyao sword was transformed into shape. He fused with Longzhu, which was originally a magic sword. After transforming into shape, he was born with a sword bone and a sword heart, which was a good seed for cultivating kendo.

It happened that the Yunxia sword sect was withering day by day. Mengling took the transformed Zhenyao sword as his disciple's instruction.

And Zhenyao sword didn't waste his whole body. It's fast in kendo.

Now it is the middle stage of Taiyi Jinxian.

He is also the only participant of Yunxia sword school who can win the three schools' discussion on sword.

"Good, good, good, at this sword conference, my disciples will be a blockbuster." Mengling is happy.

Zhenyao sword said haughtily: "master, don't worry, what Taiyi Yin and yang are rubbish, wait for disciple Jieshi to kill them, revive the reputation of Yunxia."

He has always been very inflated. Without Sushen's pressure, he would be even more inflated.

Su Xun, Su Xun, I'm a Taiyi golden immortal now, and I have a master of Saint cultivation.

When I break through Daluo Jinxian, I will go back to the earth to find you. Then you should call me master.

And Mei pangzi and Liu An, the two idiots who only bully me, will be my favorites.

Quack, quack, quack

Zhenyao sword burst out laughing.

"Why do I laugh?" The dream spirit doubts a way.

Zhenyao sword quickly restrained her smile, opened her eyes and told a lie: "master, I'm excited to think of killing all sides and reviving Yunxia at the sword conference."

This is what he learned from Sue.

"Don't be careless. There's a reason why Taiyi sword sect and Yinyang sword sect can catch up." Mengling frowned and warned seriously.

Her apprentice is good at everything, but some of them are too much to be seen, so they are easy to expand.

At this time, a woman came.

He is the sword servant of Mengling.

"What's the matter?" Mengling asked.

The sword servant lowered his eyebrows and replied, "tell the master that there is a man named Su Xun outside the Mountain Gate who wants to see you."

Su Xun is looking for Zhenyao sword. He will join the Yunxia sword sect in the future. Naturally, he has to be polite.

"Su Xun!" Hearing the name, the voice of Zhenyao sword instantly increased several points.

Mengling looked at him: "do you know this man?"

"Master, wait a moment." Zhenyao sword looked at the man who came to report: "I'll ask you what he looks like and what color he wears."

"The man was in a white robe. He was very handsome. He was as handsome as ever, and no one came after him." The swordsman has a red face.

So handsome, it must be him!

Although Zhenyao sword didn't want to admit it, Su Xun was more handsome than him.

Zhenyao sword couldn't wait to look at Mengling and said, "master, if the disciple expected it to be good, he should be a good friend of the disciple in the past. I will go for a while."

It's confirmed that the comer may be Su Xun. He can't wait to pretend.

What does he work so hard for?Is it for fame?

Is it to revive Yunxia sword sect?

No! None of them!

He's just trying to force Su Xun! Let him call himself master twice!

He has been fighting the demon sword for so long, master. The emperor has lived up to his bitter heart sword. Today, he finally wants the serf to turn over and sing. After waiting for a long time, he finally waits until today ~

"your good friend?" Mengling eyebrows pick, she can remember very clearly, Zhen demon sword is she brought back in the void turbulence, not xuanyue mainland people.

At that time, she suspected that the Zhenyao sword was refined by a power with higher cultivation than her. Now her friend comes to visit. Is it the power who refined the Zhenyao sword that has come to xuanyue continent?

Thinking of this, Mengling said, "master, go with you."

"I dare not obey." I wish I could kill the demon sword.

It's time to show off to Su Xun, the local bumpkin, that he was a master of Saint cultivation.

I don't know if Mei pangzi and Liu An have come. I hope they haven't come. Otherwise, I can only pretend once. If three people are separated, I can pretend three times.

It's three senses.

Soon, Zhenyao sword and Mengling came to the gate of Yunxia sword sect.

They saw Su Xun in the distance.

Su Xun also saw them.

In this instant, he confirmed that Zhenyao sword had a close relationship with the leader of Yunxia sword sect.

So he decided to change his plan.

His original idea was to let the system suppress his accomplishments, show his skills at the sword discussion conference, and then join the Yunxia sword sect to start the journey of seizing power.

Now it seems that there is no need for such trouble.

The ghost sword is still useful.

"I'm so brave to see you in the world. I don't want to pay a visit as soon as I see you here!" Before the Zhenyao sword man got close to him, he could not help saying something.

The dream spirit behind him is scared cold sweat dripping, isn't this bastard pit her? She was just looked at by Su Xun and knew that this person's cultivation was above herself.

She only felt the palpitation in her ancestors.

In other words, Su Xun was at least a saint of three or even four grades.

Zhenyao sword, a Taiyi Jinxian, was so arrogant in the middle stage, clamoring to let a saint of the other party pay homage to him. This is the way to seek death!

It should be noted that saints should not be humiliated and they will die if they are humiliated.

She was just about to make amends when Su Xun spoke.

"Zhenyao sword, don't think that if you change your vest, I won't recognize you."

This is quite simple and grounded.

"Ha ha ha, Su Xun, thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi, now I have broken through Taiyi, and I am a saint. In the future, the relationship between you and me needs to be reversed, and I am the main one!"

"Come on, let's hear the master first!"

Once the dream is about to come true, the town demon sword excited, full face of high spirits.

Su Xun laughed and clapped.

Seeing this, Zhenyao sword disdains her eyes.

"Do you think it was before Ah

Before he finished speaking, he screamed. His body flew out and broke a mountain. He fell into the mountain and couldn't pick it out.

"How can this happen? It's impossible. It's unscientific..."

Zhenyao sword's eyes were numb and murmured to himself.

Since then, there has been one less dreamer in the world.

One more heartbreaker.

Su Xun got up in the air and flew to the town demon sword. He looked down at him and looked at him jokingly: "you just said, what do you want me to call you?"

"Master, calm down. I don't know the propriety. I have offended master Shengwei. I'll make amends for him." Meng Ling really thought that Su Xun was angry, so he rushed to apologize.

Seeing this, Zhenyao sword widened his eyes and looked at the scene with unbelievable face.

Su Xun has become a saint.

And his accomplishments are higher than his master.

How long has it been!

How unfair is heaven!

Zhenyao sword wanted to vomit blood, but a flattering smile appeared on her face. She rushed to hold Su Xun's leg and said, "master, you are here at last. Do you know that I miss you so much these years, I always want to go back to earth to meet you!"

Mengling stares at this scene. She knows that her apprentice is cheap. After all, she is born with a sword bone Head, but I didn't expect to be so cheap.

However, she also captured a message from this passage, that is, Su Xun was the great power who refined the Zhenyao sword and the master of the Zhenyao sword.

I didn't make a mistake that day. Now I met a more powerful saint because of Zhenyao sword. It's a big surprise for the waning Yunxia sword sect.

"Go away!"

Su Xun kicked him away, and then looked at Meng Ling: "this guy has given you trouble."

"No, I worked very hard." Mengling smiles and answers respectfully.He works hard so that he can pretend to me.


"Little demon?" Su Xun looked at the demon sword with a smile. He didn't expect that this guy had a girl heart.

Zhenyao sword was embarrassed and said: "well, the master has to shout like this. I'm also very desperate."

Mengling said, "please come into the hall to drink tea, master."

"Yes." Su Xun nodded, followed Meng Ling to the main hall of Yunxia sword sect, and served tea on the sword.

After a conversation, Su Xun expressed his gratitude to Mengling, and said that since Zhenyao sword was a disciple of Yunxia sword sect, he would not take it away.

Meng Ling was relieved and gave thanks to Su Xun. Then he left the time for them.

After Mengling left, zhenyaojian couldn't wait to ask: "boss, when did you come to xuanyue mainland, did Mei pangzi and Liu An come?"

You can't pretend to be forced in front of Su Xun. Then you should step back and try to be forced in front of Mei pangzi and Liu An.

"Don't think about it. They're already big." Without hesitation, Su Xun broke his mind.

Zhenyao sword is so sad that he can't even pretend to be forced. Then why does he work so hard to cultivate it?

He began to doubt Jiansheng.

Su Xun put down his cup and said, "I need your help."

"Boss, I'm willing to go up the mountain and down the sea of fire!" Zhenyao sword took a sip of the tea cup.

"I want to unify Taizhou."

"Puyi -"

the tea that zhenyaojian just drank into his mouth immediately spurted out, choking and coughing: "cough Cough Boss, do you want to play so much? I'm too busy to do that. "

"Listen to me..." Su Xun said that he had just temporarily changed his plan to invade Taizhou version 2.0.

After hearing this, Zhenyao sword widened her eyes and thumbed up: "the eldest is the eldest. It's really crafty, despicable and shameless. Its heart is blacker than a crow..."

"Shut your mouth for me." Su Xun gave him a cold glance.

Zhenyao sword immediately shut up.

Half an hour later, Mengling came in and said that he had arranged the meal for them to chat while eating.

At the dinner table, Su Xun raised his glass: "master dream, I'm in love with Xiaoyao. I couldn't sleep at night after he disappeared. Thanks to you, he didn't worry about his life. Such kindness will be rewarded."

Zhenyao sword's mouth twitches.

Can't sleep at night?

I almost believed your evil.

It's true that we are in love with father and son.

"You don't have to be like this, elder. I should have this relationship with Xiaoyao." Mengling whispered.

Zhenyao sword said carelessly: "master, we haven't got enough hands for the sword discussion? I'll let my boss go. I'll make sure they don't even dare to let go of a fart. "

"Vulgar words." Mengling glared at him, and then said, "the elder is a saint. Even if he has the means to hide his accomplishments, how can he pull down his face to do such things as bullying the small with the big? It's a matter of rest. "

Zhenyao sword says in secret, master, you are still too simple. He can not only pull down his face, he is just shameless.

"The dream leader's words are not so good. I know the situation of Yunxia sword sect. How can I repay Yunxia sword sect for saving the little demon Su Xun said with a righteous face.

Zhenyao sword: look, I'll say he's shameless.

Mengling is a little excited, and she doesn't want to cheat, but Yunxia sword sect is in an awkward situation now.

She hesitated again and again: "but the Taiyi sword sect and the Yin Yang Sword sect are also sages. Maybe they will see through the hidden accomplishments of the predecessors."

"How difficult is it?" Su Xun laughed.

Communication system, let him suppress his cultivation to the peak of Taiyi Jinxian.

If you use magic weapons to suppress accomplishments, you may be seen by people with higher accomplishments.

But if he uses the system to cheat, I don't believe anyone else can see it.

Soon, under the suppression of the system, Su Xun's cultivation fell to the peak of Taiyi Jinxian.

Mengling's eyes brightened, and then he stood up and saluted: "in this case, thank you for your kindness. Yunxia sword sect will never forget it."

"One family doesn't talk to two." Su Xun looked at her and was ready to sleep with her rich posture.

As soon as Zhenyao sword saw his eyes, he knew that his master's chastity would not be guaranteed!

In the following days, Su Xun stayed in the Yunxia sword sect. Nominally, like Zhenyao sword, he was the core disciple of the Yunxia sword sect.

First of all, he publicized the identity of Su Xun for half a year. Only half a year later, at the sword conference, Su Xun made a great success instead of Yunxia sword school.

Three days later, Su Xun began to shut down.

Of course, it's closed.

It's actually on.

There is still half a year left. He can't stay idle.I hope we can draw a world with high value of force this time, and there are many best magic weapons.

"System, extract the 34th new identity."

Sitting cross legged on the futon, Su Xun gave instructions to the system in his mind.

Xuanyue doesn't have a day of the week on the mainland, but fortunately, Sushen has a Huawei mobile phone. (pay)

[drawing Successful extraction. Congratulations on the new identity of the host: refugee. 】

[Jie Wudao, who became Tang Shuzhi, established the throne of the Shang Dynasty for six hundred years. After the end of the Shang Dynasty, the Western Marquis Ji changshuzhi established the state of Zhou with the help of immortals, and then he was reduced to heaven. From then on, the king of the world is no longer the king of man, but the son of heaven, which means the son of heaven. 】

[and you are a vagrant, born in troubled times, grew up in troubled times, also became in troubled times, seeing the Shang Dynasty will fall, Wu Zhou impromptu, the power of the king in the world will belong to heaven, you should fight against heaven, against earth, against people, defend the power of the king in the world. 】

[identity ability: none. 】

[identity task: defend the power of the king. 】

[Note: considering the current world and the host body and other factors, temporarily block the cultivation. Every time the host achieves certain achievements, the cultivation will be unlocked layer by layer. 】

"Fengshen romance?"

Su Xun didn't expect that it was the world. It seems that the system heard his prayer. The world's combat effectiveness is high enough, and there are enough magic weapons.

After all, the world has a great future.

Before the Zhou Dynasty, all the kings in the world were human emperors. Human kings were on an equal footing with the emperor of heaven. They were protected by humanity. Heaven did not dare to harm human kings.

For example, in the original works of the romance of the gods, after King Zhou wrote poems about Nu Wa, Nu Wa came to Chaoge to teach King Zhou a lesson. However, she found that the Shang Dynasty had 28 years of good fortune, so she didn't start. Instead, she sent three demons from Xuanyuan tomb to enchant King Zhou, which would destroy the good fortune of the Shang Dynasty.

It can be seen that in the world of Fengshen romance, humanity is very powerful.

However, after Zhou destroyed Shang Dynasty, he lowered his position and admitted that his status was lower than that of heaven. The emperor of the world called him the son of heaven. From then on, the world was lower than that of heaven.

There is no king in the world.

The system allows him to defend human power.

Then he has three choices.

The first is to support King Zhou, who is now the king of man.

But Su Xun was not prepared to take this road.

Because those immortals are staring at the Shang Dynasty, it is too difficult to take this road.

The second way is to support a new king, but it is too unstable.

The third way is to be the king of people, let xibohou and Yin merchants fight, and be obscene and trivial.

"Then let me be the king of this man."

Su Xun murmured to himself.


In the spring of the seventh year of King Zhou.

Yuan Futong of Beihai and other 72 princes rebelled, and King Zhou of Shang sent his grand master Wen Zhong to lead his troops to fight the rebellion.

For a time, the North Sea was engulfed by war.

Since ancient times, no matter what the situation, once there is a war, it is undoubtedly the people who suffer the most.

At the end of the war, countless people were displaced from their homes in order to survive and became refugees.

At this time, Beihai, a small city named Yangzhou, a large group of refugees went south.

Su Xun, the future king, is also among them.

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