Beihai is adjacent to Chongzhou in the East, which is the fiefdom of the northern Marquis chonghouhu.

In the south of Jizhou, it was the feudal land of Jizhou waiting for Su Hu.

Beibo Marquis Chonghou tiger is corrupt and cruel, and the people under his rule are miserable.

However, Hou Su Hu in Jizhou was strict in military management and took good care of the people, which won the support of the army and the people.

So even if the war broke out in Beihai, the refugees would naturally go south to Jizhou.

The place Sushen and his group of refugees wanted to go was the nearest pass from Beihai to Jizhou.

It's for Chen Tang pass.

Because in this direction, you can only enter the hinterland of Jizhou through chentangguan.

Chen Tangguan, in the romance of Fengshen, all four of the Li family became saints.

Of course, this saint is different from Su Xun. Su Xun can punch one brother at a time.

"Elder brother, let me help you with it."

A simple and honest voice came from my ear.

Su Xun turned his head, looked at the seven foot tall young man behind him with a silly smile on his face, and said, "no, I still have some strength."

This young man is Su Xiong. He is the younger brother of this identity. His brain is a little dull. He seems to be thin, but in fact he has great strength. Now he is 15 years old.

He was a real capable man. He once shot a mad bull in the street when he was 12 years old.

It was also because of this that Su Xun's family lost everything, which made the already poor family even worse, and both of his sick parents died.

It seems that this is the system's help.

After all, if you are a refugee who has not enough to eat, it's easy for you to fall in the middle of your career.

The system says that at different stages, the cultivation will be unsealed layer by layer, and I don't know when it will start.

There is no cultivation in the body. In this world, life and death can not be controlled at all. There is no sense of security.

"Elder brother, can I have enough food when I go to Jizhou?" Su Xiong's eyes are full of expectations. He was born with great strength and a big appetite. He used to be able to eat five percent full. He has been hungry for several days since he escaped.

Su Xun said with a smile: "not only can you have enough to eat, but also you should have a meal of fish and meat, drink wine, marry a beautiful wife and family, and enjoy prosperity."

"Gulu ~" Su Xiong swallowed a mouthful of saliva and nodded heavily: "I believe in big brother."

"It's not sure whether we can live to Jizhou. We still have fish and meat. Let's find a way to live first."

"That is, I don't know the sky is high and the earth is thick..."

Several fellow countrymen laughed at the speech.

"Say it again!"

Su Xiong stares, and his fellow countrymen, who used to laugh at the brothers, are worried and dare not speak any more.

After all, as fellow countrymen, they know that although the boy is thin, his brain is not easy to use, but his fist can be used tightly, and one blow can kill them.

"There's no need to see them the same way."

Su Xun laughed. In this situation, he could not help feeling: "the sparrow knows the ambition of the swan?"

Chen Sheng and Wu Guang express their ambition. This is the scene when they are teased by their fellow countrymen.

Looking at these people who have moved their families, many of them are young and strong because they are afraid of being caught fighting.

At least tens of thousands of people were ready-made soldiers. If they could be grasped, Su Xun would be able to launch the first peasant uprising in history.

Chen Sheng and Wu Guang said: This is very interesting.

Originally, it was just an idea, but the more complete the plan in my mind, it was like a string.

His present status is just a vagrant. He has no prominent family background or noble birth. If he wants to revolt, he can't get the support of the aristocracy.

So he had to rely on the peasants. Zhu Yuanzhang proved with facts that the peasants could change the world.

Zhu Yuanzhang started with a bowl, but he started with a stupid Ou Doudou.

Besides, there are five fellow countrymen who have been playing together since childhood, all of whom are of the same clan and surnamed su.

It's a good start for Zhu Yuanzhang!

This wave can be done.

But where is the opportunity?

Chinese farmers have been the most kind-hearted people in the world since ancient times. If they can't live, they won't consider fighting up.

So there must be an opportunity, an opportunity to incite everyone to rebel with themselves.

No, it's not rebellion, it's uprising!

While thinking about the plan of the uprising, Su Xun was on his way. Unconsciously, he walked for half a day.

Everyone stopped to eat.

To be more precise, some people are eating dry food, while others can only drink cold water to satisfy their hunger.

I'm afraid we will start to rob food in a while.

Even Yizi Xiangshi is coming out.

"Big brother."

Su Xiong put down the package, then took out the dry food and gave it to Su Xun.Su Xun took it and chewed it. It was hard to swallow, but many people didn't even have to eat it.

In this age of low productivity, it is normal for people to starve to death in the event of natural and man-made disasters.

Step on

Just as everyone was resting to eat dry food, there was a sudden sound of horse's hooves. From the west, the dust was flying, and hundreds of soldiers were galloping.

Everyone stopped subconsciously.

"Xu -"

suddenly, the cavalry stopped in the galloping horse. The first military general looked at the refugees and said to the generals around him, "Wen Zhong is very powerful. Our army in the North Sea is not as good as the Chaoge army. He thought about it carefully. He had to win by quantity. He selected these young men as soldiers and led them to support Marquis yuan."

This military general, named Yuancheng, was a love general under the Beihai Marquis yuan Futong. Originally, he was ordered to lead the troops to garrison the border to prevent the northern Marquis Chonghou Hu from leading the army westward.

It never occurred to me that there was no need for the northern Marquis Chonghou Hu to fight. Yuan Futong's army was defeated by the grand master Wen Zhong in Beihai.

In desperation, he had to come back, but in order to prevent Chonghou tiger from taking away the soldiers from the border, he only took 1000 cavalry to drive westward.

He never thought that he would meet such a large group of refugees on the road. He saw that there were many young people among them, so he thought of picking them out and taking them to the battlefield.

Even if we rush to be cannon fodder, tens of thousands of cannon fodder can drag down Wen Zhongda's army for a long time.

As for whether they can keep so many young men, they are not worried.

Because he knew these Untouchables so well that they did not dare to resist. When building fortifications, dozens of soldiers could guard thousands of untouchables.


The general answered, then led the cavalry to the refugees and roared: "you were born in Beihai and grew up in Beihai. Now Beihai is attacked by the Wudao dujun. How can you not repay the favor of YuanHou's protection, and all the young men come out and follow our general westward. If you have a good life, you will not have your honor and wealth."

"In a stick of incense, if you are young and strong, if you are afraid of the former, there will be no amnesty."

In the face of these ordinary people, officials do not even need to deceive them, so they can call them up by force.

His voice fell, and the pot burst in an instant.

"What to do now."

"Yes, I didn't expect to run away in vain."

"Dad, don't go. I don't want you to go..."

For a time, there was a howl, and the cry resounded through the long dry land.

"Junye! Junye! I'm the only man in my family. Please let me go, let me go

A man suddenly rushed to the side of the horse.


But the general angrily scolded, pulled out the long knife immediately, and cut it off without hesitation.

"Puyi --"

the blood flew and the head fell to the ground.

"Those who are afraid of war will be killed again!"

The general raised his head and roared.

In this era, the common people are as cheap as grass, because there has never been a common people's revolt against the government.

In the subconscious of the aristocracy, this kind of fabulous thing is impossible to exist.

That group of untouchables would be grateful if they were given a bite to eat. How dare they ask for more.

So the general dared to kill the young man without hesitation and was not afraid of arousing public anger.

There was a little more emotion, anger and hatred in the refugees who were just sad and desperate.

To be more precise, I dare to be angry.

As soon as Su Xun's mouth turned, the opportunity came.

"Come here..."

Su Xun recruited Su Xiong and some of his fellow countrymen who had a close relationship with him, and said his plan.

After hearing this, except Su Xiong, the other five peers looked at each other and were scared.

"Do you want to go to war?"

Su Xun asked in a low voice.

Five people beat to excite spirit, shake head one after another.

"To die is to die. It's better to fight. To die for others is different from to die for yourself."

Su Xun had a good relationship with these five people. In my memory, they all played together since childhood.

"I I'll listen to my brother. "

"I've done it too. My parents are dead, and there's nothing to be afraid of."

With two people have made their stand, the other three can only reluctantly nodded.

Su Xun let out a breath.

"Can officers and soldiers kill people at will?"

A roar sounded like thunder on the ground.

"Who! Stand up

The general burst into a rage. A group of untouchables dare to accuse him. They don't know what to do.

"It's me!"

When susian stepped forward, everyone's eyes fell on him.

"Who are you?"Pian Jiang narrowed his eyes slightly, because in his opinion, Su Xun's temperament was incompatible with these Dalits.

In order to prevent the wrong killing, first ask clearly.

Su Xun pointed to his back and said, "I'm just a pariah like them."

"Good courage! How dare you be so presumptuous It is said that there is no background, but the general is relieved.

Su Xun roared angrily: "Yuan Futong rebelled and killed himself. He made us homeless and left our hometown. He also wanted us to work for him and return to you with glory and wealth. We are all bones under your feet. Why should we fight for you?"

"Do you think of us as human beings? What did the elder brother do wrong just now? He was killed by you without hesitation. How can we know that he is not who he is today! "

"Everyone is human. Why can you kill us like a dog! For what? Why

The mood of the refugees is slowly changing. When the strong man who begged for mercy was killed like a pig and dog, anger and hatred were born in the hearts of the people.

But he didn't dare to let it out, but now with Su Xun's words, at least he dared to glare.

Yes, they used to have a house and a field at home. They can live a comfortable life and enjoy themselves.

But because of Yuan Futong's rebellion, they were homeless and left their hometown. I don't know how many relatives died of fatigue along the way.

It was yuan Futong who forced them to this point. Why do they want to help yuan Futong?

And even if they win, what does it have to do with them?

Who cares when they die?

"What a dog's guts! Dare to arrange yuan Hou! How can you talk to us about your Untouchables

The general was furious, and the knife in his hand cut Su Xun's neck without hesitation.

At this moment, a figure rushed out.

It's su Xiong.

Su Xiong roared and punched.


The general was beaten and turned over.

Su Xun picked up the fallen knife, rushed to it and cut off his head with a knife. Pu Yi, warm scarlet blood sprayed on Su Xun's face.

It was at the moment of killing that Su Xun's cultivation was unsealed, from mortal to refining Qi.

"Villagers, it's a dead end to follow them. If they don't let us live, they will fight with them!"

"Follow me if you are not afraid of death!"

Su Xun turned around and roared, then he took the lead and rushed to the North Navy with a knife without hesitation.


Su Xiong is the second.

"He's right! Let's fight together. There are more of us than officers and men. They can't beat us! "

"It's better to die here than to lose your wife and children on the battlefield."

"Kill! Let's rush together! They're driving us to the battlefield to die! Kill them first

The remaining five fellow countrymen called out the lines Su Xun gave them and rushed up with fear.

With the rhythm of the water army, the refugees, who had been angry and speechless, were ignited by Su Xun, just like bombs, exploded.

"That's right! Kill them

"If they don't want us to live, don't live!"

"Kill! Kill

Tens of thousands of refugees roared and roared, with ferocious faces and carrying poles and other weapons.

"Kill them!"

Yuan Cheng pulled out his sword and roared.

Tens of thousands of refugees rushed in. For the first time, Yuan Cheng was frightened by these Untouchables.

But the experienced leader knows that he can't run at this time. He has to kill people. As long as he kills some people by thunder, he will not attack himself.

"Bear, kill the leader."

Su Xun called to Su Xiong.

Now he is just refining Qi. Although he is more powerful than ordinary people, he is afraid that he can't beat Yuancheng.

After all, in the world of Fengshen romance, generals do not know magic, but they do know martial arts.

"Yes, elder brother."

Su Xiong rushes away like a calf, grabs Yuancheng's horse, falls to the ground and breaks his leg.

Yuan Cheng is shocked. As soon as he wants to get up, Su Xiong instinctively kicks out.

"Puyi -"

after this kick, Yuancheng felt as if he had been hit by Dading, spitting blood and died.

"The enemy general is dead! The enemy general is dead! "

Su Xun split a soldier with a knife, rushed to Yuan Cheng's body, cut off his head and roared.

The refugees, who had already killed red eyes, were even more aggressive. They rushed forward bravely. The people who were stabbed to death by Changge held the enemy Changge tightly, and the people behind them pressed him to the ground.

Seven or eight refugees deal with one. Those who have a shoulder pole use it. Those who don't have it use their fists or even their mouths to bite. They are frantically venting all their grievances.Su Xun didn't stop it. There was no need for captives or survivors in this war. Only by killing these soldiers could we have no way back.

In fact, there are. Because Yuan Futong is a rebel, they are meritorious in killing these officers.

However, Yuan Futong was restrained by Wen Zhong and had no time and energy to avenge them.

So you can kill and disperse.

But Su Xun would not let these refugees disperse, so he had to cheat them that there was no way back.

Half an hour later, it was all over. All the 1000 cavalry died, and they died miserably.

It was only at this time that the refugees just above calmed down and began to fear.

Because it's killing officials!

It's something that no one has done since ancient times. It's treacherous and it's punishable by death.

All of them fell into a state of panic, and even cried.


Su Xiong struck two long swords and made a clear sound, which attracted everyone's attention.

"Listen to me! Listen to me

Su Xun stood on a stone and cried.

It was Su Xun who took the lead in the resistance just now, so the refugees could not help but regard him as the backbone.

After seeing him, they were a little more stable.

"If we kill these officers and soldiers, Yuan Futong will not let us go! Only by uniting can we resist and fight for the chance to survive! "

"Yuan Futong is a rebel! All we can do now is fight with him! As long as Yuan Futong is dead, we will not be in danger. Otherwise, we will be in danger. Moreover, we are meritorious ministers who help the king to put an end to the rebellion! "

"Why is Hou's son born to be Hou? How can a doctor's son be born to be a rich man? Why are we born farmers? "

"King, marquis and generals, would you rather have seed?"

At the moment when he yelled out the last rebellious slogan across time and space, Su Xun added a special effect to himself with a few Manas.

A huge ball of light suddenly flew from the sky and fell into suthen's arms, dazzling like the sun.

This scene confused everyone.

Then everyone knelt down.

In this world of gods and ghosts, this kind of vision proved that Su Xun was not an ordinary person.

Su Xun's prestige among the refugees soared.

This is what the common people do these days.

"All the young men of fifteen to thirty come out."

Su Xun began to give orders as a matter of course.

It took a short time to count the number of people. There were 60000 young and strong people, and the rest were old and weak women and children.

However, the purpose of refugees' starting is to coerce these old and weak women and children and learn from the good example of Chuang Wang.

Next, Su Xun simply formulated the military system for the convenience of command, and then formulated it in detail.

A hundred people set a centurion, a thousand people set a thousand, and ten thousand people set a ten thousand.

One of the six vancomrades is in person, and the other five are from the same village.

Five fellow villagers, Su Lei, Su Tian, Su Li, Su Cheng and Su Shi, are all in their twenties.

Then he pulled out the clothes of the officers and soldiers and rented a pro guard army of 1000 people, led by Su Xiong.

Then he ordered them to tear off a piece of cloth and tie it on their arms with the blood of the enemy.

"I swear for Su Xun that since then we have clothes to wear, food to eat, housing to live together, and land to work together."

"We will all be the red scarf army from now on!"

Su Xun believed that sooner or later, the red scarf would float in every corner of the continent.

After the establishment of the red scarf army, his cultivation was unsealed again, from refining Qi to cultivating spirit.

"Brother Xun No, general, what shall we do next? " Several people of Su Lei came to Su Xun.

They were all in a state of excitement and excitement. After all, they were in charge of thousands of people. Besides, Su Xun also depicted a beautiful scene for them.

Su Xun spread out a map he found from Yuan Cheng: "we're probably here now. We won't go to Jizhou. Go back. We'll take Yangcheng!"

The most urgent task is to establish a base area.

Although he was also a peasant uprising, he was different from Li Zicheng, the king of the Ming Dynasty.

Li Zicheng was an anti imperial court, so he had to constantly coerce people to run around and fight everywhere.

But at present, Su Xun is only against Yuan Futong, and he is still the one who has made great contributions to the imperial court.

And he knew that Yuan Futong would lose.

As long as he helps to defeat yuan Futong, he will be rewarded by Chaoge at that time, and then he will become a regular army that has made great contributions to the rebellion.

At present, the main force of Yuan Futong is restrained by Wen Zhong, so he can't do anything to encircle him.

Therefore, he didn't have to follow Li Zicheng's example to coerce people everywhere. He could develop steadily and help Wen Zhong beat yuan Futong while developing.

In the romance of Fengshen, it took Wen Zhong 15 years to fight against Beihai rebellion, that is to say, he had at least 15 years to accumulate primitive capital in this rebellion.It can completely take the place of Yuan Futong in this rebellion, occupy Beihai, and then wait for the four great uncles to fight against the Shang Dynasty.

After setting the target, he announced the order, and then took a rest for half an hour before heading west.

People in this era have a strong sense of local culture. It's not that they have no choice but to leave their hometown.

Now we can stay in Beihai instead of going to Jizhou, and everyone is more confident.

Even some people have to think about returning home in the future.

Many times, in fact, the people have been extremely patient. They just need someone to take the lead.

If there were no Su Xun, this leader would not appear in the Qin Dynasty for thousands of years.

The two leaders, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, launched the first peasant uprising in Chinese history.

But now, Su Xun took their credit.


Before dark, the red scarf army arrived fifteen miles away from Yangcheng and then stopped.

Su Xun had already made a plan to seize the city.

Yangcheng is a small city with only 3000 soldiers.

Su Xun's plan was to lead the pro guards in the uniform of the Northern Navy to cheat the city gate by pretending to be the Northern Navy after dark.

And then with the outside red scarf army to a foreign cooperation in one fell swoop to capture Yangcheng.

With the victory of Yangcheng, the weapons, grain and soldiers of the red scarf army can be replenished.

After waiting for another hour or so, it was finally dark. Su Xun took the pro guards to the city of Yang.

He was the only one on the horse, and all the others were on foot, because they couldn't ride.

"Who is under the city! Stop at once

When he reached about a hundred paces outside the city, the guard general on the city wall who got the report yelled.

"Open the gate! I'm going to report something important to Marquis yuan. You can't afford it if you miss your record! "

Su Xun yelled, with an air of supremacy.

On the wall, a young general said, "general, with the help of moonlight, it seems that he is from our Northern Navy."

"Then open the gate." The guard waved.

To the east of Yangcheng is the army of Yuancheng.

Hou yuan and Wen Zhong fought in the West.

Since these people are wearing the uniform of the Northern Navy, they must be right.

After all, it is impossible for the enemy to run from the west to the hinterland quietly.

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