As the gate of Yangcheng was opened, Su Xun led a thousand Pro guards into the city.

"I don't know what to call this general."

The general of Yangcheng came to meet him with several bodyguards.

"The name of this general is justice from heaven."

Su Xun gazed at his dog's head and felt his hanging Wrong, Dagao is hungry and thirsty.

"What?" Yang City guard will be forced.

"Puyi -"

the next second, the cold light suddenly appeared, the long sword fell, and the head of the general of Yangcheng flew high.

"This is justice from heaven."

Su Xun stared at his eyes, and there was a silent communication across Yin and Yang.


Su Xiong led the pro guards to fight.

In primitive wars, generals are the guarantee of morale. If generals dare to take the lead, their subordinates will not be afraid and will work hard.

Su Xiong is undoubtedly a strong general.

Yangcheng garrison responded.

"The general is dead!" "The general is dead!"

"Revenge for the general!" "Kill

Because of the large number of people, the Yangcheng garrison did not surrender because of the death of the general, but resisted.


"Follow me!"

"Go to the city! Grab money, grab meat, grab women


Soon, outside the city, there were shouts of killing. In the dark, people could only see boundless people rushing.

Yangcheng garrison suddenly lost courage.

"The general is merciful, I will surrender!"

"The end will come!"

The defenders of Yangcheng surrendered one after another, and the first battle of the red scarf army to seize the city ended smoothly and briefly, which made Su Xun still have some ideas.

After the surrender of the garrison, Su Xun's cultivation was unsealed again, from practicing Qi and spirit to refining and returning to emptiness.

This cultivation has been able to fly in the sky.

There was no time to count the prisoners, so we had to take centralized care of them first, and then send people to occupy the armory and grain depot.

"Newspaper! General! Food! I found a lot of food A messenger rushed in with excitement.

"Newspaper! General, a lot of weapons and uniforms have been found in the armory

"Newspaper! Inform the general, we have found a large amount of cash! "

As the heralds came, Su Xun felt something was wrong.

How can we get so many materials in the small Yangcheng?

Are these illiterates unable to count?

Or are they so excited because they haven't seen the world before?

Su Xun ordered Su Xiong to catch a garrison officer and asked.

The elder martial brother replied, "the general doesn't know. A few days ago, we just got a new batch of ordnance and grain to be transported to the front line. We haven't had time to transport them out."

"Ha ha ha, God helps me too!"

After hearing this, Su Xun couldn't help laughing.

Heaven is not helping him, but the system is helping him.

In Fengshen romance, those immortal people who could see things in the world could not feel anything related to Su Xun under the shielding of the system.

So I still don't know that there is such a variable as Su Xun in the apocalypse.

Otherwise, Su Xun should have noticed him at the moment when he called out that he had seed.

After all, this sentence is of great significance, and it has become the slogan of almost all the peasant uprisings.

After a night's inventory, there are enough weapons for 30000 people and 3000 stone grain in Yangcheng.

All these were collected from various places and temporarily stored in Yangcheng for transportation to the front line to support yuan Futong.

I didn't expect that they were all cheap, Su Xun.

thanks yuan yuan for sending supplies. Old fellow 666, the brothers pay attention to yuan.

"General, what about the demobilized soldiers?"

In the general's mansion, Su Tian asked.

"All the senior officers were killed, and the rest were scattered and incorporated into the departments." Su Xun said without hesitation.

One of the reasons for killing a senior officer is to let his soldiers vent their anger.

The second is to let the demobilized soldiers lose their backbone, so as to prevent them from remaining together after surrendering.

Third, the ability of these senior officers must be better than that of the refugees under Su Xun's command, so it is easier for them to perform meritorious service and get promoted.

But if they were promoted too fast, it would be easy to overpower Su Xun, because Su Xun's control over the red scarf army is not enough, so they have to die.

His birth and background predestined that the scholars of this era would not take refuge in him.

So we have to train our own people.

Just wait for him to cultivate and force some military books and postures into their minds.

After all, this is a mythical world. Many things can be done by magic.

"Suray." Su Xun called.

Su Lei came out: "in."

"Assemble the team and move half of the cash out of the bank." Su Xun is going to give a big reward to the three armies.It's too vague to talk to them about ideals.

At this stage, only white flowers, their silver, their women, and their fat can make them more determined to rebel with themselves.

(in this period, money must not be silver, but it is written according to the original work of the romance of the gods. In the original work, there is silver. King Zhou presented silver to Yunzi, but Yunzi refused. The reason why he wanted to explain is that he didn't give gangjing and Gushi a chance. By the way, there are dozens of words in it.)

Su Lei is also very excited: "no!"

Then he took orders and left.

"General, something happened..."

As soon as Su Lei left, Su Li came in and whispered in Su Xun's ear.

Su Xun's face became gloomy gradually.

It's very simple. Some soldiers raped dozens of women and killed their families.

This is the drawback of the peasant uprising. It is a complete mob without discipline.

Their role easily changed from rebel to bandit, which is inevitable in all peasant uprisings, because the overall quality and discipline of the army are too low.

Su Xun had emphasized before his action last night that money could be robbed, but he could not kill people, rape women. Unexpectedly, it happened.

However, it's just as well that we should make a warning to others and make clear the criminal law, so that these mobs who have just become soldiers from peasants can realize what strict military law is.

"Arrest people."

Su Xun left five words coldly.

An hour later, the school yard.

After two small-scale battles, the red scarf army did not complete the transformation and was still a mob.

If you want the red scarf army to become a real army, you have to go through a big war.

Those who survive are the elite.

"Here comes the general!"

Su Xiong roared, and the voice spread all over the school. All the red scarf soldiers knelt down on one knee.

"See you, general!"

Even the salute is not all right, but what can we do for these people who were farmers yesterday?

It's not easy for them to fight with officers and soldiers with their bare hands.

"Bring up the silver."

With Su Xun's order, boxes of white thread had been carried to the challenge arena.

All the soldiers have straight eyes. Some of them have never seen the complete silver ingot in their whole life.

For a time, the school floor was short of breath.

"Brothers! As I said, I want to lead you to have clothes, food and money. Now I will start to fulfill my promise to pay first, and the kitchen is already killing chickens and sheep to make a fire and cook! "

Su Xun grabbed some silver and said.

"Good!" "Good!"

The school floor suddenly erupted a mountain torrent tsunami like voice, everyone is excited.

What is more exciting than the box after box of silver in front of you?

"Start paying." Su Xun laughed, then went to the only chair on the challenge arena and sat down.

Su Lei is in charge of sending money. Before sending money, he shouts out: "eat general Su's food, take general Su's money and work for general Su!"

Su Xun took a look at him. He was a good material.

"For general Su!"

"For general Su!"

Stimulated by the silver, the voice of the red scarf army was higher and higher, which shocked the people in the city.

Then they began to pay, and every soldier had to repeat what Su Lei had just said before receiving the money.

It has been a long time since the money was distributed, and the campus is full of joy.

Su Xun stood up from his chair.

All of them stopped talking and gathered their eyes on Su Xun.

"Soldiers! The silver has been paid, and the meat can be eaten soon. But before that, I will kill a few people and a group of people who should be killed! "

Su Xun's words were murderous. Under the influence of magic power, every word of him was clearly introduced into everyone's ears, and his heart trembled.

"Bring it up." Su Xun called.

Then, the pro guard forces pressed hundreds of disheartened young men to the challenge arena and knelt down.

Below the moment is an uproar.

"Isn't that Su Niu? With the general. "

"That's a dog's egg. I said why he didn't see him. I thought he died last night."

"What's the matter..."

Everyone is talking about it.

"Be quiet!" Su Xun gave a roar.

The crowd was silent for a moment.

Su Xun pointed to the hundreds of people kneeling in the challenge arena: "last night, I would have made repeated orders not to slaughter the people, not to rape or pollute the women after entering the city, but they violated these two military orders and should be beheaded according to the law!"

"General, spare your life! General, spare your life"We don't dare any more. Please forgive us this time, general..."

"Spare me! Su Xun! According to seniority, I'm your uncle! "

When the hundreds heard that they were going to cut off their heads, they were all panicked and wailed.

"Shut up Su Xun yelled.

Hundreds of people trembled and dared not speak again.

Su faced the Army: "we were still the common people yesterday. It was because the Northern Navy oppressed us and killed us indiscriminately that we rose up to resist. They killed the same people as us! The same farmer

"Today, like the Northern Navy, they are killing innocent people indiscriminately. But tomorrow, if we go to the hometown of all the soldiers? They also killed innocent people indiscriminately. Among those who killed, there might be relatives of our officers and men! "

Hearing this, the eyes of the red scarf soldiers in the school yard gradually changed.

When it comes to other people, they can be indifferent.

If it's about yourself, then no one can remain indifferent.

So is human nature.

"Soldiers, should they be killed?"

Su Xun asked.

"It's time to kill!"

I don't know who yelled. I don't know, because it was Su Xun who arranged the water army.

This moment is like poking a hornet's nest, bringing out a series of chain reactions.

"It's time to kill! It's time to kill

"Kill them! What's the difference between them and the North Navy that bullied us? "

"The poor don't bully the poor! Farmers don't bully farmers! Kill them

All hands up. It's killing.

Hundreds of people kneeling on the challenge arena were paper colored, shivering, and some were scared to pee.

"Come on! Execution

Su Xun gave an order, and then the pro guards pulled out their swords and went forward to chop their heads one by one. Their heads fell from the challenge arena like dumplings.

Blood stained the edge of the challenge arena. These hundreds of people, at the cost of their lives, made tens of thousands of red scarf soldiers realize that they are soldiers now and must abide by military orders.

Their death is worth it.

"Put their heads at the gate of the city, write a notice and put it up to reassure the people."

Su Xun wanted to occupy Yangcheng for a long time. He wanted to use it as a gateway to the West and a retreat to the East. Naturally, he needed the support of the local people.

Of course, the people here are talking about the ordinary people. The rich and noble families should be killed.

It was the peasantry that Su Xun started his career, and he was in opposition to the aristocracy.

Of course, we can't go too far. We can kill some people who don't have a deep background and are not benevolent enough to stabilize people's hearts. By the way, we can make money for the rebellion.

Soon, hundreds of heads were placed at the gate of the city to make the Jingguan, with a notice posted next to it.

People began to gather around involuntarily, and some literate people read out the notice.

It is reasonable to say that there were not so many scholars who knew Chinese characters in the Shang and Zhou dynasties.

But it's not history, it's the interpretation of the world, so it's normal for people to just read.

As the contents of the notice were read out, the people were at ease. They had a little favor for Su Xun and were no longer as frightened as before.

In the headquarters, Su Xun is writing a letter.

Three in all.

One of the letters is for Wen Taishi. The main idea is that as a member of the Shang Dynasty, he is unwilling to join the Beihai rebellion against the imperial court's heavenly soldiers and leads the villagers to fight against the Beihai rebellion in order to be loyal to the king. Now he has captured Yangcheng and is waiting for the Taishi's next order.

The other two letters are for Fei Zhong and you hun, the two treacherous ministers. Apart from Su Daji, they also made great contributions to the destruction of Yin merchants.

Although Daji has not yet entered the palace and they have not been favored by King Zhou, they will be the most trusted ministers of King Zhou in the near future.

So Su Xun first licked a wave and sent a lot of gold and silver jewelry. After all, there was more icing on the cake, which was valuable compared with his timely help.

The reason for bribing them is to seek the land of Beihai after Yuan Futong's death. If they help to speak, they will certainly achieve their goal.

Su Xun doesn't know how to be upright. Treacherous officials should use them when they should.

As for Su Daji, who was possessed by the fox spirit, Su Xun was not interested. After all, he was an upright and courageous righteous man, not a lust or a ghost.

What's more, no matter how beautiful sudaji is, can she be as beautiful as Nvwa in this world?

You don't see that King Zhou's dog said all the toads wanted to eat swan meat, but they ate up the country.

Su Xun already had a Nu Wa by his side. When he had three, he could fight the landlord.

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