
As soon as Su Xun wanted to leave, Rouse's roar came from behind.

"Well?" Su Xun turned around and looked at him with a puzzled face. He didn't understand what this guy was going to do.

Rouse took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "don't you think you need to give me an account? Did you just leave? "

"I don't think so." Sue shakes his head. It's his attitude today.

Rouse was so angry that he almost lost his nose: "if you just leave, it's war with us!"

It's about face. He has to make Su Xun bow.

A wage earner who used to work under him now actually takes a shit on his head. This kind of gap really makes him unbearable.

"Mr. Roth, you are a little too confused about yourself." Su Xun shook his head and looked at him with his eyes: "what do you think is the current North African security? Without me, without the death knell, the so-called North African security is just a joke. "

Hearing this, everyone at the scene looked embarrassed, but there was no way to refute it, because it was true.

But it's the fact that makes people feel more angry. After all, being stabbed in the foot hurts. It's hard to avoid getting angry and bad.

Rouse yelled: "you ungrateful thing, was not North Africa security, will you have today?"

He even used an idiom. It is conceivable that he usually studies dragon culture.

"Mr. Routh, you are mistaken again." Su Xun shook his head and patiently corrected his grammatical mistakes: "it was the North African security that soared after I was born. It was the death knell that made the North African security, not the North African security that made the death knell, do you understand?"

"Fark squid, you stupid pig!" Routh was furious and hit Su Xun directly.

He had forgotten how many years he had not been so angry that he was so impolite.

Su Xun held his fist with ease, and his eyes narrowed slightly: "Mr. Routh, I didn't expect that you were going to invite the king of killers to kill me."

Rousse was a fool. He didn't understand how Su Xun knew what he was thinking.

Sue just got rid of it. It's good that he wants to get rid of it.

For now, only the king of killers, who is as famous as him, has such strength.

But he didn't expect that Su Xun knew the idea just after he was born, which surprised him.

"You don't have to look. The king of killers is standing in front of you. I am both God and Satan."


Su Xun's voice fell down like a stone stirring up a thousand waves, and everyone almost lost his chin.


Is Satan the same man besides God and mercenary?

Rouse blurted out: "impossible!"

He did not believe that a person who did the best in the mercenary industry could get along well in the killer industry.

Because there are two styles and two ways.

"Is it interesting to lie to you? If you don't believe me, you can check. The Wilson family should have a deep understanding of my other identity. " Su Xun's face was calm, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

Then he loosened Rouse's fist and said casually, "Mr. rouse, if I just wanted to kill you, you've been dead a hundred times."

As the voice fell, Su Xun turned and left, followed by Datura and big guy.

Rouse stood in the same place and carefully took out a dagger inserted in his belt. He was scared to death.

This dagger is not his. It can only be Su Xun's, but he just didn't find out when Su Xun put the dagger in his belt.

Now he believed Su Xun's words. If Su Xun thought about it, he had just died a hundred times.

After Su Xun left, the manor was still very quiet.

Because everyone needs time to digest today's events, and the news that is destined to blow people's eyes once it gets out.

How crazy it is that God and Satan are the same person.


On the other hand, after going out of the manor, susian called Niles and told him that he could withdraw the people.

And then he went back to the hotel they ordered and fell asleep. He was so sleepy.

When he woke up, it was seven o'clock the next morning.

Wake up little pet Qin Zhu, dressed neatly, one person a ghost out of the room.

As a result, as soon as he got out of the room, Su Xun was startled.

Because the corridor is full of people in camouflage clothes. Roughly speaking, there are at least 40 or 50 people, many of whom are familiar faces.

"Hello, sir!"

Seeing Su Xun come out, all of them straightened their chests and saluted. The thunderous sound reverberated in the corridor.

"What are you doing?"Su Xun asked.

A middle-aged man with the title of a school official stepped forward and said firmly: "we want to leave North Africa with the officer. Please lead us to create more brilliance!"

"I'm not in this business." Su Xun told the truth. After all, he could not live up to the trust of others.

Smell speech, everybody is a little disappointed.

At this time, Su Xun added: "but you really have an idea to leave security in North Africa. I can support you to set up a new company."

These guys are all elite mercenaries with command experience. It's a pity to let them go.

And with the support of Niles' Middle East global trading company, he believes that this company can develop very well.

"Thank you, sir!"

The people who were disappointed at the beginning of the meeting were in a high momentum, which was a little higher than the original.

At least they were taken in by Su Xun.

Then at noon, a company named Prince International Security was set up in Kule.

Rouse broke more than a dozen wine glasses for this, but no matter how angry he was, he could only bear it.

At the same time, the news that God, the king of killers, and Satan, the king of mercenaries, were the same person spread.

When the news got out, there was no doubt that it caused a stir.

"Oh, MAIGA, is he a God? Or are the dragon people so powerful? "

"He is my idol, a man who can dominate everything day and night. He is God!"

"It's amazing. God, it's the story of the movie."

Sudie was shocked by his success, and then all the people were shocked.

There was a heated discussion about who was more powerful, the king of killers and the king of mercenaries.

Even impulsively caused several small-scale conflictive exchanges.

But now I know that these two people are actually the same person, it's a little sad.

Su Xun has become an eternal existence. No killer or mercenary on this planet will forget him.

He is no longer in the world, but the world is full of his legends.

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