After making arrangements for the initial establishment of Prince international security company, Su Xun flew home on the weekend.

Mandala and big guy are naturally going with him.

Before boarding, Su Xun called an Zijin in advance.

After getting off the plane, Su Xun attracted many people's attention.

Because the mandala and the big guy behind him are so conspicuous.

In particular, the romantic mandala with a strong exotic style, the charming eyes with enchanting body, is simply a walking toon medicine, always teasing the heartstrings of men.

But no one dared to chat up, because they couldn't summon up the courage.

Out of the airport, Su Xun saw an Zijin in the crowd dressed in a white dress, just like a fairy.

Perhaps the heart has the spirit, at the same time an Son Jin also saw him.

But Su Xun firmly believed that he was too handsome. It was hard for an Zijin to see him or not.

With a burst of fragrant wind, an Zijin pours into Su Xun's arms. The warm fragrant nephrite is fascinating.

If his eyes could kill people, Su Xun must have been dismembered by passers-by.

Damn, it's not enough to have a big horse, but a beautiful native girlfriend.

It is you handsome rich people who take up a lot of resources that make the world more and more single dogs.

No matter what other people think, Su Xun just wants to be gentle with his girlfriend.

It's no exaggeration to use this sentence to describe a day without seeing.

"Did you miss me?" An Son Jin closes an eye to lean in his bosom to ask a way.

Su Xun stroked her hair: "I don't think about it all the time."

Qin Zhu, who is invisible and eating dog food, turns a white eye. Are you thinking about it when you go to bed with Kelly? I don't believe it.

"I miss you too." An Zijin was very happy with Su Xun's reply, and his eyes narrowed to crescent moon.

Half ring, two people hold enough to separate.

An Zijin then looked at the big man and mandala behind Su Xun: "husband, they are..."

"My new bodyguard is very powerful. Her name is mandala and his name is big guy." Su Xun made an introduction.

An Son Jin a listen to know this is nickname, politeness of nod: "you are good."

"Good morning, madam." The two responded.

Anzijin is a little blushed and shy by this name, but she likes it.

Let Datura and big guy take a taxi to Yuliang mountain manor first. Susian took an Zijin's car to accompany her to dinner.

Without Datura and big man, Qin Bamboo would not be invisible.

"Ah, sister an, you don't know that I've been invisible all the way these days. I almost suffocated."

Qin Zhu to make complaints about the water.

An Son Jin Jiao smiles: "you are a ghost, but not a person."

"Gangjing." Qin Bamboo rolled his eyes.

After waiting for the place, Su Xun finds that the place where an Zijin decides to eat is the kitchen god Xuan.

"Here?" After getting off the bus, Su Xun was surprised.

An Zijin nodded and said, "master Zhou has already won your true story. You can have a wonderful stir fry. Just try it yourself."

As the voice fell, she took Su Xun's hand and walked into the store. Qin Zhu had trotted in early.

Su Xun was a little embarrassed because he was not qualified as a master. His apprentices were fishing for three days and drying their nets for two days.

"Miss Qin, miss an is here, master!"

Seeing Su Xun, Zhou Chengxuan was pleasantly surprised. He dropped his kitchen knife and ran out of the kitchen: "listen to miss an say that you have gone abroad. When did you come back?"

"Master Su! It's master Su

"Master Su, can you take a picture with me?"

Zhou Chengxuan exclaimed, and the customers in the shop recognized Su Xun, and each of them turned into a star chasing mode.

After tasting Su Xuan, he said, "I can only deal with them when I come back."

"Miss an, master, sit down. I'll fry some good dishes for you." Zhou Chengxuan invited them to sit down and ran into the kitchen.

Half an hour later, a few small dishes were served on Su Xun's table.

Su Xun tasted it, and it was really good. He affirmed it, and Zhou Chengxuan was very happy.


He played with an Zijin outside for a day, and Su Xun didn't return to Yuliang mountain manor until evening.

"Master, you're back. I'll change your shoes."

As soon as she entered the door, Yan Yurou trotted up and knelt on the ground to help Su Xun change his shoes. Her delicate face was a sweet smile.

"The host and sister Ann must be thirsty after a day's shopping. I'll pour water for you."

After changing the slippers, Su Xun just sat down, and Yan Yurou kept on making tea for him.The maids standing in the living room are helpless. Their jobs have been robbed. If they go on like this, they all doubt whether they will lose their jobs.

"Well, it's called a cow. You can't lick it, miss."

Qin Zhuqiao said to Yan Yurou, who was busy trying to please Su Xun.

Yan Yurou said with a smile, "speaking of licking, dog, you should care more about yourself when you are free, Jackie."

As soon as they meet, they pinch each other. If they don't pinch each other for a day, they feel uncomfortable, as if they were born to rush.

Looking at the two beauties pinching each other all day, Su Xun was speechless. This kind of happiness trouble is really beautiful.

In the evening, Su Xun and Liao Yu, who had not seen each other for a long time, were burning with fire. They didn't stop until the middle of the night.

Yan Yurou was blushing in the middle of the night. She was wearing a well prepared sex gown and wanted to push Su Xun's door to deliver the goods to bed.

She learned from Liao Yu that the door of Su Xun's sleeping room was never locked.

Especially tonight, Su Xun and Liao Yu are in a daze. Yan Yurou feels that she can fish in troubled waters.

Ji, when Miss Ben sleeps successfully, you'll have to call me the hostess.

Think about Yan Yu almost couldn't help laughing, and then quickly covered his mouth.

Take a deep breath, shaking hands holding the door handle, a twist down, and then a push.

There was no push.

The smile on Yan Yurou's face was stiff, and he pushed it twice, but it still didn't push.

How can this happen? Didn't sister Yu say that the master's room never locks at night?

A minute later, she stamped her foot in shame, then turned and walked to her room.

Well, I'm ready for nothing tonight. I'm so sexually dressed. I'm all for ghosts.

She didn't know. She was really shown to the ghost.

Just as Yan Yu left, Qin Zhu's figure floated out of the room like a mass of fog, and appeared outside the room. The corner of his mouth rose and a successful smile was raised.

Little girl, with me, you want to take advantage of the master, dream, hum!

She can't get the master's blessing, and Yan Yurou can't think about it, so that her heart can be balanced, at least there is a person who sympathizes with herself.

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