On Monday, the sky was high and the clouds were light.

It's another day of routine extraction of new identities.

At present, Su Xun has extracted six identities, including Chairman of Qingyun international, king of killers, fortune teller, Kitchen God, ghost detective and king of mercenaries.

I get used to it when I experience more.

At the beginning, he had to ask the gods and Buddhas all over the sky to bless him.

Later, he didn't want to ask any more, because if it goes on like this, maybe he'll take the position of jade emperor to be the boss of these immortals and ask for a fart!

Today, Su Xun is even too lazy to sit up and lie on the bed, holding Liao Yufeng's plump body in his arms, and meditating in his heart: "system, extract the seventh identity."

[drawing Successful extraction, congratulations on the host's new identity: hacker emperor. 】

[hacker technology has its own merits. There is no king in the hacker world, but because of you, there will be an emperor. You are the God of the network. 】

[identity ability: Divine hacker technology, fast ten fingers, unforgettable brain. 】

[identity task: make your name known, and let the world recognize you as the hacker emperor. The task is limited to five days. 】

with a brush, Su Xun sat up from the bed.

Because this identity is a bit strange.

The previous six identities are all ready-made. He just needs to put on his vest and go out of the world again to set off a bloodbath.

However, this identity is different. It is equivalent to a blank check. Now no one has acknowledged it or known it. It needs to be confirmed by himself.

"That's interesting."

The corner of Su Xun's mouth went up, and he started to smile with great interest. In front of him, he just inherited the vest. Now he made a vest for himself. Isn't it very interesting?

The system can also moderately relieve the aesthetic fatigue of the host by changing the playing method from time to time.

Su Xun has thought of how to quickly use hacker technology to quickly become famous and take the title of hacker emperor.

"What's interesting?"

Liao Yu didn't know when he woke up. He opened his watery eyes and blinked at him. His neck was covered with strawberry marks planted by Su Xun last night.

Su Xun pinched her face and said with a smile, "I mean, you were very interesting last night."

"You're necrotic. You're disgusting. I'm sorry." Liao Yu's pretty face turned red. He hit Su Xun's chest with his fists. He felt that he had no face to see others.

She was still very easy to let go in bed, but afterwards she would be so ashamed.

"Sister Yu, I saw it all last night."

Qin Zhu doesn't know when he floats in. He pours on the bed without any image and looks at Liao Yu teasingly.

"Dead Qin Zhu, I'll let you peek."

Liao Yu is so ashamed and angry that he and Qin Zhu are playing and fighting in bed. His clothes are not neat. The scene is beautiful.

Miss Su stole a photo as a memento, then ran out of the room with her clothes.

"Sister Yu, the host seems to have taken a picture." Qin Zhu reminded Liao Yu.

Liao Yu instantly collapsed, got out of bed and ran after him: "bastard, delete the photo."

"Sister Yu, you are not dressed yet." Qin Zhu kindly reminded.

Liao Yu, who runs out of the corridor, looks down, screams and runs back to the room with a red face.

Su Xun came to the downstairs living room and found Yan Yu lying on the table with a listless face.

Baby's granary is also on the table.

Today Monday to work, she wore a white ol uniform dress, ears short hair and childlike, as well as the curve exquisite figure, legs and wear thin meat, a word to describe, beautiful.

"What's the matter?"

Su Xun first looked at her from behind, then went to rub her head and asked.

"Nothing. I didn't sleep well last night." Yan Yurou said listlessly.

Su Xun joked: "why didn't you sleep well? Why did you steal cattle last night?"

"To steal, but not to steal." Yan Yurou is biting silver teeth. It's all your fault. Why did you lock the bedroom door last night!

Miss Ben changed her make-up from 12:00 to 1:00 in the morning, and then picked out her clothes until 1:30. After careful preparation, you locked the door. What's the reason!

My Yan Yurou in Yunling city is also by countless people to break the threshold to beg for marriage, but also a large group of lick, dog, I have delivered to the door, you also lock the door, I easy me?

Yan Yurou was more and more angry. If she couldn't fight, she would like to be strong in the living room and go to Su Xun.

Aware of Yan Yurou's bad eyes, Su Xun was confused. Did I offend you?

Looking at that Junlang's face.

Yan Yurou soon suppressed her anger, and a sweet smile came on her face: "master, it's good for your health to get up and drink a glass of water in the morning. You sit first, and Yurou will pour water for you."

Lick, the anger of the dog is never long, look, this is the fact, as long as it is lick, the dog that regardless of breed, have a virtue.After breakfast, Su Xun, Yan Yurou and Liao Yu take a bus to the company.

After the company meeting, Su Xun went back to Yuliang mountain manor by car.

As soon as he entered the manor, he locked himself in the study he had never used.

Then he turned on the computer, and Su Xun registered an account on the largest live broadcast software of Longguo - "Xingyao live broadcast".

What's the fastest way to make a name for yourself than live broadcasting with hacker technology?

As for the police arresting him for spreading hacker technology?

Are you kidding? Can a supernatural hacker be located by the police?

On the Internet, he is God, he can do whatever he wants, no one can do with him!

Of course, you can't show your face.

Otherwise the whole world would know it was him.

At that time, I'm afraid I'll wake up, and the next day the manor will be full of spies from all over the world.

So in a word, he can fight hard on the Internet, but in reality, he counsels a lot.

After all, the hacker emperor is only the God of the network, not the God of reality.

After registering the live broadcast account, Su Xun applied to become the anchor of the platform.

As for the application information, as a hacker, does he need to fill in the information?

Anchor Name: hacker emperor.

Live room name: here is the world's top hacker technology.

Broadcast room announcement: as long as it is related to the network, I know everything. Where there is a network, there is me. There is no secret for all privacy. As long as I want to, I can incarnate as a pair of eyes watching the world.

After the studio was built, Su Xun adjusted the camera to the position below his neck.

For safety, he also put on a pair of thin white gloves to cover his hands.

"What are you doing? No wonder even the camera doesn't dare aim at the face for fear of being recognized and losing face. "

Qin Zhu sneers at Su Xun mercilessly, but also the world's top hacker technology. In her opinion, Su Xun can only steal a QQ number at best.

"Stupid female ghost, soon you will be beaten in the face, your master, I am the greatest hacker in the 21st century."

Su Xun's voice fell, and his fingers beat on the keyboard quickly, and he didn't even use the mouse from the beginning to the end.

A series of instructions were born at his fingertips, and they easily came to the background of Xingyao live broadcast, and then began to change the data.

As he stopped the action in his hand, the home page of Xingyao's live app scrolled the banner, and the recommendation instantly changed into his live room.

"Show or not?" Su Xun glanced at Qin Zhu.

Qin Zhu rolled his eyes and said, "don't think I'll believe it if you knock it twice. Don't you cheat laymen? Tell me the truth, did you transfer money to the manager of Xingyao in advance? Otherwise, how could he change your studio to the recommendation seat? "

Su Xun

After a long time, am I casting pearls before swine?

Wrong. It's supposed to be playing to ghosts.

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