After Su Hu returned to Jizhou, he told Wen Wu his grievances and declared that he wanted to fight against business.

Then the whole army began to prepare for war.

Chentangguan is the northern gateway of Jizhou. Whether it is the northern Marquis Chonghou Hu or yonghou sutian, they can't get around chentangguan.

So after Su Hu decided to fight against Shang, the first thing he did was to send an order to Li Jing, ordering Li Jing to strictly guard Chentang pass and resist the enemy outside the pass.

Li Jing was a loyal minister, so he was in a dilemma after receiving Su Hu's order.

Is it loyal to King Zhou in name or to Su Hu who actually ruled Jizhou?

After many entanglements, Li Jing finally decided to help Su Hu resist the imperial army.

After all, Su Hu has a reputation for benevolence in Jizhou. He is his direct superior, and their personal relationship has always been good.

After he made up his mind, Li Jing stationed 100000 troops in chentangguan and moved directly from the headquarters to the barracks.

On this day, Li Jing suddenly heard that the scouts had come to report: "inform the general that the army of Yong Marquis has arrived ten miles outside the pass."

"Explore again, report again."

"All the officers and men, I'll go to the city with my general, and I'll see this thousand year old man who came from the common people and won many battles."

Li Jing led Chen Tangguan's generals to the city wall and looked down at the military array below.

The 70000 troops are all armed with red scarves. They form a square array. It can be said that the flag is Xiaoxiao, the horse is Xiaoxiao, and the murderous spirit is surging.

Just looking at his army, Chen Tangguan's generals are dignified and know that this battle is not easy to fight.

"I heard that the troops of marquis Yong were all armed with red scarves, so they were called red scarves. Today, they are not very majestic. They are worthy of being tempered in the fire of war. Our army is inferior to them."

Li Jing sighed that the army fighting on the battlefield and his army training day and night in chentangguan are two different things.

He thought that he had a good way to train his troops. All the soldiers he trained were excellent soldiers, not inferior to any other vassal army.

But just looking at the murderous spirit and high morale of the red scarf army, we can see that his own army is not as good as his own.

"Why should the commander in chief grow others' prestige and destroy his ambition? Even if the red scarf army is majestic, the army of Chentang pass is not vegetarian. What's more, if we guard according to the pass and have enough food and grass, why are we afraid of it? " The deputy general chuckled.

Li Jing shook his head: "it's not the general who leads the army to avoid fighting. Besides, when I heard about the channel technique of yonghou, the officers and men under my account also practiced more mysterious techniques. Even if we have the advantage of being powerful, we may not be able to defend it."

In his early years, he had studied the five elements evasion technique under the guidance of duer, West Kunlun. Because of his limited qualification, he knew that it was difficult for him to succeed in immortality, so he went down the mountain to worship the general and enjoy the wealth of the world.

Although he is a scum in the field of cultivating immortals, he has cultivated immortals, so he is very clear about the power of all kinds of magic arts and magic weapons of these practitioners.

"Commander in chief, look, there's a man coming out of the horse. Is it Marquis Yong?" Suddenly, one of the generals called out.

They followed their reputation and saw a handsome young man in a black robe and a crown riding a white horse, followed by a small general in armor.

"Where is Li Jing, commander in chief of chentangguan? I'm yonghousu." Su Xun stopped and cried out.

In fact, he didn't want to ride a horse. After all, there were all kinds of magical beasts in Fengshen. How much money did he get from riding a horse.

Moreover, if the enemy's Mount sneezes, it will make the horses shiver. It's useless.

But I can't find a decent mount for a while, so I have to make do with riding a white horse for the time being.

"Li Jing is here." Li Jing gave a salute and said, "the meaning of yonghou is known to Li Jing, but Jing is deeply trusted by Jizhou Hou, so you can't betray him."

"Pedantic!" Su Xun yelled, and his horse turned around: "Li Jing, you are a minister of Commerce, not a minister of Ji. If your majesty didn't reuse you, how could you be today? Su Hu doesn't think of jun'en. How dare you rebel? Don't you open and close the city as soon as possible to seek your Majesty's pardon! "

"Your Majesty's grace is so great that Li Jing does not dare to forget it, but it is impossible for Li Jing to rebel and wait." Li Jing's tone is firm and firm.

Su Xun's tone softened a little: "after all, they are all ministers of Commerce. Li Jing, how about you and I send one army to fight each other? How about this

"Dare not follow it." Li Jing clasped his fist and bowed his waist.

This is also the best way. He doesn't want to fight with his family.

Then the two sides each sent 5000 people to fight.

On Su Xun's side, Deng Zhong, Xin Huan, Tao Rong and Zhang Jie, who are new recruits and eager to make contributions, went to battle.

Of course, the soldiers they brought were Yongzhou soldiers. After all, the fighting power of the ten thousand mountain bandits could not match that of the army.

On the other side of chentangguan, Li Jing went out in person.

"Sons, kill with me!"

Li Jing takes the lead by drawing his sword.


Chen Tangguan's soldiers were not afraid to fight.

Compared with Chen Tangguan's garrison, the red scarf army's thieves are long and oblique fingers. They step forward, and the sound of their feet is like thunder.

Looking at Chen Tangguan's soldiers less than 200 meters away, the red scarf army launched a charge.

The reason for this is to save soldiers' physical strength.On the battlefield, the two armies were so far apart that they launched a charge at the beginning. When they rushed to the enemy's front, they were exhausted to death, and they had to fight quickly.

Therefore, this way of walking first saves the soldiers' physical strength and consumes the enemy's physical strength.

When the enemy's physical strength is almost exhausted and the two armies are close, they will suddenly charge.

It goes without saying which army will win in such a tired and skillful army.

At the moment of the collision, Chen Tangguan's garrison was defeated like a mountain. They couldn't stop the red scarf army climbing out of the sea of corpses.

When Li Jing saw this scene, he was ashamed and ruthless. He fought alone against Xin Huan's four men, but he couldn't compete with the soldiers. The general couldn't lose any more.

But whatever bad things you think, you will come. This is called Murphy's theorem.

Li Jing lost. He lost miserably.

After all, he was not the seed of cultivation. If he was not good at Taoism, how could he be the enemy of Xinhuan?

In less than a quarter of an hour, the short battle ended with the defeat of chentangguan.

"With such a strong general in qiansui, Li Jing was convinced to lose." Li Jing said dejectedly.

His confidence was torn apart.

Su Xun turned over and got off his horse and laughed. He helped him up in person like Mu Chunfeng: "chief soldier Li, please get up quickly. He is also a minister of Commerce. Once he was an official, why is that so?"

"What's more, chief Li's proper training is just a lack of actual combat experience. At least in training, I haven't seen anything more powerful than chief Li."

He plans to occupy chentangguan for a long time. Naturally, he wants to have a good relationship with Li Jing. Who wants his three sons to be strong, especially his youngest son.

Jinzha and Muza don't have to think about it. They have been involved in hermeneutics for a long time. I'm afraid they have been brainwashed by hermeneutics for a long time.

The most powerful Nezha has not been born yet. He still has a chance to drop.

Although Nezha was a bear child in his early days, as long as he was taught properly, it was nothing.

"Is that true?" After listening to Su Xun's praise of his military training, Li Jing's decadence was swept away.

Su Xun's face was serious: "Li Jing, in your eyes, I was the flatterer?"

If you really think so, it will prove that you have a pair of wise eyes and can see through my essence at a glance.

"Never dare." Li Jing quickly complains. Even if Su Xun wants to flatter him, he won't flatter him.

So it must be true that Su xungang just praised him for his good training. Li Jing was a little happy.

This is true, because the world is so big, Su Xun only saw his soldiers trained by himself.

Next, they had a business talk with each other, as if they were friends at first sight. Li Jing invited them to visit the mansion.

When Su Xun went to Li's house, he found that Li Jing's wife was not pregnant, so he had an idea.

Of course, the idea here is not to help Li Jing get his wife pregnant.

Instead, he said, "chief Li, I've just pinched my fingers. You'll have another son when you hit."

"Oh?" Li Jing's eyes suddenly brightened. After all, who doesn't like having many children these days.

Su Xun continued: "this son is extraordinary. It needs your wife to be pregnant for three years. After she was born, she has extraordinary magic power, but she has 1700 murders."

"Thousand years old, please teach me." Li Jing bowed to him.

He had no doubt about Su Xun's words.

Because Su Xun was originally a Qi practitioner, it was normal for him to know fortune telling and look good.

What's more, Su Xun didn't have to cheat him.

Su Xun stretched out his hand to help him: "General Li, please get up. You and I are as old as before at first sight. Why is that so? If General Li doesn't dislike me, I will be my teacher when he is born. "

Poor figure dagger now, how many years after Nezha was born, according to this speed, all his accomplishments at that time had already been unsealed, and he was afraid of the explanation of a hammer.

What happened to Nezha's reincarnation?

Lao Tzu wants to rob his disciples from elucidation. What's the matter, just ask what's the matter!

Hongjun and Nuwa are the only two people in the world that he is afraid of. In his eyes, Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian sect leader and Laozi are all brothers.

When his accomplishments were restored, he not only wanted to fight against the Shang Dynasty, but also to fight against Xiqi, and at the same time he wanted to fight against the two groups.

"This is a dog's luck. Why not?" Li Jing was glad to hear that Su Xun wanted to take his little son, who didn't know where, as an apprentice.

After all, Su Xun is the fifth among the eight hundred princes in the world, and he has great accomplishments. It's a good thing that his son Li Jing can worship him as a teacher.

Su Xun laughed twice: "in this case, it's a deal."

"A thousand years old, Jing has one thing to ask for." Seeing that Su Xun was in a good mood, Li Jing tentatively opened his mouth.

Su Xun said, "I know that you want to plead for Su Hu. Su Hu is really unwise this time. Well, you go with me. As long as you persuade him to offer his daughter to Beijing, I will plead with your majesty."

"Thank you, millennium." Li Jing is very grateful.

After a three-day rest at chentangguan, the army set out again and headed for Jizhou city with Li Jing.Along the way, Su Xun won a series of battles. He won the pass and broke the city. He came to Jizhou city in March.

People in Jizhou are in a panic.

Su Hu looked at the left and right Wenwu: "then Su Xun led the troops to pass through the customs. He was extremely fierce. I'm afraid Jizhou soldiers can't fight. How can you teach me?"

Su Xun is too strong. He hanged my little brother all the way. I'm afraid we can't beat him. What can you teach me.

"Father Shuai and wait a moment, waiting for the children's minister to lead the army to explore the reality." Su Quanzhong's newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

Su Hu said: "my son, don't be impulsive. It's not to be underestimated that Marquis Yong can be granted Marquis as a commoner."

Su Hu repeated his advice, but Su Quanzhong still didn't listen. He thought Su Xun could do what he could, and he led 3000 crow troops to battle with great confidence.

Then, less than a cup of tea, a scouting came to report, "I'm a thousand years old, and my son is captured."

"This ignorant villain, I repeatedly advise, he just won't listen, it's his own death!" Su Hu was furious, but more worried.

It's also a good Kung Fu, and a scouting came to report: "I'm a thousand years old. Li Jing, commander in chief of chentangguan, has come back with my son."

"Come on, please." When Chen Tang pass is lost, Su Hu doesn't blame Li Jing, but Su Xun's fierce pursuit of troops.

Li Jing took Su Quanzhong into the account and immediately knelt down on one knee: "at the end of the day, you will lose the hope of qiansui. You will be broken even if you don't block it for a day. You are really ashamed of qiansui."

"General Li, please get up quickly. Today, the yonghou army is strong, and Jizhou city is still unable to defend, let alone a small Chentang pass?" Su Hu raises Li Jing.

Li Jing sighed and began to persuade Su Hu to surrender. Finally, Su Hu, just like in the original book, stopped fighting, offered his daughter and went to court to plead guilty.

Then he led Wen Wu out of the city and surrendered to Su Xun.

So far, although there is a little confusion in the early plot of Fengshen romance, it has finally returned to normal.

Before his cultivation was completely unsealed, Su Xun's greatest advantage was his foresight of the plot.

If he killed Su Hu, the plot would be disrupted, and his biggest advantage in the early stage would be lost.

As for when his cultivation is completely unsealed, he will love whoever he wants.

General trend?

He is the general trend!

Su escorts her into Chaoge, and Su Xun withdraws.

Of course, he sent someone to pay bribes to Chaoge.

For such a rebellious person, he really likes Fei Zhongyou Hun and other treacherous officials.

The purpose of his present is to command Chen Tangguan with a right name.

In other words, on the way back to the fiefdom, Su Hu had already sent her to enzhou.

The team rested at enzhou post station.

The thousand year fox spirit, one of the three demons in xuanyuanfen, took advantage of this opportunity to occupy sudaji's body.

The team marched for several months, passed the Yellow River and arrived at Chaoge. Su Hu immediately asked for King Zhou.

After meeting Su Daji, King Zhou was immediately fascinated and loved. He immediately relieved Su Hu of his responsibility and gave him many rewards.

Fei Zhong had the professional ethics of treacherous officials. When he took the money, he had to do things. Taking advantage of King Zhou's pleasure, he said: "Your Majesty, yonghouping has made great contributions to Jizhou. You can't help your majesty to get such a beautiful woman."

"Well, you have a point." King Zhou pondered.

It's you Hun's turn to play: "Your Majesty, I don't want to see Su Huxian's daughter. In order to prevent him from giving up, I should hang a sharp sword on his head."

"Where does this sword come from?" King Zhou asked.

You hun spat out two words: "yonghou."

"Go on." The way of King Zhou.

You hun said bluntly: "Marquis Yong helped the Taishi to level Beihai and Jizhou with the help of the common people. He was actually a loyal minister. He might as well divide chentangguan as the reward for this rebellion into Marquis Yong's fiefdoms. If Marquis Yong guarded the northern gateway of Jizhou, he would not dare to move lightly."

"That's a good thing to say!" King Zhou clapped his hands, and then planned to leave chentangguan to Su Xun.

Su Xun also achieved the goal of going to Jizhou to fight the rebellion and became Li Jing's boss.

As time went by, sudaji soon got a firm foothold in the harem, and conspired with Fei zhongyouhun. First, he made the punishment of burning the minister Du yuanmi, then he designed to kill empress Jiang, and provoked King Zhou to kill Prince Yin Jiao and his second highness Yin Hong.

In order to protect the prince Yin Jiao and his second highness Yin Hong, the two generals Fang Bi and Fang Xiang fled from Chaoge on their back.

At last, Prince Yin Jiao and his second highness Yin Hong were saved by guangchengzi and Chishui, and were accepted as disciples.

Prime Minister Shang Rong also died in Jiujian hall after he scolded King Zhou for being stupid.

It can be said that since Daji entered the palace, this song has not been quiet for a day.

Because empress Jiang was the daughter of the eastern Marquis Jiang Huanchu, King Zhou worried that after Jiang Huanchu learned that he had killed empress Jiang, he would raise his troops to make a counterattack against Chaoge.

Daji also offered some advice, saying that he could start first, block the news first, and deceive the four big brothers from the East, the west, the north, the south to Chaoge. At that time, King Zhou would be responsible for life and death.King Zhou took this suggestion to discuss the business. He only recruited four great Marquis from East, West, North and south to Beijing.

Then he killed Jiang Huanchu, the eastern Marquis, and e Chongyu, the northern marquis. Chonghouhu was killed because he bribed Fei zhongyouhun as often as Su Xun.

And Xibo Hou Jichang was imprisoned.

Su Xun has been paying close attention to the movement of Chaoge. In just a few years, it can be said that the government has been turbulent.

In the past few years when Chaoge was agitated by Daji, Su Xun had already occupied the four continents of Beihai.

In the past few years, his cultivation has been unsealed and restored to the Sanpin saint.

And he doesn't care about Chaoge now, because Li Jing's wife is going to have a baby, so he is very happy.

The first time I went to chentangguan, this positive attitude made Li Jing suspect that he was green.

My wife gave birth to a son. Why are you so excited?

Have you considered my feelings?

At yuxu palace in Kunlun Mountain, the white crane boy handed a bead to Taiyi: "Jiang Ziya will go down the mountain in the near future. Please send Lingzhu down the mountain."

"I already know." Taiyi immortal took the spirit beads, and then ride the wind down the mountain.

When he came to chentangguan, he found that Su Xun was also there, but he didn't care. He sent Lingzhu to reincarnation according to the script.

That night, Yin Shiniang, Li Jing's wife, dreamed that a Taoist came into the room, stuffed something into her arms and said, "madam, pick up lin'er quickly."

Yin Shiniang suddenly woke up, woke up Li Jing, suddenly felt pain in the abdomen, sweating.

"My wife is pregnant for three years and six months. I'm afraid she will give birth today." Li Jing in exchange for a midwife, and he himself came to the front hall anxiously waiting.

But I found that Su Xun was already in the front hall, and he was speechless. This is my wife giving birth to a baby.

Not long after, a maid came in panic and said, "general Madame, there is a genie

When Li Jing hears Yan carrying a sword and rushes into the inner room, he sees a big red meat ball jumping everywhere and cutting it with one sword.

The ball of meat broke open and a child jumped out. He was carved with powder and jade. He was wearing a silver bracelet on his left hand and surrounded by a piece of red silk. He was shining with gold.

These two things are Qiankun circle and huntian Ling. They were originally the treasures of Jinguang cave in Qianyuan mountain, proving that Nezha was a sacred reincarnation.

Before Li Jing could react, Su Xun had already stepped forward and picked up Nezha on the ground.

Li Jing

Am I really green?

Do I have to pretend I don't know?

After all, I can't seem to beat him.

My people can't beat his people.

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