"It's a little chic. It's a real thing."

Su Xun pinched Nezha's face.

It's a pity that he didn't grow up to be the little Nezha in the cartoon. Otherwise, he would be more lovely. If he did, Su Xun would definitely be able to kill him.

This Rua is a serious Rua.

As for the unorthodox Rua, it is necessary to ask those women who have been Rua by him.

Looking at Su Xun's face pinching Nezha, Li Jing's mouth twitched again. Damn it, it's my son!

If you've had enough, you should let me do the same.

Damn it!

If he hadn't failed to fight, he would have gone for it.

As a father, want to embrace just born son are so humble.

"As his master, how about I give him a name?" Su Xun looked at Li Jing and asked.

Although Li Jing had beaten Su Xun many times in his fantasy, he still had a smile on his face: "it's a dog's pleasure."

"What dog, my disciple of Su Xun, is the Holy Son!" Su Xun said firmly.

There's nothing wrong with Saint disciple calling Saint son.

Li Jing laughed, saying that you has the final say, but I never used the advice I made.

Su Xun said, "call it Nezha."

"Good name." Li Jing praised that although he didn't know what was good about it, he licked it hard anyway.

After holding Nezha for a long time, Su Xun returned Nezha to Li Jing, and then went back to his room to have a rest.

Li Jing was so happy that she held her son and looked at Yin Shiniang: "madam, it's hard."

"No, let me see my son." It's really warm for the couple to tease Nezha together.


On the second day, many of Chen Tangguan's officials and subordinates knew that Li Jing was happy with lin'er, and they all came to congratulate him.

Li Jing entertains them one by one, but suddenly he hears that his subordinates have come to report that there is a group of people coming to visit outside.

Li Jing himself had been an immortal, so he had a good feeling for Taoist, so he asked someone to come in.

"General, I'm very polite." The Taoist came to the hall and gave Li Jing a check.

Li Jing asked him to take a seat: "where is the famous mountain? What cave? What are you doing here? "

"I'm Taiyi of Jinguang cave in Qianyuan mountain. I've heard that the general was happy with his son. I'm here to congratulate you. Can I have a look at him?" Taoists report their own home.

He is here to accept the apprentice today, but he doesn't know that Nezha had been reserved several years ago.

When Li Jing heard this, he sent someone to invite Su Xun, who was playing with Nezha.

"What's the matter?"

Su Xun walked out of the back house with Nezha in his arms. His eyes fell on the real person Taiyi, and he knew his identity.

Taiyi immortal, a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, is one of the twelve golden immortals.

Real person Taiyi nodded to Su Xun. In his eyes, Su Xun was a Qi practitioner with some accomplishments.

Of course, this is because his cultivation is too low, so he can't see Su Xun's real way.

Taiyi immortal got up and looked at Nezha, then asked, "when did this son fall?"

"Ugly time." Li Jing replied.

"Not good." Taiyi real man frowned.

Su Xun sneered and played your mother: "why not? I don't think he committed any killing. "

It's time to cooperate with your performance. I didn't see it.

Taiyi real person a Leng, blink blink eyes, this how also gave my lines to say?

It took him a long time to say, "it's exactly what Marquis Yong said. He committed 1700 murders."

Li Jing looks at Su Xun. Su Xun said this before his wife was pregnant.

"Has this son ever been named?" Taiyi asked again.

Li Jing replied, "yes."

"In that case..." Before Taiyi's words were finished, he suddenly responded: "did you take it?"

How could that be? Why do you feel that there is a deviation between the development and expectation of things?

"What's the name?" he asked

"Nezha." Su Xun's mouth went up.

Taiyi real person suddenly widened his eyes.

He should have taken the right name.

Why didn't he take it? The reincarnated body of Lingzhu was called Nezha.

Is this the so-called fate?

Taiyi immortal said: "general, how about making this son an apprentice with me?"

"You want to rob me of my apprentice?" Su Xun asked.

Taiyi real person NIMA is confused again.

Su Xun said: "before this son was born, I made an appointment with General Li to take him as an apprentice. Yesterday, I named him Nezha. You are so rude that you came to rob my disciple. It's disgusting."

Although he robbed other people's apprentices, as long as he came first, it would not prevent him from doing the same thing.Even if he later, but as long as he is not shameful enough, he can also be righteous.

Taiyi real person has been in a mess in the wind.

His apprentice was robbed.

The name he wanted to give his apprentice was also robbed.

How could that be? How could that be?

There must be something wrong with it!

He has smelled the smell of Yin Mao.

Taiyi took a deep breath and looked at Su Xun: "this son is predestined with me in teaching, and even more with me as a master and apprentice. I hope qiansui can give up his love."

"Really? I don't believe it Su Xun shook his head with a smile, and Lu said angrily.

Taiyi has a good temper: "this is absolutely true, otherwise why should I come to chentangguan?"

"But if Nezha is really predestined with you, he won't be accepted as a disciple by me. Now that he has entered our school, it proves that he is not predestined with you." Su Xun's tone was calm and his refutation was well founded.

Taiyi's face turned red, but he had nothing to say, because this situation was unexpected in any case, but Su Xun was very reasonable.

To bully the aborigines, to be merciless!

Su Xun threw his sleeve gun: "OK, where to go back and forth? Since Nezha has worshipped me as his teacher, how can he be a master to send his apprentice out?"

"Yonghou, Nezha, I must take it away!" Taiyi was forced to take risks.

Su Xun's face was cold: "you're so rude. I'm very angry with you. You're too disrespectful."

Taiyi was frustrated again. Now that the Zhou Dynasty had not attacked the Shang Dynasty, Su Xun, as an important Minister of the Shang Dynasty, had his own humanity and good fortune, and his hand hurt him.

Therefore, he didn't dare to fight against Su Xun.

But I'm not willing to go home empty handed.

Because lingzhuzi was sent by him!

We can only go back to the second place, we can understand it with reason and move it with emotion: "thousand years old, I'm a great teacher in the world. I have thousands of volumes of Dharma and countless magic weapons. Only when Nezha follows me can he achieve more."

"You mean I can't afford the magic weapon for Nezha?" Su Xun's face sank. He hated people showing off their wealth in front of him, because they were all poor and loved to dance.

Taiyi real person smile: "thousand years old calm down, I don't mean that."

But the expression on his face clearly said: that's what I mean.

"Ha ha ha, it's ridiculous. I don't know how big the sky is."

Su Xun laughed a few times, and then threw one magic weapon after another out of the system space.

In the blink of an eye, it piled up into a hill, and the jewel went straight to the sky.

Li Jing and Taiyi, as well as the guests who came to congratulate Li Jing, were stunned.

Hiss -

at this moment, everyone has contributed a little to global warming.

Moat The moat is inhuman.

"Is that enough? If it's not enough, I have to be. " Su Xun said without salt.

Taiyi real person mouth twitch, roar in the heart, how can someone have so many magic weapons, how can!

Are all the magic weapons of Pangu God since his creation here?

At least Kaitian axe is with him.

With a wave of his sleeve robe, Su Xun put away all the magic weapons and said faintly, "go away, you're so poor."

Although Taiyi didn't know the meaning of "poor force", he also knew that he was ridiculed. His face was blue and white, and he was embarrassed.

Then he went up into the clouds without saying a word.

After Taiyi was dazzled, he came to yuxu palace and said to Baihe: "please inform the master. I have something important to report. It's about Lingzhu."

"Just a moment, please." The white crane boy answered and turned to go in. For a moment, he came out: "master is waiting for you inside."

"Thank you very much."

Taiyi real person hit a Jishou, and then went into the yuxu palace, saw the Yuanshi Tianzun on the futon.

"What's wrong with lingzhuzi?"

Yuanshi Tianzun asked.

Master Taiyi gave a bitter smile: "master, you already know that. Why ask the disciples?"

He was the founder of his master. Tianzun was the leader of the elucidation sect. He knew everything and counted everything. I think all the teachers he met in chentangguan must have passed.

He guessed well. The original God had already passed, but he didn't even calculate the root hair.

Otherwise I would not ask Taiyi.

So he said, "I don't know. You can tell the whole thing by yourself."

"Is the master deliberately insulting his disciples? You must have known for a long time. Why ask each other? "

Taiyi real person just thought of the experience is now feel embarrassed, how can you have the heart to say it again.

"I don't know."

"No, master, you know.""I don't know!"

"You know!"

Looking at the face of the firm Taiyi real person, the original Tianzun some eggs, pain, can only tell the truth: "teacher is calculated, but did not calculate."

"What? How can it be Taiyi's face is unbelievable.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Tianzun's face was dignified: "that's why I asked you what happened in chentangguan."

Taiyi real person also didn't care to lose face, and said all things as they were.

"Su Xun."

Yuanshi Tianzun murmured to himself. He was sure that the problem was Su Xun.

More than ten years ago, Su Xun had noticed him when he took Yongzhou.

Because they have seen the future through the long river of time, there is no such person as Su Xun.

So the appearance of Su Xun is different.

But no matter he or Tongtian did not care, a different number could not affect the event of Fengshen.

But now it seems to have affected.

"This son is exactly what heel."

Yuanshi Tianzun frowned for the first time, because he had not had such a headache for a long time.

"Master, what should we do next?"

Taiyi asked cautiously.

Yuanshi Tianzun pondered for a moment and said, "don't worry about this matter. This spirit bead would not have been on the list of gods. Just ignore it for the moment."

It's just a matter of the moment.

But Su Xun didn't have time to teach Nezha. He just came to chentangguan from time to time to teach his magic.

The reason why there was no time was because Jiang Wenhuan, the son of dongbohou, rebelled and led 400000 troops to attack Youhun pass.

Eshun, the son of echongyu, the northern Marquis, revolted and led 300000 troops to attack Sanshan pass.

For a time, 800 princes in the world turned against 400. Fortunately, the North sea war has come to an end.

After Beihai rebellion was solved, Su Xun was ordered by King Zhou to lead the army to fight against Eshun rebels.

And Taishi Wenzhong led the army to attack Jiang Wenhuan.

At the same time, Su Xun worked tirelessly to give money to Fei Zhong and you hun, and finally achieved results. Beihai belonged to him. He was granted Beihou and Yongzhen Beihai.

Eshun led the rebels to fight against Sanshan pass, and Su Xun led his troops to Sanshan pass for support.

Help sanshanguan general to fight Eshun together.

By the way, the chief of Sanshan pass is Deng Jiugong.

Don't you remember?

It doesn't matter. He's not important. He's just a dead duck.

The important thing is that his daughter's name is Deng Chanyu.

I always remember that a beautiful general with handsome appearance, slim figure and heroic temperament has a magic stone and has made many miraculous achievements in the battlefield.

Later, he was captured alive by the Zhou army on the battlefield, and was forced by the old man Jiang Ziya to marry the dead dwarf tuxingsun, just to force against Deng Jiugong.

Whether it's watching TV or watching the original, this passage makes Su Xun sick.

In a nutshell, it's disgust. Open the door to disgust. Disgusting.

Jiang Ziya's means in this period are simply despicable. Tu xingsun's dead dwarf and Deng Chanyu's cave should be built with bricks, or they can't even match their goals.

Now, Su Xun is going to save Deng Chanyu. In order not to let her repeat the original tragic meaning, he has to accept her first.

Alas, Su Xun was so kind-hearted that he could never change his good virtue.

When Su Xun led 200000 troops to Sanshan pass to support Deng Jiugong, Nezha was going to cause trouble.

Now it's seven years since Su Xun accepted him as his disciple, and Nezha is seven years old.

Seven years old, but six feet long.

Let the bullet fly inside of a sentence: this horse called seven years old?

On this day, Nezha only felt that the weather was hot, so he took his family to Jiuwan River to take a bath.

After going down the river, he took huntianling and stirred the water source, which caused the Dragon Palace to shake.

I don't know whether it's too bad to mix with Tianling or whether the Dragon Palace is a bean curd project.

In short, the Dragon Palace vibrated, and the Dragon King Aoguang of Donghai sent a Sea Patrol night fork to investigate the cause.

The Sea Patrol yecha found Jiuwan river all the way, saw a child taking a bath, and asked, "what strange thing does the child use? Where will the red light be reflected and the palace shake?"

When Nezha looked back, he saw something on the water, with hair like cinnabar, blue face and tusks, holding a huge axe, and immediately asked, "what is your beast? I dare to talk. "

He really didn't know what Sea Patrol Yasha was, because he had never seen it before.

The Sea Patrol yecha felt humiliated, and he suddenly burst into a rage: "the child is reckless. I am appointed to patrol the sea by my Lord. How dare you call me a beast?"

He jumped to the shore, raised his axe and cleaved to Nezha's head.

"Well, you beast, master taught me not to hurt people's lives by force at will. Today, if you want to hurt me first, don't blame me for being merciless."Nezha easily dodged the axe.

After all, in the original work, when he was seven years old, he broke the Nantianmen gate and turned the Dragon King of the East China Sea into a little green dragon, which he carried in his pocket.

Therefore, this sea patrolling Yaksha dares to fight Nezha, and he is looking for his own death.

In this world, Nezha, who was taught by Su Xun, was not so violent as the original work, but Su Xun just told him not to bully others, but also not to be bullied.

So he directly raised the circle of heaven and earth, and the Sea Patrol night fork snapped and was beaten into a pool of blood.

"Waste dare to be fierce. Sure enough, master is right. The more incompetent you are, the more fierce you are."

With a sneer, Nezha took the circle of heaven and earth and jumped onto the bank. He began to dress and leave.

Dragon Palace, East Sea Dragon King said: "yecha to explore things, how so long has not come back?"

Just after his words, a shrimp soldier came to report that the Sea Patrol yecha had been killed on shore.

Ao Guang was shocked: "it's the Sea Patrol night fork of LingXiao palace. Who dares to kill it?"

"Father, you can go." The third prince aobing just came in and volunteered.

Aoguang agreed to come down, and then the three princes took shrimp soldiers and crab generals, put on Fang Tianhua halberd, rode the blue water beast straight out of the Dragon Palace, rolled up big waves and stood on the waves.

Nezha Guanzhi called out: "what a big water."

"Who is so bold as to kill the Sea Patrol Yaksha in the East China Sea?" Aobing asked loudly.

Nezha rightfully said: "it's me."

He remembers that the master said he would dare to do it. Since I killed him, I have to admit it.

He also forgot the last sentence Su Xun had said. If he was caught on the spot, he would dare to do it. If he was not caught, he would turn his face.

Nezha still hasn't got his true story.

Aobing looked at the child: "who are you?"

"I'm Nezha, the third son of Li Jing, chief of chentangguan. Who are you?" Nezha reported himself.

Ao Bing replied haughtily, "I am the Third Prince of Donghai dragon palace. If you kill me, I will be killed!"

"It's all three. Let's see which of us is better." Nezha secretly pulled out the dragon's tendon and made a belt for his master to honor him.

Su Xun: good disciple, you are so filial to me.

Then one dragon and one man fought in the air.

The third prince aobing was not Nezha's opponent at all. He was killed and had a cramp.

The rest of them ran back to the Dragon Palace newspaper in panic.

"A bunch of cowards."

Nezha sneered, put the Dragon tendon in the storage bag that the master sent him, and then went back.

In the Dragon Palace, Ao Guang was furious when he learned that his son had been skinned.

"Good Li Jing, when you were studying Taoism in West Kunlun, you had some friendship with me. I didn't expect that you should teach such evil sons to harm my three sons. This revenge will be avenged!"

Aoguang flies out of the Dragon Palace directly. He wants to confront Li Jing face to face and ask him to give an account.

If not, he will flood chentangguan!

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