Aoguang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, finds Li Jing's house.

"My brother has been away for many years. It's a blessing to meet you today." Li Jing warmly went out of the mansion to welcome him.

Ao Guang's face was full of anger. He brushed his sleeve and yelled, "Li Jing, your good son!"

"Ha ha ha, brother Xian is over praised." Li Jing really thinks that the other party is praising his son.

One said that he was very satisfied with Nezha's little son.

Ao Guang laughed angrily: "Li Jing, you really can't tell the difference between good and bad. Your evil son killed my son Ao Bing and pulled him out of his bones. You have to give me an account today!"

"What Li Jing was shocked when he heard the speech, but he still had a chance: "brother Xian, let's stop the thunder for a while. I'm afraid there's a misunderstanding. I'll call Nezha out first."

Then he went back to his house and saw Nezha at a glance. He asked, "my son, did you kill the Sea Patrol yecha of Donghai Dragon Palace first, and then kill aobing, the Third Prince of Donghai dragon palace?"

"Father, I used to take a bath in Jiuwan river. It was the night fork who first came up and scolded me, and then attacked me with an axe. I killed him. The white dragon wanted to capture me indiscriminately, so I fought back. They were looking for their own death." Nezha felt that he was all right.

Li Jing was shocked and furious: "my son is confused. How can you kill Ao Bing? Now your uncle is waiting in the main hall. Go with me."

"Father, don't worry. If you don't know, you will not be guilty. My uncle won't care about my child." When Nezha heard that the Dragon King of the East China Sea knew his father, he secretly hated that he had killed Ao Bing recklessly. He thought it was always right to apologize.

Today's Nezha, though not knowledgeable and reasonable, is much better than the murderer in the original work.

Father and son came to the front hall. When Nezha saw Ao Guang, he quickly came forward to apologize: "uncle, I don't know. I killed him wrongly for a while, and I'll forgive him."

"Hum!" Ao Guang snorted coldly, looked at Li Jing, and said coldly, "Li Jing, my son is the right God. You can't escape the responsibility for giving birth to such evil sons. Tomorrow I will report to the Jade Emperor and ask your master to take you."

"It's a disaster." Li Jing burst out crying for a moment.

Yin Shiniang also sobbed in a low voice.

The general's house was filled with grief and indignation.

Nezha said: "uncle, one person should do things for one person. It's me who killed the dragon. What's the matter with my father? What's more, it's you who want to kill me all the time. I'm not the one to blame

"I'm presumptuous Ao Guang harshly scolded: "your father has no way to teach his son. He has his own responsibility. As a murderer, you can't escape his responsibility. Both your father and son have to pay for their lives!"

"I'll see who dares to pay for my life."

A calm voice came into the public's ears.

People subconsciously follow the rules.

Su Xun, who was wearing a black robe and a golden crown, came slowly.


Nezha was overjoyed and cried out. He rushed over and hugged Su Xun. He was very intimate.

Although he is tall, he is only seven years old!

"A thousand years old." Li Jing and Yin Shiniang were present.

Ao Guang glared at Su Xun: "who are you? You are the one who taught these evildoers

"Wait in the north of town." Su Xun touched Nezha's little head and looked at Ao Guang's faint words.

On the way to Sanshan pass, he suddenly felt something. He pointed out that it was Nezha who killed aobing just like in the original work.

Originally, he thought that if Nezha changed his temper under his guidance, it would not happen. Unexpectedly, it still happened, so he came to help his apprentice.

In the original work, there is no need for Nezha to return his father by cutting bones and his mother by cutting meat. Originally, it is reincarnation of lingzhuzi, and there is no need to change the body of lotus root.

Ao Guang's face was still angry when he heard the words: "it turned out that it was Zhenbei Marquis who was in front of me. Nezha killed my dragon palace Sea Patrol yecha first, and then killed my beloved son. Both of them were granted by the Jade Emperor himself. The murderer paid for his life. If Zhenbei Marquis didn't agree, he could follow me to Lingxiao hall."

"Face saint? Then you should call Jade Emperor Xiao'er to see me before you call Miansheng. Both xunhei yecha and AO Bing are suicidal. You can go now. " Su Xun chuckled.

When Li Jing and Yin Shiniang heard that Su Xun didn't respect the Jade Emperor and didn't pay attention to Ao Guang, they were worried.

Ao Guang was furious: "you are the king of the world. An dares to despise the Jade Emperor and our king. If you have a teacher, you must have an apprentice. Even if you commit the killing precepts, you will be killed!"

As the voice fell, Ao Guang was angry. This anger was the anger of losing his son and the anger of being humiliated.

In the world of the romance of the gods, killing people is related to cause and effect. If you kill too much, there will be obstacles.

Only certain weapons and magic weapons can kill people without cause and effect, such as Jinjiao scissors.

"To die." Seeing Aoguang's hand, Su Xun gave a cold smile, but he just waved his sleeve gun.


Ao Guang flew upside down, fell on the ground, spat blood, and looked at Su Xun with unbelievable face.

He clearly felt that the other party was just a mortal.

How could you beat him in a moment."A beast, dare to be fierce?"

Su Xun snorted coldly, and his eyes glared. Ao Guang suddenly showed his original shape and became a little green dragon.

Then Su Xun waved his sleeve gun again, and Little Green Dragon flew to the east sea without control.

"If you dare to trouble my apprentice again, I will kill you!"

Su Xun said without looking back.

"Master, you are so good."

Nezha looked at Su Xun admiringly.

Su Xun looked down at him and said, "I'll leave you at home for fear that you'll cause trouble. It happened that master was ordered to attack Nanbo Hou Eshun. You might as well follow me to the battlefield."

"Yes, yes!" Nezha was very excited.

Su Xun looked at Li Jing and said, "chief Li, I know that there is still a heaven and earth bow in your house. No one can pull it in your house. It's better to give it to Nezha."

In the original work, Nezha shoots Shiji's boy to death with the bow of heaven and earth. Shiji goes to take revenge on Nezha, but is burned to death by Taiyi.

At this time, Fengshen hasn't started yet, so Shiji is dead. He's not even on the list of Fengshen.

Shiji died miserably. This demon is a sectarian. You can dig a corner.

After Xiuyu's complete recovery, Su Xun was able to dig the corner of the two religions.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Nezha took the bow of heaven and earth and followed Su Xun to leave Chentang pass, but instead of meeting with the army, he went to Baigu cave in skeleton mountain.

That's the cave in Shiji.

Shiji's strength is still very strong. Nezha can beat the Dragon King of the East China Sea, but he is easily chased by Shiji and huntian Ling.

Later, Taiyi also used the magic weapon of Jiulong fire shield to burn Shiji to death. Otherwise, he could defeat Shiji, but he didn't have to kill her.

Taiyi immortal is one of the twelve golden immortals, which shows that Shiji is also the cultivation of golden fairyland.

Of course, the Jinxian here refers to Taiyi Jinxian, not ordinary Jinxian.

Soon, the master and the apprentice arrived at the white bone cave.

It's called Baigu cave, but it's actually a fairyland in the world. It's full of birds and flowers.

"Where are you from? What are you doing here? " Caiyun boy stepped forward and asked each other.

Su Xun said, "please go to inform us. It's the north of the town waiting for Su Xun to visit."

"Just a moment, ladies and gentlemen." Caiyun boy leaves.

Soon after, a beautiful young woman with a golden crown and a big red eight trigrams Taoist robe came out with lotus steps.

Su Xun recognized that the Taoist was Shiji, and her costume was also from the original work of Fengshen romance.

His cultivation was in the middle stage of Taiyi Jinxian, a little weaker than Taiyi Zhenren in the later stage of Taiyi Jinxian.

"I don't know if qiansui has arrived in the north of the town. I hope qiansui will forgive me if I miss you." Shiji has a clear voice.

Su Xun said with a smile: "I didn't tell you. What's the crime of Taoist friends? This is my disciple Nezha. "

Nezha saluted Shiji.

"This boy has excellent roots and bones. Congratulations on his excellent apprentice. Please come and drink tea." Shiji looked at Nezha, and his eyes flashed.

Naturally, she could see Nezha's real age, but the boy of 17 was afraid of the cultivation of immortals. If Su Xun could teach such a disciple, he would not be an ordinary person.

If you can't feel the fluctuation of the spirit power, it means that the other person's cultivation is higher than yourself.

But this boy is Su Xun's disciple. How can he have Taiyi's heaven and earth circle and huntian Ling?

Taiyi real person said: it's a sad story and an unforgettable past for him.

When songlingzhuzi was reincarnated, Taiyi knew it was his apprentice, so he gave him Zhendong's treasure. Unexpectedly, Nezha rolled up the treasure and ran away.

It's all bitter tears!

"I don't know what happened here?"

Inside the white bone cave, Shiji sits opposite Su Xun.

Su Xun said frankly: "it's a pity to invite you to come out of the mountain. You are so skillful that you are abandoned in the mountain? Why don't you go down the mountain with me and enjoy all the glory and wealth. "

"Thousand years old, Shiji didn't want to be here." Shiji shook his head and refused with a smile.

The Apocalypse is around the corner. The leader of Tongtian sect said that as long as the sect members can't get out of the gate, they can avoid the apocalypse.

So, she, Shiji, never goes down the mountain!

Su Xun also laughed and took out a gold elixir: "don't panic, Taoist friend. What if I give it to you?"

"I'm willing to follow the instructions of a thousand years old." At the moment of seeing Jindan, Shiji's cheeks turned red and her breath became short. Without hesitation, she agreed to work for Su Xun.

She can feel the energy contained in the golden elixir. If she takes it, it can definitely break through the later stage of Jinxian.

Although the catastrophe is coming, I don't think it will be so easy to deal with it as long as we break through the later Jinxian period.

I can't help it. This golden elixir is really fragrant~This pill, I don't know how many years of painstaking cultivation she can save, naturally I have to be moved.

Su Xun handed the golden elixir to her: "the Taoist friend will clean up. Now let's go on the road."

You can refuse me, but you can't refuse my money. Money has no enmity with you.

Shiji takes the golden elixir, leaving only two boys to guard the cave, and leaves with tai'a Jian and Su Xun.

On the other hand, Wang Aoguang, who was wounded by Su Xun, chose to recognize him strategically for the time being.


At the same time, Kunlun Mountain yuxu palace.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the twelve disciples of Tianzun's sect had committed the misfortune of the world of mortals, so they were killed and robbed, so they stopped talking in this palace.

Because the God of Haotian ordered twelve immortals to be officials in heaven, the three religions were intercepted, elucidated and humanized.

The leader of Tongtian sect refused to sign the list of gods, so he finally decided not to sign any of the three religions. Taking advantage of this battle, the disciples of Tongtian sect got on the list by chance.

On this day, Yuanshi Tianzun called and Jiang Shang asked, "how long have you been on Kunlun mountain?"

"I went to the mountain at the age of 32, and I have wasted 72 years so far." Jiang Shang replied respectfully.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Tianzun nodded his head and said, "you were born with a thin life. It's hard for you to be immortal. You can only enjoy the wealth of the world. If you become rich, you will be prosperous. You go down the mountain for me to be a God, to help the Lord of Ming Dynasty, to be a marquis and a minister. It's not in vain for you to go up the mountain to practice for 40 years. Let's go down the mountain. "

Although it is Fengshen, but did not give Fengshen list, to Jiang Ziya next time on Kunlun will give him.

It was then that the battle of the gods officially began.

Although Jiang Ziya didn't give up, he had to pack his bags to bid farewell to the Antarctic fairy and others, and went down the mountain. Because he had no relatives, he went to Chaoge to take refuge with his sworn brother song Yiren.

Su Xun didn't pay attention to Jiang Ziya's downhill. At this time, he just led his troops to Sanshan pass.

Outside Sanshan pass, the army of Eshun continued to surround Sanshan pass.

There have been several wars between the two sides, and the troops at Sanshan pass have been reduced.

At the camp of nanbohou, Eshun was arranging a battle plan. Suddenly, a scout came and said, "I'm a thousand years old. The army of the northern part of the town is less than 50 Li here."

"If we attack the Sanshan pass a few more times, we will break it. If we let Zhenbei wait to arrive and attack the Sanshan pass soldiers inside and outside, our army will be in danger." Eshun said with a frown.

A general clasped his fist: "I'm willing to lead the troops to ambush zhenbeihou and implicate his army. Qiansui leads the troops to attack Sanshan pass. As long as we win this pass, we can fight against zhenbeihou's army according to Xiongguan pass."

"Thanks for everything, general. I want you to lead 100000 troops." In order to hold Su Xun back, Eshun could only divide 100000 troops. If there were fewer people, it would be meaningless.

"The last general will live up to the trust of qiansui. If he is defeated, he will come to see you!" He took orders and left.

Then Eshun patted the table, looked around and said, "the whole army will attack fiercely. If we don't break this barrier, we will not return it."

As long as you win the Sanshan pass, you can go straight to Xuzhou, cross the Yi gate, and binglinchaoge kills the HunJun.

With the order of Eshun, 200000 troops launched the most violent and tragic attack on sanshanguan regardless of life and death.

In the case of a dominant number of people, the attack, regardless of death, quickly achieved results.

Sanshanguan lost its troops at the expense of the army, and the morale of the garrison gradually declined.

"Father, if you go on like this, you will be broken." Deng Chanyu had just come down from the city wall, his face full of anxiety.

In her twenties and nineties, she was pretty, wearing a gorgeous body armor. She was tall and valiant, and the armor made her more beautiful.

Deng Jiugong said: "we must hold on. As long as we hold on to the north of the town and wait for the army to arrive, we can get out of the siege."

"Eshun will certainly divide his troops to hold down the northern part of the town. We can't last that long." Deng Chanyu is pessimistic.

Just at this time, a soldier came to report: "I told the general, just now a small general came to help us beat back the Eshun rebels."

"What Deng Jiugong suddenly got up, and then hurried out, followed by Deng Chanyu.

When the father and daughter came to the city wall, they saw a young general flying in the sky with a red silk and beating the 200000 troops of Eshun.

"Come on! Now let the army out! "

After a short shock, Deng Jiugong quickly responded and immediately ordered the whole army to attack.

But his order has not been passed down, outside came the mountain torrents and tsunamis.

"Kill "Kill

As a red flag of Su came into view, a flood of troops rushed from the rebels in Eshun.

"This is the army of the north of the town."

Deng Jiugong was relieved and overjoyed, and the defenders of Sanshan pass were also in great momentum.

"How can su qiansui's soldiers come so fast?"

Deng Chanyu frowned and said in surprise.

Deng Jiugong pointed to Nezha in the sky: "there are such riders in qiansui's hands. What else is there?"When Deng Chanyu heard the speech, she thought it made sense.

After the red scarf army arrived, it was like a red flame burning all the filth, and the Eshun rebels were on the verge of collapse.

"What's the destiny of heaven to love that Hun Jun!"

Eshun looked around, full of defeated soldiers, looked up to the sky and roared angrily. Then he drew his sword and killed himself.

With the death of Eshun, the army of Eshun surrendered one after another, and the red scarf army captured more than 100000 people.

"Thank you for your help."

After the war, Deng Jiugong expressed his gratitude to Nezha excitedly.

Nezha said with a smile, "my master asked me to come."

"Lingshi is..."

"Wait in the north of town." Nezha replied haughtily.

Deng Jiugong suddenly realized: "it turned out that he was a thousand year old apprentice in Zhenbei. No wonder he was so powerful."

Deng Chanyu's eyes twinkled with inexplicable color. Even the disciples he taught were so powerful. What kind of elegant demeanor was he?

"Zhenbei is waiting for you" -

with Su Xiong's loud cry, a Zhenbei flag is flying in the wind.

Deng Jiugong hurriedly took a group of generals from Sanshan pass to meet him.

Soon, they saw Su Xun riding a white horse, leading the army slowly.

The reason why Su Xun came so quickly and smoothly was not because he did it himself, but because the part of the army sent by Eshun to hold Su Xun down surrendered directly Yes, it's down

The general who volunteered to lead troops to ambush Sushen in the barracks to increase the siege time of Eshun was not a loyal minister at all. He knew that Eshun had no future, so he made up an excuse to cheat 100000 troops as a bargaining chip and ran to Sushen to surrender.

Eshun is extremely sad.

Looking at Su Xun on the white horse, Deng Chanyu's eyes widened. He didn't expect that he was so young.

"We see a thousand years old."

It was not until his father and others came to pay homage that Deng Chanyu suddenly came back and knelt down.

"You're welcome."

Su Xun said with a smile.

"Thank you."

Deng Jiugong and others got up.

After entering the headquarters of the general army, Su Xun was well deserved to be the first one: "we have resisted the enemy outside the pass and made great contributions to our country. I will ask the king for your help."

"It's my duty to eat your salary and be loyal to you. As the commander in chief of Sanshan pass, I don't dare to take credit. Instead, I'm grateful to qiansui for help. Otherwise, this pass will be broken today." Deng Jiugong said with shame.

Su Xun waved his sleeve: "Sanshan pass has been besieged for such a long time, and it's a great achievement."

"Thank you, millennium." Deng Jiugong knelt down to thank him.

Then Su Xun's eyes fell on Deng Chanyu and asked: "I never thought there were female generals in Sanshan pass."

"Back to a thousand years old, this is my little girl." Deng Jiu is just.

Su Xun said with a smile: "so it is. It's really a woman who doesn't let a man. The daughter of general Deng is not only beautiful but also can fight the enemy. It's really rare."

"A thousand years is too much." Deng Chanyu was a little shy, and a blush appeared on her pretty face.

The reason why he is shy is that Su Xun is handsome.

If she is forced to praise by an ugly person, she will not be shy, but will feel sick.

Deng Jiugong's eyes wandered and whispered. When qiansui said this, didn't he take a fancy to the little girl?

He gritted his teeth and said, "if you don't give up, you might as well take the little girl to your side and serve you with tea and water."

Su Xun hasn't married yet. If his daughter has a chance to be in a higher position, it would be better.

"Daddy." Deng Chan Yu's eyes widened and her face turned red like a red apple.

She was shy and nervous.

She said that it was serving tea and pouring water, but she didn't know what it was actually for?

I'm afraid it's not pouring water, it's running water!

Su Xun shook his head: "how can general Deng decide without authorization? We have to ask Ling Qianjin about this

When you are around you, you can be a maid and help yourself fight. Why not?

"I will." Deng Chanyu blurted out, then lowered her head shyly.

Su Xun and Deng Jiugong looked at each other and laughed. Then the atmosphere was perfect.

Shiji subconsciously tightens his tight red robe. Unexpectedly, Su Xun is so lustful. I'm afraid he's not just trying to get himself to do things for him.

I'm in bed with a thief No, I'm on the boat.

In the evening, after eating the banquet, Su Xun pushed away his bedroom and saw Deng Chanyu sitting shyly on the edge of the bed.

Su Xun closed the door. If the beauties were ruined by tuxingsun, they would be insane.

Step forward and hold her smooth chin.

"Thousand years old ~"

Deng Chanyu blushed and looked at Su Xun with big watery eyes. Her body trembled slightly.

"I hear you're good at horsemanship."

Su Xun's mouth went up."Well." Deng Chanyu nodded. She was very confident in her equestrian skills. It can be said that her horse was like the ground.

Susian stretched out his hand to open her belt and said softly, "let me check it tonight."

Deng Chanyu had some doubts about how to check her equestrian skills if she didn't go to the racecourse.

Soon she knew

"Sit up and move yourself."

Deng Chanyu

Then he ordered Su Xiong and others to lead the army back to Beihai, and Nezha and Deng Chanyu went with them.

And he himself took Shiji and began to wander around, explaining that Fuzhou group and jiejiao Baoshang group were going to dig employees for their Beihai rebellion Co., Ltd.

Zhao Gongming's breath began to rise, and he said in a deep voice: "this book is of great importance. If Beihou refuses, it's no wonder Gongming offends him."

Su Xun just looked at him. Zhao Gongming's momentum was instantly oppressed, and his mouth spat blood.

"Poof -"

"you You... "

Zhao Gongming covered his chest and looked at Su Xun incredulously. His eyes were full of horror.

He had only seen this kind of terrible pressure from the master. No, the master was not as good as the other.

Shiji saw this scene and stood up directly.

She thought that Su Xun was the great Luo Jinxian, but now it seems that Su Xun is completely crushing the great Luo Jinxian.

"You can't afford to offend me, nor can your master." Su Xun looked at him and said something seriously.

Zhao Gongming said with a bitter smile: "it's Gongming's greed. I don't know what's the so-called. I just want to wait for the north to tell him. In the great apocalypse, I'll cut off my religion."

"Close to extermination." Su Xun slowly spat out four words.

Zhao Gong's eyes are red and ready to crack: "why is it so?"

How could it be that they cut off more teachings, no matter they were Daluo Jinxian or Jinxian, than hermeneutics?

Su Xun didn't say a word with a smile, of course, because on the way, Yuanshi Tianzun and Lao Tzu went down to deal with the intercepting disciples, but Tongtian sect leader didn't.

"Hoo -"

Zhao Gongming took a breath, got up and bowed to Su Xun: "please wait for me in the north."

He didn't tell the master of Tongtian about it, because the master of Tongtian couldn't come out.

"As long as you come to my seat like a rocky rock and listen to the orders, and protect your life, everyone under my seat will not be on the list of gods." Su Xun was indifferent.

Zhao Gongming did not hesitate: "willing to listen to the assignment, and willing to persuade my three sisters to work for Beihou."

He can only persuade the three immortals in the sky, just like Wudang, Guiling, Duobao, changer dingguang, which he can't persuade.

"So good." Su Xun's caress is because he can buy one and get three free?

Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao are able to take pictures of the top ten among the disciples of the sect. It's enough to take four of them.

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