After accepting Zhao Gongming, Su and Shiji meet sanxiandao Sanxiao under Zhao Gongming's recommendation.

Yunxiao, Bixiao and Qiongxiao have different accomplishments and personalities. Yunxiao is the most rational.

In the original book, when Zhao Gongming came to sanxiandao to borrow Jinjiao scissors, Yunxiao refused without hesitation, and advised Zhao Gongming not to meddle in human affairs.

Finally, under the persuasion of Han Zhixian, Yunxiao reluctantly agrees to lend Jin Jiaojian to Zhao Gongming.

Yuanshi Tianzun was also angry. Although he was not Su Xun's opponent, there was still taishanglaojun.

I don't believe two can't beat one.

"Destiny? This seat is destiny! It's good that you can understand that you can't disobey my destiny. I'll consider letting you live in the interim. "

Su Xun said without looking back.

Tianzun of the Yuan Dynasty

He's never seen anyone like that.

After Su Xun left, he went to see Laojun.

This matter must be communicated with taishanglaojun.

"King, in my opinion, it's better to destroy the list of gods." On the other hand, Shen Gongbao finds a bad idea for su.

Su Xun chuckled: "destroyed? Why destroy it? They can be gods, but I can't? "

Shen Gongbao

"I'm stupid. Please tell me clearly." Shen Gongbao leaned over to ask for advice.

Su Xun's sleeve gun Exhibition: "they want to make the spirit of God after death. They are restricted by the list of gods all their lives. They can't leave the heaven. The lonely king will come to the flesh and become a God."

Ji Fa, King Wu of Zhou Dynasty, established the Zhou Dynasty, and since then, he has been the son of heaven in the ninth five years. From then on, heaven dominates the human world, and Su Xun will come back and let the human world dominate the heaven.

He became a God himself and established a celestial Dynasty in the world. All the immortals were in charge of rainfall and so on. The wind and rain in the world were smooth and the seasons changed. From then on, he was not under the control of heaven.

God of humanity!

Human affairs should be governed by human gods!

After hearing the plan, Shen Gongbao was shocked and his eyes were full of excitement: "dare to die for the king!"

Can he participate in such a grand event, which is not more powerful than the Tianting Fengshen in charge of Jiang Ziya?

Su Xun said with a smile: "so, you have to choose these gods, and then introduce them to me. Although you don't have Jiang Ziya's list of gods, it's not far away."

Thank you for your trust Shen Gongbao said.

Su Xun waved his hand: "go, no matter it's hermeneutic or interdisciplinary disciples, you can pull them over."

Shen Gongbao left on a white forehead tiger and began to show his communicative skills.


Outside Jizhou city.

Li Jing led 200000 troops to encircle Jizhou.

After several sieges, all of them failed, because there was a general named Zheng Lun in Jizhou city. With a snort of his nose, he could emit black smoke, and then the enemy would fall.

Zheng Lun was the grain inspector under Su Hu. With this secret skill, even Nezha was almost captured alive.

According to the original story of Fengshen romance, this man is one of the two generals in the future.

When Zheng Lun was having a headache in the Han Army camp, Fei Zhong and you hun finally arrived in Jizhou.

"Dare you ask the two doctors, does your majesty have a will?"

Although Su Hu didn't like Fei Zhong and you hun, he didn't know that they had been hated by King Zhou for a long time. He thought they came on behalf of King Zhou.

Fei Zhong and you hun also take advantage of this information gap to implement their own plan of betraying the city.


Fei Zhongleng snorted: "Su Hu, after half a year, you haven't defeated the rebels. Your majesty is very angry. It makes you reflect on yourself. I will take charge of the three armed forces for the time being to put an end to the rebellion!"

He had a copy of the imperial edict in his hand, which was of course a forgery. They saw many imperial edicts, and the forgery was very simple. Anyway, Su Hu couldn't see the truth.

"What Su Hu's face changed greatly.

You hun drank coldly: "why, Su Hu, don't you take the order to leave soon? Do you still want to rebel?"

"Minister Dare not Su Hu gritted his teeth and finally took the imperial edict and looked at the generals: "you can't do anything wrong. You should obey the orders of the two angels."

The voice falls, then turns to leave.

He doesn't think that Fei Zhong and you hun are more powerful than him. Sooner or later, they will ask him to do it.

He is very confident about it.

Just have a good rest for two days.

But he never dreamed that Fei zhongyouhun would win the Han army.

Seeing Su Hu leave, Fei Zhong and you hun look at each other, and the first step of defection is achieved.

The next step is the second step. The two men first had a detailed understanding of the whole war process. They knew that Jizhou city was still able to hold on now because Zheng Lun was the only one.

Then they started to do the opposite.

Directly call the generals of the whole army to a meeting.

"Under the command, Su Quanzhong, the son of Su Hu, will take the post of general temporarily and lead the whole army out of the city to fight a decisive battle."

As soon as Fei Zhong opened his mouth, he startled everyone and took the initiative to fight. Isn't that a death wish?"Absolutely not, doctor Fei. If we don't fight a decisive battle, we can still defend the city. If we fight a decisive battle, we will lose!"

One of the generals went out and said with painstaking care.


Fei Zhong yelled angrily: "Your Majesty's order is to let you fight against treason. Can you fight against treason in the city? Are you afraid of death? What kind of generals are you afraid of death

All the people dare to be angry and speechless. They are really treacherous officials. They have no idea of military affairs, and they are eager to do meritorious service and command.

They only saw the first floor, but they didn't know that Fei Zhong and you hun were standing on the second floor.

"Doctor Fei, even if it is a decisive battle, general Zheng Lun should be the chief General." Su Quanzhong said.

Fei Zhongli said: "Zheng Lun wants to protect our safety. He can't go to the battlefield."


All of a sudden, there was an uproar.

It's time to go out and fight.

On the contrary, they kept the most powerful generals around them. If they were not you hun and Fei Zhong, they all suspected that the horse riding was the work of the Han army.

But this kind of thing happened to Fei Zhong and you hun, the two treacherous ministers. They didn't doubt it.

Because it's the regular operation of treacherous officials.

"Absolutely not, doctor Fei..."

"There is no need to say more. Now we will immediately order the whole army to attack. Those who dare to fight again will be killed!"

Fei Zhong said.

It can be seen that he is really a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty!

All the generals were helpless, so they had to swear in their hearts and take orders to leave.

Who let the other side represent King Zhou, and Su Hu ordered them to listen to Fei Zhong first.

About half a quarter of an hour later, in the eyes of the general of the Han Army, Jizhou city garrison gave up their biggest advantage and came to a decisive battle with low morale.

All the Han generals are confused!

What's the operation?

Is there cheating in it?

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